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Demolition Access to the WTC Towers
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Demolition Access To The WTC Towers: Part One - Tenants


August 9, 2009
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See also,
in this series:
[TD]Introduction by Don Paul
Part One - Tenants
Part Two - Security
Part Three - Convergence
Part Four - Cleanup
Note: The author is indebted to a few particularly useful sources of information and inspiration, including Russ Baker's book"Family of Secrets", the websites, and, and Richard Gage.
On occasion, the public has been asked by George W. Bush to refrain from considering certain conspiracy theories. Bush has made such requests when people were looking into crimes in which he might be culpable. For example, when in 1994 Bush's former company Harken Energy was linked to the fraudulent Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) through several investors, Bush's spokeswoman, Karen Hughes, shut down the inquiry by telling the Associated Press -- "We have no response to silly conspiracy theories." On another occasion, Bush said in a televised speech -- "Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories concerning the attacks of September the 11th."
But paradoxically, we have also been asked tobelieve Bush's own outrageous conspiracy theory about9/11, one that has proven to be false in many ways. Oneimportant way to see the false nature of Bush's conspiracytheory is to note the fact that the World Trade Centerbuildings could only have fallen as they did through the useof explosives. A number of independent scientific studieshave pointed out this fact [SUP][1, 2, 3,4][/SUP], but it was Bush's own scientists at theNational Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST),through their inability to provide a convincing defense ofthe official line, who ultimately proved that explosiveswere necessary.[SUP][2, 5, 6,7][/SUP]
This leads us to ask the obvious question --Who could have placed explosives in the World Trade Centertowers? To answer that question, we should first considerwho had access to the buildings, specifically the areas ofthe buildings that would be relevant to a demolitionoperation. We should also consider the time periods ofinterest. Those who had access at the necessary timesshould be further considered in terms of their ability toobtain the necessary explosive technologies and expertise,their ability to be secretive, and the possibility that theycould have benefited from the destruction of the WTCbuildings or from the resulting War on Terror. But onething is certain, unless it was done by one person actingalone, it must have been a conspiracy.
The Twin Towers andWTC 7, all highly secure buildings, were most readilyaccessed by tenants, security and building management staff,and construction-related contractors.
Evidence suggeststhat the period of interest should include the years betweenthe 1993 WTC bombing and September 11th, 2001. Thisevidence includes the warning from 1993 bombing conspiratorNidal Ayyad, who reportedly wrote -- "next time it will bemore precise."[SUP][8][/SUP]Additionally, evidence of a multi-year plot included thedetailed information that FBI informant and mafia kingpinGregory Scarpa Jr. received while in jail, as early as 1996,from Al-Qaeda operative Ramzi Yousef, while imprisoned inthe adjacent cell. Yousef described plans to "bring NewYork to its knees" by blowing up the World Trade Centerwith American-owned "flying massive bombs." Scarpa Jr.provided this information to Assistant US Attorney PatrickFitzgerald and FBI Counsel Valerie Caproni, who wereapparently not interested.[SUP][9][/SUP] Another example is therecorded conversation between FBI informant Randy Glass andPakistani ISI agent Raja Gulum Abbas, in which Abbas claimed"Those towers are coming down", indicating that a planwas in progress as of July 1999.[SUP][10][/SUP]
Throughout the life ofthe WTC buildings, modifications were made to eachstructure. The modifications included upgrades toelectrical, fire protection, and elevator systems, as wellas general construction activities. As a rule, the PortAuthority of New York and New Jersey (PANYNJ) wasresponsible for initiating the modifications in the publicaccess areas, and the tenants were responsible forcompleting the modifications throughout the leased spaces.[SUP][11][/SUP] For this reason, thetenant companies would have been capable of coordinating theinstallation of explosive materials and other devices withreasonable certainty that those materials would not bedetected by others. For a demolition plan to work, however,such tenants would need to be managed as a group, andexplosives would need to be placed on enough floors toensure the fall of each building through what wouldotherwise have been the path of most resistance.
Whileexamining the tenants in each critical area, we should ask Cui Bono? That is, who benefited from the destructionof the WTC buildings, and the resulting War on Terror? Theobvious answer includes, primarily, the Bush Administrationand its friends. It also includes overlapping groups of oiland gas companies, defense contractors, and those whodesired to wield undue influence on international policiesrelated to a wide number of issues from civil rights tospace domination.
