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Nix Film - Bob Prudhomme - 28-06-2014

I hear what Tom is saying, and this only puzzles me further. Dan Rather, who viewed the Zapruder film shortly after the assassination, did not describe the "back and to the left" motion of JFK but, rather, describes how the fatal head shot seemed to drive JFK forward. As it took decades and a film expert to detect a tiny amount of forward motion at z312, I seriously doubt Mr. Rather was referring to this.

Another thing Mr. Rather says in his description of the Zapruder film, and this was totally unprompted, is "...the limo never stopped...", as if it was necessary to mention this. Was any CT'er actually saying, two days after the assassination, that the limo had stopped?

Nix Film - Drew Phipps - 28-06-2014

Hiding it and getting Dan Rather to lie about it on TV doesn't require any sort of technical expertise at all.

Nix Film - Bob Prudhomme - 28-06-2014

Drew Phipps Wrote:Hiding it and getting Dan Rather to lie about it on TV doesn't require any sort of technical expertise at all.

No, I don't imagine it took much to motivate Dan Rather. Shortly after this interview, his career went from total obscurity to national stardom.

Nix Film - Tom Bowden - 28-06-2014

I am simply stating from my experience, which was considerable in 60's. I also know that there were distortions by lenses, film speed and sprocket malfunctions, which would explain some things. Any duplication of film is normally done emulsion to emulsion and on a mechanical device, which also introduces it own set of anomalies. If the duplication is done emulsion to base then other distortions are introduced. Witnesses, who claim to have seen different versions, may or may have been caused by these anomalies. I do know that some people do not understand that you are photographing three dimension objects with two dimensional film. Any movement in the third dimension can affect both size and shape of the object. I hesitate to ever compare measurements between images for that reason.