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Nix Film - Bob Prudhomme - 27-06-2014

Albert Doyle Wrote:
Bob Prudhomme Wrote:Where was Altgens standing again?

Are you saying this is proof of Zapruder alteration? (Genuinely asking)

Hi Albert

At the risk of being branded a follower of Professor Fetzer, something that seems very unpopular on this forum, I will have to answer yes to your question. So much evidence, including that from the FBI, points to the third shot being fired down near James Altgens' position across from the cement steps.

Equally as troubling, and almost guaranteed to bring forth a howl of outrage on this forum by my bringing it up, is the amount of testimony (mostly from law enforcement officers) that has Officer Chaney, one of JFK's starboard motorcycle escorts, passing JFK's limo on his motorcycle and racing ahead to inform the lead car of the assassination.

Of course, neither of these are seen in the Zapruder film. How this proves the film was altered is the $64,000 question.

Nix Film - Albert Doyle - 27-06-2014

Not to mention the limousine stop. I think many agree Fetzer makes some good observations. I personally think he went off the reservation with the doorway claim. Not to mention his 9-11 stuff. The question then is to what degree did CIA alter the Z-Film?

Nix Film - Bob Prudhomme - 27-06-2014

Albert Doyle Wrote:Not to mention the limousine stop. I think many agree Fetzer makes some good observations. I personally think he went off the reservation with the doorway claim. Not to mention his 9-11 stuff. The question then is to what degree did CIA alter the Z-Film?

Also, how did they do it with 1963 technology? I had breakfast the other morning with a guy that works in the film industry as a "compositor", who was up here salmon fishing. Most of his work is in such science fiction creations as "Iron Man". He claimed the alterations to the Zapruder film would have been very simple with 2014 technology and likely could have gone undetected, if done properly. He was not so sure about the results in 1963. He agreed to study the film when he got home and look for anything that might stand out to his professional eye.

Nix Film - Albert Doyle - 28-06-2014

I wonder if civilian photography experts really know exactly what capabilities CIA had in 1963?

Nix Film - Bob Prudhomme - 28-06-2014

Albert Doyle Wrote:I wonder if civilian photography experts really know exactly what capabilities CIA had in 1963?

Precisely, Albert. I've often wondered if JFK Assassination researchers have been as limited by lack of imagination as we have been by lack of evidence.

Nix Film - Lauren Johnson - 28-06-2014

Bob Prudhomme Wrote:
Albert Doyle Wrote:I wonder if civilian photography experts really know exactly what capabilities CIA had in 1963?

Precisely, Albert. I've often wondered if JFK Assassination researchers have been as limited by lack of imagination as we have been by lack of evidence.

I know one of the themes here from some of the old timers is that the CIA, et. ct., were at least a decade ahead technologically of what was publicly known at the time.

Nix Film - Drew Phipps - 28-06-2014

My fundamental issue with the whole film fakery idea is, why would your super advanced CIA film lab guy (presumably with foreknowledge of the details of the cover-up) leave in (or paint in) the Zapruder film the rear-ward head snap, the single most intuitively obvious evidence of a second shooter? Of all the bits of evidence, this is the single most important bit that compelled most Americans into disbelieving the Warren Commission.

Nix Film - Tom Bowden - 28-06-2014

In 1963, I was working as a contractor with both the Veterans administration and NASA. I was the owner of a film processing laboratory in Orlando, Florida and was a consultant to Cape Kennedy on their telemetry data, which at that time was analog and captured on microfilm. The VA project was to determine how best to preserve X-rays on microfilm while retaining a minimum of 14 steps on the grey scale. We ended up using an older motion picture film with black and white emulsion. On the NASA project, the issue was how to better examine high resolution topographic film from balloon and satellite cameras. We ended up using Kalvar film, which was form of diazo with bubbles. By varying the project light angle, you could go from positive to negative projected image. In both of these jobs, we able to examine the latest in technology. I spent time at Columbia University with a professor, who was a film expert, his name escapes me at the moment. I was in the development labs at both Kodak and 3M dynacolor.

In 1964, I sold my company to Documentation, Inc in Washington, DC. I moved to DC and worked on many projects at NASA, DIA, CIA and FDA involved in information processing, which included both computer retrieval and microfilm distribution. I was in NSA headquarters during the time they were intercepting radio transmissions. I left government related jobs in 1966 as I recognized then the power they were accumulating and how it could impinge on individual freedom.

I am sure many of you will now assume I am a government operative, which is definitely not the case. I give you my background to make the following statement. I have seen literally millions of feet of film developed and duplicated. I did not see any technology at that time, which would allow the modifications to the Zapruder film as have been alleged.

Nix Film - Albert Doyle - 28-06-2014

Tom Bowden Wrote:I am sure many of you will now assume I am a government operative, which is definitely not the case. I give you my background to make the following statement. I have seen literally millions of feet of film developed and duplicated. I did not see any technology at that time, which would allow the modifications to the Zapruder film as have been alleged.

Yet Brugioni claims the original film he saw was not the same as the existing Zapruder Film.

Nix Film - Albert Doyle - 28-06-2014

Drew Phipps Wrote:My fundamental issue with the whole film fakery idea is, why would your super advanced CIA film lab guy (presumably with foreknowledge of the details of the cover-up) leave in (or paint in) the Zapruder film the rear-ward head snap, the single most intuitively obvious evidence of a second shooter? Of all the bits of evidence, this is the single most important bit that compelled most Americans into disbelieving the Warren Commission.

In the short time they allegedly had to alter the film they expended all their efforts and abilities covering up the obvious rearward splatter from the shot from the front. If they had to alter the rearward jerk they would have removed too much and made it obvious.

In a way they did alter the rearward jerk. It was confiscated and hidden by LIFE magazine for many years.