The North Tower Impact Zone
On 9/11, American Airlines Flight 11 hit the northface of the north tower (WTC 1) between floors 94 and 99. In a stunning coincidence, these floors bracket those thathad been upgraded for fireproofing shortly before 9/11.[SUP][12][/SUP] This coincidence wasamplified by the fact that one tenant occupied all of thosefloors Marsh & McLennan (Marsh), which at the time wasthe world's largest insurance brokerage company. Oneother tenant, Sumitomo Bank, shared part of floor 96 withMarsh.
During the years from 1993 to 2001, Marsh madeseveral modifications to these floors, in addition to thefireproofing upgrades mentioned above. According to theNational Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Marshmade modifications to the south side of floor 94 in 1998. That same year, the PANYNJ helped Marsh demolish floors95-98 in order to rebuild the fire alarm and sprinklersystems. Marsh did further modification work on floor 95 inthe year 2000.[SUP][13][/SUP] Thefull floor fireproofing upgrades on floors 93 through 100were accomplished in August through November of 1998, exceptfor floor 94, which was done in December 1996.
Marsh wasa large company, with a number of subsidiaries, includingPutnam Investments, Mercer, Johnson & Higgins, and GuyCarpenter, a company that occupied floors 47 to 54 of thesouth tower. Marsh was also known to be notoriouslysecretive, and had been likened to the CIA.[SUP][14][/SUP] Its chief executive on9/11 was Jeffrey Greenberg, a member of the BrookingsInstitution, the Trilateral Commission, and the son of thechairman of American International Group (AIG), MauriceGreenberg. AIG has been reported to be at the center of anumber of CIA operations.[SUP][15][/SUP]
Jeffrey Greenbergrose quickly through management at Marsh, having come theredirectly from AIG in 1995, and then becoming CEO just fouryears later. At Brookings, Greenberg hobnobbed with LeeHamilton, co-chair of the 9/11 Commission, and the IraqiNemir Amin Kirdar, CEO of Investcorp, a BCCI-related companyfounded by the Saudi Abdullah Taha Bakhsh.[SUP][16][/SUP]
BCCI was founded by aPakistani named Agha Hasan Abedi, and was "made up ofmultiplying layers of entities, related to one anotherthrough an impenetrable series of holding companies,affiliates, subsidiaries, banks-within-banks, insiderdealings and nominee relationships." In the earlynineties, BCCI was extensively investigated for moneylaundering and terrorist financing, and was ultimatelyshut-down by the Bank of England in 1992.[SUP][17][/SUP] Like BCCI, AIG developedthe same fragmented and difficult to trace network ofsubsidiaries, spread across 130 countries and 400regulators.[SUP][18][/SUP]
Othervery powerful and well-connected people worked in seniormanagement at Marsh. These included Stephen Friedman, asenior principal at Marsh Capital and former partner atGoldman Sachs, who later became George W. Bush's topeconomic advisor. Friedman was also a member of theBrookings Institution, the Bilderberg group, the ForeignIntelligence Advisory Board, and the board at In-Q-Tel, theinvestment firm founded by the CIA in 1998. In-Q-Telinvests in state of the art technologies related to defenseand intelligence work, including nano and chemicaltechnologies, according to its website.[SUP][19][/SUP]
In another interestingcoincidence, Friedman belonged, through Cornell University,to a secret society called Quill and Dagger, the membershipof which includes Paul Wolfowitz, Sandy Berger and StephenHadley. Wolfowitz, the neo-con deputy secretary of defensein the Bush Administration, was the author in 1992 of the"Wolfowitz Doctrine" of pre-emptive warfare. He alsomade comments about a "surprise like Pearl Harbor"months before 9/11, and met with Pakistani ISI GeneralMahmud Ahmed in the week before 9/11.[SUP][20][/SUP] Berger, the NationalSecurity Advisor to President Clinton, was later caughtstealing documents from the 9/11 Commission investigation.[SUP][21][/SUP] Berger was also the bossof White House counterterrorism Tsar Richard Clarke, andtogether with Hadley - who was Condoleezza Rice's deputy -was responsible for delaying or obstructing Clarke's plansto stop Al Qaeda in January 2001.[SUP][22][/SUP]
The President ofMarsh Real Estate Advisors, from 1982 to 2001, was CraigStapleton, the husband of George W. Bush's cousin, DorothyWalker Bush. Stapleton's Marsh division was responsiblefor negotiating office leases in the US, Canada and Europe. He once co-owned the Texas Rangers with George W. Bush, aspectacular investment for all involved. In 1997, Stapletonwas a member of the board of a company called Cendant thatwas charged in 1998 with massive accounting fraud. ThePresident of Cendant at the time was Henry Silverman, aformer partner of the Blackstone Group and later ViceChairman of the PANYNJ. Stapleton went on to join WinstonPartners, a privately owned investment firm founded in 1993and led by George W. Bush's bother Marvin.
