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Coup Underway in Turkey - David Guyatt - 19-07-2016

Drew Phipps Wrote:I certainly appreciate Alexander Dugin's acknowledgement of why the false flag theory is reasonable. What I do not agree with is that post-"coup" events constitute proof of pre-"coup" involvement, the same way that the Warren Commission Report did not "prove" the lone nut theory. There are too many opportunistic motives and opportunities to advance a particular agenda, after an event, to declare that those events constitute proof of sponsorship before the event. I believe that the writer of that article concedes the point.

Public statements (cited by the writer) condemning the US for housing Gulen strike me as precisely on point: Gulen was housed here before. Erdogan condemned the US for that before. Now, Gulen is housed here, and Erdogan (and/or his ministers) condemns the US. What changed? Nothing. Now, if Gulen had suddenly appeared in Turkey during the coup, that would be convincing evidence of US involvement.

The isolation of the US base by Erdogan is not proof of US involvement in the coup. Perhaps the writer is correct, that this event signals a wider change in Erdogan's foreign policies; but, if true, then that suggests to me that Erdogan simply had more in mind than purging his military when the "coup" began. In fact, declaring the "coup" is a casis belli for a dramatic change in policy could be more evidence that Erdogan stage managed the whole thing (with the careful proviso that comparing "pre-" and "post-" statements and actions is fraught with the danger of inaccuracy - see my first paragraph).

Last I note that the writer of that article is listed as "Andrew Korybko" not Alexander Dugin, but I don't know enough about either to compare pen names.

The problem with deep politics is that proof takes quite awhile to manifest and the coup only occurred a few days ago. So no, I don't expect proof that would be able to presented in an academic study or in a court of law.

What Dugin, Pepe Escobar, Bill Engdahl, Sibel Edmonds and other deep political watchers are basing their analysis on are accounts from sources they presumably know and trust. Pepe Escobar has made it abundantly clear in his Facebook posts that the US hypothesis or green-light for the coup has been coming from sources. For her part, Sibel Edmonds is part Turkish and still has family there and, again presumably also excellent sources. I can't say anything about the sources used by William Engdahl on this story, but know from personal experience that he does have truly excellent access because at a time when the Bilderberg Conferences remained jealously guarded and secret - and absolutely no documents from them were available anywhere in the public domain - he was generous enough to give me a copy of the 1973 Bilderberg meeting notes covering the US engineered 400% hike in global petroleum prices - as "deep" a political event as you're ever likely to come across.

I also can't speak for Dugin other than to opine that is said to have sources inside Russian military (but I don't regard him as a pleasant person at all and would not normally quote him due to his fascist leanings and end times beliefs - but these unpleasantries aside do not make his analysis ignorable).

The observer I much value for his insights into matters middle eastern (and elsewhere), Thierry Meyssan, is I think now on his annual holiday (?), because he has announced that Voltaire will be back on the 14th August 2016 (I'm sure he'll be kicking himself now for such poor timing).

However, I note in passing that Meyssan did publish on 13th August a short piece stating that a number of players were in secret negotiations "with Syria with a view to withdraw from the war." These included members of the EU and the Commonwealth. On the back of Erdogan's realignment away from the US towards Russia and Israel (plus Israel's own closer relationship to Russia and less close relationship to the US) this is of utmost significant to the Neocon plans. For me, it is another sign that the grand strategy of the US for the 21st century is crumbling before their very eyes and that time is running out for them.

Not a moment too soon, I think.

Coup Underway in Turkey - David Guyatt - 19-07-2016

The following just posted by Pepe Escobar on his FB:

Quote:Ambassador Bhadrakumar, my former colleague at the defunct Asia Times Online, absolutely KILLS here on the possible Saudi and UAE involvement in the Turkish coup, plus the former emir of Qatar blaming the US, the House of Saud and perhaps France for it. NO question Russian intel knows all this:
"The famous Saudi whistleblower known as Mujtahid' has come out with a sensational disclosure that the UAE played a role in the coup and had kept Saudi Arabia in the loop. Also, the deposed ruler of Qatar Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani (who is a close friend of Erdogan) has alleged that the US, another Western country (presumably France) had staged the coup and that Saudi Arabia was involved in it. Meanwhile, word has leaked to the media that in a closed-door briefing to the Iranian parliament on Sunday, Foreign Minister Mohammad Zarif hinted at Saudi and Qatari involvement in the coup.
Putin's phone call to Erdogan suggests the possibility that Russian and Turkish intelligence are keeping in touch."

