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Where the heck is Albert Doyle? - Printable Version

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Where the heck is Albert Doyle? - Magda Hassan - 03-10-2017

Tom Bowden Wrote:I again suggest water pistols at high noon in Dealey Plaza on November 22, 2017. This bickering has no business on a serious researcher's site. I do not care who said what first. last or where it was said or not said. Either way it is not contributing to the goals of most researchers. NAMELY, who killed Kennedy and Why.

Where the heck is Albert Doyle? - Albert Doyle - 03-10-2017


Tom Bowden has not offered one word of technical analysis on the issue. He hasn't addressed the Prayer Man evidence or the site rules that back our debunking of it. While Peter accuses us of being childish with our serious protest and analysis, the moderation then approves of a poster who mocks "water pistols at dawn" as his sole input to one of the most serious evidence issues in the JFK research community. This is entirely unfair and violates the Deep Politics site rules - only from the moderator side.

Meanwhile a serious issue of DPF members violating the rules and posting already-disproven bad evidence goes ignored. What this comes down to is a 95% majority of internet JFK researchers fell for the bogus Murphy Prayer Man theory, including Lauren and yourself, who, 2 years ago similarly posted an approval of the Murphy theory in the Prayer Man thread. I was then scolded for not heeding the "experts" David Josephs and David Healy and found myself on unexplained moderation for several months with the administrator not responding to my inquiries why (a violation of rule #13). Subsequently Chris Davidson posted a digital enhancement of the Wiegman film that undoubtedly proved Prayer Man was a woman. Analysis of Buell Frazier's 2013 6th Floor Museum interview showed Frazier acknowledged he was talking to Sarah at the time of the infamous Darnell shot of Prayer Man. It is beyond doubt that the woman seen in Davidson's enhancement is Depository employee Sarah Stanton. Those who openly endorsed the Murphy theory have been reluctant to admit they ridiculed and mistreated a member who happened to be correct. The board rules are there for a purpose and clearly they are not there for the reason of being ignored. Rule #13 requires moderators respond on an equal basis and we are now well in to the area of realizing the moderators acted improperly and did not respond to their own rules. We have presented a sound case for Prayer Man being Sarah Stanton that will confirm at the top levels of research that are the normal means of vetting practiced in the community and also regularly practiced by Jim DiEugenio.

Lauren sent me a PM saying he believed Prayer Man was not Oswald. He also said he didn't want to ban me because my other material was so excellent. Lauren never admitted that on the board and continued to punish material he privately admitted to. That's moderator abuse and a violation of the board rules. Lauren was not being honest about where he learned Oswald wasn't Prayer Man. It was from the member whose posts he was deleting and putting on suspension. Meanwhile Jim D was permitted to post ROKC Prayer Man material that Lauren privately admitted he didn't agree to.

This board was formed as a sanctuary from Education Forum corruption. When I posted my Prayer Man evidence over there I was banned by moderator James Gordon in an identical way. Gordon refused to respond to why I was banned, what rules it was based on, and what material justified it? Gordon practices a sort of social club moderation where he determines who he favors and simply promotes them as the preferred posters. An honest interpretation of the DPF site rules shows they were designed as a democratic guard against that very type of corruption. Gordon eventually shut down ROKC's case on the Education Forum saying they were not responding to correct criticism of their material. So Gordon did what Lauren did. He learned from me but then responded by putting me on moderation.

The Davidson enhancement is sound evidence for Prayer Man not being Oswald. By proving this I have served the Deep Politics board directive of not prolonging the discussion. I have disproven bogus evidence similar to Cinque and ended the issue, helping researchers determine that Oswald was in the 2nd floor lunch room during the shooting as the credible evidence suggests. As much as Lauren wants me to be some sort of disruptive troll, actually I am the leading research figure that debunked a theory 95% of the community fell for, and done so by credible scientific means that Jim D is being allowed to ignore. Yesterday I called Robert Groden and he told me Mrs Reid was visibly scared. He said her genuine fright was detectable and that he knew her witnessing was real. She was genuinely scared of what she had witnessed and its threat to her.

I'm sorry but I just don't see myself as being guilty here when all the objective facts and site rules are fairly considered. And it is entirely unfair to not let someone defend themselves openly.

