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The Danger Of The Fetzer Assassination School - Magda Hassan - 10-05-2012


I think Charles eats body snatchers for breakfast.

The Danger Of The Fetzer Assassination School - Charles Drago - 10-05-2012

Albert Doyle Wrote:Next thing you know Drago will have a body snatcher cocoon next to his bed and wake up convinced of LBJ as mastermind...

Are you talking to us?

The Danger Of The Fetzer Assassination School - Albert Doyle - 10-05-2012

The Danger Of The Fetzer Assassination School - Seamus Coogan - 10-05-2012

Bernice Moore Wrote:
Seamus Coogan Wrote:
Bernice Moore Wrote:Seamus''Thus, I don't know where this anti-head shot stuff came from? My angle, and I cannot speak for Al is simply that if the Zap film was faked why leave it in there? ''

I just posted Seamus, in the Rich other film thread, i believe Rich says something like, well JFK did not die of a whip lash or, so they had to leave the head shot in, something like that there...take care b

Thanks for taking the time to post as per usual interesting call from Rich there. I won't go with it completely mate but it is an interesting point. I can understand Al's frustrations though Bern. It's the same old arguments used by Phil Nelson again. Further, I agree with Dawn as well these arguments are hardly going to impact on the case. But I have to stand with princpal here. JF and his acolytes cannot handle what they dish out. They are also rude and confrontational to the mods. If someone get's raggy at a bloke like Jan, then you seriously have a major attitude problem.

thanks for the come back, i can understand i believe all who become or are frustrated, it takes less and less some days, the longer you are into all this, that's exactly how they want to keep all...the reason so many changes, information etc complete or almost complete disappeared, ......I think, imo only, that Rich was also meaning,was that the radio reports were immediately reported that the President had been hit in the head, i did check into that and it is true, first reports say that over and over again, so they had to leave the head shot in, as that report had gone out, to the world....then today you have some arguing, where the blast out is shown on his head, side or back,and or top, that's another dandy, it never stops...the arguments continually keep going on, which have been as long as i have been reading the web, and much earlier as well, i agree in some areas they hardly make an impact, there are times, when they have,i take what information is new or interesting to me, i seldom get into them, i try not to really, been there done that so many times in the past, that i simply quit, we used to go out get into shite, and go running back home to rich's, he always seemed to know what we had been up to, perhaps he would check the other forums and or alts, i do not know for sure, but he knew... one thing the fights and arguments do accomplish , which is a shame imo, is drive away some, never to be seen again, some old timers simply leave the web and many authors will not do the web any longer because of how they are jumped upon,work trashed, you name it , and because of the arguing, so all in all, all it does and has is hurt the research itself,which is well known but has and does not change a thing.but also keep in mind, this went on with the first researchers, back and forth, they were no different than the humans of today... neither does nor will what i post change a thing, it continues every day and evening, why?? because humans are such stubborn, turkeys, they, each are right,and soooo stubborn, all else are wrong if they do not agree, and there is no inbetween.....see, they might have to finally admit, they have made a mistake, lord forbid, and that cannot be, see they all , we all, as we have all done so in the past, as none are perfect , find that seemingly the hardest thing in the world to say...i'm wrong....and ..the i'm sorry comes in at a close second.................. ok all together...i'm wrong...i'm sorry, there it really doesn't hurt. at all.....does it....:rocker:but it will and always will continue, i am sorry to say......have a good b and always remember we humans are such a sorry lot...

How did I miss this? Great summation here Bern

The Danger Of The Fetzer Assassination School - Jan Klimkowski - 11-05-2012

The murky waters of the Swamp are now host to a Fetzer v Simkin Celebrity Death Match.

And what is the selected territory for this Herculean bout?

Why, the supposed "brilliance" of the work of Ralph Cinque.

I can't be assed to laugh or cry.

I think I'd rather watch Beavis & Butthead, accompanied by insightful analysis from Bob the Boner...

The Danger Of The Fetzer Assassination School - Dawn Meredith - 11-05-2012

Jan Klimkowski Wrote:The murky waters of the Swamp are now host to a Fetzer v Simkin Celebrity Death Match.