Coup Underway in Turkey - Peter Lemkin - 19-07-2016

David Guyatt Wrote:The following just posted by Pepe Escobar on his FB:

Quote:Ambassador Bhadrakumar, my former colleague at the defunct Asia Times Online, absolutely KILLS here on the possible Saudi and UAE involvement in the Turkish coup, plus the former emir of Qatar blaming the US, the House of Saud and perhaps France for it. NO question Russian intel knows all this:
"The famous Saudi whistleblower known as Mujtahid' has come out with a sensational disclosure that the UAE played a role in the coup and had kept Saudi Arabia in the loop. Also, the deposed ruler of Qatar Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani (who is a close friend of Erdogan) has alleged that the US, another Western country (presumably France) had staged the coup and that Saudi Arabia was involved in it. Meanwhile, word has leaked to the media that in a closed-door briefing to the Iranian parliament on Sunday, Foreign Minister Mohammad Zarif hinted at Saudi and Qatari involvement in the coup.
Putin's phone call to Erdogan suggests the possibility that Russian and Turkish intelligence are keeping in touch."

The plot and number of possible players thickens! None named above cause me any surprise [if they were in fact involved]. Still a mystery, however, is why the coup collapsed so quickly and so utterly. These players and the CIA, if involved, could surely come up with a better that would at least have lasted days or weeks, not just one night - and a half-hearted night at that. Something doesn't figure yet...something is missing in the equation.

Coup Underway in Turkey - Carsten Wiethoff - 19-07-2016

This will become interesting.


WikiLeaks reported suffering a "sustained attack" after it announced the upcoming release of hundreds of thousands of documents relating to Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan's Justice and Development Party (AKP) in the wake of a failed military coup.
TrendsCoup attempt in Turkey

"Our infrastructure is under sustained attack," WikiLeaks said on Twitter. "We are unsure of the true origin of the attack. The timing suggests a Turkish state power faction or its allies."
We are unsure of the true origin of the attack. The timing suggests a Turkish state power faction or its allies. We will prevail & publish.
WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) July 18, 2016
Despite the attack, the famous whistleblowing site promised to "prevail & publish" the first batch of documents on Tuesday. Earlier WikiLeaks announced that the release of documents, which could expose the Turkish "political power structure", will contain 300,000 emails and 500,000 documents.
Coming Tuesday: The #ErdoganEmails: 300 thousand internal emails from ErdoÄŸan's AKP - through to July 7, 2016.
WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) July 18, 2016
Prior to the scheduled release, WikiLeaks warned the public that the Turkish government will likely do its best to prevent the information from being released or reaching the Turkish public.
#TurkeyCoup: AKP supporters should pay attention. Our pending megaleak of docs both helps & harms AKP. Are you ready to find it all?
WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) July 18, 2016
"Turks will likely be censored to prevent them reading our pending release of 100k+ docs on politics leading up to the coup," the organization said on Twitter.
Turks ask whether WikiLeaks is pro or anti-AKP. Neither. Our only position is that truth is the way forward. 100k+ docs serves all sides.
WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) July 18, 2016
The non-profit organization also asked the public to support their endeavor for sharing the information.
"We ask that Turks are ready with censorship bypassing systems such as TorBrowser and uTorrent. And that everyone else is ready to help them bypass censorship and push our links through the censorship to come."
We ask that Turks are ready with censorship bypassing systems such as TorBrowser and uTorrent (2/3)
WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) July 18, 2016
Following the unsuccessful military coup attempt in which at least 208 people were killed and more than 1,400 wounded, Erdogan went on to blame former ally and now arch enemy Fethullah Gulen, for trying to overthrow him.
And that everyone else is ready to help them bypass censorship and push our links through the censorship to come. (3/3)
WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) July 18, 2016
Turkey is also mulling the reintroduction of death penalty to punish those responsible for the armed rebellion attempt, as the government and military structures continue to be purged by the ruling elite.

