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Jim DiEugenio: Not to be Trusted
Jim DiEugenio has recently penned a glowing review of Bart  Kamp's new book PrayerMan: More than just a Fuzzy Picture (at I have adamant disagreements with several items in this review-  where DiEugenio supports Kamp's sophistic analysis-  which might not be apparent to the unassuming reader. Thus the need for this rebuttal.

Item #1)  Jim tells us "Kamp begins the analysis by questioning whether or not motorcycle policeman Marrion Baker did directly go up the front stairs to the depository as many have postulated. Under analysis, Baker appears to walk past the steps and past supervisor Roy Truly. I will not go into that entire discussion at this point. I will just say that it leads to a questioning of whether or not the second floor lunchroom episode actually happened."

Postulated? For crying out loud, secretary Pauline Sanders, who was up on the landing, told the FBI on November 24th that a white-helmeted police officer ran into the Depository 10 seconds after the shots. This is a hard witness statement that Jim and Bart and the entire cadre of Sophists choose to ignore, in order to fantasize that there was some kind of delay to Baker's entering the building.

Kamp, in his first lunchroom hoax essay, attempted to undermine Sanders' credibility by showing hearsay she reported, mistakenly. There was a whirlwind of misinformation just after the assassination and it was very easy to get swept along in gossip, in a muddled recounting of what was imagined to have happened. Sanders not only made an honest error, she honestly recounted seeing the white-helmeted Officer Baker run right into the Depository.

Item #2)  "For those who are not familiar with that controversy, please read about it here (with a link to excerpts from Kamp's first lunchroom hoax essay). Suffice it to say that Bart kamp brought up many interesting details that do bring this alleged incident into doubt. Because after reading that link, one has to wonder: Did Baker actually stop another man on the 3rd or 4th floor, as he mentioned in his first day affidavit? And if they did not sight Oswald in the second-floor encounter, where was Oswald really?"

The link is to one of the sloppiest pieces of Kennedy scholarship ever to come down the pike. Although supposedly fact-checked, I found two dozen egregious errors in Kamp's analysis in my critique Death of the Lunchroom Hoax. And fairly wondered whether John Barleycorn had fueled his runaway cherry-picking.

If Mr. DiEugenio ever read my 2018 essay, he would learn that every single item of lunchroom evidence has a mundane, phenomenon-supportive interpretation. The filmed interviews, Marvin Johnson's report, Alfred Goldberg's September 23rd request to get signed statements from Truly & Baker, and Carolyn Arnold's 12:25 sighting are all superstrong indicators that the incident actually occurred.

Baker had never been in the Depository before and his clueless layout description about encountering a man on "the 3rd or 4th floor.... walking away from the stairway" was written at the tail end of the affidavit, after 6 lawmen escorting Oswald had barged into the small interrogation room at the back of the Homicide Office. "3rd or 4th floor" man simply vanished into thin air, and as a hypothesis it has produced nothing substantive-  it has not provided a single criminological solution that leads anywhere (see Death of the Lunchroom Hoax, p. 17). It is a dead-end that implies that the lunchroom hoax is an artifical construct, a plastic tree of a hypothesis that will never yield any fruit.

Item #3) "On the back of this evidence the author first makes the case for PrayerMan being Oswald. He does this largely by a process of elimination."

This is the same systemic error made by the founder of PrayerManology, that rascal Sean Murphy. He assumed that everyone had prefect recall about where they were as the motorcade passed, even 4 months later in their FBI statements. He never consulted Thomas Kelley's report that Oswald denied watching the parade. And he never made a height argument-  and today we still have no legitimate height argument that vouches for the 5' 9" Oswald.

On top of Kamp's sorry-ass sophistry is our knowledge that Hosty's belatedly-discovered notes, about how Oswald "went outside to watch P. Parade", actually describe what Oswald did 3 or 4 minutes after the assassination. They cannot be cherry-picked from the interrogators' data set and portrayed as notes that on their own give us the truth about Oswald's whereabouts (see the section A Clever Sophist Lie in my recent essay Elevators Tell No Lies).

Item #4)  "It is stunning to behold because what Baker mentioned [in his affidavit] is not anything like the incident described by the Commission. At that time Baker mentioned going up the stairs with Truly and upon reaching the third or fourth floor he saw someone walking away from the stairway. Truly said he worked there, so Baker let him go. There is nothing about seeing Oswald through the window of the lunchroom. There is nothing about him holding a Coke. They were not even in a room."

