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Demolition Access To The WTC Towers - Kevin Ryan
[URL=""]Demolition Access
To The WTC Towers
by Kevin Ryan
[/URL][click on above link for the LONG articles!]
[and very thought provoking ones!!]


Part One - Tenants

The North Tower Impact Zone
The South Tower Impact Zone
The Washington Group
Other floors and companies of interest
Conclusions and next steps
Notes and references

Part Two - Security

Electronic Systems Associates and E.J. Electric
Ensec International
Silverstein Properties
Giuliani, Cherkasky and the BCCI Investigation

Part Three - Convergence

The Carlyle Group
Halliburton and BCCI
Kissinger and his associates

Part Four - Cleanup

An unprecedented destruction of evidence
The Cleanup Operation
Debris removal and theft
Endnotes and references
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
The flaw in the logic here is that one didn't need access to any tenant space to initiate the observed collapse... so demolition access is simply a MIHOPer in search of suspects.

There is solid evidence that the destruction of the twin towers was a core led failure... That is to say... the 24 perimeter columns which supported the floors outside the core were the largest and carried the most load. Ther 23 core columns in the center of the core only supported the corridors, elevator lobbies, bathrooms and stairs... and of course defined the empty (no load) shafts - mechanical and elevator. When the perimeter core columns failed the floors above... all over them came straight down... very much like a CD... and this could have been a CD... or perhaps simply the combination of destroyed and weakened columns from the plane impacts, plus heat weakening from the thousands of gallons of burning fuel. We can't really know for certain what was the straw that broke the camel's back... but the core finally failed and the building above that came crashing down and that mass was enough to shatter each and ever floor.

But the point is access for a CD was not to the column free tenant space of those nasty trans-national weapons, security and financial corps... no way to cause the floors above to come down by placing a bomb on those floors. It had to be inside the shafts of the and column enclosures of rows 500 and 1000.... The latter was inside elevator shafts!

There were tenant occupancies over shafts which terminated such as the express elevators to the 78th floor sky lobby. Above the elevator machine rooms the floor space was tenant use.

Nice try Kevin... really fishin' there...
sorry, the 'ol double post ghost....
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
[TABLE="align: center"]
[TD][TABLE="align: center"]
[TD]Good Riddance to the Big Lie: Spy
Kevin Ryan's 'Demolition Access ...'
Lights the Shadows


February 18, 2010

An Introduction to the 4-Part Investigative Series by Kevin Ryan

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[TD]Demolition Access
To The WTC Towers

by Kevin RyanContents:

Part One - Tenants Part Two - Security Part Three - Convergence Part Four - Cleanup

'Everyone knows what. The question is why.'
Dashiell Hammett, author of The Maltese Falcon, The Glass Key, The Thin Man and other classic, murder-mystery novels
District Attorney Jim Garrison in the 1991 movie "JFK":
"I never realized Kennedy was so dangerous to the Establishment. Is that why?"
Mr. X (based on L. Fletcher Prouty, the U.S. Air Force Colonel who headed the U.S. Air Force's 'Military Support of the Clandestine Operations of the C.I.A' between 1955 and 1964):
" ... Why was Kennedy killed? Who benefited?
Who has the power to cover it up? Who?"

'Who could have placed explosives
in the World Trade Center towers?'

Kevin Ryan in his 'Demoltion Access to the World Trade Center Towers', 2009-2010
'We become heroes when we stand up
for what we believe in.'

Muhammad Ali in his The Soul of a Butterfly (written with his daughter Hana Yasmeen Ali), 2004

Corporate Government Criminals of 9/11,
the Rule of Terror and the Theft of Nations,
and the Most Liberating Questions of the 21st Century

Let's face it, folks: we've been hammered.
Eight and one-half years after September 11, 2001--that day of atrocious shocks whose serial and collective trauma we, the public of the United States, early came to know through Corporations' mass-media by its date's convenient shorthand for emergency, " '9/11' "--the U. S. public's understanding of the most consequential crimes of September 11, 2001 and these crimes' cover-up is most crucially an issue of and for our mental health, as well as it is an issue of and for our moral well-being and our descendants' futures.
We need to step up and say aloud what we know to be true.
We need to confirm to each other what we know to be true about the crimes of 9/11/01, crimes whose fraudulent attribution to " 'al Qaeda' " continue to most direct the 21st-century " 'War on Terror' ", no matter how horrific or challenging the conclusions to which these truths lead us.
Kevin Ryan's book-length, four-part, extensively footnoted study, 'Demolition Access to the World Trade Center Towers', throws light onto figures and relationships that have been previously obscured. Its work provides for us a cavernous mountain of illumination from which we can gain clarity and courage.
Let's first look back at our 21st century from September 11, 2001 onward.
Eight and one-half years ago we, the TV-viewing public, had to gape and grieve as Networks' TV repeatedly showed us one Boeing 767, American Airlines Flight 11, fly into the World Trade Center's North Tower and United Airlines Flight 175, another Boeing 767, fly into the other 110-story Twin Tower. Oh my God, it's not an accident! Then we saw the Pentagon itself gaping from another reported airliner's crash. My God, the Pentagon! Then the second Tower that was hit, the South Tower, World Trade Center 2, for God's sake, burst into unprecedented disintegration--killing how many thousands, we thought. And then the first Tower that was hit, WTC 1, also burst into disintegration like a volcanic elevator smashing into Lower Manhattan--killing how many more thousands, we, the shocked and sympathetic masses, thought.
What had happened? A review of that day in New York City, including the fall of a third skyscraper, World Trade Center Building 7, at 5:20 in the afternoon, can be seen through more than 10 minutes of survivors' and Network commentators' spontaneous reports in a youtube video that has had more than 14 million viewings. These scores of eyewitnesses remark on "explosions" and "demolition." [1]
A contrary analysis of unlikely exactness was introduced on the day. The seeming "demolitions" were actually the result of airliners' impact and jet fuels' fire, Jerry Hauer (then a Managing Director of Kroll, Inc., one of the 'Security' firms examined by Kevin Ryan in Part Two of his "Demoltion Access ...' study, as well as a Senior Adviser to the United States' Department of Human Services) immediately told Dan Rather of CBS. Further, the attack bore "the fingerprints of Osama bin Laden," Jerry Hauer, standing for his interview in dust-shrouded Lower Manhattan, somehow said with uncanny prescience over CBS on the day of " '9/11' ". Readers can hear on another widely viewed online video. [2]
Jerry Hauer had been Director of New York City's Office of Emergency Management between 1996-2000 under Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, a span in which the City's 'Command Center' was installed on the 23rd floor of the World Trade Center Building 7, and Jerry Hauer had afterward been 'Associate Director of Center for Counterterrorism Technology and Analysis' for another contractor with the U. S. Government that figures integrally in Kevin Ryan's study, the Sciencee Applications International Corporation (SAIC). [3]
Late in the September 11, 2001 afternoon, as George W. Bush stayed in his Nebraska refuge of Offutt Air Force Base (somehow the scene of a 'charity event' hosted by financier Warren Buffett for at least one South Tower-based Cbief Executive Officer earlier in the day [4], [5], [6]), World Trade Center Building 7 also fell, its 47 floors imploding into its own footprint at nearly free-fall speed [7], its "collapse" somehow predicted by CNN [8] and reported by the BBC [9] 65 and 26 minutes respectively before WTC 7's actual destruction.
And within the next three days we found that 18 and then 19 Arab hijackers (Hani Hanjour, the supposed, incompetent pilot of American Airlines Flight 77 into the Pentagon, came last) were there for billions to blame, materialized into a TIME cover-sized row of 'al Qaeda' targets through marvelously rapid efforts of the United States' Federal Bureau of Investigation [10], the Official Story seeming as readymade as the PATRIOT Act that swiftly accompanied it. [11]
And the echo-chamber of Governments and Corporations' mass-media, forming one organ for indivisible Corporate Government, chorused us into war in Afghanistan for the 'Attack on America'.
And we had a new Homeland and another, new and more insidious War.
That war, the borderless and expanding, domestic and international " 'War on Terror' ", has only grown more into the "new normalcy" [12] [13] that Dick Cheney announced in October 2001. Invasions of privacy and curtailments of civil and Constitutional liberties [14] have only increased with the " 'Change' " from the George W. Bush into the Barack Obama Administrations and the Barack Obama Ad.'s salesmanship for preventive detentions [15], Fusion Centers [16], troop-surges [17], body-scanners to thwart explosive underwear that are manufactured by clients of the former Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security Michael Chertof [18] and that emit more radiation than medical X-rays [19], et cetera, et cetera.
In June 2009 President Obama repeated in Cairo, Egypt the lie that has explained the need for U.S. troops in Afghanistan for eight and one-half years: 'I'm aware that there's still some who would question or even justify the events of 9/11. But let us be clear: Al Qaeda killed nearly 3,000 people on that day.' [20]
And so we must still live under a fundamental, degrading deceit.
Proofs that belie the Official Story for " '9/11' " have built steadily since October 2001, we'll see below. Signs point in ways that divide the global public's well-bring from that of a supranational Corporate Government. A whole picture grows clearer. Into the future we may now see that the half-Black agent of " 'Hope' " is to become more the patsy for a de facto Rule of Terror, his arc and that of White woman Sarah Palin coupled in the aim of them [21] toward incapacitating civil war in the United States, the kind of war that financiers most favor for profits and control, as Abraham Lincoln learned and the New York Times noted more than 140 years ago. [22]

