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The Danger Of The Fetzer Assassination School - Dawn Meredith - 08-06-2012

Charles Drago Wrote:The first post-Fetzer debacle wave of attack has been launched at The Swamp.

An agent provocateur entity using the identity of a French "researcher" and LNL (Lone Nut Lie) advocate currently is running amok under the full protection of The Swamp's "free speech" ruse.

Jim Fetzer has been taken out. All who have been associated with him during his healthy, productive, even heroic years of research, discovery, and publishing are being targeted -- first at The Swamp, and from there ... ?

The LN position over there certainly seems a valued one. Why anyone would even reply to the likes of Glen Viklund is beyond my comprehension. Claims he studied the case for years coming to the "conclusion" that LHO acted alone. Ho-hum. Debate, indeed.


The Danger Of The Fetzer Assassination School - LR Trotter - 08-06-2012

I cannot believe that an alive LHO could have been convicted in the assassination of JFK. And, to me, it took the murder of JDT to have the chance of an indictment for murder against LHO. With LHO being an informant, as a strong possibilty exists, after the JFK execution in front of the TSBD where he worked, he most likely understood he was in danger and therefore felt the need to be armed with his pistol considering the people being informed on. But, with Captain Will Fritz of the DPD, "one of the best homicide investigators in the country", saying the case was "cinched", the murders of JFK and JDT were for the most part "case closed" on the afternoon of 11/22/'63. My question is whether or not the JDT murder was a pre-planned event, an arrest avoidance by a LHO "double", or a random event?

The Danger Of The Fetzer Assassination School - Seamus Coogan - 08-06-2012

I agree with you Dawn that was inappropriate and I also agree with Albert. JF should not be anywhere near fire arms. Dawn I do agree with you very much the EF is certainly very top heavy with LN enthusiasts. I really should have looked into Viklund a lot more closely. The threads I came across him on were the JVB and more recently the Cinque threads and he made some pretty good points. Thanks to you and Don J reminding me I shall certainly be more wary whom I term a 'good guy' in the future!

The Danger Of The Fetzer Assassination School - Charles Drago - 08-06-2012


I am not offended by your suggestion. I understand it to be semi-humorous in intent. For me, Lenny Bruce was too conservative.

No limits. None.

The problem is, your "bullet" comment is not funny, not insightful, not constructive, not instructive. It has no redeeming qualities whatsoever.

It seems more viable as dialogue for the "What are going to do about Kennedy?" scene in JFK: The Prequel.

Yet I would defend to the death your right to make it.

The Danger Of The Fetzer Assassination School - Jan Klimkowski - 08-06-2012

The Swamp remains a perfect environment for the Deep Political Anthropologist to observe Sunsteinian creatures weaving their webs....

The Danger Of The Fetzer Assassination School - Phil Dragoo - 08-06-2012


When you say:

The Swamp remains a perfect environment for the Deep Political Anthropologist to observe Sunsteinian creatures weaving their webs....

. . . . you can only be referring to . . . .



*Dallas cast still keepin' it classy
(having scrubbed the blood off Tiananmen's pavers)

The Danger Of The Fetzer Assassination School - Jan Klimkowski - 09-06-2012

Phil - excellent.

Here's something Phoenix prepared for the original Cinque.

The Danger Of The Fetzer Assassination School - Seamus Coogan - 10-06-2012

Charles Drago Wrote:Seamus,

I am not offended by your suggestion. I understand it to be semi-humorous in intent. For me, Lenny Bruce was too conservative.

No limits. None.

The problem is, your "bullet" comment is not funny, not insightful, not constructive, not instructive. It has no redeeming qualities whatsoever.

It seems more viable as dialogue for the "What are going to do about Kennedy?" scene in JFK: The Prequel.

Yet I would defend to the death your right to make it.

Lol defend away. I agree with you Dawn it wasn't a good comment nor funny. I should have said he should buy a dog, but woe betide the poor beast!!!!! I also have to appreciate that some people here have been deeply hurt/have had close relations with Mr Fetzer over the years. On that train of thought Jan could you email me and GB with you're thoughts on what GB can do. CD I'll send you an email an give you the info. All will be revealed soon folks in fact I hope all forum members participate.

The Danger Of The Fetzer Assassination School - Jan Klimkowski - 11-06-2012

On an anthropological visit to the Island of Dr Mor-Row, I note that the Military Censor feigns a desire to know who killed JFK?

The Censor claims confusion around the "diversity of opinions", and "would appreciate if members gave an indication of their own opinions", in a poll which is "not completely comprehensive".

Quote:What are the circumstances of JFK's death?

Killed by Lee Harvey Oswald, a lone gunman (2 votes [33.33%])

Killed by LHO and other shooters, but LHO was made the patsy (1 votes [16.67%])

Killed by other shooters, hired by the US government (incl CIA, FBI and the military) (3 votes [50.00%])

Killed by other shooters, hired by the Mafia (0 votes [0.00%])

Killed by other shooters, hired by foreign parties (0 votes [0.00%])

Killed by other shooters but my choices are not represented here (0 votes [0.00%])

Killed by LHO but it is more involved than just a lone gunman (0 votes [0.00%])

When faced with a turd, one should always flush.


The Danger Of The Fetzer Assassination School - Dawn Meredith - 11-06-2012

Jan Klimkowski Wrote:On an anthropological visit to the Island of Dr Mor-Row, I note that the Military Censor feigns a desire to know who killed JFK?

The Censor claims confusion around the "diversity of opinions", and "would appreciate if members gave an indication of their own opinions", in a poll which is "not completely comprehensive".

Quote:What are the circumstances of JFK's death?

Killed by Lee Harvey Oswald, a lone gunman (2 votes [33.33%])

Killed by LHO and other shooters, but LHO was made the patsy (1 votes [16.67%])

Killed by other shooters, hired by the US government (incl CIA, FBI and the military) (3 votes [50.00%])

Killed by other shooters, hired by the Mafia (0 votes [0.00%])

Killed by other shooters, hired by foreign parties (0 votes [0.00%])

Killed by other shooters but my choices are not represented here (0 votes [0.00%])

Killed by LHO but it is more involved than just a lone gunman (0 votes [0.00%])

When faced with a turd, one should always flush.


I was tempted to tell him to simply look at the thread of the same name,started by Simkin years ago (above his). But why bother to state the obvious. I love that no-one responded. Like it really matters to him.