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Caddy on JFK: it's all about UFO's - Peter Lemkin - 02-07-2015

This is quite a bit of an aside, but perhaps pertinent to put this all in perspective. I have researched circular vertical take-off craft developed in the 1940s, this mostly done by the Nazis to be used as a 'stealth' craft [of its day]. I have a photo of one in a hanger north of Prague, Czechoslovakia - with a very proud looking very terrestrial-looking engineer standing next to the craft he obviously helped to build. It had very terrestrial looking landing gear and was about 25 ft in diameter. It was test flown near Prague in 1944-5. I have witness testimony to the test flight. The designers of the craft have been hard to track down, but seem to have been a French-Italian team working under the Nazis. At the end of the War, the USA was very, very keen to get a hold of both a prototype and the plans - and they did. The Soviets also tried - how successful they were, I do not know - I suspect they were not so successful. I also have declassified US Army and CIC documents telling agents to be on the lookout for just such craft at the end of the War in Europe. Anyway, this craft - terrestrial in every aspect - from frame to engine - and was mostly test flown in and around Area 51. Using the plans and/or reverse engineering newer crafts were engineered by the US Military and Intelligence entities. The contract to make them was given to a Canadian company [Avro], and these production craft were also test flown from Area 51, and considered top secret craft - as were the German prototypes. I believe that one of these crashed at Roswell [likely trying to land at Roswell AFB from Area 51 - not far away]. Human-altered cadavers were placed among the wreckage to keep with the scenario. It had long before been decided that if anyone civilian saw this highly classified stealth craft [due to its ability to avoid radar coverage and maneuverability factors] the cover story had long been determined to be - 'alien craft' - and at the same time to 'paint' those people so induced to believe this of being looney for doing so - much as do-called 'conspiracy theorists' on deep political events are. Fred Lee Crisman, who Garrison had quite a bit of interest in was the first person connected to the JFK assassination also connected to these circular vertical take-off craft. Garrison had subpoenaed Crisman to appear at the Shaw trial, but Crisman successfully avoided appearing - do doubt through help of his intelligence connections (as did others). He, apparently, was working on test flights of similar craft in the Pacific Northwest well before JFK was killed. One was seen by civilians and Crisman tasked to rev up the 'alien craft' angle. Crisman had some associations with the JFK assassination [and associations with others who more certainly did], and I believe that was the start of the JFK-'ufo' connection, which has been played up many times in many ways by many disinformation types. The only real connection is that both were secret projects of the defense and intelligence communities, and both were/are kept secret by the same groups. Other than that, there is no real connection. IMO. What better way to obscure the truth than to mix two or more covert operations into a single disinformation effort....more confusion and disinformation per 'unit' of propaganda.

Below, three of the less-classified craft from Avro. Others are still classified and harder to get photos/details of.

Quote:Recently declassified records from the Aeronautical Systems Division, USAF (RG 342 Records of United States Air Force Commands, Activities, and Organizations)

[Image: Project-1794-Cover-150x150.png]USAF Project-1794

The above illustration was discovered in the pages of a document titled "Project 1794, Final Development Summary Report" (1956) The caption reads "USAF Project 1794". However, the Air Force had contracted the work out to a Canadian company, Avro Aircraft Limited in Ontario, to construct the disk-shaped craft. According to the same report, it was designed to be a vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) plane designed to reach a top speed of Mach 4, with a ceiling of over 100,000 feet, and a range of over 1,000 nautical miles. NARA RG 342 UD-UP 138; NND 63253; Boxes 35 and 58

The above alone should explain why the AF wanted to monitor and handle Operation Blue Book, and similar.

Below, two early prototype Avro vehicles. The others produced later were much larger and more sophisticated!

Caddy on JFK: it's all about UFO's - Ralf Anders - 02-07-2015

Here is Crisman's testimony before the Orleans Parish Grand Jury (Harold Dahl and Marshall Riconosciuto a-and Chiang Kai-sheck are all mentioned): Fascinating stuff.

Caddy on JFK: it's all about UFO's - Peter Lemkin - 03-07-2015

Ralf Anders Wrote:Here is Crisman's testimony before the Orleans Parish Grand Jury (Harold Dahl and Marshall Riconosciuto a-and Chiang Kai-sheck are all mentioned): Fascinating stuff.