The ViceChairman of Marsh on 9/11 was Mathis Cabiallavetta, a Swisscitizen. Although Cabiallavetta was a member of the Marshboard from 1993 to 2000, he took his position as ViceChairman in 1999, after having been President of the UnionBank of Switzerland (UBS) from 1996 to 1998. This was thesame UBS that bailed out George W. Bush's Harken Energy in1987, with the help of billionaire Jackson Stephens. UBSwas linked in other ways to the fraudulent terroristfinancing bank BCCI.[SUP][16,23][/SUP]
Another connection to the Bush family can beseen in the Marsh acquisition of the New York insurancebrokerage Johnson and Higgins in March 1997. Johnson andHiggins was the long-time employer of Prescott Bush Jr,brother to George H. W. Bush. Although Prescott Jr. nolonger worked there, he had spent 33 years at Johnson &Higgins, retiring as Senior Vice President. Afterretirement, Bush continued to consult for the company, inAsian dealings. With Prescott Jr, Friedman and Stapleton,Marsh clearly had strong ties to the Bush network. Additionally, it seems possible that some members of Marshmanagement, particularly Stephen Friedman, through In-Q-Tel,had access to technologies that could have been used tobring about the deceptive demolition of the WTC buildings.
Add to this L. Paul Bremer, and the possible Marsh tiesto demolition technology become clearer. One month after9/11, Bremer would become the CEO for a new division calledMarsh Crisis. Interestingly, the Yale graduate Bremer hadbeen working to complete the National Report on Terrorism,and prior to that had been managing director for KissingerAssociates. According to a US Senate report, KissingerAssociates had a number of meetings with BCCIrepresentatives in the late eighties and early nineties, andit refused to provide documents requested by the Senateinvestigators.[SUP][17][/SUP] Bremerwas also a member of the board for Akzo Nobel, the parent ofInternational Paint, a company that produced a fireproofingapplication for skyscrapers called Interchar.[SUP][24][/SUP]
Bremer was on theinternational advisory board for the Japanese mining andmachinery company, Komatsu. At the time, Komatsu had beeninvolved in a joint venture agreement with DresserIndustries, the oil-services/intelligence front in whichPrescott Bush Sr. and George H. W. Bush got their start withNeil Mallon. The Komatsu-Dresser mining division operatedfrom 1988 to 1997. In July 1996, it patented a thermitedemolition device that could "demolish a concretestructure at a high efficiency, while preventing a secondaryproblem due to noise, flying dust and chips, and thelike."[SUP][25][/SUP] Residues ofthermite, the highly energetic chemical mixture, have beenconfirmed in samples of the WTC dust, and the use ofthermite at the WTC was also revealed by environmentaldata.[SUP][1, 2, 3, 4, 26][/SUP] Dresser Industries merged with Dick Cheney's Halliburtonin 1998.
It is less well known that Bremer'srelationship to Marsh started earlier. In fact, on 9/11,Bremer was the CEO of Marsh Political Risk Practice and hehad an office in the south tower. That day, he wasinterviewed on NBC television, stating that Osama bin Ladenwas responsible and that possibly Iraq and Iran wereinvolved too, and he called for the most severe militaryresponse possible. Google removed the interview video fromits servers three times, and blocked it once.[SUP][27][/SUP]
Bremer was calledaway from Marsh in 2003, to be the Iraq Occupation Governor.His work in that role has been widely criticized.[SUP][28][/SUP]
The South Tower Impact Zone
United Airlines Flight 175 hit the southtower (WTC 2) between floors 78 and 83, in the southeastcorner of the building. In the impact zone, BaselineFinancial Services (Baseline) was located on floors 77 and78, Fuji Bank was on floors 79 to 82, and AON Corporationwas on floor 83.
Baseline was led by a very interestingindividual named Joseph Kasputys, who had a history of beingwell connected to the highest levels of government, as wellas to defense and intelligence industries. Kasputys worked,from 1972 to 1977, for the US departments of commerce anddefense. He was also the deputy director of Nixon's WhiteHouse taskforce that dealt with the Arab oil embargo of1973, and he was instrumental in the creation of theDepartment of Energy (DOE).
