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Jim DiEugenio: Not to be Trusted |
03-11-2023, 04:10 PM |
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Jim DiEugenio: Not to be Trusted |
Deep Politics Forum
JFK Assassination
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Jim DiEugenio has recently penned a glowing review of Bart Kamp's new book PrayerMan: More than just a Fuzzy Picture (at I have adamant disagreements with several items in this review- where DiEugenio supports Kamp's sophistic analysis- which might not be apparent to the unassuming reader. Thus the need for this rebuttal.
Item #1) Jim tells us "Kamp begins the analysis by questioning whether or not motorcycle policeman Marrion Baker did directly go up the front stairs to the depository as many have postulated. Under analysis, Baker appears to walk past the steps and past supervisor Roy Truly. I will not go into that entire discussion at this point. I will just say that it leads to a questioning of whether or not the second floor lunchroom episode actually happened."
Postulated? For crying out loud, secretary Pauline Sanders, who was up on the landing, told the FBI on November 24th that a white-helmeted police officer ran into the Depository 10 seconds after the shots. This is a hard witness statement that Jim and Bart and the entire cadre of Sophists choose to ignore, in order to fantasize that there was some kind of delay to Baker's entering the building.
Kamp, in his first lunchroom hoax essay, attempted to undermine Sanders' credibility by showing hearsay she reported, mistakenly. There was a whirlwind of misinformation just after the assassination and it was very easy to get swept along in gossip, in a muddled recounting of what was imagined to have happened. Sanders not only made an honest error, she honestly recounted seeing the white-helmeted Officer Baker run right into the Depository.
Item #2) "For those who are not familiar with that controversy, please read about it here (with a link to excerpts from Kamp's first lunchroom hoax essay). Suffice it to say that Bart kamp brought up many interesting details that do bring this alleged incident into doubt. Because after reading that link, one has to wonder: Did Baker actually stop another man on the 3rd or 4th floor, as he mentioned in his first day affidavit? And if they did not sight Oswald in the second-floor encounter, where was Oswald really?"
The link is to one of the sloppiest pieces of Kennedy scholarship ever to come down the pike. Although supposedly fact-checked, I found two dozen egregious errors in Kamp's analysis in my critique Death of the Lunchroom Hoax. And fairly wondered whether John Barleycorn had fueled his runaway cherry-picking.
If Mr. DiEugenio ever read my 2018 essay, he would learn that every single item of lunchroom evidence has a mundane, phenomenon-supportive interpretation. The filmed interviews, Marvin Johnson's report, Alfred Goldberg's September 23rd request to get signed statements from Truly & Baker, and Carolyn Arnold's 12:25 sighting are all superstrong indicators that the incident actually occurred.
Baker had never been in the Depository before and his clueless layout description about encountering a man on "the 3rd or 4th floor.... walking away from the stairway" was written at the tail end of the affidavit, after 6 lawmen escorting Oswald had barged into the small interrogation room at the back of the Homicide Office. "3rd or 4th floor" man simply vanished into thin air, and as a hypothesis it has produced nothing substantive- it has not provided a single criminological solution that leads anywhere (see Death of the Lunchroom Hoax, p. 17). It is a dead-end that implies that the lunchroom hoax is an artifical construct, a plastic tree of a hypothesis that will never yield any fruit.
Item #3) "On the back of this evidence the author first makes the case for PrayerMan being Oswald. He does this largely by a process of elimination."
This is the same systemic error made by the founder of PrayerManology, that rascal Sean Murphy. He assumed that everyone had prefect recall about where they were as the motorcade passed, even 4 months later in their FBI statements. He never consulted Thomas Kelley's report that Oswald denied watching the parade. And he never made a height argument- and today we still have no legitimate height argument that vouches for the 5' 9" Oswald.
On top of Kamp's sorry-ass sophistry is our knowledge that Hosty's belatedly-discovered notes, about how Oswald "went outside to watch P. Parade", actually describe what Oswald did 3 or 4 minutes after the assassination. They cannot be cherry-picked from the interrogators' data set and portrayed as notes that on their own give us the truth about Oswald's whereabouts (see the section A Clever Sophist Lie in my recent essay Elevators Tell No Lies).
Item #4) "It is stunning to behold because what Baker mentioned [in his affidavit] is not anything like the incident described by the Commission. At that time Baker mentioned going up the stairs with Truly and upon reaching the third or fourth floor he saw someone walking away from the stairway. Truly said he worked there, so Baker let him go. There is nothing about seeing Oswald through the window of the lunchroom. There is nothing about him holding a Coke. They were not even in a room."
Mr. DiEugenio has been whining for years about Baker's reticent affidavit, and his failure to identify Oswald while in that small interrogation room. But Baker immediately told Marvin Johnson that he recognized the man. There was no question that the man Baker had encountered "walking away from the stairway" was the same man who was brought into that small back room at the Homicide Bureau.
What Jim needs to assimilate is Wesley Frazier's 2021 admission that Truly & Baker had seen a half-eaten cheese sandwich and an apple on one of the lunchroom tables. Meaning that Baker had realized that Oswald had been in that lunchroom all along- he couldn't have been up on the roof shooting at the President. This is why he held pertinent details about their encounter close to his vest. He knew that the guy under arrest was not an assassin.
Item #5) "I won't go into all the details, but the author fingers people like policeman Marvin Johnson for changing Baker's first-day affidavit and saying that Baker saw Oswald in a lineup, which Baker denied."
The first part of this statement is a flat-out lie. Johnson did not change Baker's affidavit. What he did was add a major embellishment when he submitted his own report to Chief Curry 4 days later, claiming that Baker had identified the suspect while in that small interrogation room.
Item #6) "What the writer is saying is rather radical, but he has evidence to support it. It is this: the second-floor lunch meeting between Baker, Truly and Oswald was invented- probably between FBI agent Nat Pinkston and Truly- in order to deprive Oswald of a sure-fire alibi."
But Jim is pulling your leg, because Bart doesn't have any evidence to support his incubus of pseudo-truth. Not objective evidence as verifiable by the scientific method. What he uses instead is sophistic cherry-picking that ignores counterarguments and advances his lunchroom hoax thesis as a given, rather than as an unknown to be discovered. And he discards every inconvenient truth that stands in the way of his merry thesis.
It is the same with his corollary incubus, PrayerMan, which has been dead, double-dead and triple-dead the past 10 years. All that NBC films is capable of doing is revealing that Bart Kamp and his followers are mentally ill. They are incapable of processing information that flat-out disproves their silly idea that Oswald was on the landing as the motorcade passed the building.
And DiEugenio is playing the political game as usual, attempting to ingratiate himself with the ROKC substance-abuse brigade and their EdForum counterparts. If he can help keep the incubus on life support, at least in appearance, he lends justification to their years of misbegotten analysis. For Jim, this has always been about, "How's this going to reflect on me?" He isn't interested in hearing about how Oswald was in the 2nd-floor lunchroom during the shooting, or how the killers escaped via the west freight elevator.
DiEugenio is less interested in the truth than in his own perceived political power. Which prospers among the Sophists in the town arena. But the right-angled thinking of Plato and Demosthenes outlived every last Sophist. |
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