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How Did President Kennedy's Assassination Happen? - Charles Drago - 18-04-2012

Please see the presentation and discussion of my Chicago plot hypothesis here:

My initial post:

RESOLVED: The alleged Chicago plot to assassinate JFK [B]never was meant to result in an actual attack.

Rather, it was a fictive construct designed as the Dallas conspiracy's doppelganger.

The objectives of its planners -- the highest level Facilitators of the Dallas plot -- were to:

A. Explain the anticipated pre-assassination leaks of Dallas plot info as cases of mistaken identify;

B. Foil the Chicago "plot" at the last minute -- close to the timed Dallas attack -- and thus provide a plausible excuse for planned enhanced Dallas security to be relaxed;*

C. Support the Dallas cover-up by misdirecting honest investigations of the real assassination through the imposition of the confusion, complexity, and cognitive dissonance associated with the classic doppelganger gambit.[/B]

Within the similarities of the designated Chicago and Dallas patsies (Thomas Arthur Vallee and Lee Harvey Oswald respectively) may be discerned the smoking gun proof of my hypothesis, I submit.

ValLEE and LEE indeed.

How Did President Kennedy's Assassination Happen? - Charles Drago - 18-04-2012

I first brought forward the JFK-as-traitor hypothesis in the early 90s when outlining my yet-in-progress novel Autumn Too Long, and rekindled discussion of it in the immediate wake of Seymour Hersh's aforementioned comment.

"Proof" of JFK's "treason" could be traced to his tenure at the London School of Economics where he studied Political Science with and was "recruited" by the noted Labor Party leader and socialist Harold Laski.

Older brother Joe, Jr., by the way, had previously studied with Laski and returned to the States very much enamored of socialism -- a position he was not shy about revealing.

For whatever it's worth, I am convinced that Operation Traitor was activated for the reasons discussed here. The Great Lie at its core worked then, and more than likely remains in use to this very day.

I further believe that, at the time, it was used to convince and get the blessings of some very highly placed, very famous military and civilian leaders.

JFK's mortal sin -- literally -- was his realization that it was all a charade ... that as I imagine him saying to his young and as yet non-comprehending children, "You're my country now."

How Did President Kennedy's Assassination Happen? - Charles Drago - 18-04-2012

From my original Chicago hypothesis:

When Underwood told JFK about these disturbing reports,
the President merely said, "Marty, you worry about me too much"
(indeed, JFK told San Antonio Congressman Henry Gonzalez on 11/21/63:
"The Secret Service told me that they have taken care of everything.
There's nothing to worry about").

Thanks then and now to Phil Dragoo for finding the reference.

How Did President Kennedy's Assassination Happen? - Vasilios Vazakas - 19-04-2012

To quote Charles, he mentioned the Supra-National forces on both sides of the Iron Curtain.
We have all in the past speculated as to who could be the men that constituted the Supra-National forces
in the West. I wonder if he could name who were the
Supra-National forces behind the Iron Curtain,
their Red counterparts.

How Did President Kennedy's Assassination Happen? - Charles Drago - 19-04-2012

Vasilios Vazakas Wrote:To quote Charles, he mentioned the Supra-National forces on both sides of the Iron Curtain.
We have all in the past speculated as to who could be the men that constituted the Supra-National forces
in the West. I wonder if he could name who were the
Supra-National forces behind the Iron Curtain,
their Red counterparts.

Two solid but not carved-in-stone guesses:

Yuri Vladimirovich Andropov, Miles Davis fan, KGB Chairman, and General Secretary of the Communist Party for fifteen months beginning in February, 1984

Yekaterina Alekseevna Furtseva, lover and betrayer of Nikita Khrushchev and powerful member of the Praesidium (able to tell Vladimir Semichastny to walk with two feet in one shoe), fingered by Alan Dulles in a July 23, 1964 memorandum to J. Lee Rankin as having been responsible for reversing the Soviet's initial decision to expel Oswald upon expiration of his visa.

How Did President Kennedy's Assassination Happen? - Magda Hassan - 19-04-2012

I'd put money on both of those especially Andropov. He was Gorbachev's mentor too and we all know his role.

How Did President Kennedy's Assassination Happen? - Vasilios Vazakas - 19-04-2012

Thank you Charles
Correct me if i am wrong but the Soviet people that you named are probably Supra-National Facilitators and not Supra-National Sponsors. They are the Russian equivalent to LBJ, Dulles, Angleton etc.

How Did President Kennedy's Assassination Happen? - Stan Wilbourne - 19-04-2012

Jan Klimkowski Wrote:
Stan Wilbourne Wrote:There's a clip attached here of John McCain calling the Kennedy assassination an "intervention."

Stan - that's a most intriguing clip.

I feel like extracting the relevant part and looping McCain saying "before the intervention... the tragedy... in Dallas" over and over again.

Note McCain's body language. The movement of his hand, his fingers fiddling with his nose, as he stutters to replace "intervention" with "tragedy" whilst still naming the resonant sacrificial space of "Dallas".

McCain is damaged goods, broken during his Vietnam War incarceration and allegedly delivering enemy propaganda. Only to return and to be promoted as Their candidate, a new twist on the Manchurian theme - if you will.

See DPF thread here.

This is a most intriguing thread, with much to commend it.

Hello Jan,

Thanks for the link on McCain. Good stuff.

I think you are exactly right about his body language after using the word "intervention." Very telling.

Back to JFK murder: We see theater, a scripted play acted out before our eyes. None of it is real. It is all designed to influence and manipulate.