Mr. DiEugenio has been whining for years about Baker's reticent affidavit, and his failure to identify Oswald while in that small interrogation room. But Baker immediately told Marvin Johnson that he recognized the man. There was no question that the man Baker had encountered "walking away from the stairway" was the same man who was brought into that small back room at the Homicide Bureau.

What Jim needs to assimilate is Wesley Frazier's 2021 admission that Truly & Baker had seen a half-eaten cheese sandwich and an apple on one of the lunchroom tables. Meaning that Baker had realized that Oswald had been in that lunchroom all along-  he couldn't have been up on the roof shooting at the President. This is why he held pertinent details about their encounter close to his vest. He knew that the guy under arrest was not an assassin.

Item #5)  "I won't go into all the details, but the author fingers people like policeman Marvin Johnson for changing Baker's first-day affidavit and saying that Baker saw Oswald in a lineup, which Baker denied."

The first part of this statement is a flat-out lie. Johnson did not change Baker's affidavit. What he did was add a major embellishment when he submitted his own report to Chief Curry 4 days later, claiming that Baker had identified the suspect while in that small interrogation room.

Item #6)  "What the writer is saying is rather radical, but he has evidence to support it. It is this: the second-floor lunch meeting between Baker, Truly and Oswald was invented-  probably between FBI agent Nat Pinkston and Truly-  in order to deprive Oswald of a sure-fire alibi."

But Jim is pulling your leg, because Bart doesn't have any evidence to support his incubus of pseudo-truth. Not objective evidence as verifiable by the scientific method. What he uses instead is sophistic cherry-picking that ignores counterarguments and advances his lunchroom hoax thesis as a given, rather than as an unknown to be discovered. And he discards every inconvenient truth that stands in the way of his merry thesis.

It is the same with his corollary incubus, PrayerMan, which has been dead, double-dead and triple-dead the past 10 years. All that NBC films is capable of doing is revealing that Bart Kamp and his followers are mentally ill. They are incapable of processing information that flat-out disproves their silly idea that Oswald was on the landing as the motorcade passed the building.

And DiEugenio is playing the political game as usual, attempting to ingratiate himself with the ROKC substance-abuse brigade and their EdForum counterparts. If he can help keep the incubus on life support, at least in appearance, he lends justification to their years of misbegotten analysis. For Jim, this has always been about, "How's this going to reflect on me?" He isn't interested in hearing about how Oswald was in the 2nd-floor lunchroom during the shooting, or how the killers escaped via the west freight elevator.

DiEugenio is less interested in the truth than in his own perceived political power. Which prospers among the Sophists in the town arena. But the right-angled thinking of Plato and Demosthenes outlived every last Sophist.

The moderation of this website are equally guilty because they enable Jim DiEugenio's wrongdoing automatically while giving one star ratings to those of us who are doing the job they should be doing by the site's own rules...I guarantee if Jim D came in here and posted that glowing review, of what turns out to be one of the most notiorious disinformation works in research history, that it would get a five star rating and positive feedback from those same moderators...JFK research has flown off the spool because of the aforementioned individuals and their falling away from strict practices...

We know the 2nd Floor Lunch Room Encounter is real because Mrs Garner and Bonnie Ray Williams both gave accounts that positively witnessed Truly & Baker emerging on the 4th and 5th Floors in synch with its timing...Mrs Garner said Truly and THE cop emerged after Adams & Styles descended...The timing of that proves that the Lunch Room Encounter was real...The only way Mrs Garner could witness Truly & Baker emerging after Adams & Styles descended is if Truly & Baker had just come from the 2nd Floor in perfect timing with the Encounter...Kamp and DiEugenio just ignore this and then use convincing persuasion to try to get around it...

Bonnie Ray Williams said he saw a white motorcycle helmet emerge above the boxes on the 5th Floor...Williams then added that because he realized that the cop whose helmet he saw had just searched the floors below those floors were therefore safe and the negro workers could descend...Bonnie Ray and the other negro workers then ran down to the 4th Floor windows where they were witnessed by the other employees who were there...The timing of this also perfectly synchronizes with Truly & Baker having passed the 2nd Floor at the exact time of the Lunch Room Encounter...Again - the scoundrels Kamp & DiEugenio ignore this...

Lastly, Oswald himself, as well as Truly & Baker, told of the Encounter's real-ness...It is foolish for the research community to not realize that Kamp & Murphy made up the Lunch Room Encounter Hoax because they knew that Oswald not being out of breath in the 2nd Floor Lunch Room made Prayer Man very unlikely...This is so stupid it is crazy - but we are talking about people who are making JFK research an extension of themselves and their preferred sense of comfort while calling themselves credible...We are, unfortunately, talking about the JFK internet descending in to a clique where friendships are the rule instead of skilled research and evidence...

It never dawns on DiEugenio's dull brow that the reason Baker did not include the details of the 2nd Floor Lunch Room Encounter in his 1st Day Affidavit is because the conspiracy was on and Baker knew he had witnessed Oswald being in there during the assassination and therefore exonerated him...The two hustlers DiEugenio and Kamp are trying to con you that Baker omitted the Encounter from his affidavit because it never happened and Oswald wasn't there because he was on the front steps as Prayer Man...DiEugenio never considers the more evidence-based scenario where Baker omits the Encounter not because Oswald wasn't there but because he WAS and it exonerated him...If Carolyn Arnold saw Oswald eating lunch then Truly & Baker also saw that same partly-eaten cheese sandwich and apple on the table too...That's why Baker broke off and ran upstairs without saying a word because he too saw the partly-eaten lunch and realized Oswald was in there during the assassination...Baker also saw Oswald standing still in the Vestibule window looking out at the staircase landing...He knew Oswald had gotten up from his lunch to go look at the staircase landing...

Because of DiEugenio's obstruction we do not ever get to the more exotic possible evidence of another person being witnessed on the 3rd Floor landing by Truly & Baker and covered-up...The people keeping DiEugenio honest then get dunned and the best evidence never gets discussed...

Baker appears to veer away from the steps at the last moment due to edge of lens distortion on Darnell's camera...If Darnell kept filming we would see Baker run right up and in to the Depository...The people Kamp quotes as having not seen Baker can be seen in the Darnell clip as having their backs turned to the front door...

This resolving of the evidence cracks the case...The reaction of this website and DiEugenio is to attack myself and Gilbride in order to back one of the most notorious evidence trolls on the JFK internet...

Jim D is an arrogant son of a bitch...He won't come in to this fair playing field thread and answer this because he is a dirty creature of corruption who sees himself as being above answering for his obvious failures...He now sides with and exploits the corruption of the Education Forum that this forum was originally formed in opposition to...He relies on the mods being his servile shills and so far that seems to be a dependable bet...
Jim is so confident in his automatic approval by his sycophants that he gets sloppy...You see, once you have total domination by means of approval from the moderators and members then it really doesn't matter how tight your material is...I wonder if people caught this clumsy mistake by Jim below:

Quote:Item #2)  "For those who are not familiar with that controversy, please read about it here (with a link to excerpts from Kamp's first lunchroom hoax essay). Suffice it to say that Bart kamp brought up many interesting details that do bring this alleged incident into doubt. Because after reading that link, one has to wonder: Did Baker actually stop another man on the 3rd or 4th floor, as he mentioned in his first day affidavit? And if they did not sight Oswald in the second-floor encounter, where was Oswald really?"

Jim is so bent on approving everything Kamp writes without any intelligent scrutiny that he doesn't notice that for Truly & Baker to encounter another man on the 3rd Floor landing would require that Baker ran right in and went upstairs...This is a stupid mistake by DiEugenio but he doesn't care because he knows none of the clique will ever hold him accountable or even notice...What it really shows is that Jim just deals in internal research community politics and doesn't really believe what he writes himself...In other words, he knows Baker ran right in and the encounter was real...

Let's look at what Jim DiEugenio is asking us to believe...He is asking us to take the word of a punk researcher who is still promoting a long-debunked theory right in the face of conclusive evidence in order to uphold a theory that any researcher with common sense would know was invented in order to bolster Oswald being on the front steps...The only reason the Lunch Room Encounter is being denied is because the Prayer Man people know Oswald being in the 2nd Floor Lunch Room not out of breath made Prayer Man very unlikely...Kamp is a solid citizen of Greg Parker's ROKC troll farm and its crazy evidence mangling...In fact the Prayer Man theory first originated from the evidence-hacking troll Greg Parker...So DiEugenio is asking us to believe that even though Baker said he saw pigeons fly off the Depository roof and thought the shots came from there...And even though Baker parked his motorcycle in front of the Depository entrance and ran straight towards it...And even though Truly can be seen tracking Baker as he ran by - and told of himself going in there too - that somehow all of this, that we can see with our own two eyes, didn't happen and we are to turn our minds and intelligence over to one of the biggest nut forums on the internet at Jim's recommendation...And all this is without even mentioning that Jim told me that I had shown Prayer Man was Sarah Stanton's chubby shape...

This insult to the intelligence of DPF members is done without a word from the DPF moderators who seem to approve of anything that comes from DiEugenio...Jim didn't post that review over here because he doesn't believe it himself...Jim puts those who call his BS on block and never answers their correct criticism...

Karen Westbrook told Stephen Fagin that Mrs Reid told her of seeing Oswald walk through the 2nd Floor Offices shortly after it happened...So that makes a third witness, besides Mrs Garner and Bonnie Ray Williams, who confirmed the timing of the Encounter...And we also have Bookhout, Fritz, and Hosty...All three mentioned the 2nd Floor Lunch Room Encounter (When Officer Came In) at the start of their notes...
DiEugenio has been staying away from the Deep Politics Board because he only posts where he controls the moderatorship and therefore membership...Jim prefers not to post on forums where he has to honestly answer for his highly-flawed claims...There's a certain arrogance to that that violates the commonly accepted definition of objective academic rigor...In fact Jim doesn't hesitate to violate just about every pretense of honest addressment that he has spent decades professing...Jim stays away from this board because part of his strategy is to sell himself and his demands to websites as an inclusive package...Jim demands who is allowed to post research and who isn't and just by coincidence those whom he demands be removed just so happen to be the same people who correctly called him out on his bad claims...Don't fail to understand what Jim is doing...He's blackmailing Deep Politics and denying his presence as long as myself and Gilbride are allowed to fairly point-out what Jim is trying to get away with...This situation automatically incurs the original premise that DPF was set up to counter the unfair corruption of the Education Forum and its hostile, unaccountable moderatorship...Again - don't fail to understand what Jim is doing...He's choosing the Education Forum over DPF and is intentionally promoting its corruption over DPF's commitment to fair rules and fair debate and vetting of truth...Jim is prostituting his popularity and denying it to those who demand he follow honest evidence analysis rules that are equally applied to everyone...The evidence always comes first in credible research - but Jim doesn't think that applies to himself and is allowed to get away with blackmail and silence...You could not challenge me in public like I am challenging Jim and not have me respond...The pathetic thing about this is Jim knows he is guilty...That's why he doesn't answer...It's just that he thinks he can buy his way out of it with favoritism and moderator cronyism...Jim thinks he is above answering the serious harm he has caused to good research by backing Bart Kamp and his bogus claim that the 2nd Floor Lunch Room Encounter never happened while endorsing Mrs Garner seeing Truly & Baker emerge on the 4th Floor at the same time...Credible research knows those two things can't exist in the same space...Jim DiEugenio thinks they can and that he doesn't owe anyone any explanation while he seeks to get them banned for daring question the king of clicks...Him and the uncredible moderators who back him with similar silence where silence is only uncredibility...It is only consent and relinquishment to the Education Forum and its bastard mods...All this is is putting them in charge by default and failure to follow the original premise of the Deep Politics Board...
DiEugenio is over on the Education Forum pretending to be perplexed about Sirhan Lawyer Bill Pepper's death being ignored by the media...

DiEugenio is the same sanctimonious hypocrite who praised Gordon for banning me and ignored my break-through discovery of Sarah Stanton witnessing Oswald on the 2nd Floor staircase outside the 2nd Floor Lunch Room...

Jim never recognized my Prayer Man evidence but he is now on the EF posing himself as a researcher who is shocked by the intentional ignoring of important assassination achievements...
On the contrary, Mr. Doyle, there is nothing real about the phantom encounter in the 2nd floor lunchroom. 

That creation is nothing more than horse manure amid a hastily contrived script to frame an innocent party (the wrongly-accused). Once again, your "evidence" is flawed. Facts matter, Mr. Doyle, make believe is akin to the exploits of the "magic-bullet". Scripts, "magic-bullets" and fairytales aren't facts, Mr. Doyle.
You're just trolling nay-say rhetoric Alan...

This board used to have a rule of no trolls or Lone Nutters...And especially no Greg Parker proxies posting ROKC's troll farm material...

The Lunch Room Encounter was real...I debated Greg Parker on the unmoderated McAdams Alt.Conspiracy.JFK website...Greg tried to lie and say the cop seen with Truly by Mrs Garner was actually Lumpkin...When I showed Greg's own researcher Linda Zambanini's proof that Lumpkin did not arrive at the Depository until 12:50, and therefore could not be the cop seen by Garner, Greg quit the debate and ran off back to his censorship-protected troll farm...Greg never admitted that once the cop was proven to be Baker that therefore the timing of Garner's witnessing forced the Lunch Room Encounter to be real...Truly & Baker had passed the 2nd Floor Lunch Room at the time of the Lunch Room Encounter according to the evidence Parker badly failed to disprove...ROKC was a COINTELPRO-like disinformation site whose purpose was to rat-fuck the evidence...DiEugenio ignores the intentional disinformation that is promoted on that site and gives them positive review...The Education Forum gives free access to ROKC's nay-say trolls...A Prayer Man shill was made administrator...

Bonnie Ray Williams saw Baker's helmet emerge above the boxes on the 5th Floor in sync with Baker passing the 2nd Floor Lunch Room at the time of the Encounter...

The employees at the 4th Floor windows saw Bonnie Ray and the other negro workers arrive at the 4th Floor windows in sync with Bonnie Ray's sighting of Baker...

Mrs Garner said that Truly and "THE" cop were the first people to come up the stairs after the girls descended...When Garner used the specific word "The" she was referencing Baker because by the time of her statement Truly & Baker's trip up the stairs was well known and that is why she specifically said "THE" cop because she was specifically referring to Baker...

Oswald also confirmed the Encounter...

Holmes confirmed the Encounter because Oswald "Went Downstairs" from the 2nd Floor Lunch Room to the Lobby...

The only reason the Encounter was doubted is because the Prayer Man disinformationists knew that Oswald being seen in the 2nd Floor Lunch Room made the likelihood that he was Prayer Man unlikely...That's what the Prayer Man trolls do...When the evidence goes against Prayer Man they hack the evidence (like Parker did with Lumpkin) and corrupt the websites discussing it...The moderators assist them and punish the researchers with the correct evidence...

If I was moderator Alan I would boot you right now...

The ethnicity of "Ford" is English not Irish...Which means you are probably using a troll handle...
(12-04-2024, 05:10 PM)Brian Doyle Wrote: You're just trolling nay-say rhetoric Alan...

You're just being duped by a hastily contrived script to frame an innocent party (the wrongly-accused). 
This board used to have a rule of no trolls or Lone Nutters...And especially no Greg Parker proxies posting ROKC's troll farm material...

Mr. Parker's exemplary research is more than capable of getting his key points across without any help. No great surprise considering the brilliant research he has shared over the years. 

The Lunch Room Encounter was real...I debated Greg Parker on the unmoderated McAdams Alt.Conspiracy.JFK website...Greg tried to lie and say the cop seen with Truly by Mrs Garner was actually Lumpkin...When I showed Greg's own researcher Linda Zambanini's proof that Lumpkin did not arrive at the Depository until 12:50, and therefore could not be the cop seen by Garner, Greg quit the debate and ran off back to his censorship-protected troll farm...Greg never admitted that once the cop was proven to be Baker that therefore the timing of Garner's witnessing forced the Lunch Room Encounter to be real...Truly & Baker had passed the 2nd Floor Lunch Room at the time of the Lunch Room Encounter according to the evidence Parker badly failed to disprove...ROKC was a COINTELPRO-like disinformation site whose purpose was to rat-fuck the evidence...DiEugenio ignores the intentional disinformation that is promoted on that site and gives them positive review...The Education Forum gives free access to ROKC's nay-say trolls...A Prayer Man shill was made administrator...
No, on the contrary, Mr. Doyle, the phantom lunchroom encounter was mired knee deep in a hastily contrived script to frame an innocent party (the wrongly-accused). In fact, Baker's same day affidavit never speaks of such an encounter, because it didn't happen until a hastily contrived script was crafted to frame the wrongly-accused. 
Bonnie Ray Williams saw Baker's helmet emerge above the boxes on the 5th Floor in sync with Baker passing the 2nd Floor Lunch Room at the time of the Encounter...