As counter to the shocks and lies we've received from Governments and media that serve a ruling few (the Ruling Few, let's say), we, the working masses (We Masses, let's say) have produced and absorbed a tremendous amount of compelling, alternative information over the past eight and one-half years.
Through courageous and compassionate researchers such as Kevin Ryan we've gathered plenty of facts to counter the Rule of Terror by, for and of supranational Corporations.
In particular we've learned a lot about events of September 11, 2001 and about indubitable facts that point to true crimes of that day and to the cover-up of those crimes by likely perpetrators and orchestrators.
The most revealing and threatening fact widely known now is that the Twin Towers and World Trade Building 7 must have been 'demolished by explosives set off within their structures.' [23]
Early on, October 2001, J. McMichael of Australia noted the Twin Towers' strength of columns and beams and the limits of jet fuels' fire, disproving the Official Story's then fantasy of 'melted' steel and floors, in his funny and trenchant 'Muslims Suspend the Laws of Physics'. [24] In 2002 and 2003 " '9/11' " / Facing Our Fascist State stated primary phenomena, proving Twin Towers' demolition, over Berkeley, California's KPFA and Los Angeles, California's KPFK. By 2004 Jim Hoffman's had tens of pages of text and photographs and videos that depicted the Towers' destruction [25] and that analyzed the North Tower's dust-cloud [26] and that refuted the U. S. Federal Emergency Management Agency's 'World Trade Center Building Performance Study'. [27] In May 2004, to the amazement of one caller, demolition of the Twin Towers was discussed on Canadian network TV. [28] In November 2004 chemist Kevin Ryan of Underwriter Laboratories exposed online that the 'summary' by the U. S. Department of Commerce's National Institute of Standards and Technology completely misrepresented findings by U L about the capacities of Twin Towers' steel to withstand the effects of fire. [29] Less than two weeks later, Kevin Ryan was fired by U L. [30]
In 2005 the 2004 911 Commission Report by the United States' National Commission on Terrorist Attacks was rebutted by Dr. David Ray Griffin as a 567-page or 571-page 'lie.' [31] Dr. Griffin remarked that the best-selling Report completely omitted mention of WTC 7's destruction. From 2005 to 2008 many more pages of Reports from the U. S. Department of Commerce's National Institute of Standards and Technology were found to be a 'Mirage' by Jim Hoffman [32], regarding the Twin Towers, and to rely on be unverifiable 'computer models' by a 16-member team of professionals, regarding WTC 7. [33] [34].
In 2005 physicist Steven Jones began to publish results that pointed to thermite as causal in the Twin Towers' and Building 7's wreckage. [35] Dr. Jones and subsequent colleagues especially highlit the molten metal that burned in the footprints of Twin Towers and WTC 7 for many weeks after 9/11/01, this molten metal not explicable as the issue of fire from jet fuel or office furniture, as indicating the use of thermitic or nano-thermitic explosives. In 2006 architect Richard Gage began the outreach that has led to 1025 architects and engineers joining him in the call for 'a truly independent investigation' into the crimes of September 11, 2008 on the website of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth (, as of February 1, 2010. [36]
Videos about NIST's reliance on 'computer models' alone [37] and on the presence of molten metal as not an al Qaeda concoction [38] can be seen on youtube, as can be seen the more than 10 minutes of survivors' and Network commentators' spontaneous exclamations about "explosions" and "demolition". [39]
In April 2009 a team of nine authors published their most conclusive findings about nano-thermites in the WTC wreckage--'Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe' [40]. One author, chemist Niels Harrit of the University of Copenhagen, discusses the paper in an interview on mainstream Danish TV. [41]
The public has been mindful. The U.S. and the world's peoples have taken in the credible evidence mounted over the past eight and one-half years. Hundreds of millions unto billions now doubt Governments' and billions-dollar media's stories about the leading pretext for the " 'War on Terror' ".
In November 2004 89% of 10,641 respondents in a CNN poll answered 'Yes' to the question 'Do you believe there is a U.S. Government cover-up surrounding 9/11?' [42] A poll begun by the Washingtonn Post on September 7, 2006 asked: Do you believe of any the conspiracy theories suggesting the U.S. Government was somehow involved in 9/11?' 67% of of 96,937 respondents have voted: Yes. The government has left many questions unanswered about that day.' [43] In October 2006 a New York Times/CBS telephone poll pf 983 adults found that 81% believed that the Bush Administration was 'Hiding something' or 'Mostly lying' about foreknowledge of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. [44] In October of the next year, 2007, a Zogby Poll of 1000 adults found that 67% were informed enough to want an official investigation into the destruction of World Trade Center Building 7. [45]
In short, we in the U. S. who doubt official explanations for " '9/11' " are a steadily more informed majority.
Our majorities are very like the majorities who still doubt the Official Stories for the murders of John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr. 'Pancake collapses' and 'truss failures' work no better against clear-eyed reason than a "pristine bullet" (Senator Russell Long) that somehow produces seven exit-wounds and an indigent, globe-hopping '"lone gunman" do.
Strong skepticism regarding official explanations for " '9/11' " exists in many nations outside the U. S. [46], along with wide interest in alternative findings.
Google 'architects engineers' and see what comes up first ( as of February 1, 2010). Google the more specific '911 investigations', '911research', or '911 guilt', and see which websites or other media lead the lists as most visited.
Now, as we move through the second month of 2010, many hours' worth of detailed, peer-reviewed analyses and proofs are available at the sites and (Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice) as well as at (Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth) and at and its companion
For readers who want a quick review for themselves or others, the homepage of admirably condenses 'characteristics' of 'demolition' of the Twin Towers and World Trade Center Building 7. [47] A 10-page 'Brief Guide to Proofs ...' in my 2009 The World Is Turning examines these areas of phenomena in the Twin Towers' destruction: Explosiveness, Pulverization, Speed, Symmetry, and Molten Metal. [48]
Any child, or anyone with an open mind, can see obvious realities upon looking at footage of the falling Twin Towers and WTC 7.
Buildings do not explode into dust of themselves. Nor does a 47-story skyscraper (WTC 7) implode into its own footprint of itself. 110-story skyscrapers of 485,000 tons each do not plummet through their central structures and paths of greatest resistance at nearly free-fall speed due to their potential gravitational energy. Nor do they instantly pulverize tens of thousands tons of concrete of themselves--100,000 tons of concrete slabs in each Twin Tower were blown to 100-micron-or-less bits in less than 15 seconds. Nor do truss-failures fling 60-foot-long steel beams 400 lateral feet. 200,000 tons of structural steel in each Tower, including 47 central columns that were as much as 52 inches wide at their bases, along with 236 perimeter columns, were all brought to ground in less than 15 seconds on September 11, 2001. [49]
The fact of demolition is difficult to absorb. This fact carries with it the deeply disturbing recognition that more than 2600 people--479 of them public-service personnel and 343 of these personnel New York City firefighters--thus were the victims of premeditated mass-murder. [50]
Who could have committed so awful a crime? So calculated and cold-blooded a crime? Why? And what more might they do? What more might they do to everyday people such as ourselves? Now that we know, what can we do?
Contemplation of what the fact of the three World Trade Buildings' demolition means may be as unsettling to one's gut as were the shocks that we suffered in the first hours of " '9/11' ". Fear of what the fact means may be as premeditated and vital a part of the the Rule of Terror as any other part of this vast, complex and ongoing psychological-operation.
The fact and its implications are nonetheless as inescapable as the Earth's rotation around the Sun was through Galileo's telescope.
Kevin Ryan helps us to face facts. His 'Demolition Access to the World Trade Center Towers', heroic in the breadth and depth and detail of connections it presents, confronts squarely the investigation that needs to follow from eight and one-half years of probing holes in the Official Story.
His four installments repeatedly ask for us: 'Who could have placed explosives in the World Trade Center towers?'
The question produces a corollary that was also asked by ex-U.S. Military officer "Mr. X" as he assisted District Attorney Jim Garrison's understanding about the assassination of JFK: "Who has the power to cover it up? Who?"
Answering these questions of placement and cover-up and acting on our answers can free us from the Rule of Terror.
Our answers can turn from Dick Cheney's "new normalcy" and Barack Obama's selling of more war, debt and repression into our futures. We can turn to a 21st-century that's instead of marvelous, multi-national self-empowerment, cooperation, and renaissance. Now we indeed do have the tools for all to be free.

