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Mock LHO trial today - Charles Drago - 24-06-2013

How the jury was selected:

PROSECUTOR: Knock-knock.


PROSECUTOR: Lee Harvey Oswald.

PROSPECTIVE JUROR: Lee Harvey Oswald who?

PROSECUTOR: You're accepted.

Mock LHO trial today - Don Jeffries - 25-06-2013

At the time of the mock trial, I believe Gary Mack was a solid pro-conspiracy researcher.

Mock LHO trial today - Magda Hassan - 25-06-2013

Don Jeffries Wrote:At the time of the mock trial, I believe Gary Mack was a solid pro-conspiracy researcher.
I think Frankie was referring to the recent live one the other day?

Mock LHO trial today - Don Jeffries - 25-06-2013

I confused the mock trials, Magna. Don't know what I was thinking- I would certainly have known Mack was a juror back then, because I was well aware of his work. Thanks.

Mock LHO trial today - Dawn Meredith - 25-06-2013

Charles Drago Wrote:How the jury was selected:

PROSECUTOR: Knock-knock.


PROSECUTOR: Lee Harvey Oswald.

PROSPECTIVE JUROR: Lee Harvey Oswald who?

PROSECUTOR: You're accepted.

OMG CD This really happened yesterday in the Trevin Martin murder trail, this same knock knock joke, but substituting either Martin or the Defendant George Zimmerman's name. The defense attorney in his opening.
It did NOT go over well. All the talking heads on Headline news last night were discussing how offensive it was.


Mock LHO trial today - Martin Hay - 25-06-2013

Frankie Vegas Wrote:This maybe of interest. Of the twelve jurors, nine voted guilty, three voted not guilty. Of the three voting not guilty, one was Gary Mack...
That is interesting. How did you find this out, Frankie? (I assume you're talking about the recent mock trial and not the Bugliosi one?)

Mock LHO trial today - Dawn Meredith - 25-06-2013

Fair notice to Gary Mack:

I have zero interest in what you have to say or think, including your views re. my attendance or lack thereof at a state bar meeting where you were chosen to be a juror on the mock trial of LHO.
I have blocked your email address so that any future "scoldings" from you will not clutter up my inbox.
Have a good life, selling your soul for the WC lie.
I have nothing further to say to the likes of you. EVER.

Dawn Meredith

Mock LHO trial today - Phil Dragoo - 25-06-2013

. . .than Larry Mock

(. . .and the Mockingbirds went doo da doo da doo da doo. . . .)


". . .whoa! It's a Mock-in-the-Box!"

Mock LHO trial today - Jim DiEugenio - 26-06-2013

That WFAA trial had actors in it. They had actors for Marina, Wesley Frazier, and Gayle Newman.

The defense lawyer was a heck of a lot better than Spence. He went right after Wesley Frazier.

There were two rulings before the WFAA trial that were interesting. First, Marina was allowed to testify, which would not have happened at a real trial back then. That hurt the defense. But the prosecution made the right call in not allowing the Tippit case to be dragged in. That was important and correct.

See, in 1986, Bugliosi was, for whatever reason, allowed to bring in the Tippit case to court. Spence did not even object to it! And the judge, who slept through most of the proceedings, did not say one word.

But here is the capper: Spence did not call one witness or use one exhibit to counter Bugliosi's ploy. I am not kidding. Talk about incompetent.

But then, at the end, Bugliosi used the Tippit murder to prejudice the jury against Oswald in the Kennedy case! He called it Oswald's "signature murder" proving he killed JFK. Yeah VInce, some signature. You cannot even prove he ever had possession of the handgun.

Coincidence: I am writing about the 1986 mock trial right now for my Hanks/Bugliosi book. Sat through the whole five hours over two days. In addition to dragging in the Tippit case, Bugliosi called twice as many witnesses as Spence. Both sides ended up calling what are proven liars today. Bugliosi called Guinn and Spence called Tilson. Bugliosi said in his opening statement that Oswald fired a shot from behind that went through JFK's skull exiting and shattering the front of his head. Spence did not object. I sure would have: Mr. Judge, that is a demonstrable fabrication by the prosecution. Please show us what his grounds are for saying that.

The truth is the opposite of course. It blew out the back of his head. Good going Vince.

The whole thing was a joke, which I am giving a real rip to in my book. I cannot really blame Spence. I mean he had three months to prepare. I mean, three years would have been more like it.

Mock LHO trial today - Frankie Vegas - 26-06-2013

Martin Hay Wrote:
Frankie Vegas Wrote:This maybe of interest. Of the twelve jurors, nine voted guilty, three voted not guilty. Of the three voting not guilty, one was Gary Mack...
That is interesting. How did you find this out, Frankie? (I assume you're talking about the recent mock trial and not the Bugliosi one?)

David Von Pien tried to tell me that Mack was on the Jury and voted guilty when we were having a little argument about how the court system works. DVP was trying to tell me that 9 wanting to convict is as good as guilty, I was telling him that it's irrelevant how many the only thing that matters is the actual conviction. Anyway, he got a swift email from Mack correcting him about how he had voted.
Even though the trial was shocking (as was the last one) and I don't really care for Gary Mack either way I must admit I was surprised. Surprised at the verdict and surprised at Mack.