Did Mr. Williams (Bonnie Ray) specifically identify Baker as the officer donning the white motorcycle helmet? No, he did not. Keep crafting your "evidence", Mr. Doyle, amid your self-serving agenda. I will respectfully withdraw this comment IF (note big if, Mr. Doyle) you can demonstrate where and when Mr. Williams (Bonnie Ray) did in fact specifically identify Baker as the officer donning the white motorcycle helmet. You cannot do that, Mr. Doyle, can you? There's a reason for that (you're surmising again). 

The employees at the 4th Floor windows saw Bonnie Ray and the other negro workers arrive at the 4th Floor windows in sync with Bonnie Ray's sighting of Baker...

On the contrary, Mr. Doyle, Mr. Williams (Bonnie Ray Williams) never shared in his testimony that he and his coworkers remained upstairs long enough to see a white helmeted motorcycle officer arrive in tandem with Mr. Truly (Roy). You are reaching again, and like always never seem to have specific, irrefutable facts to back up your assumptions mired in a self-serving narrative. Facts matter, Mr. Doyle, they trump your assumptions sir. 

Mrs Garner said that Truly and "THE" cop were the first people to come up the stairs after the girls descended...When Garner used the specific word "The" she was referencing Baker because by the time of her statement Truly & Baker's trip up the stairs was well known and that is why she specifically said "THE" cop because she was specifically referring to Baker...

Once again, you are making an assumption that when Mrs. Garner saw Mr. Truly he was with Baker. Here's who Mrs. Garner really saw accompanying Mr. Truly...

Mr. PIPER. I don’t know whether it was a policeman or FBI or who it was, but another fellow was with him.
Mr. BALL. And where were you?
Mr. PIPER. Standing right there where they make coffee.
Mr. BALL. What did they do?
Mr. PIPER. He ran in and yelled, “Where is the elevator?” And I said, “I don’t know, sir, Mr. Truly.”

IF a white motorcycle helmeted officer was with Mr. Truly, I'm sure Mr. Piper would have had no problem knowing the difference between an unmistakable motorcycle officer donning long black-boots & wearing a white helmet... than confuse him with a plainclothes agent of the Bureau in business attire. Keep kidding yourself otherwise, Mr. Doyle. Again, facts matter, not your propensity of making gross assumptions. 

Oswald also confirmed the Encounter...

Lol...Putting words in an innocent man's mouth long after he's dead isn't confirmation of anything, Mr. Doyle, just more evidence of a hastily contrived script mired in the stench of horse manure crafted to frame the wrongly-accused. 

Holmes confirmed the Encounter because Oswald "Went Downstairs" from the 2nd Floor Lunch Room to the Lobby...

Hearsay, Mr. Doyle, mere hearsay. 

The only reason the Encounter was doubted is because the Prayer Man disinformationists knew that Oswald being seen in the 2nd Floor Lunch Room made the likelihood that he was Prayer Man unlikely...That's what the Prayer Man trolls do...When the evidence goes against Prayer Man they hack the evidence (like Parker did with Lumpkin) and corrupt the websites discussing it...The moderators assist them and punish the researchers with the correct evidence...

On the contrary, Baker's same day affidavit disproves the phantom lunch room encounter, which was crafted a day later amid a hastily contrived script to frame the wrongly-accused. 

If I was moderator Alan I would boot you right now...
The ethnicity of "Ford" is English not Irish...Which means you are probably using a troll handle...

Of course, you would I'm demanding you share facts (facts matter) instead of your self-serving false narrative. Don't kid yourself., Mr. Doyle, There are plenty of Fords who made their way to Ireland and, subsequently to the United States as well, where even others were comfortable enough to remain in Ireland as well. 
Facts matter, Mr. Doyle, take a look at Baker's same day affidavit...

There was no mention whatsoever in his same day affidavit about a phantom encounter over in the 2nd floor lunchroom...note the individual he encountered was, quote, "walking away from the stairway", unquote. Let that sink in, Mr. Doyle, facts matter.

The phantom lunchroom encounter was crafted a day later amid a hastily contrived script mired in the stench of horse manure to frame an innocent party (the wrongly-accused). Amazing what some people will say and do for thirty pieces of silver...