Part One of Kevin Ryan's 'Demolition Access ...' presents 'Tenants' of the Twin Towers and WTC Building 7. His Part One especially investigates those tenants of WTC Buildings 1 and 2 that occupied airliners' impact-zones on 9/11/01. It also examines these tenants' means, motives, and opportunities for profiting from the " 'War on Terror.' "
Twin Towers' tenants could of course provide access to the confidential planting of explosives in their spaces. Among the tenants with the most crucial occupancy for demolition in both of the Towers were the world's largest insurance broker as of 9/11/01, Marsh & McClennan, the world's then-largest Bank, Mizuho Holdings, and the multi-armed Primark Corporation.
A previous article by Kevin Ryan, 'Another Amazing Coincidence Related to the WTC', published in January 2008, tracked the exact or nearly exact parallels between floors of the Towers that were upgraded before 9/11/01 and the floors that were then subjected to airliner-impact and explosive failure on 9/11/01. [51]
For the North Tower, WTC 1, struck by American Airlines 11 at 8:46 a.m. and destroyed at 10:28 a.m., the parallels are inclusive. The North Towers' floors 93-99 were areas of impact, fire and failure on 9/11/01. Coincidentally, floors 93 to 100 of WTC 1 received 'upgrades' between 1995 and 2000 by Marsh & McClennan, Marsh & McClennan then occupying more than 361,000 square feet on these floors. [52]
Marsh & McClennan was headed on " '9/11' " by CEO Jeffrey Greenberg. Among other principals in Marsh companies during 2001 were former Goldman Sachs partner Stephen Friedman (a Board member of the Central Intelligence Agency's investment-arm In-Q-Tel) and Craig Stapleton (a partner with George W. Bush in the Texas Rangers), and Mathis Caviallavetta (former President of the Union Bank of Switzerland, this UBS the nominally Swiss Bank that in 2008-2009 garnered $5 billion from the United States' Federal Reserve System through the Federal Reserve System's bail-out of gigantic insurer and speculator the American International Group). [53]
Perhaps most interesting among Marsh & McClennan executives on 9/11/01 is L. Paul Bremer (Chairman of the National Commission on Terrorism in 1999-2000 at the same time as he was Managing Director of Kissinger Associates), for Kevin Ryan relates that L. Paul Bremer also served on the international advisory board for Komatsu, a Japanese mining and machinery company which shared with its Texas-based partner Dresser Industries in the 1996 patenting of 'a thermite demolition device that could 'demolish a concrete structure at a high efficiency, while preventing a secondary problem due to noise, flying dust and chips, and the like.' [54]
In 1998 Dresser Industries merged with the Halliburton Corporation that was then headed by CEO Dick Cheney.
On April 14, 2007 L. Paul Bremer was indicted by the San Diego Citizens' Grand Jury on the Crimes of September 11, 2001 in New York City for the 'Charge' of 'Conspiracy to Defraud Private Individuals and the Public Interest through Acts of Terror that Furthered Illegal and Legal Profits.' [55]
L. Paul Bremer was also one of 16 executives wanted for questioning by the San Diego Citizens' Grand Jury ... for the 'Charge' of 'Conspiracy to Commit Mass Murder.' Among others so wanted were George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Maurice Greenberg, Jerome Hauer, Peter G. Peterson, and David Rockefeller. [56]
Arms of the Primark Corporation also occupied both Towers, having offices on floor 78 of the South Tower (Baseline) and floor 11 (Primark Decision Economics) of the North Tower. Coincidentally, the South Tower's impact-zone on 9/11/01 was floors 77 through 85; its major fires on the " '9/11' " morning were on floors 79-83; and its floors of primary, explosive failure were 77-83. Supposed fire-proofing upgrades of floors 77 and 78 in the South Tower occurred in 1998. Primark's subsidiary Baseline is recorded as specifically upgrading the southeast corner of floor 78--the exact place that United Airlines Flight 175 hit WTC 2.
On 9/11/01 Primark's CEO was Joseph Kasputys, an honorary U. S. Navy Commander who had at least 20 years of close relations with the U. S. Department of Energy (the DOE funder and receiver for much research into nano-thermites).
Coincidentally, another Primark subsidiary, Triad International Maintenance Company, modified Boeing 757s and 767s, we learn from Kevin Ryan.
Floors 79-82 of the South Tower's impact-zone were occupied by a Corporation large among the assets of Mizuho Holdings: the Fuji Bank.
Coincidentally, the Fuji Bank 'modified' all four of its WTC 2 floors between 1997-2000, according to Kevin Ryan's reference to a report by the Department of Commerce's National Institute of Standards and Technology, 'NIST NCSTAR1-1H, table 13-2, in footnote 33 of his 'examination of Twin Towers' Tenants'.
In 2000 the Fuji Bank merged with the Dai-ichi Kangyo Bank and the International Bank of Japan to form the then largest Bank in the world, Mizuho Holdings. Coincidentally, the Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank occupied floors 48 to 50 of the North Tower, WTC 1, for Mizuho Holdings.
Prior to its merger in 2000, Fuji Bank's largest investors were Union Carbide, Mobil Oil, and Raytheon. Fuji Bank Chairman Toru Hashimoto now sits on the Board of Deutsche Bank with Lockheed Martin Chairman Norman Augustine. During the 1990s, we learn from Kevin Ryan, all three Mizuho Holdings Banks were implicated in fraudulent loans, some of these transactions involving executive-level members of the yakuza.
As a sidelight, all but 10 of World Trade Building 7's obviously imploded 47 floors had the financial-services firm Salomon Smith Barney as their major tenant. SSB's immediate ancestor, Salomon Brothers, had in the 1980s invented 'mortgage-backed securities' and in 1991 had received the largest fine ever levied against an investment-bank at that time, $290 million. [57]
Salomon Smith Barney was on " '9/11' " wholly owned by Citigroup.
In November 2008 Citigroup's award of $306 billion in gurantees from the U.S. Treasury Department made it the largest single recipient of U.S. Government bail-out funds to Banks so far. [58]

Part Two of Kevin Ryan's 'Demoltion Access' study examines companies and individuals that provided presumable 'Security' for the two Towers and other property in the WTC complex.
At least 29 individuals are named in this part as executives in Corporations' or Governments' offices (whether Federal, New York State, or New York City) that were nominally responsible for protecting the World Trade Center in Lower Manhattan between 1973 and 2001.
Among the firms most responsible for security at New York City's WTC before " '9/11' " were Kroll, Inc. (since 1993 23% owned by the American International Group), Stratasec or Securacom (whose executives or Board members included George W. Bush's brother Marvin and their evident, mysterious cousin Wirt Walker), the Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) that somehow envisioned the 1993 bombing of the Twin Towers and that provided the most non-U.S. Govermment investigators to the U.S. Department of Commerce's National Institute of Standards and Technology after the 2001 demolition of the Towers, and the BDM/TRW subsidiary Ensec of Brasil.
The reach of even this short list of Corporations that profit from 'Security' travels from yakuza-partnered businesses in Japan to the training of Militaries across the Middle East to the opium-into-heroin laboratories of Afghanistan and Pakistan and thence back to the money-laundering and credit-creating Banks of New York City, Washington, DC and the City of London (Bank of America, Barclay's, Chase, Citigroup, ...) [59]
We meet many of them again and again in the third and fourth installments of Kevin Ryan's 'Demolition Access ...' study.