On 11-22-63 in Dealey Plaza, we witnessed a tour de force, with actors at every corner. "The Texas School Book Depository" a prop, infiltrated with people from "production," likely local actors used for bit parts. My guess is somewhere close to the Plaza was the Director, running the show. Like any live theatrical production, spontaneous events happened and corrections had to made on the fly.

The Producers of the play were never close to the Plaza. More likely in places like New York and London, watching the Director spin his masterpiece.

JFK researchers I think have pinned down many who put the play together: Dulles, Angleton, Lansdale, Helms, Phillips. But the Producers are a littler harder to unmask. For whatever reason, I do believe Averell Harriman to be one of the Producers who happened to live a very public life. Fletcher Prouty felt he was a Producer, I'm told.

President Kennedy had the audacity to go "back stage" and attempt to write his own story. They killed him for it. You don't mess with "Production."

How Did President Kennedy's Assassination Happen? - Albert Doyle - 19-04-2012

If Garrison's account about Bobby seeking to investigate the Assassination is true then Bobby must have broken ranks with the traitor story at some point. If this traitor plausible cover story is true then it would be very interesting to known the exact influences that made Bobby come around and reject this ruse. Bobby was too smart to not know the players involved or his brother's intentions. He was too smart to buy their traitor story without question. I might opt for the WWIII virus instead (or more likely a hybrid).

How Did President Kennedy's Assassination Happen? - Phil Dragoo - 20-04-2012


You began with a question along the lines of What's It All About, Alfie? and have come full circle with a production metaphor with some of our friends as playwrights and our Captain the victim of murder most foul by those responsible for backstage security.


You and George Michael Evica provide the model with sponsors, false sponsors, facilitators.

True sponsors preserve the Cold War as a fictive construct.

Supranational Security State uses nations, religions, war to control populations.

American corporatocracy false sponsor and facilitator.

David Rockefeller and Averell Harriman key players in supranational security state.

Khrushchev's "I am old; I will not fight," Read October.

QED the supranational security state preserved the fictive construct by destroying the conspiracy to explode it.

(Patton was leaving for the States and a senate run, a presidential bid, on to Moscow to finish the job; ended by a deuce-and-a-quarter T-boning. Forrestal was a less witting SecDef than Johnson, hence the Olson-like swandive from Bethesda 16. MacArthur might've destroyed Eastasia; action not allowed.)

Stan and Jan you make much of McCain's intervention. I sense he means it as Hillary meant much could happen, remember Robert Kennedy was assassinated. I think these two people mean things happen. Granted McCain was reduced to a shell by his five years in the Hanoi hotel, and Hillary booked Ron Brown's flight and other tours.

Our friend from Army intelligence just after the Korean War remarked in the darkest voice what a dangerous president Kennedy was. Elmer Moore (who badgered Perry for his tagteam mates Specter and Dulles) remarked he thought of JFK as a traitor giving things to the Russians. Moore in the Secret Service under Treasury whose acting head that day was Don Belin friend of Dulles, relative of DuPonts.

While we're talking of plane crashes, Joe, Jr. John F. Kennedy, Jr. The men who run the world are not taking applications.

In Donald Gibson, Battling Wall Street: The Kennedy Presidency, the major opponents of Kennedy policy included the Rockefeller-Morgan financial interests. In Thy Will Be Done: The Conquest of the Amazon: Nelson Rockefeller and Evangelism in the Age of Oil, by Gerard Colby and Charlotte Dennett, it is seen that David Rockefeller at Chase Bank was a constant, though unsensational, power. The global campaign for markets, for resources, the subjugation of population and the installation of amenable governments had nothing to do with national interest, although national interest was an instrument.

In Srode is seen the Allen Dulles agency in procuring the twenty-million-dollar loan through the State Department for Germany in 1930. The man who excelled at pleasing powerful clients underplayed the threat of Hitler. The man who had been frolicking with two buxom blondes when Lenin called the U.S. delegation in Switzerland before entering the sealed train for Petrograd.

In whose interest was it to destabilize Russia and thus reduce the pressure on Germany. Allen was, in Dylan's phrase, "serving somebody" (a facilitator).

As Charles notes John F. Kennedy "realizes it was all a charade"in Douglass we see him in Vietnam in 1951. Surely the position of the French was not lost on the future president.

In my view Bobby knew from the first. Whatever public face he showed, it was that of the survivor, just as Lauren suggests was Caroline's behavior.

Our friend from the Boston and New York financial world reported to Caro in a letter he shared of Eliot Janeway's visit to the firm the summer of '63 hissing a warning what a "dangerous man this Kennedy is" and indeed, Kennedy ran counter to the exploitation of resources for the profit of the few.

In a similar fashion, Khrushchev was indicating a move to providing a better standard of living at the expense of the arms sector.

We remain in Afghanistan sharing the Manas transit station with the Russians vis-à-vis the all-important poppy crop. The border with Mexico is kept open for business with arms from the U.S. government.

The 2004 Council on Foreign Relations paper "Iran: Time for a New Approach" by Zbigniew Brzezinski and Robert M. Gates insures that sanctions will be skirted through Citibank, while Russia will be able to balance its slump in arms sales to China with those to Syria.

Mack is Dunkel; Orwell was Blair: three superstates, one quadrilateral for contention, no end, merely rotating alliances and enemies: a fictive construct in the manner of the Cold War.

In a discussion of proofs of the existence of God, there comes a mention of prime mover. Substitute sponsor.

Or, if you will, avoid the mistaking of the finger pointing at the moon, for the moon.