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What is James Chaney Looking Back at? - Printable Version

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What is James Chaney Looking Back at? - James Norwood - 01-02-2014


Thank you for your intervention and for your important reminder about free speech.

I honestly believe that Robert Dallek is a good presidential historian. He has made important inroads into our understanding of JFK's Vietnam policy. He is a cut above such popular historians as Robert Caro and Doris Kearns Goodwin, who are guilty of omitting from the historical record the criminal activities of Lyndon Johnson. By contrast, Dallek's book An Unfinished Life is a substantial work of scholarship that adds to our knowledge of JFK's presidency. It is deplorable that Dallek does not address the assassination with integrity. But that lapse does not invalidate his other research contributions. I expressed my views on Dallek on another thread, and Albert Doyle ridiculed me on that thread and now uses my opinions on Dallek to discredit my views on the Zapruder film. All the while, he offers no evidence of having read a single line written by Dallek. This is wrong.

Now, if we may get the thread back on track with Bob's posting of the photos of James Cheney, I would offer this observation as food for thought:

In photo #4, we see that James Chaney has advanced on his motorcycle about 1/4 of a mile down the Stemmons Freeway. He is leading the entourage of vehicles to Parkland Hospital. The large Hertz sign above the TSBD still indicates the time of 12:30. If the gunfire began on Elm Street shortly after 12:30, this means that if there was a limo stop, it had to be brief, as we see the limousine barreling down Stemmons in photo #4. It also means that in less than a minute, James Chaney passed the limousine on the right, stopped briefly to speak with Chief Curry in the pilot car, before proceeding down the Stemmons freeway.

Based on the 12:30 time indicated on the Hertz sign, Chaney should be visible in both the Nix and Zapruder films, as he passes the limousine on the right. That was precisely what he claimed happened, as indicated in his interview that appears on youtube. Yet, as Bob indicates, the Nix film depicts Chaney well in back of the limousine during the shooting.

The granddaughter of Orville Nix (Gayle Nix Jackson) has recently gone on the record by saying that she believes that when the government confiscated Nix's film, it was returned with splices. According to Gayle, frames of the film had clearly been deleted. Well, here is an example of what frames may have been omitted: Arguably, during a brief limo stop, James Chaney passes the limousine.

This is one of many aberrational elements with the Nix and Zapruder films, indicating tampering with this essential photographic evidence.


What is James Chaney Looking Back at? - Bob Prudhomme - 01-02-2014

Hello James

I must reiterate that I posted incorrect information when I posted photo #4. Although Chaney did say, in an interview, that he led the procession to Parkland Hospital, he is not in that trio seen in photo #4. While many believe he can be seen sitting stationary under the Triple Underpass, it is possible he is leading the procession and was just not visible in photo #4.

As I said earlier, the Zapruder film showed three lead motorcycles making the turn onto Elm St., and, as the outside motorcycle makes a wide turn and gets lost from sight behind foliage, it was a popular belief this motorcycle did not turn but, rather, continued on Houston St. This would leave only two lead motorcycles, and it was assumed that Chaney made up the third part of the trio seen on Stemmons.

Once again, I ask you to look at this frame by frame version of the Z film. At the 2:00 mark, it is possible to see the third motorcycle appear from behind foliage for a few seconds on the north side of Elm St.

What is James Chaney Looking Back at? - Bob Prudhomme - 02-02-2014

Well, all infighting aside Smile , how would they go about concealing a motorcycle passing the limousine when it stopped, and second, as many have asked, what would be the purpose of concealing this movement?

The question of why is difficult to answer. It may have been to cover up the fact the limo came to a stop and gave Chaney enough time to ride ahead and bring Curry up to speed on the situation. I'm interested in any ideas people have on this.

The how is actually much easier. Beginning at frame z275 in the Zapruder film, the limo almost seems to drop out of the bottom of the picture. At one point, we are only able to see Connally from the shoulders up. The film stays like this until about z320, when Zapruder's camera pans downward to show us the entire limo. It has been suggested that Zapruder suffered from vertigo, and his secretary was there that day to steady him on the concrete pillar he was standing on, should he become dizzy.

My question is this; would an episode of vertigo cause a person filming the motorcade to lose the limo in the field of view for 45 frames? Here is another question; could a motorcycle have slipped by the limo, on the limo's right side, and be sufficiently out of the picture as to not appear on the Zapruder film?