Four Leading Players
Part Three of Kevin Ryan's study is a relative encapsulation, titled 'Caryle, Kissinger, SAIC and Halliburton: A 9/11 Convergence', focusing on four of the more well-known Corporations or individuals integral to New York City's former World Trade Center and the" 'War on Terror' ".
The Carlyle Group is a holding company of various global investments that was headed on 9/11/01 by former Central Intelligence Agency Deputy Director (1978-81) and former U.S. Secretary of Defense (1987-89) Frank Carlucci. Frank Carlucci's decades-long service to the supranational Corporate Government also had an evident role in the overthrow of national Governments in the Congo and Brasil during 1960 and 1964 respectively and a role in the devastation of Black inner-city neighborhoods through the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare between 1972-74 [60]
On September 11, 2001 the Carylyle Group was 'the eleventh largest' recipient of U. S. Department of Defense contracts, according to [61] Among the Caryle's Board of Directors on 9/11/01 were former U. S. President George H.W. Bush, former U.S. Secretary of State and former U. S. Secretary of the Treasury James Baker, and Osama bin Laden's brother Shafiq of the billionaire bin Laden family, all of whom were coincidentally present for a Carlyle Group meeting at the Washington, DC Ritz-Carlton on September 10-11, 2001. The Caryle Group's holdings benefited multiply from the mass-murder on 9/11/01. Dan Briody of Red Herring magazine wrote on January 8, 2002: 'As the Caryle investors watched the World Trade towers go down, the group's prospects went up.' [62]
Henry Kissinger is the former U.S. Secretary of State (1973-77), the orchestrator of massacares in Vietnam, Cambodia, Chile, East Timor and elsewhere between 1969-1976 [63], and a recipient of the 1973 Nobel Peace Prize. Through his lead role in Kissinger Associates, founded in 1982 'with $350,000 lent to him by Goldman, Sachs and a consortium of three other banks', [64] Sir Henry (the German immigrant and long-time Rockefeller beneficiary was named a Knight Commander by the British Royal Institute of International Affairs in 1995) was part-owner of several Corporations that profited directly from destruction of the three WTC Buildings on 9/11/01. [65] These Kissinger-partnered Corporations on 9/11/01 included the Blackstone Group (headed on 9/11/01 by Peter G. Peterson, who was then the Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York [66], the American International Group (headed on 9/11/01 by Council on Foreign Relations' and Federal Reserve Bank of New York eminence Maurice Greenberg [67]), and Kroll, Inc.. (headed on 9/11/01 by Michael Cherkasky, the former Manhattan District Attorney who was Chief of Investigations into the 1993 bombing of the WTC Twin Towers [68], a bombing that became lethal due to the insistence of FBI Special Agent John Anticev to FBI informant Emad Salem, as revealed in a tape-recorded conversation that was published by the New York Times and Washington Post and Atlantic Monthly and then covered up. [69]
Michael Cherkasky was another person wanted for further questioning by the San Diego Citizens' Grand Jury ... on the 'Charge' of 'Conspiracy to Commit Mass Murder' as well as the 'Charges' of 'Destruction of Evidence' and 'Obstruction of Justice.' [70]
Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) is the San Diego-based 'intelligence contractor' that Kevin Ryan ranks as having received 'more individual government contracts than any other private company in America' and a firm responsible for advising New York City's World Trade Center on measures for security before and after the 1993, FBI-assisted bombing of the Twin Towers as well as a firm with expertise in nano-thermites. Among employees of SAIC or members of its Board of Directors before 9/11/01 are the Bush/Obama Administrations' Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, former CIA Deputy Director and U. S. Navy Admiral Bobby Ray Inman, former Director of New York City's Office of Emergency Management Jerrome Hauer (1996-2000), a Managing Director of Kroll, Inc. on 9/11/01, and Jerome Hauer's close associate Steven Hatfill, a supporter of South Africa's apartheid in the 1980s and a prime suspect in the September/October 2001 anthrax attacks in the U.S [71], and Duane Andrews, Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Department of Defense under Dick Cheney during the 1991-92 Gulf War.
The Halliburton Corporation and its subsidiaries on 9/11/01 of Dresser Industries and Kellogg, Brown, Root share a history of branching out from the supply of oil-field drilling services to the supply of logistical support and surveillance to overseas U.S. Military Forces.
The latter expansion of Halliurton's business especially increased when Dick Cheney was Chief Executive Officer of this Corporation between 1995-2001, Cheney appointing to Halliburton's Board of Directors Kissinger Associates' Lawrence Eagleburger (U.S. Secretary of State under President George H. W. Bush) and Charles DiBona, a former Special Assistant to U.S. President Richard Nixon, DiBona also President of the American Petroleum Institute for 19 years and a close associate of the head of companies that had offices in the airliners' impact-zones of both WTC Towers, Joseph Kasputys. Like Joseph Kasputys, Charles DiBona was and is also a Commander in the U.S. Navy.

Clean-up and Cover-up
Kevin Ryan's fourth installment concerns companies and individuals responsible for 'Clean-up' at the " 'Ground Zero' " site in Lower Manhattan.
We meet individuals and Corporations new and old to the 'Demolition Access' study in its concluding part.
Control of clean-up of a crime-scene is of course vital to cover-up of the crime or crimes in question. Three municipal officials are reported through different media to be principal in the clean-up/cover-up, according to footnotes 70, 71 and 72 in Kevin Ryan's 'Clean-up' installment. These official are: Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, the city's Office of Emergency Management Director Richard Sheirer, and Executive Deputy Commissioner Mike Burton of the city's Department of Design and Construction.
Overseeing the most immediate possible removal of mounded, tangled and molten steel and other WTC evidence for the City was LZA/Thornton Tomasetti, headed by engineers Charles Thornton and Richard Tomasetti. Charles Thornton later joined the National Institute of Standards and Technology's Board of Advisors regarding the 9/11/01 destruction at the World Trade Center. Richard Tomasetti took responsibility for the removal and/or recycling of hundreds of thousands of tons of steel and other evidence taken from " 'Ground Zero' ". According to Kevin Ryan, Richard Tomasetti has claimed to not know "the direction that investigations ... would take."
Under LZA/Thornton Tomasetti for the WTC clean-up were five major contractors: AMEC Construction Management, Bevis Lend Lease, Tishman Construction, Tully Construction, and Turner Construction. The parent Corporations of AMEC Construction Management and Bevis Lend Lease are based in London, England.
These five major contractors employed numerous local sub-contractors for hands-on waste-removal. Kevin Ryan finds that some of the latter are connected to Italian Mafia felons. Bevis Lend Lease received $277.2 million from the U.S. Government for its efforts, AMEC Construction Management received $65.8 million, Tully Construction $76 million, and Turner Construction $39 million.
These private contractors' earnings loom large when compared to the $600,000 allocated by the U. S. Government for FEMA's 2002 'Building Performance Study' and the $20 million allocated for NIST's three-year 2005 draft of a 'Final Report'.
Turner Construction was a tenant on the North Tower's 38th floor.
Coincidentally, Turner Construction was also the contractor responsible for supposed fire-proofing upgrades on floors of the Twin Towers that were most hit by Boeing 767 impacts and/or that were most affected by fires and faults on 9/11/01, a statistically implausible pair of coupling coincidences at which Kevin Ryan also marveled in his 'Another amazing ...' piece of January 2008. [72]
Turner Construction was also the contractor responsible for demolition of Seattle's Kingdome on March 26, 2000, in partnership with another Corporation that cleaned up at both " 'Ground Zero' " and at the 1995 demolition-site of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Controlled Demolition, Inc.
Coincidentally, Turner Construction is also intimately connected to nano-explosives through its building of the 1997-completed headquarters for the Naval Sea Systems Command, said command's Indian Head Naval Surface Warfare center being the 'only reliable source for aluminum nano-powers in the U. S', according to the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology in 2001[73].
Turner Construction is also a champion of 'Green' building in U. S. Public Schools, praised by the U.S. Green Building Council and the Clinton Global Initiative, and a proponent of reducing 'greenhouse gases'. [74]
Turner Construction is also since 1999 a subsidiary of Hochtief of Germany, a firm whose website recounts its 'increasing use of forced labor' from 1939-40 onward while Hochtief served the Nazi Government [75]. Coincidentally, in 1999 Tom Leppert, later Mayor of Dallas, Texas and now a close neighbor of George W. Bush's, became CEO of Turner under Hochtief. [76]