Kasputys' connections tothe DOE, from 1977 through at least 1997, are interestingconsidering that the DOE was developing thermite ignitiondevices as early as 1983.[SUP][29][/SUP] Additionally, nationallaboratories working within the DOE developed nanothermitesin the late 1990s. Nanothermites are explosive thermitemixtures where one or more reactants are present at thenanometer scale. These are also called super-thermites dueto the extraordinarily large amount of energy released uponignition.[SUP][3, 30][/SUP]
Kasputys was also a member of the Logistics ManagementInstitute (LMI), whose members included Paul Kaminski ofIn-Q-Tel and General Dynamics, Charles DiBona ofHalliburton, Skull and Bones member Joseph Samuel Nye, andMichael Daniels of Science Applications InternationalCorporation (SAIC). It has been noted that SAIC, a defensecontractor with expertise in thermite-related technologies,played a large part in the NIST WTC investigation. LMI'sself-proclaimed role is "advancing the science ofgovernment."[SUP][30, 31][/SUP]
Better known for his leadership of Primark Corporationfrom 1987 to 2000, Kasputys was CEO for both companies afterthe Primark acquisition of Baseline in 1996. Primark ownedas many as 50 companies during that time, and was acquiredby Thomson Financial in June 2000. Kasputys then became CEOfor Thomson, and he later founded the intelligence-servicescompany IHS Global Insight, in March 2001. Another Primarkcompany, Primark Decision Economics, was located in the 11thfloor of the north tower.
The sheer number of companiesinvolved with Primark, along with the vague businessdescriptions given (Baseline was described as "aninternational provider of information"), gave theimpression that something more than legitimate business wasinvolved. Primark owned Triad International MaintenanceCompany (TIMCO), a company that, among other things,modified Boeing 757s and 767s. Primark also owned TheAnalytic Sciences Corp (TASC), a security and intelligence(spying) company that had contracts with the DOE. As CEO ofWorld Markets Research Centre, Kasputys predicted in 2003that the US was the country with the fourth-highest risk ofterrorism, and that "Another September 11-style attackin the US is highly likely." [SUP][32][/SUP]
According to NIST,Kasputys' Baseline modified the southeast corner of floor78 in 1999, exactly where the aircraft hit on 9/11.[SUP][33][/SUP] Floors 77 and 78 wereupgraded for fireproofing in June and April of 1998,respectively.
Another company with an office on floor 78was First Commercial Bank. This was a Taiwanese nationalbank that had, in January 1998, privatized all but one thirdof its shares. The other two thirds went to FirstCommercial Financial Corp (FCFC) of Seguin, Texas. Unfortunately, it is not clear if FCFC is related to FirstCommercial Financial Group (FCFG), owned by Abdullah TahaBakhsh. FCFG was a commodities brokerage firm that wasforced to distribute its customer accounts in 1994, afterregulators raised concerns about capital shortfalls andcustomer complaints.[SUP][34][/SUP].
Interestingly, another company located in Seguin, Texasis the machinery manufacturing company, the Alamo Group. Dave Grzelak, CEO of Komatsu-Dresser, was a director atAlamo. He was also a board member at Aoki Construction Co,a mining company associated with Prescott Bush Jr, aswe'll see below.
The tenant located just above Baseline,on floors 79 to 82, was Fuji Bank. Fuji modified the coreof floor 78 in 1998, the east wall of floor 80 in 1999,unknown parts of floor 80 in 2001, and the southeast cornerof floor 82 in 1997.[SUP][33][/SUP]
Prior to the year 2000, Fuji Bank was the second largestbank in Japan. Fuji's largest investors were UnionCarbide, Mobil Oil and Raytheon. In 1996, Yasuda Trustbecame a Fuji subsidiary and in September 2000, Fuji mergedwith Dai-ichi Kangyo Bank (DKB), and the International Bankof Japan (IBJ), to form the largest bank in the world underthe name of Mizuho Holdings. The second largest at the timewas the Sumitomo-Mitsui Banking Corp, formed in October1999. But the Fuji Bank merger meant that, as of 9/11,Mizuho Holdings controlled companies not only in the impactzone of the south tower, but also on floors 48 to 50 of thenorth tower by way of DKB.
