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Meet Allen Dulles: Fascist Spymaster - R.K. Locke - 02-09-2015

R.K. Locke Wrote:I've posted this elsewhere on the forum but I know some people don't often venture outside the JFK section so I am re-posting it here:

It gives an excellent overview of the last 100+ years of history and provides valuable context for Dulles' place in the "grand scheme of things." Very much recommended.

Excellent and vital resources here:



Meet Allen Dulles: Fascist Spymaster - R.K. Locke - 02-09-2015

A positive early review of David Talbot's new book on Dulles:

Meet Allen Dulles: Fascist Spymaster - Paul Rigby - 02-09-2015

Whispered requests for a scanned copy (PDF) of A Study of a Master Spy (Allen Dulles), the extended pamphlet by Bob Edwards, MP, & Kenneth Dunne, should be misdirected to me.

It's the second edition, with an updated foreward, from the summer of 1961.

The work comes highly recommended by the drones of Langley.

For example, the repulsive old fascist himself went on TV in late March 1964 to denounce the thing, and expose the real author as Soviet active measures veteran Boris Bollikov:

The "internal" CIA review was plainly a labour of love, and is so comprehensive that it includes a detailed study of Edwards' pubic hair:


The absurd thing about the CIA's determination to "prove" it the work of Moscow Centre is that it was in fact produced as part of a British campaign to persuade JFK to ditch Dulles, a lobbying effort that began with Kennedy's electoral victory.

Meet Allen Dulles: Fascist Spymaster - R.K. Locke - 02-09-2015

Paul Rigby Wrote:Whispered requests for a scanned copy (PDF) of A Study of a Master Spy (Allen Dulles), the extended pamphlet by Bob Edwards, MP, & Kenneth Dunne, should be misdirected to me.

It's the second edition, with an updated foreward, from the summer of 1961.

The work comes highly recommended by the drones of Langley.

For example, the repulsive old fascist himself went on TV in late March 1964 to denounce the thing, and expose the real author as Soviet active measures veteran Boris Bollikov:

The "internal" CIA review was plainly a labour of love, and is so comprehensive that it includes a detailed study of Edwards' pubic hair:


The absurd thing about the CIA's determination to "prove" it the work of Moscow Centre is that it was in fact produced as part of a British campaign to persuade JFK to ditch Dulles, a lobbying effort that began with Kennedy's electoral victory.

The cousin of Ujinika, I believe.

Meet Allen Dulles: Fascist Spymaster - Albert Doyle - 03-09-2015

It's pretty clear that "I would do it again" Dick Cheney is a direct descendent of the Dulles fascist legacy.

Meet Allen Dulles: Fascist Spymaster - Jim DiEugenio - 05-09-2015

The one thing in Kinzer's talk that I found really fascinating was the fate of that mural by Rivera and Kahlo.

I mean what does that say about this country today. But further, why would the Russians not want to promote it?

If neither want it, send it back to Central America, I am sure they will display it.

Meet Allen Dulles: Fascist Spymaster - R.K. Locke - 05-09-2015

Operation Sunrise and Allen Dulles:

Meet Allen Dulles: Fascist Spymaster - R.K. Locke - 22-09-2015

More from Corbett on Dulles:

Meet Allen Dulles: Fascist Spymaster - R.K. Locke - 07-10-2015

I have copied this from the EF, where it was posted by Douglas Caddy:

David Talbot posted today on his Facebook page:

This epigraph with which I start "The Devil's Chessboard" neatly sums up the modus operandi of CIA spymaster Allen Dulles, whose dark shadow continues to hang over America. It's from one of my favorite spy novels, "A Coffin for Dimitrios," by Eric Ambler: "The Colonel laughed unpleasantly.'My dear friend, Dimitrios would have nothing to do with the actual shooting. No! His kind never risk their skins like that. They stay on the fringe of the plot. They are the professionals, the entrepreneurs, the links between the businessmen, the politicians who desire the end but are afraid of the means, and the fanatics, the idealists who are prepared to die for their convictions. The important thing to know about an assassination is not who fired the shot, but who paid for the bullet.'"

Ambler wrote that a quarter century before JFK died in Dallas..but you get the point.

I would recommend the above mentioned Eric Ambler book to anyone out there who enjoys spy fiction with deep political themes. Ambler wrote a lot of good stuff around that time (Journey Into Fear, Cause For Alarm, etc.), though his later work was a bit patchy. Many of his best novels have been re-released as Penguin Classic additions over the last few years.

Meet Allen Dulles: Fascist Spymaster - Albert Doyle - 07-10-2015

I saw 'The Mask Of Dimitrios' on Turner Classic Movies a few months ago. When they said that quote I thought to myself I should post it on Deep Politics but never did. Talbot didn't miss it.