The 'Clean-up' installment of Kevin Ryan's 'Demolition ...' study reports new accounts of criminality by the United States' Federal Bureau of Investigation.
FBI agents Richard Marx, Pasquale ("Pat") D'Amuro, Kevin Donovan, Edwin Cogswell and Barry Mawn are found by admissions within their own ranks to have stolen significant pieces of steel and other evidence from the Fresh Kills landfill to which WTC wreckage was hauled (footnotes 105, 106). Pat D'Amuro was the lead FBI Agent into investigation of the 1993 FBI-assisted bombing of the Twin Towers and--according to FBI Director Robert Mueller's commendation in promoting D'Amuro to be the Bureau's Assistant Director of Counter-Terrorism on January 31, 2002--also headed 'the PENTTBOM investigation' that somehow identified all 18 and then 19 supposed Arab hijackers (Hani Hanjour, the incompetent, supposed pilot of American Airlines Flight 77, was a latecomer to the FBI's list) within 72 hours of the 9/11/01 morning.
PENTTBOM, it should be noted, is the FBI's own acronym for its self-described investigation. The little-known FBI designation of PENTTBOM stands for: 'Pentagon Twin Towers Bombing' [77]
The FBI-designated 'Bombing' of the Twin Towers also brought the Science Applications International Corporation back into New York City's World Trade Center crimes. As related by Kevin Ryan, SAIC 'supplied the largest contingent of non-governmental investigators to the WTC investigation conducted by NIST.'
Coincidentally, the story of Special Forces expert John Blitch and " 'Ground Zero' " began on the first day of his employment with SAIC: September 11, 2001. According to Wired magazine, on 9/11/01 John Blitch happened to be leaving his position as a Lieutenant Colonel in the U.S. Army's Special Forces to direct the Center for Intelligent Robotics and Unmanned Systems at the Science Applications International Corporation facility in Colorado [78]. John Blitch had been charged by the U.S. Army's Special Forces with heading the Defense Department's Tactical Mobile Robots Program within the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA, over the preceding three years.
According to Kevin Ryan, John Blitch had also been in his U.S. Army career chief of unmanned systems at the U.S. Special Operations Command (US SOCOM), a Command which conducts ' "covert and clandestine missions" ', and John Blitch had also won an award for his 'ground-breaking research in robot assisted search and rescue conducted during the Oklahoma City Bombing response.' According the Association for Computing Machinery, John Blitch used his Oklahoma City research to 'develop many of the robot platforms that were eventually used at the WTC.' [79]
The demolition of the Murrah Federal Building on April 19, 1995 by internal explosives--causing 168 strictly civilian deaths--and the subsequent cover-up of that demolition and mass murder and sensational, terrorist pretext is in many aspects a precursor for the true crimes of " '9/11' ". [80] [81]
Wired magazine wrote in its May 2002 issue that on 9/11/01 the 43-year-old John Blitch scrapped his 1500-mile drive from Washinton, DC to SAIC's Center for Intelligent Robotics and Unmanned Systems in Littleton, Colorado and instead 'donned his fatgiues, dug out his military ID, and worked his cell phone, summoning colleagues to Florida to Boston to pack up their finest robots and rendevous at Ground Zero.' [82]
Honoring John Blitch in March 2002 with the $5000 Eugene Lawler Award for Humanitarian Computer Science, the CEO of the Association for Computing Machinery, John White, said: "John Blitch helped the New York community apply robot-assisted search and rescue technology at a critical time in our history." The press-release for the Association for Computing Machinery notes: 'Eighteen hours after the attacks, robots were on the rubble pile.' [83]
What might be an alternative explanation for John Blitch's and the robots' swift " '9/11/ " work? Kevin Ryan quotes James T. Thurman's Practical Bomb Scene Investigation: 'Regardless of how efficent the initiator is, all the explosives are never entirely used or destroyed.' [84] Kevin Ryan then offers this interpretation of John Blitch's background and amazing coordination of activities amid the Twin Towers' molten wreckage: 'Therefore, Lieutenant Colonel Blitch of SOCOM and SAIC had the means and opportunity to neutralize any unwanted explosives that might have been buried in the pile at Ground Zero.'
Another immediate arrival to the demolitions' crime-scene was David Griffin of North Carolina.
A laudatory article in the Asheboro. North Carolina News and Courier reports that the 34-year-old Griffin, son of the founder of D.H. Griffin Companies, was like James Blitch in driving promptly to New York City after the " '9/11' " attacks. Ostensibly without credentials, the younger Griffin is reported to have somehow walked through check-points at the clean-up site on Friday, September 14, 2001 and given crucial advice about dismantling a steel overhang remaining from Building 7.
The next day, the younger Griffin from Asheboro was reportedly asked by 'New York City authorities' to 'become overall head of the demolition teams at the disaster area.' He later came to be called "Carolina" by Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, the newspaper's story relates. [85]
The D. H. Griffin Companies had 'worked closely' with the United States' Department of Energy and Department of Defense as early as 1994, according to Kevin Ryan.

Global Gangsters, Partnered Plutocrasies,
Captains of Technology for Totalitarian Financiers,
and What We Can Do

'I strongly object to the fact that so many newspapers have given the American public and the world the impression that I have only two alternatives in taking this stand--either I go to jail or go to the Army. There is another alternative, and that alternative is justice.'
Muhammad Ali in his statement on refusing induction into the U.S. Armed Forces, April 26, 1967, quoted in The Soul of a Butterfly (written with his daughter Hana Yasmeen Ali), 2004
The stories of John Blitch and ' "Carolina" ' Griffin are small though instructive pieces among the intercontinental cast of characters, Corporations and Governments that Kevin Ryan's 'Demolition Access ...' presents.
Within this Introduction alone we've met more officers and executives of the supranational Corporate Government than one mind can easily trace.
Within my brief overview of Kevin Ryan's far-reaching 'Security' installment, we've met SAIC and Kroll, Inc, Stratasec or Securacom, BDM, TRW, Ensec, Komatsu, Lockheed Martin, and more.
Within the 'Clean-up' installment, we've met Turner Construction and its parent Hochtief, AMEC Construction Management and Bevis Lend Lease of London, England, the FBI, FEMA and NIST, the new Mayor of Dallas, and many more.
Among 'Tenants' with exclusive or dominant occupation of floors in the North and South Towers that were subject to 'upgrades', then Boeing 767-impact, and then disintegrative failure that can be explained only by internal explosives, we've met Marsh & McClennan, the Primark Corporation, and Mizuho Holdings. Through these mere three Corporations and their executives and interlocking subsidiaries and Board memberships we've encountered connections that are literally unending.
Thus, the range and powers of the networks and capacities that Kevin Ryan has traced for us in his 'Demolition Access ...' may seem overwhelming.
What these intrinsically conspiratorial Board members (for what is a Corporation but a conspiracy of like-minded individuals to achieve secret advantages?) have evidently done may give pause to even the intrepid.
We must face and ask again: If these relative few are capable of the ruthless mass murder of more than 2900 civilians in one epoch-making day, the day we know by its synonym for emergency, " '9/11' ", what more might they do?
What more might these Ruling Few and the technologies that they control do to us, We Masses, we who are bound to these few through the systems of credit and debt that they also control, we who live under seemingly all-seeing eyes?
Now that we know, what can we do? How can we fight back? How can we get free?
Kevin Ryan's 'Demolition Access ...' offers us keys through the very enormity of detail that he's presented about the intercontinental integration of the supranational Corporate Government.
First, we can see that though their interlocking partnerships are endless and often secret, the Ruling Few are really few. They are also really limited in their visions of the present and future. The very lack of compassion that allows them to carry out acts of terror such as " '9/11' " and " '7/7' " [86], as well as to carry out practices of deceit, theft, bigotry, impoverishment and worse every day, also blinds the Ruling Few them to imminently possible solutions through cooperation. They're bound to systems of exploitation and speculation that are failing as fast as the largest Banks and Stock Markets were in 2008-2009 before our national Governments fed these obviously illogical, inhumane and malignant Corporations and institutions more trillions of currency.
The only real question about the Ruling Few's trajectory is whether We Masses on Earth--in particular We Masses in the United States--let them further feed from us and thereby take us down.
Our courage must answer now whether we'll choose to stay bound to the Ruling Few's systems of credit and debt, their centuries-old game of creating money from nothing and empires for free, a game that inevitably brings We Masses to suffer and die in acts of terror and war.
Let's look further into specific pieces of our collective history and present so that we may better see ways to break free.
"Who owns General Dynamics?" the U.S. Military and "black operations" expert Mr. X asks New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison in "JFK". Mr. X is prodding District Attorney Garrison in their Washington, DC meeting to more deeply probe "who" had the means, motive and opportunity to assassinate a U.S. President and cover up their crimes. Mr. X is referring to one weapons-maker, General Dynamics, builder of the F-111, whose profits soared due to the Vietnam War that escalated after the murder of John F. Kennedy.
In 1963 General Dynamics--a weapons-maker whose dollars-amount in contracts from the U.S. Department of Defense nearly doubled between 2001 and 2003, post " '9/11' ", like such gains in contracts for Lockheed Martin,
Raytheon, Northrop Grunman, et cetera [87]--was controlled by the Chicago-based 'industrialist and philanthropist' (wikipedia) Henry Crown. [88]
Regarding the General Dynamics F-111 as opposed to Boeing's model, according to the business-resource FundingUniverse: 'An investigation of impropriety in the selection process was interrupted when President Kennedy was assassinated in November 1963 and was not concluded until 1972.' [89]
29 years after JFK's murder, in July 1992, Warren Buffet's Berkshire Hathaway company became General Dynamics' largest share-holder with its purchase of $4.35 million shares--or 14.1%--of G.D. [90] Warren Buffet was in 1992 credited with recently "saving" Salomon Brothers, the speculator Corporation whose descendant Salomon Smith Barney was the tenant on 36 of World Trade Center Building 7's 47 neatly imploded floors. [90] We know from Kevin Ryan's 'Demolition Access ...' that too-big-to-fail bailout-recipient Citigroup wholly owned Salomon Smith Barney on 9/11/01.
Readers may also remember that Warren Buffet was also the host to a 'charity event' that somehow took place at Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska on the morning of 9/11/01. Said 'charity event' included Anne Tatlock, the Chief Executive Officer of Fiduciary Trust, a Corporation that lost 87 employees to death in the demolition of the South Tower. [91]
In 1992, according to Chairman Warren Buffet's letter to more than 20,000 share-holders, Berkshire Hathaway owned 18.2 % of the ABC TV-network, 14.6% of the Washington Post publishing company, and 11.5% of the Wells Fargo Bank, as well as large holdings in Coca Cola and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, as well as its 14.1% of General Dynamics [92]
In 2009 Chairman Buffet's letter to Berkshire Hathaway share-holders reported on 18.4% ownership of the Washington Post and billions of dollars of new investment in General Electric (NBC) and Goldman Sachs. [93]
At present General Dynamics remains a favorite of 'guru' fund-managers and other multi-billions-dollar speculators. [94]
Gains to weapons-makers from wars in the Middle East and Central Asia continue. In 2008 Lester Crown, Henry's son, a former President of General Dynamics, wrote to 'a large number of Jewish voters' about his support of then Senator Barack Obama for U.S. President due to the Senator's 'stellar record on Israel'. [95] The increase in U.S. Defense Department spending in the first year of the 'Change' from the Bush to the Obama Administrations has been 12.7%--up from $515.4 billion in the 2009 Federal budget to $663.7 billion in the 2010 Federal budget. [96]
At the same time, debt, the most powerful means of profit and control over peoples and nations, has grown. Over the same span of less than two years, the total projected debt of the United States has risen much more than 100%--from $5.6 trillion to $14.078 trillion--largely due to the expenditure of trillions of dollars on the biggest of supranational Banks and other speculator Corporations. [97]
Proofs pile up. Signs point to increasing divisions and manipulated breakdown. The whole picture grows clearer. We Masses are meant to suffer more for the Ruling Few.
We can look into true horrors and see the same faces and grotesqueries illuminated in their shadows. The further windows that Kevin Ryan has opened for us and the lights that he's shone show the same Corporations and executives as integral to the crimes of " '9/11' " and the ongoing theft of working-class and middle-class freedoms and wealth in the United States and around the world.
Proofs are as multiple and uniform as the headlines in U.S. newspapers on September 12, 2001 ('TERROR', 'TERROR', .., 'ATTACKED', ATTACKED', ..., 'FREEDOM UNDER SEIGE', 'AMERICA VOWS REVENGE AS TERROR CLAIMS THOUSANDS', ...), as assembled by Jim Hoffman in Waking Up from Our Nightmare [98], and in multi-national media after the summit of G-20 nations on September 25, 2009 ('G-20 to
police new world economic order', 'Obama to Usher in New World Order at G-20', 'New World Order: Obama to Widen G-20's Role', 'G-20 to Become Premier Coordinating Body in Global Economic Order') from the London Telegraph to Fox News to NBC Miami to Russia's Pravda [99] [100] [101] [102].
Terror is to shape us. Crises are to bend and break us. We Masses are to be hammered more to fit the Ruling Few's uses.
We Masses are to lose national sovereignty as the Ruling Few destroy our economies. Our capacities for nativist resistance are to sapped and shattered as our Armed Forces are entangled here and there and our arms are taken away. Our capacities to imagine alternatives are to be as reduced as the minds of monkeys exposed to the same inputs, the same screens and sensory deprivation, 24 hours a day, every Time Zone around Earth.
We're to be hammered further into robots and serfs. We're to be taxed for driving and riding and smoking and breathing. We're to feel lucky to board airliners. We're to be strip-searched and irradiated by technology controlled by totalitarian financiers through their former Secretarys and eternal debtors....
Yes, those few, the Ruling Few, totalitarian money-lenders and office-holding henchmen, partnered in plutocracy, gangsters linked in skyscrapers and occult haunts around the world, mixed in their races and supposed religions and doomed due to their arrogance, elitism, and pathological lack of compassion.
The Ruling Few have yet to see that they need We Masses' genius to sustain any life worth living on this planet.

Kevin Ryan concluded his third installment, ''Caryle, Kissinger, SAIC and Halliburton: A 9/11 Convergence', with a paragraph that stated the core of his immense findings. He suggested that those who seek truth and justice for the crimes of 9/11/01 must turn away from 'al Qaeda' as the culprit for phenomena that 'al Qaeda' could not have caused.
Alternatively, we who seek truth and justice must look at 'a far more powerful and highly connected system of intelligence and financial networks, represented by organizations like Carlyle, Kissinger, SAIC and Halliburton, that converged upon the events of 9/11.'
Kevin Ryan suggested finally: 'Understanding and destroying terrorism might simply be a matter of understanding and destroying the organizations that continue to profit from 9/11.'
The ultimate profiteers from " '9/11' " and the " 'War on Terror' " are the Banks that ultimately control national economies as well as they control the four-legged monster which I identified as G.O.D.D. (Guns, Oil, Drug, Debt) in first writing about the 'Financiers behind 9/11', May of 2004. [103]
Who owns Exxon Mobil/ Who owns Chevrom Texaco? Who owns the Corporations that sell " 'swine-flu vaccines' "? Who owns the Banks that most profit from laundering money from narcotics such as opium/heroin from Afghanistan and Pakistan and coca/cocaine/Crack from Latin America?
These Banks, the world's largest commercial Banks (Bank of America, Barclay's, Citigroup, Deutsche Bank, JP Morgan Chase, ...) are owned by the same families who control the private and for-profit Central Banks (the Federal Reserve System, Bank of England, Bank of France, Bank of Germany, Bank of Japan, ...) that set national interest-rates and issue national money-supplies. [104] [105] [106]
We Masses need to be rid of these Central Banks first of all.
The step of withdrawing funds from the largest commercial Banks, as in the 'Move Your Money' campaign', is one good though partial turn. [107] [108] The step of moving sources of Government funding to publicly controlled Banks that can invest without usury in the public's well-being, such as the Bank of North Dakoka with its singular $1.3-billion surplus now does, also makes sense, per the advice of Ellen Brown and Conan O'Brien. [109] [110] The step of a mass public withdrawal of funds from the largest commercial, supranational Banks in a 'National Strike' is a further, dramatic and radical step. [111]
More basic than any of these sensible rebellions and practical alternatives is recognition of the whole picture that Kevin Ryan has again helped us to see.
We must therefore throw off the deeper psychological holds that the Ruling Few have imposed on us. Act on what what we know to be true. Reject the very basis for the crippling nonsense of the " 'War on Terror' ". Reject the transparently false pretext for the Ruling Few's wars in Afghanistan and Pakistan and Iraq and Yemen, and elsewhere. Say aloud to each other obvious truths. "9/11 was an inside-job." "9/11 is a big lie." Say these obvious truths simply, calmly, forthrightly, and build from them to take our freedom and prosperity with tools of the 21st century.
Creatively join the social movements that can overturn and leave behind the psychological and spiritual ills that hold us in thrall--the psy-ops and death-grips and RFID-chips of technology made totalitarian.
Proceed forward. Turn to each other, combine resources and forces, and proceed forward. In the United States, check out possibilities at the Organic Consumers Association website. [112] Likewise that of the American Monetary Institute. [113]. Likewise the 'Solutions Revolution' at Bill Jablonski's [114 ]Part from the Corporate Government as naturally as peoples move away from ruins and deserts and the tyrants and systems that would debase, dumb-down, and annihilate them.
Eight and one-half years is much too long to live under the thrall of murderous lies.
We can thank Kevin Ryan for much heavy-lifting of Corporate Government blocks against our understanding and possibilities. We can appreciate his courage, clarity, compassion, humor, and then we can appreciate his courage again. We can thank his family's steadfastness too. Over six years ago Kevin Ryan lost his job at Underwriter Laboratories for publicly insisting that executives in that Corporation and in the United States Department of Commerce's National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) not lie about tests' findings as to the resistance against fire of Twin Towers' structural steel. He continued on his truth-telling course. He joined with Steven Jones in proving thermitic reactions in the steel and dust of debris from the Twin Towers' explosions. He listed 'The Top 10 Connections between NIST and Nano-thermites' in another far-reaching and ground-breaking paper. [115] He counseled Naomi Klein and Naomi Wolf and others whose 'Confabulations' deny realities that most threaten them. [116] He thanked the National Geographic Channel (67% owned by financiers' loyal debtor Rupert Murdoch and his News Corporation [117]) for an apology and honesty that of course never came. [118]
Now Kevin Ryan has built for us one more great resource. His 'Demolition Access ...' forms in its breadth and depths and strata something like a cavernous mountain of light that might be seen to face the skyscrapers that were taken down on September 11, 2001. Peer into the shadows it exposes. Follow its labyrinthian connections. Trace the links between the Boards and conspirators among the millionaires and billionaires it names. See what happened when more than 2600 died--never forget--and see what is further happening to your nation, your integrity and sanity, your childrens' future, and your world. Feel that a good soul has bravely brought you news that may save your family.
Now that we know, we may know what to do.