Toru Hashimoto, chairman ofFuji Bank, was also with Deutsche Securities Limited TokyoBranch and is now on the board of Deutsche Bank with NormanAugustine. Augustine, also known for being the CEO ofLockheed Martin, was founder of In-Q-Tel and a board memberof Riggs National, the banking firm of Jonathan Bush, theother brother of George H. W. Bush. A 2004 expose by theNew York Times revealed Saudi Arabian accounts at Riggs werebeing investigated for money-laundering and possiblefinancing of the September 11th terrorists.[SUP][35][/SUP]
Deutsche Bank was thebank of the German Gestapo during World War II, funding theconstruction of concentration camps. It was broken up afterthe war, only to merge together again in 1957.[SUP][36][/SUP] In 1998, Deutsche Bankadded Banker's Trust, which had purchased Alex Brown andSons in 1997, to its group of companies. It was DeutscheBank and these subsidiaries that were identified as beinginvolved in insider trading related to the 9/11 attacks. The person of most interest in these dealings was A.B.Krongard, the CEO of Alex Brown, and CIA counsel to GeorgeTenet.[SUP][37][/SUP] From 2001 to2004, Krongard was executive director of the CIA. Anothersignificant player was Wolfgang Demisch, managing directorat Alex Brown from 1993 to 1998, managing director at UBSSecurities from 1988 to 1993, and member of the board atSAIC.
Fuji Bank had a history, in the early 1990s, ofscandal related to fraudulent loans and gangsterconnections. It had also been linked to large CIA-relatedpayments deposited in the Cayman Islands, and to the BCCIconnected First American Bank.[SUP][38,39, 40][/SUP]
Moreover, Fuji Bank was not the onlyMizuho company that was accused of criminal activity. InJune 1997, executives of DKB were accused of conspiring toprovide $80 million in loans to Ryuichi Koike, a Japanesegangster. Koike used the money to purchase shares insecurities brokerages, like Nomura, Nikko (located on floor79 of the north tower), and Daiwa. Some reports put DKB'sextorted loans to Koike at $272 million.[SUP][41][/SUP] DKB was reported to havemade loans to other Yakuza crime syndicates as well, and inJune 1997, the chairman of DKB ultimately resigned over thescandal.[SUP][42][/SUP]
Additionally, Mizuho subsidiary IBJ was discovered tohave generated $2.5 billion in fraudulent loans to abusinesswoman named Nui Onoue in 1991. IBJ was alsoreported to have indirectly supported predatory lending bysecuritizing high-loan-to-value loans to companies likeDallas' FirstPlus Financial, a company that shot tofinancial stardom in 1996 and then collapsed in 1999. DanQuayle was on the board of directors.[SUP][43][/SUP]
Back in the summerof 1989, while his brother was President, Prescott Bush Jr.was the middleman in the takeover of two companies by WestTsusho, a Tokyo-based investment firm linked to one ofJapan's biggest mob syndicates. West Tsusho was part of theempire of Susumu Ishii, head of the Inagawa-kai yakuza gang.In 1992, two days after an article linking him to Bushappeared in the Daily Yomiuri, Ishii was dead, reportedlyfrom a "long illness."[SUP][44][/SUP]
At the time, TheBoston Globe reported that Prescott Bush Jr. had also been abusiness partner with Tokyo-based Aoki Construction Corp(Aoki), in its deals to build in China. Masahiro Sakane,now the CEO of Aoki, was managing director at Komatsu from1994 to 1999. Komatsu and Aoki shared many other links inmanagement.
The two companies West Tsusho acquiredthrough Prescott Bush Jr., were Quantum Access (of whichBush was a board member) and Asset Management International.As a consultant for Asset Management, Prescott introducedHughes Aircraft to Japanese investors in a deal in whichHughes and the government of China would launch satellitesthat would beam television programming to broadcasters inChina. [SUP][45, 46][/SUP] InDecember 1989, President Bush lifted the sanctions thatblocked the satellite deal, citing "the national interest."The Bush administration had earlier granted Hughes Aircraft"preliminary licenses" to exchange data with Chineseofficials.[SUP][47][/SUP] Alsoinvolved in the West Tsusho mob dealings was NikkoSecurities (floor 79 of the north tower).
