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Doug Horne JFK Assassination: Still a Taboo Subject for the Mainstream Media in the United States - Printable Version

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Doug Horne JFK Assassination: Still a Taboo Subject for the Mainstream Media in the United States - Seamus Coogan - 29-10-2011

Phil Dragoo Wrote:[ATTACH=CONFIG]3114[/ATTACH]

I saw Bugliosi's block alone on top of a partition in a huge book store in Albuquerque, alone on the crag, like an endangered species.

I found the ten-part DiEugenio deconstruction of Vincent Bugliosi's cantilevered canards to be a feast of usable data.

Not opinion. Not speculation. Not the insulting assertions of its subject.

2013 is the Best By date for the Warrenati cheese.

Lol love the picture has Jim seem it. Warrenati Cheese hahahahahaha.

Doug Horne JFK Assassination: Still a Taboo Subject for the Mainstream Media in the United States - Bernice Moore - 30-10-2011

You may want a poster for a placard Seamus,

a few ideas...b