[COLOR=#000000][FONT=Times New Roman]1. '9/11: Total Proof that Bombs were Planted in the Buildings!'
2. Dan Rather CBS interview with Jerome Hauer at 2:33 to 6:48 of the Brasscheck TV video at
3. Jerome Hauer resume at
4. San Francisco Business Journal, February 4, 2002 at;
5. Forbes Magazine, October 15, 2001 at
6. Excerpt from " '9/11' " / Facing Our Fascist State, Don Paul, 2002, at
as discussed on January 8-9, 2003 at
7. 'Videos Show Building 7's Vertical Collapse' at
8. CNN on World Trade Center Building 7 at
9. BBC on WTC 7 at
10. Excerpt from Was America Attacked by Muslims on 9/11?, David Ray Griffin, 2008, at
11. Jennifer Van Bergen in, May 20, 2002 at
12. CNN, 'Cheney hints at additional ground operations', October 25, 2001, at
13. 'The New Normal', a traveling exhibition co-organized by Independent
Curators International and Artists Space in New York City, June 2008, at
14. Paul Craig Roberts and Lawrence M. Stratton, 'Legislating Tyranny', an excerpt from their The Tyranny of Good Intentions, June 3, 2008 at
15. Glenn Greenwald, 'Backlash grows against Obama's preventive detention proposal', Salon, May 25, 2009 at
16. Center for Investigative Reporting, 'Homeland Security USA: Obama wants to hire thousands for 'domestic intel', March 10, 2009, at'fordomesticintel
17. Washington Post, 'No clear plan for paying for Obama's Afghanistan troop increase', December 2, 2009, at
18. Russel Amster in, January 24, 2010, at'15.
19. January 6, 2010 at
20. 'Fleischer criticizes Obama's speech as too balanced', June 4, 2009, at
21. Amanda Terkel, 'Poll Shows Palin's Unfavorability Ratings at an All-Time High as Broad Extols her Populist Appeal', February 11, 2010, at
22. Don Paul, To Prevent the Next " '9/11' ", 2005, in The World Is Turning, 2009, pages 197-200, quoting from John Elson's Lightning over t...
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Did Israeli "art students" penetrate WTC security to the extent that they were able to remove a window and construct a "balcony"?

Once again may I draw your attention to:

The B-Thing, by Gelatin

The book exists. I own a copy.

Based on the book's closing credits, the creators of the alleged WTC "art" project who comprise Gelatin are Leo Koenig, Josh Harris, Moukhtar Kocache, Land Niederosterreich, and Land Salzburg.-

Walter K�nig, Cologne, 2001
ISBN: 3-8837-507-9
32 pages, colour throughout, embossed hard covers
Text: Tex Rubinowitz
Photos: Maria Ziegelb�ck, Thomas Sandbichler, Susanne Wimmer, gelatin
Layout: Johannes Heuer
Reproductions: Byberlab, Vienna
Print: Groebner Druck, boerwart
Binding: Papyrus, Vienna
Translation: Jonathan Quinn
Courtesy: Leo Koenig Inc., New York; Galerie Meyer Kainer, Vienna

The front endpiece of this rather elaborate little cloth-bound book is comprised of German text by Tex Rubinowitz. It is lengthy and should be read in its entirety and for subtext. I reproduce the opening lines now:

"The loneliness of Raffia. The group Gelatin is comprised of four young men. When one of them speaks or smiles you can see a gap in his teeth and one of them has broken the tip of one his incisors. I once saw one of them in a light blue towelling romper suit, and I don't know the fourth at all. They all have something unaired about them and so-called early morning hairdo. I assume this goes for the fourth one too. I know that the one with the chipped tooth once dropped a vast coffee cup and it broke into a thousand pieces. He painstakingly glued this monstrosity (it was easily big enough to hold two oranges) back together piece for piece like a jigsaw puzzle."

"The Loneliness of Raffia" is, as Tex later reminds us, a short story by Franz Kafka.

From an blurb:

( )

which incorporates text from Gelatin's web site ( ):

The Austrian collective, Gelatin, has gained an international reputation for ambitious projects that thrive on surprise and hyper-real bodily sensation. Each project pushes physical boundaries and audience expectations. The B-Thing uncovers the truth behind the rumours of Gelatin's construction of an improvised balcony on the 91st floor of the World Trade Centre in New York in 2000. Through preparatory notes written by the boys, diagrams and colour photographs, we are finally able to glimpse the pink sunrise over New York from Gelatin's eyes and to see how their home-made balcony emerged like a 'pimple on the building's eelslippery face.' The rumours continued however and Moukhtar Kocache, Director of Visual Art and Media at the WTC, felt the need to deny that the action ever took place, claiming that any documentation 'simply demonstrates [Gelatin's] art of deception.' Although he praised their success 'in addressing the mythological and iconic dimensions of America, New York and the Twin Towers,' and continued, '[they] use the system of the art world, a system they love to critique as a vehicle . And because they are boys and like to play .'
The New York Times had this to report:

Balcony Scene (Or Unseen) Atop the World; Episode at Trade Center Assumes Mythic Qualities
Published: Saturday, August 18, 2001

The affair of the balcony ended, if indeed it ever began, with the appearance in July of a slender book of curious title, obtainable in very few places, one of them being an art gallery in a frosted storefront on Broadway near Franklin Street.

Called ''The B-Thing'' and produced by four Vienna-based artists known collectively as Gelatin, the book is demure to the point of being oblique. What little explanation it contains appears to have been scribbled in ballpoint. Among the photos and schematic drawings, there are doodles of tarantulas with human heads.

In short, the book belies the extravagance of the feat it seems to document: the covert installation, and brief use, of a balcony on the 91st floor of the World Trade Center, 1,100 feet above the earth. Eight photographs -- some grainy, all taken from a great distance -- depict one tower's vast eastern facade, marred by a tiny molelike growth: a lone figure dressed in a white jacket, standing in a lectern-size box.

The contemporary art world, of course, is rife with acts of subversion followed by boasting, which is known as ''documentation.'' In that context, the beauty of the balcony was that it so literally pushed the envelope. Yet since that Sunday morning in March 2000, when the balcony was allegedly installed and, 19 minutes later, dismantled, the affair has taken on the outlines of an urban myth, mutated by rumors and denials among the downtown cognoscenti.

Although the book appears to seek notoriety, the artists have gone coy. Their dealer, who witnesses say watched the event from a hotel suite, now claims it never happened. Either the balcony was an elaborate hoax meant to look real, or the inverse is true: it really happened, and the closer it comes to being found out, the more those involved would prefer for everyone to think it was a hoax.

In the spring of 2000, Gelatin and 14 other artists shared free studio space on the 91st floor, where the group's artmaking appeared to consist of building a clubhouse out of cardboard boxes.

But Ali Janka, a member of Gelatin reached by phone in Vienna, said that the blindered view afforded by the narrow windows had inspired them to find a way to step outside. ''After you have a certain idea, you can't go back,'' he said, ''because everything else seems very weak compared to it.''

Mr. Janka was happy to talk about the project, at least at first. After weeks of planning, he said, one night Gelatin -- he, Florian Reither, Tobias Urban and Wolfgang Gantner -- waited in the studio until dawn. At the appointed moment, the four, wearing harnesses, unscrewed the aluminum moldings that hold the window in place and used two large suction cups to remove the glass (air pressure adds about 300 pounds to the effort). As warm air streamed past, they outfitted the window with a cantilevered box, big enough for only one person at a time.

''The amazing thing that happens when you take out a window,'' Mr. Janka said, ''is that the whole city comes into the building.''

Other artists in the studio have heard rumors of the balcony, but most are dubious. ''I can tell you that it never happened,'' said Geoffrey Detrani, whose space was next to Gelatin's. ''To remove a window would be a pretty serious structural breach.''

But Gelatin, fearing expulsion from the country, had gone to great lengths to conceal their plot. The clubhouse afforded privacy and storage. By prior agreement, the group confiscated all film and video of the project taken by invited witnesses.

Still, how did a balcony escape the notice of one of the most security-conscious office towers in the world? An examination of the security system revealed that it was focused on the ground floor and basement, Mr. Janka said, adding, ''There's no surveillance on the facade itself.''

That is true, said Cherrie Nanninga, the director of real estate for the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, which until recently ran the World Trade Center. Port Authority officials, shown a copy of ''The B-Thing'' by a reporter, reacted with disbelief, then outrage. Although their own investigation turned up no evidence, Ms. Nanninga said, ''we have no reason to believe it didn't happen.''

Window removal is considered so dangerous that when it is done the streets below are cordoned off, she said. ''It was really a stupid and irrational act that in my view borders on the criminal,'' she said, adding that the stunt had jeopardized the studio program, whose space is donated by the Trade Center.

Removing the window may have been dangerous, but according to Walter Friedman, the owner of Dependable Glass, which performs that service for the World Trade Center, it is not that difficult. All it takes is four guys, some readily available equipment -- and nerve, Mr. Friedman said.

Nerve is not something Gelatin lacks. They specialize in projects that require participants to sign a waiver.

In a piece called ''The Human Elevator,'' strong men on scaffolding hoisted people to the roof of a three-story building in Los Angeles. And patrons in Munich were greased with baby oil and invited to slide naked down an esophaguslike chute formed by the bellies of a crew of overweight Germans.

Although Gelatin, which is representing Vienna in the Venice Biennale, has not shrunk from physical risk, they seem to think that merely discussing the balcony with a reporter was dangerous, perhaps because they are currently seeking permission to live on a vacant lot on Canal Street, as part of a forthcoming exhibition.

''If you write about the balcony, maybe you can just not write about it too much,'' Mr. Janka called back to say after the initial interview, the first of several calls protesting the appearance of an article, despite the fact that the artists had published the book.

To others involved in the project, it seemed reasonable that the appearance of ''The B-Thing'' meant secrecy was no longer necessary. Josh Harris, the Internet entrepreneur once known for holding extravagant art parties, explained that Leo Koenig, the 24-year-old art dealer who represents Gelatin, got him involved.

