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The Danger Of The Fetzer Assassination School - Peter Lemkin - 26-05-2012

The term 'truther' was coined by those who believe [or say they believe] the official conspiracy version of 911 events - so ipso facto it was meant to be an insult. It was, IMO also meant to sound like 'birther' and to sound like someone lisping - and therefor in their childish perverted minds, funny. It must be rejected and NOT used by those who honestly seek the truth about 911 - we can't let the enemy choose the terms nor define the 'space' and terms of discussion. In English, proper English it would not be a proper word formation - even for a coined neologism - with the 'er' at the end. It was made to and to my ear and mind still does carry nothing but a derogatory meaning - as was intended. One goes after truth or the Truth; one is not a 'truther'. The enemy of the truth coined that term - and uses it widely; and I, for one, reject it totally. angryfire I seek the truth on 911. The government, MSM and Powers that Be have all sought to spread a propaganda lie about that day and its consequences and reason for having happened. Ditto 11/22/63 - and all things 'Deep'. For the same reason I almost never use the terms LN[er] or CT. These too are derogatory terms coined by the enemy to make serious research and researchers seem like buffoons chasing after virtual butterflies. We need to set our own terms and our own agenda and not let it be set by the Enemy! In all wars pejorative terms are set for the 'other side'. I hope we can reject theirs and rise above coining our own.

The Danger Of The Fetzer Assassination School - Don Jeffries - 26-05-2012

Geez, okay. "CT" is routinely used by many good researchers on internet forums. I know all too well that "conspiracy theorist" is a label used to ridicule anyone looking into the truth about important political and historical events, but I am surprised that it causes this kind of consternation within the research community itself. I just meant it as an abbreviated term, in contrast to "LNers."

I'm sorry to have disappointed people with my naivete. I will strive to do better.

The Danger Of The Fetzer Assassination School - Greg Burnham - 26-05-2012

Don Jeffries Wrote:Geez, okay. "CT" is routinely used by many good researchers on internet forums. I know all too well that "conspiracy theorist" is a label used to ridicule anyone looking into the truth about important political and historical events, but I am surprised that it causes this kind of consternation within the research community itself. I just meant it as an abbreviated term, in contrast to "LNers."

I'm sorry to have disappointed people with my naivete. I will strive to do better.


The Danger Of The Fetzer Assassination School - Peter Lemkin - 26-05-2012

Don Jeffries Wrote:Geez, okay. "CT" is routinely used by many good researchers on internet forums. I know all too well that "conspiracy theorist" is a label used to ridicule anyone looking into the truth about important political and historical events, but I am surprised that it causes this kind of consternation within the research community itself. I just meant it as an abbreviated term, in contrast to "LNers."

I'm sorry to have disappointed people with my naivete. I will strive to do better.

Mine were not meant as a criticism pointed at you, Don. It was just a statement on the subject to everyone. I know that others too have adopted the enemy's terminology and/or some don't care what terms are used. I think it important to self-define and deny being defined [in words and, more importantly in concept] as to what we think and what we are trying to accomplish. I only mentioned it because it had been brought up. I think it is a very subtle psyop and should be resisted as much as possible. This is my own 'take'.

The Danger Of The Fetzer Assassination School - Jan Klimkowski - 26-05-2012

I am in complete agreement with the fine posts of Greg and Peter.

This is not a superficial, or semantic, argument. This goes to the very core of our endeavours.

I will NEVER accept the label "Conspiracy Theorist", "Truther" or "Troofer".

The term Researcher is absolutely fine.

Depending on the context I might use investigative reseacher, or deep political researcher.

If challenged, I would provide a longer explanation - such as a researcher who does not accept certain aspects of the officially sanctioned historical or contemporary account and seeks to test that version of events evidentially.

Now whilst that may be unwieldy, it is a million times better than being reduced to the enemy label of "CT" or "truther".

The Danger Of The Fetzer Assassination School - Jan Klimkowski - 26-05-2012

Meanwhile, deep in the murky Swamp waters, the Military Censor has called many of us out in a kindergarten thread entitled "how we gnosh our kids" or some such tosh.

My my my.

How pitiful and hypocritical he is.

Of course, whenever he and his tag team partner "Leni Colby" were losing the public debate, the Military Censor would render posts invisible.

And so Power is abused.

The Danger Of The Fetzer Assassination School - Albert Doyle - 26-05-2012

Fetzer is trying to make the most out of the striped shirt Lovelady wore to the FBI photo session.

The EF moderators are finally catching-on to the fact Cinque is a troll and have suspended him for 72 hours pending determination of site status.

Cinque seizes on DiEugenio's mistake about Lovelady being 20 pounds lighter in the posed shot wearing the plaid shirt. Lovelady isn't lighter at all, he's just being photographed in the same aspect ratio as the FBI shot which Cinque called "scrawny".

Cinque and Fetzer are two fools who see a compressed aspect ratio shot of Lovelady at the police station and spin a huge forgery event out of it. Fools.

Horne should publicly separate himself from Fetzer's Altgens theories lest he get dragged down with him.

The Danger Of The Fetzer Assassination School - Jan Klimkowski - 26-05-2012

Albert Doyle Wrote:The EF moderators are finally catching-on to the fact Cinque is a troll and have suspended him for 72 hours pending determination of site status.

Albert - don't be silly. The Military Censor is toying with everyone....

It's his MO. It makes him feel Powerful and Tumescent.

I assume you know that the Military Censor has far more Power than nearly all the other Swamp Mods.

Now stand to attention and salute His Martial Presence and don't dare display any Insubordination.

The Danger Of The Fetzer Assassination School - Lauren Johnson - 26-05-2012

From the Military Censor
Quote:From Michael Hogan: Evan, instead of claiming that people misinterpreted what you meant (wrote?) why not address the questions in my post? Who has "turned on Fetzer with such venom?"

To mind:
Dawn Meredith
Charles "The Round Mound of Sound" Drago
Greg Burnham
Peter "Everyone is out to get me!" Lemkin
Jan Klimkowski
Some dude called Seamus Coogan

The Danger Of The Fetzer Assassination School - Keith Millea - 26-05-2012

Lauren Johnson Wrote:From the Military Censor
Quote:From Michael Hogan: Evan, instead of claiming that people misinterpreted what you meant (wrote?) why not address the questions in my post? Who has "turned on Fetzer with such venom?"

To mind:
Dawn Meredith
Charles "The Round Mound of Sound" Drago
Greg Burnham
Peter "Everyone is out to get me!" Lemkin
Jan Klimkowski
Some dude called Seamus Coogan

Jeezus,how could he leave out Albert?.......:rofl: