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Where the heck is Albert Doyle? - Printable Version

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Where the heck is Albert Doyle? - Tom Scully - 23-09-2017

LR Trotter Wrote:Have Mr Doyle's posting privileges been reinstated, unrestricted?::prison:: I would think he should have the unrestricted opportunity to respond to continued "comments" directed at him.:Gang:

Suggest giving that impassioned plea of yours a bit more thought.... sound like a good idea to you to reflect on "the unrestricted opportunity" issue?

Quote:"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others."

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=9215&stc=1]

Where the heck is Albert Doyle? - Jim DiEugenio - 24-09-2017

Mr. Trotter:

I really do no understand that last comment.

I would have never said anything about Mr. Doyle if Rich Gilbride had not brought my name into this. As I said I was not even aware of his suspension or restriction.

So I begged to disagree with him on that.

He now brings my name up again, and you now jump on and say what I wrote necessitates Doyle being brought back. But you find no fault with Rich dragging me into this.

Do you really think that no one can see what you are doing? The only question is this: Is Gilbride emailing you what to say? How else could you be so one sided?

Where the heck is Albert Doyle? - LR Trotter - 24-09-2017

Jim DiEugenio Wrote:Mr. Trotter:

I really do no understand that last comment.

I would have never said anything about Mr. Doyle if Rich Gilbride had not brought my name into this. As I said I was not even aware of his suspension or restriction.

So I begged to disagree with him on that.

He now brings my name up again, and you now jump on and say what I wrote necessitates Doyle being brought back. But you find no fault with Rich dragging me into this.

Do you really think that no one can see what you are doing? The only question is this: Is Gilbride emailing you what to say? How else could you be so one sided?

Without doubt, I have to conclude this post to be a verbal attack and with false accusations. I asked a simple question, and offered a valid comment/opinion. If Mr Lemkin's recent post has meaning, he will address Mr DiEugenio's expressed comments. But, I remain committed to not saying anything in print that I would not say in person.

Where the heck is Albert Doyle? - Tom Bowden - 24-09-2017

I again suggest water pistols at high noon in Dealey Plaza on November 22, 2017. This bickering has no business on a serious researcher's site. I do not care who said what first. last or where it was said or not said. Either way it is not contributing to the goals of most researchers. NAMELY, who killed Kennedy and Why.

Where the heck is Albert Doyle? - Richard Gilbride - 25-09-2017

In post #59, Jim DiEugenio wrote:

"They really do not want anyone to read anything from ROKC about PM. In order to block any kind of entry to that, they do not want anyone to even link to anything that refers to that!

In the article as I excerpted it, there is no mention of the PM issue. Period."

After several months of denying it Jim is finally coming around to admitting that he has linked a PrayerMan article. And moderator Lauren Johnson is allowing Jim to get away with a disingenous excuse. While trying to put the blame on Gilbride & Doyle for having the audacity to expose his sleight-of-hand, all Jim is really saying is that he cherrypicked out the incriminating parts of Kamp's essay. Therefore he misrepresented its true contents to the Deep Politics forum members. Jim is trying to get away with a fast one here because any reading of the Deep Politics RULES OF ENGAGEMENT automatically shows how any presenter of assassination evidence is obligated to honestly
present the truthful version of the material he posts. Just because Jim excuses himself by excluding the PrayerMan parts of Kamp's essay doesn't mean he still isn't accountable for them.

Lauren has not performed his duty as a moderator and has shown a rules-violating bias towards Jim. Because it is his job as a moderator to hold Jim accountable for this and to keep him honest. Lauren showed a complete lack of discernment when he said, in post #56 of the lunchroom thread, "that it is possible to say that LHO was on the first floor at the time of the killing of JFK without having to say that LHO was the Prayer Individual." That judgment was incorrect, because Kamp very clearly committed to Oswald being Prayerman on the Depository landing and therefore not being on the 2nd floor at all. Lauren has yet to acknowledge this. What Jim is asking us to accept is like some Weimar Germany reviewer praising Mein Kampf, but not being held accountable for that because his excerpts excluded the part about eliminating the Jews. Because of Lauren's mis-moderation, Jim is allowed to get away with things no one else would.

Lauren should re-familiarize himself with site rules #1, #13 and #14. Rule #1 clearly disallows Jim from promoting the already-disproven PrayerMan claim. It prohibits disinformation and wrong evidence. Not only is PrayerMan disproven by the Doyle height argument, but the Davidson enhancement strongly suggests that this individual has the face of a woman. It is not Albert's fault that Jim & Lauren are not competent enough to acknowledge this scientific and honest evidence. Science, Einstein once remarked, is only the extension of everyday common sense. Rule #13 asks that ALL members be treated equally, even those who might be looked upon as outsiders, but who happen to present good, honest scientific evidence. Rule #14 encourages members to argue this kind of good evidence and gives them the right to do so robustly, as long as analysis & evidence are provided.

Lauren broke rule #14 by disallowing Doyle's correct challenge to Jim's endorsement of Kamp's bogus analysis of Carolyn Arnold's statement, and Kamp's endorsement of FBI lies and alteration of evidence. Kamp is lying about this in order to remove witnessing that disproves his PrayerMan and lunchroom claims and Jim is enabling that deception. Sean Murphy got it wrong, not Earl Golz. And Jim whines that our complaints are censoring ROKC, forgetting that Dawn Meredith & Lauren Johnson banned them from Deep Politics for good reason. Just because Jim DiEugenio is falling for ROKC's mullarkey, is no reason to turn Deep Politics into an ROKC proxy website. If you want a sympathetic ear, Jim, why don't you start posting there again?

Where the heck is Albert Doyle? - Peter Lemkin - 25-09-2017

Do all of you realize how childish and churlish you are being - how petty too - and in so being lowering the level of debate here on JFK and in general to a grade school food fight. Doyle did not register in his real name and has been lucky to not having been shown the 'door' for that alone. As far as I know he is off moderation, but not posting - go figure. How does any of this old-person or childish bickering advance anything related to issues of importance on the JFK case. It is self-indulgent, selfish, mostly irrelevant and ego driven / divisive claptrap sadly all too common in the JFK forums. It is usually, IMHO, indulged in by those who see the assassination in Dallas as a 'who done it' mystery and not as the coup d'etat that it was - thus freeing them from having to do anything with the implications of the coup that is still in control...and leaving them to feel they can continue the petty fights about interesting [to some], but ultimately much less important aspects than who ordered it, arranged it, funded it and covered it up - and why. Too many are still playing in the Plaza ONLY and can't see what was going on in Mexico City, in D.C., in Miami, in Rome, in NATO, in Chicago, in L.A., in L.V., (and one could go on), with the several assassination plots against JFK in the months before, of the policies and morality of JFK that his opposites on morality and policy hated, of how it changed the US and the World, of how we lost our democracy in Dallas that day, of the international, military, JCS, NSA, COG, and other connections. This is low debate - if it be debate at all. This is below the standards we expect and will tolerate very long on this forum. Many other JFK forums thrive on this kind of juvenile spitball fighting. We will not.

Where the heck is Albert Doyle? - LR Trotter - 25-09-2017

Peter Lemkin Wrote:Do all of you realize how childish and churlish you are being - how petty too - and in so being lowering the level of debate here on JFK and in general to a grade school food fight. Doyle did not register in his real name and has been lucky to not having been shown the 'door' for that alone. As far as I know he is off moderation, but not posting - go figure. How does any of this old-person or childish bickering advance anything related to issues of importance on the JFK case. It is self-indulgent, selfish, mostly irrelevant and ego driven / divisive claptrap sadly all too common in the JFK forums. It is usually, IMHO, indulged in by those who see the assassination in Dallas as a 'who done it' mystery and not as the coup d'etat that it was - thus freeing them from having to do anything with the implications of the coup that is still in control...and leaving them to feel they can continue the petty fights about interesting [to some], but ultimately much less important aspects than who ordered it, arranged it, funded it and covered it up - and why. Too many are still playing in the Plaza ONLY and can't see what was going on in Mexico City, in D.C., in Miami, in Rome, in NATO, in Chicago, in L.A., in L.V., (and one could go on), with the several assassination plots against JFK in the months before, of the policies and morality of JFK that his opposites on morality and policy hated, of how it changed the US and the World, of how we lost our democracy in Dallas that day, of the international, military, JCS, NSA, COG, and other connections. This is low debate - if it be debate at all. This is below the standards we expect and will tolerate very long on this forum. Many other JFK forums thrive on this kind of juvenile spitball fighting. We will not.

It is my understanding that Mr Doyle has been unable to post for some months now, and when attempting, even quite recently, he received a moderator cue message, and his post did not go through. So, apparently, someone is in error about his posting ability.