Coup Underway in Turkey - Drew Phipps - 19-07-2016

For what it's worth, Gulen (BBC interview) denied having any part in the "coup." Asli Aydintasbas, a journalist in Turkey (full disclosure, a "fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations") says that at 4 - 5 PM on Friday, Turkish Intelligence "got wind of the "coup"" and notified the military. She also says that Erdogan blames Gulen for 2014 corruption investigations which "touched upon Erdogan and his inner circle" and resulted in jail sentences for judges, police officer, and prosecutors that were involved. She also says that Erdogan has characterized the "coup" as an extension of those same corruption investigations. Lastly, she says that "one of the main Kurdish human rights organizations" is calling on Erdogan not to torture or otherwise violate the human rights of the very same individuals in the military who have been battling the Kurds for 40 years...


Normal Life on Hold for Citizens of Istanbul and Ankara

Hmm, link didn't work...:

I wonder if wikileaks planned or announced their release of documents before or after the coup began? If it was before, that may be a motive for having a phony "coup."

Coup Underway in Turkey - Peter Lemkin - 19-07-2016

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=8481&stc=1]

Vero Beach, FL - (TRUNEWS) Turkish police have unofficially blockaded Incirlik Air Base in Turkey, according to a military source inside the joint NATO installation.
According to the source, whose identity and position has been verified by TRUNEWS, the U.S. portion of the Incirlik Air Base has been cut off from local power since Friday, forcing personnel to solely rely on fuel generators to power mission critical buildings.
The source said that Turkish police units are still maintaining a blockade of the base entrance which began Friday night and that critical supplies such as fuel, food, and water are running low. Rationing protocols have gone into effect base-wide, and personnel are enduring above 90°F temperatures without access to air conditioning and other nonessential powered amenities.
The source confirmed previous reports that local police entered the Turkish side of Incirlik Air Base on Saturday, and arrested the 10th Base commander,General Bekir Ercan Van. Eleven other Turkish service members and a police officer were arrested, a senior Turkish official confirmed to the Wall Street Journal Sunday.
In a December interview with Turkish state-run Anadolu Agency, an unnamed USAF F-16 pilot told reporters that soldiers from both sides of the NATO installation ate at the same dining facility, and that the Turkish Air Command which likely housed General Bekir Ercan Van's primary office was positioned directly next to the U.S. Air Command.
Incirlik Air Base serves as a significant bastion of U.S. force projection in the Middle East, is headquarters to the US 39th Air Base Wing, and vaults over 50 B-1 nuclear bombers on-site. The source was unaware of the status of those nuclear armaments, but confirmed the base has maintained its Friday night security status of FPCON Delta the same high level of alert military bases were placed on after the attacks on September 11[SUP]th[/SUP] 2001.
According to a public statement made Sunday by Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim, military airspace restrictions which began Friday night have since been lifted. Pentagon Press Secretary Peter Cook confirmed the change in airspace accessibility Sunday morning, and stated that "U.S. facilities at Incirlik are still operating on internal power sources," officials "hope to restore commercial power soon", and that "base operations have not been affected."
Contrary to that statement, a family member of a U.S. Service member garrisoned at Incirlik Air Base told TRUNEWS that the Turkish side of the base never lost access to commercial power , and the blackout is, and has been, solely experienced on the U.S. portion of the installation.
On Monday, following the arrests of approximately 20,000 political, military, and police officials throughout the country, Turkey's state-run news agency reported that for a second time an uninvited armed continent of police entered Incirlik Air Base. Anadolu Agency said the two Deputy Attorney General's and seven Prosecutors were sent to conduct an investigation related to the foiled military coup an event which many suspect was actually staged by Turkish President Recep Tayyip ErdoÄŸan to eliminate oppositionary forces.
A military representative with the public affairs office for Incirlik Air Base was reached by phone Monday evening, but was unauthorized to answer questions pertaining to the health and welfare of the approximately 1,500 airmen stationed at the base, the status of the 50 B-1 bombers and their nuclear warheads, and the reports that the Turkish government is intentionally depriving U.S. personnel of commercial power.