What is James Chaney Looking Back at? - Lauren Johnson - 02-02-2014

I have placed a number of posts under Moderation including one of mine about which Mr. Norwood was so kind to express his displeasure. Now, no one has to defend their "honor," or whatever it is. If you think something important is missing, please PM me. I did edit some posts that included both invective and substance.

Now let's all play nice.

What is James Chaney Looking Back at? - Bob Prudhomme - 02-02-2014

I thought there were a few posts missing. I was beginning to think I was having a "senior moment" or something. Smile

What is James Chaney Looking Back at? - Albert Doyle - 02-02-2014

Bob Prudhomme Wrote:Well, all infighting aside Smile , how would they go about concealing a motorcycle passing the limousine when it stopped, and second, as many have asked, what would be the purpose of concealing this movement?

Because it would eliminate everything that occurred during that sequence and its significance (if it occurred). The present Z Film scenario backs the official story. There's something strange about this because there should be more people protesting the Z Film isn't what they saw and that Chaney sped ahead.

Bob Prudhomme Wrote:Here is another question; could a motorcycle have slipped by the limo, on the limo's right side, and be sufficiently out of the picture as to not appear on the Zapruder film?

That isn't where they were ordered to be.

Did Brugioni say anything about the original film showing Chaney's advance?

What is James Chaney Looking Back at? - Bob Prudhomme - 02-02-2014

Hello Albert

As you say, that wasn't where they were ordered to be. However, they were also ordered not to leave the limo, regardless of what happened. How many of the original four motorcycles do you see keeping up with the limo as it races down the Stemmons Freeway?

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSh_Y4Ot6xYzvrxuYjTRdG...ivtUfh2lag]

What is James Chaney Looking Back at? - Richard Coleman - 02-02-2014

Bob Prudhomme Wrote:In the famous Altgens 6 photo below, motorcycle officer James Chaney appears to be looking over his left shoulder at JFK. Of course, this is impossible, as the Zapruder film shows no motorcycle beside the limo.

[Image: Altgens6extremeclose-up.jpg]

However, if you feel strongly that Chaney is ahead of JFK, watch the following:

In this interview, Chaney tells the reporter he passed JFK's limo and went ahead to inform Chief Curry, in the lead car, of JFK's wounds. This is not seen in the Zapruder film either, nor in this still from the Nix film.

[Image: Hargis_Martin.jpg]

Nor do we see a motorcycle, in Altgens' last photo, between JFK's limo and the lead car. When did Chaney pass the limo?

[Image: Altgens%2B%2528Large%2529.jpg]

First of all, where does this copy of Altgens 6 come from? It's the best resolution I've ever seen.

Second, although nobody seems to care, notice the 4 black women also looking backwards. What were they seeing I wonder. And my favorite thing in this picture is the guy in the hard hat. I'd pay serious money (if I had any!) to know who he was.

What is James Chaney Looking Back at? - Bob Prudhomme - 02-02-2014

Hi Richard

I found this photo on a Google search. I was impressed with it. too, and saved a copy for future use.

You're right, the man in the hard hat doesn't seem the least bit impressed by the fact the President is passing by, does he.

The other thing that bothers me about this photo is that, if it coincides with frame z255 of the Zapruder film and, as WC apologists maintain, the first shot occurred at z190, AND Zapruder's camera was running at 18.3 frames/second, the first shot would have occurred just over 3.5 seconds before this photo was taken. Oswald would have been almost directly above the bystanders. Plus, they would have been ahead of the muzzle of the rifle and, as any shooter will tell you, the sound is much louder in that position. Do they look as if they just heard a rifle being fired only 20 yards away from them? Not to me. I have heard many rifles fired in my time, and have seen reactions from people near a rifle being shot who did not anticipate that shot. The reaction is invariably instantaneous and obvious.

Perhaps James Altgens was telling the truth when he testified he snapped this photo almost at the moment of the first shot?

What is James Chaney Looking Back at? - Albert Doyle - 02-02-2014

It's hard to believe perspective compression can make a person appear in a totally different position than they are but it can. Chaney could be near where Nix puts him and he could be looking across at the other motorcyclists.

The spectators could be looking at the follow-up car since it has Texan Lyndon in it. Or they could be in the process of turning towards what the Secret Service men are looking at.

It would be nice to know what Brugioni saw ala Chaney's alleged forward move.