Where the heck is Albert Doyle? - Dawn Meredith - 04-10-2017

Tom Bowden Wrote:I again suggest water pistols at high noon in Dealey Plaza on November 22, 2017. This bickering has no business on a serious researcher's site. I do not care who said what first. last or where it was said or not said. Either way it is not contributing to the goals of most researchers. NAMELY, who killed Kennedy and Why.

Agreed. This bs must stop. Now.

Where the heck is Albert Doyle? - Tom Bowden - 04-10-2017

Albert Doyle Wrote:Magda:

Tom Bowden has not offered one word of technical analysis on the issue. He hasn't addressed the Prayer Man evidence or the site rules that back our debunking of it. While Peter accuses us of being childish with our serious protest and analysis, the moderation then approves of a poster who mocks "water pistols at dawn" as his sole input to one of the most serious evidence issues in the JFK research community. This is entirely unfair and violates the Deep Politics site rules - only from the moderator side.

You are absolutely correct that I have not posted on this subject. I have chosen to ignore all the bickering because it would be a full time job to understand these posts. I do not live to post on these sites but read them to see if new things are worth considering. I research daily. I have my own opinion and research and believe it is not Oswald in the doorway. I was president and co-founder of the Conspiracy Museum and financed it entirely for its last six years. In my fourteen years at the Conspiracy Museum, I was subjected to listening to every theory under the universe by its visitors. Some had valid points but most had only read books and never talked to a single witness. I lived in Dallas from 1957 until 1963 and understand its politics and it homegrown criminals. I was acquainted with Candy Bar from 1958 until her death. She asked me to write her book after kicking out Schwartz and I declined. I have my own opinion on most of the topics discussed on these sites and have talked to most of the witnesses. I choose to be an observer and discuss my opinions and facts with other researchers in private.

Is it true, you do not post under your own name? Why?

Where the heck is Albert Doyle? - Mark A. O'Blazney - 04-10-2017

Tom Bowden Wrote:
Albert Doyle Wrote:Magda:

Tom Bowden has not offered one word of technical analysis on the issue. He hasn't addressed the Prayer Man evidence or the site rules that back our debunking of it. While Peter accuses us of being childish with our serious protest and analysis, the moderation then approves of a poster who mocks "water pistols at dawn" as his sole input to one of the most serious evidence issues in the JFK research community. This is entirely unfair and violates the Deep Politics site rules - only from the moderator side.

You are absolutely correct that I have not posted on this subject. I have chosen to ignore all the bickering because it would be a full time job to understand these posts. I do not live to post on these sites but read them to see if new things are worth considering. I research daily. I have my own opinion and research and believe it is not Oswald in the doorway. I was president and co-founder of the Conspiracy Museum and financed it entirely for its last six years. In my fourteen years at the Conspiracy Museum, I was subjected to listening to every theory under the universe by its visitors. Some had valid points but most had only read books and never talked to a single witness. I lived in Dallas from 1957 until 1963 and understand its politics and it homegrown criminals. I was acquainted with Candy Bar from 1958 until her death. She asked me to write her book after kicking out Schwartz and I declined. I have my own opinion on most of the topics discussed on these sites and have talked to most of the witnesses. I choose to be an observer and discuss my opinions and facts with other researchers in private.

Is it true, you do not post under your own name? Why?

Thanks for posting about the Conspiracy Museum, Mr. B. Was unaware of it. I see you got 'ahimsa' from Mr. C. Is there a video tour of the inside viewable anywhere?

And just around the corner from TSBD. Reminds me a bit of Groden, only DeLuxe !!! May you be so Blessed, sir. +

Where the heck is Albert Doyle? - LR Trotter - 05-10-2017


Where the heck is Albert Doyle? - Tom Bowden - 06-10-2017

Quote:Thanks for posting about the Conspiracy Museum, Mr. B. Was unaware of it. I see you got 'ahimsa' from Mr. C. Is there a video tour of the inside viewable anywhere?

And just around the corner from TSBD. Reminds me a bit of Groden, only DeLuxe !!! May you be so Blessed, sir. +

Do not know who Mr. B is but I have several video made by the museum but have never posted any of them. The Mural downstairs received several mentions in art magazines. I still have the original art work for upstairs in my storage area. Most do not know but we opened with an analysis of the Lincoln Assassination and the Mummy story. I have continued work on that subject and we may finally have a DNA source. However that is not for this post. I have used "Ahimsa" on all my correspondence for over twenty years.