"Few men have the virtue to withstand the highest bidder" --- George Washington
You are using trollish wordsmithing to avoid giving any answer what so ever to the fact your troll farm director Parker got caught by his own researcher, Zambanini, fishing for likely candidates to deny the cop seen by Mrs Garner with Truly was Baker...Obviously Parker did his usual evidence-fucking and looked for a bogus figure he could swap in in his obvious make-it-up-as-he-goes-along attempt to deny Mrs Garner's witnessing...You are trolling Alan and you avoided giving any answer to the FACT that once you disprove that cop being Lumpkin, as Parker falsely asserted, then he becomes Baker and therefore proves the Lunch Room Encounter...Parker knew he was nailed dead to rights by myself so he squirmed back to his censorship-protected troll farm and quit the debate - like he did every single time I debated him on McAdams' Newsgroup...Like Parker, you dishonestly dodged the point and tried to troll around it with obnoxious wordsmithing...Once Lumpkin is refuted "THE" cop becomes Baker and in turn proves the Encounter...Garner said "THE" cop instead of "a" cop because she knew she was specifically referring to Baker...

Bonnie Ray saw Baker's helmet emerge above the boxes in sync with the timing for the Lunch Room Encounter...Your questioning that is just you trolling and nothing more...You failed to answer the point that the employees at the 4th Floor windows saw Bonnie Ray and the other negro workers arrive at the 4th Floor windows in sync with the Encounter...

You ROKC troll farm members are dishonest because the true context of Piper's testimony was a black worker was not about to give too much detail if he knew what was good for him...You are a dishonest troll Alan because you ignore the part where Piper said Truly was with a cop...In the meantime a voice stress analysis of Truly & Baker's CBS interview where they told of the Encounter would prove they were not lying...Your trolling ignores the recorded fact of all the pressure put on witnesses in the Depository and the subsequent lack of precise detail that followed...What your trolling is designed to conceal is the fact Piper never said that Truly didn't run in with Baker - which is what stands out the most for credible, non-troll researchers...What that weaseling punk Kamp and his foolish apologist DiEugenio are avoiding admitting is the fact that Baker left the Lunch Room Encounter off his 1st Day Affidavit because he knew it was Oswald's true location during the assassination and it exonerated him...DiEugenio and Kamp are failing to realize that this is evidence of when the cover-up started and they are committing a serious violation against good research under the protection of fools... 

What your Greg Parker-based trolling is doing is ignoring the fact that Buell Frazier recently said on a radio show that an un-named employee told him that a cheese sandwich and apple were seen on the 2nd Floor Lunch Room table after the assassination...That partly-eaten lunch is obviously the same lunch that Carolyn Arnold saw Oswald eating at that same table at 12:25 and corroborates her story...The research community prefers to destroy its own credibility by ignoring the fact that I have discovered one of the most important pieces of evidence in assassination research history in the form of Sarah Stanton's witnessing of Oswald waiting out on the 2nd Floor staircase landing for Mrs Reid to clear out the ladies from the 2nd Floor Lunch Room...This witnessing corroborates Carolyn Arnold and Frazier's witnessing of Oswald eating Lunch in the 2nd Floor Lunch Room like Oswald told Fritz...Because it disproved Prayer Man, the Prayer Man-hijacked Education Forum ignored it and continued to protect people who posted the already-debunked Prayer Man theory...One of the most important evidence discoveries goes ignored by the Education Forum with the moderators saying name-calling is more important than solving the case with no member questioning that absurd lack of accounting or how it erases the best solving of the case...

When I was banned from this forum in 2016 Peter Lemkin said I failed to understand the "ethos" of this forum and that was part of the reason why I was banned...Since then someone has gone in and lobotomized the member-protecting Deep Politics Forum rules that should have protected my good claim and kept me from being banned...The rules were with me in 2016 when I made my protest that my correct evidence was being ignored by the moderators...Under the moderators back then it was ignored and I ended up getting banned for 7 years...Since then they have dropped the previously stated purpose of the site to challenge the unfair moderation at the Education Forum and by doing so, and dropping the DPF rules, have assisted the EF in its mismanagement of JFK research...So those who said they understood the DPF ethos better have since managed to make the board a research desert where intelligent discussion is discouraged and strict silence is enforced...Their interpretation of the DPF's ethos is to gut the site of its previous purpose and engineer a victory for the Education Forum through self-destruction...And now, to add insult to injury, a demented member of the worst troll-type websites (MacRae, ROKC) now has free access to the forum to post his Greg Parker, Bart Kamp-type trolling - as if it wasn't bad enough...James Gordon had good partners in the DPF moderation and now the site openly lends itself to the worst rat-fucking trolls...

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