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The Danger Of The Fetzer Assassination School - Dawn Meredith - 20-05-2012

Lauren Johnson Wrote:
Albert Doyle Wrote:Cinque's a fool because he spends an overly verbose, obviously excuse-making post mocking me over why Fritz never asked Oswald where he was during the shooting while ignoring Greg's post which said:

Quote:I asked
him what part of the building he was in at the time the President was
shot, and he said that he was having lunch about that time on the first

This of course destroys Cinque's entire post and position like a castle crumbling in an earthquake, but neither he or his major bullshitter mentor Fetzer pretend to notice.


The point is that the theatre must continue. Your role is to be a character in their play. Truth has nothing, NOTHING to do with it. Being a character in the Fetzter\Cinque theatre is misery for the sane. Every effort to argue oneself out of the play only brings you more deeply into the play. The only way out is to leave. Or to burn down their theatre.

Well no one is gonna burn them down so the only other option is to leave. Ignore the Cinque/Fetzer madness. Then we will see them post to each other. Continue to feed this monster and it will only grow. They both have the biggest egos I have ever seen in the research community and are never willing to admit to being wrong on a thing. Fuck the evidence. Don't let the facts get in the way of their need to be heard.
Pysop at its ugliest.

I suspect their motives. Greatly.

Fetzer has no shame at this point. He has past the point where redemption is an option. He is either suffering from dememtia or worse.

And "Cinque" makes snake oil salesmen look bad.


The Danger Of The Fetzer Assassination School - Lauren Johnson - 20-05-2012

Dawn Meredith Wrote:
Lauren Johnson Wrote:
Albert Doyle Wrote:Cinque's a fool because he spends an overly verbose, obviously excuse-making post mocking me over why Fritz never asked Oswald where he was during the shooting while ignoring Greg's post which said:

Quote:I asked
him what part of the building he was in at the time the President was
shot, and he said that he was having lunch about that time on the first

This of course destroys Cinque's entire post and position like a castle crumbling in an earthquake, but neither he or his major bullshitter mentor Fetzer pretend to notice.


The point is that the theatre must continue. Your role is to be a character in their play. Truth has nothing, NOTHING to do with it. Being a character in the Fetzter\Cinque theatre is misery for the sane. Every effort to argue oneself out of the play only brings you more deeply into the play. The only way out is to leave. Or to burn down their theatre.

Well no one is gonna burn them down so the only other option is to leave. Ignore the Cinque/Fetzer madness. Then we will see them post to each other. Continue to feed this monster and it will only grow. They both have the biggest egos I have ever seen in the research community and are never willing to admit to being wrong on a thing. Fuck the evidence. Don't let the facts get in the way of their need to be heard.
Pysop at its ugliest.

I suspect their motives. Greatly.

Fetzer has no shame at this point. He has past the point where redemption is an option. He is either suffering from dememtia or worse.

And "Cinque" makes snake oil salesmen look bad.


Dawn, That's what I meant about leaving short of leaving leaving. Just ignore them. Don't engage. But I recognize the problem in my simplistic response. Truly leaving means leaving behind a body of actual good stuff that is archived. Leaving idiocy unanswered ends can give them credibility. The theatre becomes a mad house one keeps re-entering voluntarily. Burn the place down would mean starting over with actual standards of membership. Once again, that means the leaving behind your posts and those of others, even though the place is a demonstrated psy-op.

The best strategy is to start threads and to ignore the wackos. Leave the theatre without leaving the forum. Of course, I think DPF is the place to be. But let's face it. It's not for everybody. A lot of people who do JFK research just want to hide their without getting into the Deep Politics aspect.

The Danger Of The Fetzer Assassination School - Albert Doyle - 20-05-2012

Fetzer and Cinque have hung themselves with Elbow Man. Anyone who was foolish enough to be on the fence will see they are denying the obvious. Now it's up to EF to enforce sanity standards and not let them get away with denying reasonably proven fact.

Cinque is dumb enough to not realize his friend who said it looks like a white squash thrown on a man's face is recognizing the face. If you recognize a face then you recognize the rest of the body attached to it. This is how super-ego meglomaniac Cinque admits he's wrong. Now he's going to try to get away with saying the man is there but is obscured by a white blob.

EF destroys its own credibility by not pulling the plug on Cinque right there.

The Danger Of The Fetzer Assassination School - Albert Doyle - 20-05-2012

Curious Mrs Bledsoe said "all the buttons were torn off". If you look at Oswald's shirt at the police station there were buttons still attached.

Was Mrs Bledsoe coached? Did she see photos of Oswald's shirt after he was arrested?

The Danger Of The Fetzer Assassination School - Keith Millea - 20-05-2012


The Danger Of The Fetzer Assassination School - Jan Klimkowski - 20-05-2012

Keith - that's either a vote for the Pyromaniacs or you've just found Impresario Fetzer's next carnival promotion.

The Danger Of The Fetzer Assassination School - Albert Doyle - 20-05-2012

Don Jeffries should have his moderator powers withdrawn. He's incompetent. The "esoteric issue of figures in shadows" is clearly a man with his hand shielding his face and elbow towards the camera. This, like Lovelady's being mistaken for Oswald, is only kept alive through the moderator's incompetence.

The Danger Of The Fetzer Assassination School - Albert Doyle - 20-05-2012

Now Judyth Baker has jumped the shark. She's saying Lovelady is too thin to be the real Lovelady and the pattern in his shirt has obviously been forged.

Funny how when Cinque needs Lovelady to be thin, like in the FBI shots, he's suddenly "scrawny" yet when this build shows up in Altgens it's suddenly too thin to be him.

The reason Lovelady's shirt looks loose in Altgens is because it's undone and he's leaning over while hanging on to the railing.

Again: Ask Fetzer to show the forgery marks in Weigman which shows Lovelady right in the same spot as Altgens.

The Danger Of The Fetzer Assassination School - Jan Klimkowski - 20-05-2012

Albert - please remind me. Were you banned from the EF, or have they refused to allow you to join?

If the latter, I note that Simkin just granted Cinque membership when he was referred by Morrow.

The Danger Of The Fetzer Assassination School - Albert Doyle - 20-05-2012

Oswald was ordered to the lunchroom exactly because of the logic Don Jeffries cites. Because everyone would be out front watching the motorcade and it would be unlikely anyone would be in there to see him. Oswald was being set-up in an Operation Northwoods-type plan. It would be important that he be somewhere no one would see him.

You can assume Oswald was following orders and didn't need to be physically restrained because of his maintaining operational behavior at the police station. Since Oswald obeyed orders at the police station and kept cover you can assume he did it at the Depository as well.