Where the heck is Albert Doyle? - Mark A. O'Blazney - 06-10-2017

Thanks for your response, Mr. Bowden. Mr. Cutler must have been quite a gentleman. And perhaps you'll upload your video of the museum some day. I, for one,

would enjoy viewing it. And you're right, this is not the topic of the post. But Mr. Doyle is back; apparently he and Mr. Gilbride have been comparing notes amongst

themselves, and have come to some conclusions. I still say it was a dude taking pictures with a camera. Some say it was Ozzie drinking a coke. Some say Sarah.

Some say. But any way, have a nice day ! Namaste'

Where the heck is Albert Doyle? - Richard Gilbride - 08-10-2017

My sincere thanks to the moderators for reinstating Albert Doyle's posting privileges. Forum life is never easy, and there are continual rough patches, but having the freedom to debate- the freedom to write something- is #1. Doyle has an astute mind and is a seasoned researcher who has a well-deserved place at the discussion table, particularly as another November approaches. It would be good if we could simply move forward now.

Our research careers have taken parallel tracks, so it is no sweat for me to step up and speak on his behalf. We've waged similar near-solitary campaigns as regards our specialties- PrayerMan and the lunchroom incident- and have been similarly reviled by the Murphyite mob. And I look at any hard feelings that may have been engendered by this particular thread as another episode in the Murphyite Wars. That Info-Battle has reached a critical mass, with 90+% of active posters, including Jim DiEugenio and Larry Hancock, endorsing the readily-disproven Murphy theories. These disproofs are some basic concepts which the research community doesn't process, and it has been a Herculean effort (3-4 years) to attempt to re-route such widespread regressive thinking.

One good thing about this particular thread- it has shown a light on the Murphyites' need for PrayerMan-is-Oswald in order to salvage any hope that the lunchroom hoax is tenable. These two beliefs depend on one another, in order for either one to be true.

The next step will shut the door forever on this Murphyite mullarkey. I am referring to a digital film scan, which I guarantee will show the face of a woman, and almost certainly she is Sarah Stanton.

I had a brief phone conversation with Robert Groden recently. I had hoped he had copies of Wiegman or Darnell, but was disappointed to learn that he only had the relatively poor-quality versions that were on the DVDs he made. But he gave me a solid lead on a place where I might find them. I contacted this source this past Friday afternoon and have not yet received a response. Hopefully I'll get lucky
and find out that this source still has possession of this film. Then it would be a straightforward problem of hiring a professional to do a digital scan and getting that right out onto the internet.

If that path dead-ends I'll look into some way to access the NBC vault films, a process which undoubtedly would take several months. With my money on the table and nuts on the line I have 100% confidence that PrayerMan is not Lee Harvey Oswald. The handwriting is on the wall that a digital film scan will be achieved. And the fate of the Murphyites will be like the fate of the Babylonians in the days of Daniel (5:27): "You have been weighed in the balances and found wanting."

Quos Deus vult perdere, prius dementat

Those whom God wishes to destroy, He first drives mad

Where the heck is Albert Doyle? - Richard Gilbride - 15-10-2017

Well. I was fooled into thinking that Doyle had his posting privileges re-instated. I do not understand why the moderators allowed Doyle's post #72 of October 3rd, yet continue to suspend him- 6 months now. I ask the moderators to please re-read, with care, post #72 (which presents a summary of Doyle's case) and present a valid reason for his continued suspension.

In this case the moderators have acted in blatant violation of Deep Politics RULES OF ENGAGEMENT #1 and #13.

#1) You will not post any material which is false, defamatory, inaccurate, hateful, harassing, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, pornographic, or otherwise in violation of any International or United States Federal law.

#13) All members, including DPF moderators and founders, should receive identical treatment from the DPF moderators, and abide by the agreed rules of engagement.

They have protected the shoddy PrayerMan evidence as well as the inaccurate DiEugenio claim that Kamp's essay helps determine Oswald's whereabouts- which Doyle has correctly debunked. And for which he gets railroaded.