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Nixon vs Kennedy - Zakariyya Ishaq - 08-08-2015

I like this subject…maybe one day one of you deep researcher writers will get into this:
But be careful this ones kinds close

Levenda dealt withit a bit
Quote: During the1980 presidential campaign Ronald Reagan blasted Trilateral Commissioninfluence over both the Carter White House and the rival Bush campaign, vowingto investigate the TC if elected. Reagan won the election. On March 30,1981 he was shot by John Hinckley Jr.
Quote:Hinckley was portrayed as aderanged loner who shot Reagan to "impress Jodie Foster". But Hinckley was no Salvation Army panhandler. FormerDean of the University of Montana Journalism Deaprtment Nathaniel Blumbergwrote a book called TheAfternoon of March 30…, in which he examines Hinckley'sconnections to the Bush family. Hinckley's father was a Texas oilman and a close friend andfundraiser for TC and CFR member George Bush Sr. The Hinckley'swere also cozy with the H. L. Hunt family and Texas Governor John

Reagan got real quiet about the Trilateral Commission
after that

Nixon vs Kennedy - Drew Phipps - 09-08-2015

So Nixon has earned a spot at the table with mass murderers such as Stalin and Hitler. The death toll after he assumed the presidency has been conservatively estimated at 800,000 Asian lives plus the 21000 American lives lost. Of course, the Vietnamese claim twice as many casualties. I'm glad that Nixon is finally getting the "credit" that he so richly deserved.

Too bad he didn't live to see it.

Thanks Jim for the interesting piece. I'm gonna go check out the memoirs of the reporter that tried to break the story.

Nixon vs Kennedy - Jim DiEugenio - 09-08-2015


You did mean 21,000 American lives, right?

Nixon vs Kennedy - R.K. Locke - 09-08-2015

Nixon vs Kennedy - Jim DiEugenio - 09-08-2015

I think its also relevant to note that JFK and David Rockefeller were at loggerheads throughout his administration.

The best rendition of this is in Donald Gibson's fine book, Battllng Wall Street.

Which has been reissued.

Nixon vs Kennedy - Richard Coleman - 09-08-2015

Jim DiEugenio Wrote:My article on Dick Nixon and comparing him to JFK is now up at ctka.

As you an see, they did not call him Dirty Dick for nothing.

As insightful foreign policy wonks Nixon and Kissinger were wildly overrated in every aspect.

They were at about the level of John Foster Dulles.

Actually he was called Tricky Dick.

Nixon vs Kennedy - Richard Coleman - 09-08-2015

Richard Coleman Wrote:
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:My article on Dick Nixon and comparing him to JFK is now up at ctka.

As you an see, they did not call him Dirty Dick for nothing.

As insightful foreign policy wonks Nixon and Kissinger were wildly overrated in every aspect.

They were at about the level of John Foster Dulles.

Actually he was called Tricky Dick.

Either way he was a miserable son of a bitch, and without the deaths of BOTH JFK and RFK he wouldn't have come within a thousand miles of the WH. So cui bono Von Pein et al?

Nixon vs Kennedy - Zakariyya Ishaq - 09-08-2015

According to many, Nixon sabotaged the Johnson Vietnam peace initiative as well Reagan sabotaged Carter's attempt to free the hostages with the October surprise of 1980. Both examples of GOP sinister duplicity are very well documented…

There's even a recorded phone call of Nixon with Everett Dirkson where Johnson complains that he knows what Tricky Dick Nixon is up to no good

Nixon vs Kennedy - Jim DiEugenio - 09-08-2015


You are right, it was Tricky Dick.

Dirty Dick is what Nagell called Helms.

Nixon vs Kennedy - Jim DiEugenio - 17-08-2015

Here is Part 2 of that essay.

Pretty disgusting stuff.