The night before the B-Thing, Mr. Harris said, he rented a top-floor suite at the Millennium Hilton, across the street from the Gelatin studio, and invited people to what guests described as a night of decadence. Near dawn, he and several others took cameras and boarded a helicopter, communicating with Gelatin via cell phone.

''We had to fly twice around the building before we could see them,'' said Mr. Harris, who is thanked in the book.

Afterward, Gelatin appeared at the hotel, where their success was toasted at a euphoric breakfast, according to five other witnesses, including Tanya Corrin, a video producer and writer, and David Leslie, a performance artist. ''We just applauded the gutsy originality of it,'' Ms. Corrin said. ''I think we all left feeling, wow, we just did something amazing, and nobody knows.''

Mr. Koenig now says the balcony never happened and, at any rate, he didn't see it. The book, which costs $35 and was printed in a run of 1,200 copies, is meant to provoke questions about its veracity, he said.

At the suggestion that the project might have been faked, Mr. Harris seemed almost offended. He produced March 2000 credit card bills bearing charges of $2,167.44 from the Millennium Hilton and $1,625 from Helicopter Flight Service.

At about the same time that Mr. Harris was digging up proof, Gelatin was removing almost every trace of it from their Web site.

Moukhtar Kocache, the director of the studio program, insisted that the photos of the balcony were obviously faked. But digital manipulation experts disagreed. George Dash, the co-owner of Nucleus Imaging on East 30th Street, and a colleague, John Grasso, used magnifying loupes to examine a copy of ''The B-Thing.'' Neither could detect inconsistencies. ''The angles are all too perfect,'' Mr. Grasso said. ''It looks real to me. Absolutely. I've been doing this for 22 years.''

The balcony may be an art prank in the lineage of Yves Klein, who in 1960 disseminated a picture of himself leaping blithely out a window, an image revealed years later to be the product of deftly spliced negatives. But in its audacity, it seems more akin to tricksters who tested the limits of the World Trade Center in the 1970's, including Philippe Petit, who walked a high wire strung between the towers.

''This building needs things like that to happen, because otherwise it would die inside,'' said Mr. Janka, who was under the impression that Mr. Petit had been deported for his action.

Although the Port Authority has not yet decided what, if any, action it will take against Gelatin, Mr. Janka might be relieved to learn that Mr. Petit, who still lives in New York, was simply required to give the city a free performance. He obliged by walking a tightrope to the top of the Belvedere Castle.

For more, see:
Another 19 is a very important book that actually names and connects the dots of many many more than just 19 [so named because of the 19 'Islamic Terrorists' of the official fictional version and cover-up] suspects involved the false-flag operation now at the heart of everything most every country does now....but especially the US, UK, OZ and NATO partners. Goes beyond the how to the who.

If you have someone you know who still buys the snake oil of the official version and they are willing to dare thinking it might not be so, have them read this book and/or show them the five [!] hour documentary, just out, called 'The New Pearl Harbor' - in three parts on YouTube - covers the entire 9-11, from soup to nuts. I only disagree with one small aspect of the film...too minor to mention. Its a slam-dunk [point, game, match]. IMO
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
People like connecting dots. It always them to extract meaning and in some cases intent from disparate bits of seemingly not related observances.

The Greeks looked to the sky, called them the heavens, where they believed their gods lived and connected the stars into cartoon like depictions of their gods we know of as the zodiac. The connected dots (stars) which had no relationship to one another, and certainly were not images of gods. Astronomers explained how the stars are positioned in 3 dimensions. Astrologers never explained how the position of the stars... can have an impact on a human popping out of the birth canal at some geographic location on the earth at some specific time. Their psychology would be fixed by the stars.

Detectives connect dots we think of as evidence to lead them to the explanation of who committed a crime. We've seen many innocent people convicted of crimes they did not commit by selective and misreading of evidence *dots*. The conviction was driven by ideology or a need to solve the crime and dispose of an open case, or make an example for the public. Dots were connected with an agenda.

All explanations, true or false connect dots. It's a matter of the dots chosen and the dots ignored which determine the explanation. The explanation that emerges from the dots Ryan connects appears to have logic... connections appear logical between the dots he chooses. But the official story also connects dots it chooses to tell the story. Both, or would it be all connect-the-dot type explanations are prone to a bias and agenda of the dot connector.

Ryan is attempting to address who did, as who could have done, who would have benefited from, who was in a position to execute 9/11 and of course cover their tracks and issue an apparent coherent cover story. While the connections between Ryan's targets may be there (aren't the same characters always connected in what is the *old boys networks*?). But are the connections which he sees part of the conspiracy he believes? Why is Ryan's connected dots correct and the OCT's not? Perhaps they are both wrong or a little right and a little wrong?

Are we seeing emergence:

"In philosophy, systems theory, science, and art, emergence is the way complex systems and patterns arise out of a multiplicity of relatively simple interactions. Emergence is central to the theories of integrative levels and of complex systems.:

With 9/11 we have emergence on many levels... the physical destruction result emerges from the complexity of the processes - mechanical and chemical.. we have the political which would be the conspiracy to engineer, execute and perhaps cover up the actual events of 9/11. And of course we have the post 9/11 activities which emerge as policies and responses.

There is little doubt in my mind that Ryan has a "Confirmation bias (also called confirmatory bias or myside bias) is a tendency of people to favor information that confirms their beliefs or hypotheses. People display this bias when they gather or remember information selectively, or when they interpret it in a biased way. The effect is stronger for emotionally charged issues and for deeply entrenched beliefs. They also tend to interpret ambiguous evidence as supporting their existing position. Biased search, interpretation and memory have been invoked to explain attitude polarization (when a disagreement becomes more extreme even though the different parties are exposed to the same evidence), belief perseverance (when beliefs persist after the evidence for them is shown to be false), the irrational primacy effect (a greater reliance on information encountered early in a series) and illusory correlation (when people falsely perceive an association between two events or situations). A series of experiments in the 1960s suggested that people are biased toward confirming their existing beliefs. Later work re-interpreted these results as a tendency to test ideas in a one-sided way, focusing on one possibility and ignoring alternatives. In certain situations, this tendency can bias people's conclusions. Explanations for the observed biases include wishful thinking and the limited human capacity to process information. Another explanation is that people show confirmation bias because they are weighing up the costs of being wrong, rather than investigating in a neutral, scientific way.
Confirmation biases contribute to overconfidence in personal beliefs and can maintain or strengthen beliefs in the face of contrary evidence. Poor decisions due to these biases have been found in political and organizational contexts."

Objectivity is a concept more than a practice. It's virtually impossible to view events without a political perspective or agenda... and connect the dots, ignore the dots, make up the dots to produce a view which coincides with one's political beliefs/agenda.

Ryan's work is predictable because of his bias... he's an advocate. But he likes to present himself as an objective observer/researcher and scientist.

His work needs to be taken with a grain of salt... as does anyone with a strong confirmation bias.
Interesting but looks like a few confirmation biases of your own there Jeffrey! Regardless if one supports an actual CD or not for the towers it is an interesting and worthwhile exercise to see if such access is possible and how that may be.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Magda Hassan Wrote:Interesting but looks like a few confirmation biases of your own there Jeffrey! Regardless if one supports an actual CD or not for the towers it is an interesting and worthwhile exercise to see if such access is possible and how that may be.


It is indeed hard to free oneself from some level of confirmation bias. If one considers themselves a republican, a leftist, an "X" one has adopted a mantel of confirmation bias. Presumably scientific and technical matters are free from such political bias.

I consider myself someone who has little to no trust in the mainstream media as conveyors of fact. I also identify as anti capitalist and very distrustful of the USG and the self serving MIC.

I do believe that many crimes are conspiratorial... most human endeavors involve multiple people working toward some common objective. In that sense a corporation is a conspiracy, a government is one, and so is the MIC. The issue for me re 9/11 is whether there was... as the truth movement likes to say... means, motive and opportunity for Islamic extremists to execute a plan of hijacking 4 planes and getting three of them to hit targets. Some will argue that this is a fantasy... others will argue that terrorism is an Intel program to advance the military and corporate agenda of hegemony.

Chomsky argues that terrorism is the inevitable consequence of imperial policies of the West (US) and 9/11 can be understood as blow back. I don't think this is an unreasonable position. Conpiracists then call leftists such as Chomsky gate keepers and diverting the public from the real culprits of world events. It may make sense, but the evidence for this sort of collaboration has not been demonstrated (no dot connecting).

My position has been to understand the destruction from a technical POV and how the hijackings were able to take place. I think the latter is still shrouded in fog and like the weak technical explanation this may be attributable to the CYA of the old boys network. I simply don't know. But I am not swayed by the dot connecting of the "inside job" either.

I deplore the response to 9/11 as much as anyone, but understand how opportunists and disaster capitalists work using the shock doctrine for all sorts of disasters... man made and natural.

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