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The Danger Of The Fetzer Assassination School - Greg Burnham - 19-05-2012

I am naive. I think I will take a break from all of this. EB has undermined his own judgment. Of course, I should have figured he would.

The Danger Of The Fetzer Assassination School - Charles Drago - 19-05-2012

Greg Burnham Wrote:Ralpy has been placed on indefinite moderation at the EF.

For those who may not understand why I remained embroiled in that debate, it was to remain until this was accomplished... this important disassociation from the legitimate research community.

There are many good and noble researchers who post there.

It was important that those who host them distance themselves from him, which in turn distances Ralpy from the researchers whom they host.

This will come up in the mainstream media.

For sure.

It is not a perfect solution, but the only one available to us.

Alas, the damage is indeed done.

I understand fully why you remained engaged.

Thank you.

The Danger Of The Fetzer Assassination School - Charles Drago - 19-05-2012


in particular, posts 517 and 518.

EF moderator Evan Burton, one of the bad guys, has "forgiven" Cinque and lifted his moderation.

Color me shocked.

The tag team attacks continue.

The Danger Of The Fetzer Assassination School - Seamus Coogan - 19-05-2012

Albert Doyle Wrote:Roy Schaeffer of the Dayton Daily News told Cinque he received the Altgens photo over the wire on the 23rd. He said it wasn't until after reading Groden in 1978 that he noticed severe "masking" near the front steps and that he then realized the photo had been doctored. He told Cinque to ask the Dallas Morning News what the original looked like.

There's an obvious problem here. The Altgens 6 photo went out to print immediately upon reception at the Dallas Morning News. Since the route of this printing is traceable there was no time to do any alteration. Altgens took the photo and then walked around the Plaza until he brought it immediately over to the News. The News then took it and put it right to print. There was no in between time where any CIA alterations could have been done.

The big problem is that Groden believes the picture to have been Lovelady! That's the big one Cinque missed when he cooked up this bullshit tale. Jim Fetzer truly does suck.

The Danger Of The Fetzer Assassination School - Albert Doyle - 19-05-2012

I've come to the conclusion EF is either insane or an op.

What Fetzer won't dare answer is that Altgens 6 went from submission to printed photo in a special edition in the exact time it would have taken to do so without any forgery. He can't get around that so he bullshits and ignores it.

Look at that shit-eating grin on Cinque. He's loving it.

The Danger Of The Fetzer Assassination School - Peter Lemkin - 19-05-2012

Greg Burnham Wrote:Ralpy has been placed on indefinite moderation at the EF.

For those who may not understand why I remained embroiled in that debate, it was to remain until this was accomplished... this important disassociation from the legitimate research community.

There are many good and noble researchers who post there.

It was important that those who host them distance themselves from him, which in turn distances Ralpy from the researchers whom they host.

This will come up in the mainstream media.

For sure.

It is not a perfect solution, but the only one available to us.

And a few good researchers and students of JFK and other Deep Political things were summarily booted off of the EF...such as myself. My 'crime' was never revealed [and never real] - I was never presented with any evidence [only innuendo] and not allowed to respond nor defend myself. Before I could attempt such, my IP was blocked and all my posts were erased. Anyone trying to post for me were warned with a similar fate. Apparently I had upset Walker and perhaps a few other higher-ups and the fix was in. Later, a vote among moderators was taken to let me return, but some unseen hand countermanded that. But, yes, there are still a few good souls there who trudge through the swamp.

The Danger Of The Fetzer Assassination School - Peter Lemkin - 19-05-2012

Quote: And a few good researchers and students of JFK and other Deep Political things were summarily booted off of the EF...such as myself. My 'crime' was never revealed [and never real] - I was never presented with any evidence [only innuendo] and not allowed to respond nor defend myself. Before I could attempt such, my IP was blocked and all my posts were erased. Anyone trying to post for me were warned with a similar fate. Apparently I had upset Walker and perhaps a few other higher-ups and the fix was in. Later, a vote among moderators was taken to let me return, but some unseen hand countermanded that. But, yes, there are still a few good souls there who trudge through the swamp.

Only took about two hours to receive this from Political Control Swamp Central Control Commander: :mexican:

Quote:On 5/19/2012 10:14 AM, Evan Burton wrote:
I dropped in tonight and see you still bullshit. Amazing. You forget that we know the truth and have the evidence to back it up (yes, I keep all the e-mails, including the ones others CC'd me on about you). Still, wouldn't want to upset your little fantasy world, would we? No wonder people call you "Crazy Peter".