And what is the selected territory for this Herculean bout?

Why, the supposed "brilliance" of the work of Ralph Cinque.

I can't be assed to laugh or cry.

I think I'd rather watch Beavis & Butthead, accompanied by insightful analysis from Bob the Boner...

They are posting it on fb too. Not Cinque but others. I don't read the posts. It's long been a settled issue for me, 30 or more years.

And even if it was Oswald in the doorway, it's minor. Doorway or second floor drinking a coke, the issue is that he was not on the 6th floor shooting an old Italian rifle.
I do not understand why people get so damn bogged down in these nit pickey issues and argue for 87 posts. Some people appear to have a need to argue and no amount of evidence will


The Danger Of The Fetzer Assassination School - Greg Burnham - 12-05-2012


You and I were friends for many, many years. And while I agree with you, in principle, that when friendship compromises truth then only friendship remains--STILL--it is incumbent upon an honest broker to weigh the track record of those with whom he has had a long and PROVEN relationship of trust against those relationships acquired more recently. It is unfortunate that you seem to now be convinced that some of those whom you once sought out for their critical thinking skills are suddenly deemed hostile. The allure of novelty is tempting. It seduces of its own power. But, there was a time when you sought the counsel of trusted fellow researchers. Those days seem to be a thing of the past.

All of the rather caustic exchanges that this topic evokes is caused by a premature publication of findings, IMO. When you spread your pearls among the swine you should expect nothing less. Moreover, a bright guy like you should AVOID a pigsty while carrying precious pearls. But, I suspect that you KNOW that this pen is NOT full of pigs else you wouldn't post here. Perhaps there is more to this dynamic than you first thought.

There is another truth, Jim. It is a human truth. When a person becomes publicly abrasive to a trusted colleague; accuses him of perpetuating a fraud on his own wife; and stubbornly rejects the counsel that is offered--then one must ask: "Why did Fetzer ask what I thought of this study to begin with? He obviously cares not what I believe. He has already made up his mind."

If you are looking for automatic agreement from those you have trusted in the past...count me out. You see, I value the truth too much to humor any man.

I do not know who was in the doorway. I do not think it has been proved that LHO was the man. I do not think it has been proved that it was Lovelady either.

On a final note: I observe a curious doppelganger, of sorts. It reminds me of the early days between Jack White and Gary Mack. One of them always spelled him Badgeman, while the other insisted it was Badge Man. We know what happened there...

Now, one of you spells him Doorway Man and the other Doorman. Coincidence of cognitive dissonance? Me thinks not.

Please do not reply to this post. I do not care what you have to say.

The Danger Of The Fetzer Assassination School - Charles Drago - 12-05-2012

This is sad, Greg.

May I call you Monk? As in Thelonious?

Friends are so hard to come by and so hard to lose. I continue to care deeply about Jim Fetzer, about his well-being. But this is all so complex, so daunting.

I guess it never was supposed to be easy.

The Danger Of The Fetzer Assassination School - Greg Burnham - 12-05-2012

Charles Drago Wrote:This is sad, Greg.

May I call you Monk? As in Thelonious?

Friends are so hard to come by and so hard to lose. I continue to care deeply about Jim Fetzer, about his well-being. But this is all so complex, so daunting.

I guess it never was supposed to be easy.

Sad, indeed.

Thanks for that, Charles. You "get it" -- This is a very sad time for me, personally. It is a great loss. Beyond imagination. Beyond comprehension. Beyond belief. A lonely place.

For those like Seamus who have never enjoyed his company, his intellect, his wisdom--all something of the past now, it seems...trivial. For some of is something else.

As for calling me: monk. I would be honored.

Although, if I was that good I might foolishly prefer to be called, Duke (as in Ellington)??? -- I think not!

monk it is--

The Danger Of The Fetzer Assassination School - Albert Doyle - 12-05-2012

EF just admitted Cinque. I have a feeling EF just scuttled its own credibility in the process.

Good, hopefully the fool just walked in front of some heavy guns that will finally do what needs to be done to that ignoramous.