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The Danger Of The Fetzer Assassination School - Albert Doyle - 05-06-2012

The EF has no credibility allowing that make-it-up-as-you-go-along nutcase Cinque to continue entering his insanity without restriction.

The Danger Of The Fetzer Assassination School - Charles Drago - 05-06-2012

Here, as taken from the now infamous Fetzer/Cinque Swamp thread, is the most recent example of Jim Fetzer's increasingly and appallingly impaired reasoning:

"What is most striking is how many of the Secret Service agents were looking toward Doorman, which would be explicable if it was Oswald, as we contend, and they were stunned that the man, whom they knew in advance was going to be framed for the assassination, was there in the doorway, which would be something that could easily have distracted their attention."

In other words, Jim now tells us that numerous Kennedy detail Secret Service agents shared need-to-know status regarding the conspiracy's most closely held components. To so conclude is to exhibit a near-total absence of Deep Political insight.

Can't you just see the mass double take, followed by a chorus of "Holy shit, boss! The patsy is standing in the doorway! Abort! Abort! Abort!"

The agents' backs are to the camera, yet Jim can follow their eyes ...

Jim Fetzer needs our help and our prayers.

The Danger Of The Fetzer Assassination School - Albert Doyle - 06-06-2012

EF put Fetzer on moderation. I hate moderation and don't like it applied to anyone, however Fetzer and Cinque were committing intolerable intellectual offenses. EF said it was because of Fetzer's language and attitude but the real offense they were committing was ignoring credible arguments and technical details. After being told by a dozen people that the difference in Lovelady's appearance was due to different aspect ratios between different photographic equipment Cinque was right back in there offering the same crap arguments as if no one had ever mentioned it. THAT is what deserves banning because it is intellectual delinquency.

The Danger Of The Fetzer Assassination School - Charles Drago - 06-06-2012

The Deep Political analysis: Fetzer is on moderation because the planned irreversible damage delivered by his latest folly has been done, and because in the wake of his moderation, the EF can reinforce its Fox/faux status as a "fair and balanced" forum that encourages heated collegial "debate" within strictly enforced Queensberry-esque rules.

The Danger Of The Fetzer Assassination School - Albert Doyle - 07-06-2012

Correct, and proven so by Cinque being kept alive.

The Danger Of The Fetzer Assassination School - Greg Burnham - 08-06-2012

They finally closed / locked the Cinque / Fetzer Train-wreck of a thread. Too little, too late for Jim. He's done.

The Danger Of The Fetzer Assassination School - Charles Drago - 08-06-2012

The first post-Fetzer debacle wave of attack has been launched at The Swamp.

An agent provocateur entity using the identity of a French "researcher" and LNL (Lone Nut Lie) advocate currently is running amok under the full protection of The Swamp's "free speech" ruse.

Jim Fetzer has been taken out. All who have been associated with him during his healthy, productive, even heroic years of research, discovery, and publishing are being targeted -- first at The Swamp, and from there ... ?

The Danger Of The Fetzer Assassination School - Seamus Coogan - 08-06-2012

Charles Drago Wrote:Jim Fetzer needs our help and our prayers.

A bullet is more appropriate CD.

The Danger Of The Fetzer Assassination School - Dawn Meredith - 08-06-2012

Seamus Coogan Wrote:
Charles Drago Wrote:Jim Fetzer needs our help and our prayers.

A bullet is more appropriate CD.

Seamus, what are you suggesting. That he be assassinated? That he off himself? I am assuming this is just some of your
dark humor. Which is not funny. Whatever issues Jim may be having- or anyone else- a bullet is NEVER "more appropriate".

Have a pint and a fine weekend, eh?


The Danger Of The Fetzer Assassination School - Albert Doyle - 08-06-2012

The way he's acting I don't think he should be let near any guns...