Security concerns surrounding Incirlik Air Base have steadily increased over the last year. At the end of March the Pentagon ordered nearly 700 spouses and children to evacuate, and in June, Thaddeus Borowicz, a U.S. civilian contractor who worked at the base, was found dead outside his home in nearby Adana - approximately 65 miles from the Syrian border. ISIS later claimed responsibility for the killing.

Coup Underway in Turkey - Drew Phipps - 19-07-2016

This from the bottom of Carsten's source from the post above:

Quote:At the same time Turkish authorities promptly suspended some 3,000 judges and prosecutors, arresting at least 775 of them. Johannes Hahn, the EU commissioner dealing with Turkey's EU membership bid, said the alacrity with which judges were rounded up after the coup failed indicates that the government had actually prepared a list in advance.
"It looks at least as if something has been prepared. The lists are available, which indicates it was prepared and to be used at a certain stage," Hahn said, according to Reuters.
"I'm very concerned. It is exactly what we feared."

Coup Underway in Turkey - Peter Lemkin - 19-07-2016

Drew Phipps Wrote:This from the bottom of Carsten's source from the post above:

Quote:At the same time Turkish authorities promptly suspended some 3,000 judges and prosecutors, arresting at least 775 of them. Johannes Hahn, the EU commissioner dealing with Turkey's EU membership bid, said the alacrity with which judges were rounded up after the coup failed indicates that the government had actually prepared a list in advance.
"It looks at least as if something has been prepared. The lists are available, which indicates it was prepared and to be used at a certain stage," Hahn said, according to Reuters.
"I'm very concerned. It is exactly what we feared."

It seems there is a counter-coup going on. The dismissal of 3000+ judges and all heads of educational facilities is unprecedented and certainly not legal. None of these judges could have acted in the coup [or whatever it was], nor tried anyone from it. It does seem that 'lists' have been drawn up for some time and old scores are being settled. Turkey is descending fast into darkness and undemocratic behaviors. Someone planned all this - the question is who.

The number of military, police, judges and others arrested is not really known, but thought to be well over 10,000 by now and growing fast.

Coup Underway in Turkey - Paul Rigby - 19-07-2016

Paul Rigby Wrote:One interpretation of the puzzling nature of the attempted coup that can reconcile the inconsistencies is this - that the real target of its US sponsors was not Erdogan, but the Turkish military. In allowing Erodgan to survive, vengeance against the military, the historic guarantor of the nation's increasingly imperiled secularism, was guaranteed and is duly in train.

The cloaked objective of Washington's deep state, therefore, is the collapse of the Turkish nation-state, presumably in favour of a pseudo-Caliphate.

Extract from The Moon of Alabama's post, Wide Purges After Stage-Managed Coup Will Cripple Turkey:

Quote:The Turkish state is now crippled. The experience and knowledge of all those people purged now is irreplaceable. Any unexpected event, military or civil, will be met with confused and disordered responses. Despite Erdogan's current success hubris will take its toll and Erdogan's triumph will soon be followed by a deep fall.

But not before lots of Turkish military equipment, not to mention some of the US nukes in the country, have "fallen" into the hands of Daesh/ISIL etc - precisely as the CIA intended.

The Agency's Islamic Contras will then have strategic depth, direct access to the sea, and an armoury to die for.

Coup Underway in Turkey - Cliff Varnell - 19-07-2016

What impact does the post-coup have on Turkey's opium trade?

An axiomatic question.