Hmmm...thanks for that. He knew Beckham well and if one has read Mellen's excellent book on Beckham she is sure he played a role in the Assassination. [in fact, privately, she tells me she has more information on Beckham vis-a-vis the Assassination then she has committed to print]. I believe Crisman was also connected. So many spooks were in one way or another. It makes a mockery of the lone nut idea - [or lone nuts when we figure in H&L].

Caddy on JFK: it's all about UFO's - Dawn Meredith - 03-07-2015

Anthony Thorne Wrote:
Quote:If anyone doubts that the JFK case is high up on the CIA's disinfo schedule, even today, this should dispel that notion.

I guess they're greasing the skids for a truculent response to the document release deadlines coming up in the next year or two. Fewer people will be up in arms if they can place the JFK assassination in the same category as Bigfoot and the X-Files.

Truly. Let's just throw in every crazy theory possible so that the truth is avoided. I started to listen to Doug Caddy's interview on facebook but soon's I heard "aliens" I shut it off.

Caddy is an interesting fellow. I have always wondered how he went from being attorney to Hunt and others then Billie Sol Estes. And some of us know that certain dates are significant. In looking at the letters between Caddy and AG Trott, Trott replies to Caddy- (letter not reproduced anywhere that I am aware of) -on May 29th, (1984) JFK 's birthday. Caddy however does not reply until August 9th, the anniversary of Nixon's resignation. It may mean nothing at all but the first time I saw these exchanges THAT jumped out at me. (But the use of those particular dates made me suspicious of the exchanges). Why would Estes choose a CIA connected lawyer? Was this entire exchange a CIA con in itself? (I do believe Mac Wallace killed for LBJ).
What we do know is that we cannot trust Hunt's so called "death bed confession". He was not ever going to tell anyone the real truth.
So now we have Caddy talking about JFK and aliens as a reason for the assassination. Hardly.


Caddy on JFK: it's all about UFO's - Jim DiEugenio - 03-07-2015

Billy Sol Estes,


MJ 12

How much more does one need on this guy?

BTW, I talked to some people who interviewed Billy Sol. They told me, the more he talked, the less credible he got. Which, of course, is just the opposite of what you want in a witness.

Caddy on JFK: it's all about UFO's - Drew Phipps - 03-07-2015

If you really want to connect some dots with respect to aliens and JFK:

Under JFK, the Office of Alien Property Custodian was vested in the Attorney General's office (Bobby). After the assassination (1966) LBJ divested the AG's office of these responsibilities and transferred them (via executive order 11281) to the Secretary of the Treasury (the Secret Service's boss).


Truly, the assets "managed" (or confiscated if you prefer) by this officer were enormous during wartime.

Caddy on JFK: it's all about UFO's - Tom Bowden - 03-07-2015

Jim DiEugenio Wrote:Billy Sol Estes,


MJ 12

How much more does one need on this guy?

BTW, I talked to some people who interviewed Billy Sol. They told me, the more he talked, the less credible he got. Which, of course, is just the opposite of what you want in a witness.

I have over 100 hours of video taped interviews with Billie Sol and many more taped telephone conversations. He was truthful maybe 10% of the time. He would rather lie about something even if the truth was more colorful. I now know where the Mac Wallace story he told came from and it will be revealed in a book to be issued in September. His days in prison with known mafia connections was very interesting. His last stint was in Big Spring, Texas with Chauncey Smalldome from Colorado.

I never trusted Caddy. BTW Caddy was paid by a Moody Family member from Galveston for his efforts on Billie Sol.

Caddy on JFK: it's all about UFO's - Jim DiEugenio - 03-07-2015

Who are the Moody Family?

Caddy on JFK: it's all about UFO's - Lauren Johnson - 03-07-2015

Jim DiEugenio Wrote:Who are the Moody Family?

Can only be this Moody family AFAIK.

Caddy on JFK: it's all about UFO's - Jim DiEugenio - 03-07-2015

He bought the Galveston paper form the Belo corporation.

Same company that owns the Dallas Morning News.