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Two Dallas cops were involved in the pre-arranged murder of J.D. Tippit .... - Printable Version

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Two Dallas cops were involved in the pre-arranged murder of J.D. Tippit .... - Jim Hargrove - 05-06-2016

Albert Doyle Wrote:Probably the reason they yelled "We got him!" down to Hill from the balcony fire escape is because Lee was wearing a white T shirt and dark pants.

BRILLIANT!! The cops were looking for a guy in a white t-shirt, based on numerous police dispatches describing Tippit's killer. John has asked me to make the following change to the website (in red) based on your insight. Thanks again!

Sgt. Jerry Hill and Det. Paul Bentley were checking fire escapes in the balcony when Hill opened the exit door to the fire escape. Sgt. Stringer, standing in the alley below, heard someone inside the theater yell "We got him." The police officer inside the theater may have thought the man on the staircase, being questioned by Lieutenant Cunningham and Toney, was under ar*rest, which caused him to shout "we got him." This young man may have been wearing a white t-shirt and dark pants, which matched the description of the suspect as reported by the police dispatcher. But an unknown person, who identified himself as the "manager on duty," said the young man had been in the theater since 12:05 PM. The unidentified "manager on duty" may have been an accomplice who provided Oswald with a much needed alibi, as theater manager John Callaghan left the theater before the police arrived (Julia Postal, Butch Burroughs, and the projectionist were the only employees left in the theater). The young man was released. Sgt. Stringer, standing below in the alley, asked Hill if the suspect had been arrested. Hill looked back into the balcony area and said, "No, we haven't got him."

I'll have this change up in a few minutes also. (You may need to manually refresh your browser view to see it right away.)

Two Dallas cops were involved in the pre-arranged murder of J.D. Tippit .... - Jim Hargrove - 06-06-2016

Albert Doyle Wrote:Under the chapter heading "Police Officers Arrive At 10th & Patton" I think Armstrong made a typo. He wrote Croy and Westbrook got to McWatter's bus at 1:46 and then went to Oak Cliff at 1:52 - but I think he meant (12:46) and (12:52) respectively.

Probably the reason they yelled "We got him!" down to Hill from the balcony fire escape is because Lee was wearing a white T shirt and dark pants.

Just wanted to say, Albert....

John says you're ABSOLUTELY CORRECT on both counts. THANK YOU!!

Two Dallas cops were involved in the pre-arranged murder of J.D. Tippit .... - Albert Doyle - 09-06-2016

Jim, "Oswald's" venereal disease in the Marines was not caused by red-blooded Marine behavior. It was caused by his Intelligence work infiltrating Japanese prostitutes the Soviets had paid to spy on American clients.

Two Dallas cops were involved in the pre-arranged murder of J.D. Tippit .... - Jim Hargrove - 10-06-2016

[Laugh!] Yeah, and Lee Oswald's intelligence work continued from 1959 through June 1962 while Harvey Oswald was in Russia. Examples include the "Bolton Ford" incident, his work with anti-Castro Cubans in Florida, his arrest at Lake Pontchartrain, meeting with people from Dumas-Milnes Chevrolet in New Orleans to buy a car, approaching Raymond Carnay at the Dallas-Garland Airport in an attempt to get him to fly missions over Cuba, his Greenwich Village appearances in late 1961-62, and on and on.

Two Dallas cops were involved in the pre-arranged murder of J.D. Tippit .... - Albert Doyle - 10-06-2016

It's amazing that people would doubt this obvious evidence.

Two Dallas cops were involved in the pre-arranged murder of J.D. Tippit .... - Jim Hargrove - 12-06-2016

It's a difficult thing to accept as well as accomplish. Like building a skyscraper out of bricks.

If each little fact distinguishing the two Oswalds was a brick, you'd have to be able to see thousands of them at once to accept the fact that there is a tall building right in front of you. It took me a year or two of study before I decided John was right, and how many people can take that kind of time to look at one researcher's work on one subject?

And the disinformation and disinformationists don't make the task any easier. So I just keep plugging away on the website, and since John started re-writing so many of the pages, it's getting better and better. With any luck at all, one of these days it will be good enough to get us both shot, even at this late date.

Two Dallas cops were involved in the pre-arranged murder of J.D. Tippit .... - Albert Doyle - 05-07-2016

It is obvious that two officers would dare cooperate in the murder of one of their own only if they had the full confidence and protection of a larger national security organization above them.