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Demolition Access To The WTC Towers - Kevin Ryan - Printable Version

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Demolition Access To The WTC Towers - Kevin Ryan - Drew Phipps - 18-04-2014

Peter Lemkin Wrote:Posted elsewhere here on this Forum [and you can find it on the internet] is convincing evidence [to me] that the planes nor fires took of much of the fireproofing - and even IF it did, was NOT ever enough to bring down the building - the buildings, after being hit by computer-guided planes were brought down in true Hollywood style / DoD style Shock and Awe controlled demolition - computer timed detonations of nanothermite charges preplanted in the months before.

I guess you meant to put the word "neither" before the word "planes." I am not trying to argue about the cause of collapse. I am suggesting that the experiment might reveal another weakness in the government's official explanation.