:gossip: :rofl: Put up or shut up Mr. B! [and all those behind you]. I just got an interesting email (from someone well placed to know)that the request for my abrupt removal might have come from the Agency, for my brief posting of another JFK assassination photo, never before publicly seen. All the 'accusations' [really slanderous innuendo] were false, are false and will forever be false. Again, Put up or shut the **** up! [I know you don't speak just for yourself, but are the Oz Wizard for powers behind the Potemkin Village Swamp stage set]. The EF hasn't the courage nor the morality to let me post there to clear my name and print the truth [you didn't when it happened and you don't now - I dare the EF!]. I too have much real information - VERY damning of the EF and its higher-ups, and verifiable!.....but they and you would never allow such truth - nor an honest airing of what really happened - let alone a man's right to defend himself from false innuendo...heaven forbid!!! I even have the posts Walker and Simkin felt were too embarrassing to the EF to allow to remain....once put on the internet, always somewhere on the internet. What a bunch of dishonest, deceitful, spiteful and cowardly liars. Half-men, if that! And exactly what 'truth' do you know Mr. B? On the JFK or other assassinations, on most all black ops, on 911, on history itself I find you and Walker and others more than wanting - absolutely knowing nothing or speaking what you know are lies. The latter is true about 'l'affaire Lemkin'.

Give it your best shot Mr. B - but beware the responses with non-magic bullets of info - not disinfo - your standard trade along with ship's bilge water. Been training in the USA [again] of late 'Crazy' Mr. B?!

Anyone who wants truthful background on all these 'dishonorable false charges/innuendo' should look at his thread[size=12] HERE!
[with what really happened - in part- at the EF!] Mr. B, you had best re-read it too...and give it to your masters to read.

The Danger Of The Fetzer Assassination School - Jan Klimkowski - 19-05-2012

Greg Burnham Wrote:I am naive. I think I will take a break from all of this. EB has undermined his own judgment. Of course, I should have figured he would.

Greg - the impulse to engage, to offer evidence, to test a hypothesis amongst knowedgable people, is important and noble. I have complete respect for your posts in that Swamp Cinque/Fetzer thread, in which you were one of several fine researchers pointing out the fatal flaws in their Lovelady/Altgens hypothesis. You have demonstrated that you are a more patient man than me.

Equally, you understand the arguments put forward in this "Danger" DPF thread, particularly the analysis of Charles, Phil and myself that the impact and consequences of what has happened over there is akin to a Sunsteinian psyop.

It is perfectly legitimate to propose a new hypothesis, present the evidence, and allow that evidence and hypothesis to be tested in a public forum. However, a dialectic must take place. A hypothesis must be revised in the light of new information or analysis of its evidence. Once the evidence upon which a hypothesis is proposed has been destroyed, then the author of the hypothesis should gracefully withdraw it. Instead, Cinque and Fetzer have used bluster, evidence of the shoddiest and even fictional kind, and diversionary tactics to carry on insisting that they are right and the entire research community - across the spectrum of informed and technically knowledgable judgement - is wrong.

The Cinque/Fetzter Lovelady lark is a smouldering pile of trash. When they defend it on MSM, as they surely will, MSM will draw the same conclusions as us without acknowledging our work. Instead, the entire research community will be ridiculed, speared through the heart as if Cinque and Fetzer represent our best efforts.

I am not surprised to see the Military Censor reappear and give this garbage a brand new landfill site to stink out.

Where is Simkin?

AWOL. As usual.

The Danger Of The Fetzer Assassination School - Albert Doyle - 19-05-2012

In my short experience of both Lemkin and EF the former clearly has the credibility here. EF seems to go out of its way to cater to the Cinque garbage cart. Typical of authoritarian sites it uses site rules and conduct as an excuse to censor. At some point gentlemen of knowledge have to be able to call an ass like Cinque an ass. To filter this out in order to protect codes of conduct is to limit that which is most free about free speech. There's no peer in review if jackasses like Cinque are given equal value by means of forced rules. Or if those who bear the obvious right of truth are forced into contrived obsequiousness to fools.

The Danger Of The Fetzer Assassination School - Albert Doyle - 19-05-2012

When Fritz wrote:

"Out with Bill Shelley in front"

he was using shorthand abbreviated language to say:

"After eating lunch on the 1st floor Oswald went out of the building and saw Bill Shelley standing on the steps in front."

Fritz is writing this in the context of tracing Oswald's actions. He clearly means that there was nothing to do so Oswald went out of the Depository in the process of leaving the building. On his way he saw Shelley. We know Shelley was there because the Martin Film caught Lovelady on the steps dragging on a cigarette.

Fritz's context is "Out" - With Bill Shelley on front steps.