Where the heck is Albert Doyle? - Richard Gilbride - 01-10-2017

"But all remained unchanged"

- Franz Kafka's concluding sentence for his short story "The Burrow"

Despite Doyle's correct discernment that DiEugenio's endorsement of Kamp's essay more resembled a sales gimmick than any objective method for ascertaining Oswald's whereabouts, Doyle's resultant suspension has dragged on and on, over 5 months now. This thread has also exposed the moderators' disregard for the Deep Politics forum rules and their pronounced bias toward DiEugenio.

Peter Lemkin's attempt to strawman this particular debate into juvenile misconduct and ignorance of the wider organized conspiracy fails to cover up Jim's misrepresentation of Bart's essay.

The reconstruction of the TSBD crime scene- which was central to this conspiracy- requires earnest, hard-nosed, sober-minded investigators- people in the mold of the HSCA's Jack Moriarty, Robert Buras and L.J. Delsa. People who when they evaluate evidence can eliminate certain possibilities​, and further crystallize their thinking. You don't get that with the regressive thinkers of the Murphyite cult.

Where the heck is Albert Doyle? - Peter Lemkin - 02-10-2017

The moderators are not a single being, nor do they share the same view on many situations. We do not comment on arguments, but on civility, adult and advanced behaviors befitting this forum, as well as enforcing the rules. If any feel the rules have been infringed you have to push the 'report' triangle at the bottom of the post to notify a moderator [many of us ignore many of these 'food fight JFK threads', so will NOT have read what has been written. Any such report will be investigated...but be aware that crying 'Wolf' repeatedly will also be considered an infraction - although a few times will not be. As one can see Doyle, I believe Brian Doyle, can and always could have posted but chose not to, rather to complain and cause disruption on the forum and among moderators - even getting his friends to post for him, rather than post for himself. There is a difference between disagreeing with someone on a subject and not being able to convince them of your point of view and trashing them personally/ attacking them personally. Please keep it civil. I can only speak for myself, but I have no favorites among posters and researchers. I, like all others have points of view / analyses of the facts I believe over others - but I try to not let that effect my moderation. Other moderators will have to speak for themselves. We here at TDPF also do not like that this feud is taking/has taken place on multiple forums - cross posting on other/multiple forums is not considered 'kosher' for several reasons. Keep it on one forum and keep it civil. I find it telling that Doyle chose only to post a testing post without substance. Increasingly, I feel much of this and related threads are designed by some to sow general disruption and the naming of specific names is only a ruse. Trust me, the range of personal viewpoints of the moderators is large, but again we do not moderate based on how close or far from our own views on issues the posts or threads are. Gratuitous attacks on moderators are no less agreggious than attacks on regular posters, so please keep that in mind.

Where the heck is Albert Doyle? - Peter Lemkin - 02-10-2017

The moderators are not a single being, nor do they share the same view on many situations. We do not comment on arguments, but on civility, adult and advanced behaviors befitting this forum, as well as enforcing the rules. If any feel the rules have been infringed you have to push the 'report' triangle at the bottom of the post to notify a moderator [many of us ignore many of these 'food fight JFK threads', so will NOT have read what has been written. Any such report will be investigated...but be aware that crying 'Wolf' repeatedly will also be considered an infraction - although a few times will not be. As one can see Doyle, I believe Brian Doyle, can and always could have posted but chose not to, rather to complain and cause disruption on the forum and among moderators - even getting his friends to post for him, rather than post for himself. There is a difference between disagreeing with someone on a subject and not being able to convince them of your point of view and trashing them personally/ attacking them personally. Please keep it civil. I can only speak for myself, but I have no favorites among posters and researchers. I, like all others have points of view / analyses of the facts I believe over others - but I try to not let that effect my moderation. Other moderators will have to speak for themselves. We here at TDPF also do not like that this feud is taking/has taken place on multiple forums - cross posting on other/multiple forums is not considered 'kosher' for several reasons. Keep it on one forum and keep it civil. I find it telling that Doyle chose only to post a testing post without substance. Increasingly, I feel much of this and related threads are designed by some to sow general disruption and the naming of specific names is only a ruse. Trust me, the range of personal viewpoints of the moderators is large, but again we do not moderate based on how close or far from our own views on issues the posts or threads are. Gratuitous attacks on moderators are no less egregious than attacks on regular posters, so please keep that in mind.