After hisdeath, West Tsusho's Susumu Ishii was replaced as theleader of the Inagawa-kai gang by Toi Inagawa. In September1996, Inagawa formed an alliance with Yoshinori Watanabe,head of the largest yakuza gang, Yamaguchi-gumi. Nui Onoue,who received the fraudulent loans from Mizuho's IBJ, wassaid to be associated with Yamaguchi-gumi's Takumi gang,and also an investor in Inagawa-kai.[SUP][41][/SUP]
Japanese Bankshad experienced a relatively tough time in the 1990s,referred to in financial circles as "the lost decade",and in general were still doing badly in the years 2000 and2001. In November 2000, Mizuho Holdings had problem loansand bad debts of more than 4 trillion yen ($36 billion). Bymid-2001, the company was trading at half the value it hadbeen at just a year before, when the merger was announced.[SUP][48, 49][/SUP] Japan'sfinancial system began to recover in 2002.[SUP][50][/SUP]
Moving to floor 83 ofthe south tower, there was AON Corporation, a Chicago-basedcompetitor of Marsh. Today, General Richard Myers, one ofthe people most responsible for not protecting us on 9/11,is a director at AON. But on 9/11, the most interestingcharacter working for AON was Jim Pierce, the cousin ofGeorge W. Bush. Jim's father Scott Pierce, formerly apartner at G.H. Walker & Co, pled guilty to 2,000 counts ofmail fraud in 1985, as President of E.F. Hutton.
JimPierce was managing director of AON on 9/11, and he hadarranged a meeting on the 105th floor of the south tower forthat morning. Pierce survived that day, despite the factthat twelve people came to the meeting in the south tower,and eleven of them died. The location of the meeting hadbeen changed, the night before, to the Millenium Hotel,where Pierce watched the south tower as it was hit by theaircraft. Apparently the meeting attendees were not allnotified of the change in location.[SUP][51][/SUP]
AON modified"unknown" parts of floor 83 in 1997. Some photos ofthe impact zone suggest that the most explosive part of thefireball erupting from the south tower came from the eastside of the building, near floor 83 (see NIST report NCSTAR1-5A, figure 7-7).
Chuo Trust, which shared floor 83with AON, was the trust portion of Mizuho's DKB. According to NIST, Chuo modified the southeast corner offloor 83 in 1999.
An unusual feature of the destructionof the south tower was the "cold spot" on the north faceof the building. This section along a twelve-column area offloors 80, 81, 82 did not experience any fire, despite thefact that the areas on both sides did have fire. In itsreport NCSTAR 1-5, NIST "concluded that insufficientinformation is available to allow a likely formationmechanism for the cold spot to be postulated."
The Washington Group
Another company of interest, on floor91 just above the impact zone for the south tower, wasWashington Group International (Washington). This companywas known primarily as a construction and mining firm, andit had just acquired Raytheon Engineers in July 2000. Raytheon was reported to have also occupied floor91.
Washington had an interesting history. It had been acontractor for the DOE and its predecessor agencies since1942, when it was involved in the Manhattan Project. In1995, a management shake-up at Washington resulted in thetemporary installment of William Clark as acting chairman. Clark was a member of the Center for Security Policy, alongwith many neo-cons including Richard Perle, Eliot Abrams,Norman Augustine (In-Q-Tel), Douglas Feith, and 9/11Commissioner John Lehman. After re-organizing themanagement at Washington, in just a few months, Clarkresigned.
In 1996, Washington took overMorrison-Knudsen, an engineering and construction companythat had a history of working on large projects around theworld, including in China, Iran, Afghanistan and SaudiArabia. In Vietnam, Washington led the RMK-BRJ constructionproject with Brown & Root. During the 1980s, it workedclosely on hazardous clean-up projects for the DOE. TheArmy Corps of Engineers hired Morrison-Knudsen to demolishover 200 buildings in 1995.[SUP][52][/SUP]
In 1999, Washingtonacquired Westinghouse Government Environmental ServicesCompany (WGESC), a firm that provided management services tothe DOE and DOD. In July 2001, E. Preston Rahe, Jr, thePresident of WGESC, was promoted to Executive Vice Presidentof Business Development for Washington Group's Governmentoperating unit. Rahe went on to form a new company calledLawrence Livermore National Security, LLC, along withGeneral John A. Gordon.
Gordon was George H. W. Bush'sSenior Director for Defense Policy on the National SecurityCouncil, and he worked with George Tenet at the CIA fromSeptember 1996 to October 1997, as associate director ofcentral intelligence for military support, and as deputydirector of the CIA from October 1997 to 2000. During thistime, Gordon would have worked closely with A.B. Krongard,who was Tenet's counsel from 1998 to 2001. Later, in 2003and 2004, Gordon was George W. Bush's Homeland Securityadvisor.
Apart from Lawrence Livermore labs (LLNL), one ofthe DOE facilities for which Washington was responsible,well before 9/11, was the Savannah River site near Aiken,SC. In February 1997, LLNL and the Savannah River sitesigned an agreement of cooperation to share technology. Savannah went on to add "Developing sol gel technology forfuels and other applications" to its portfolio.[SUP][53, 54][/SUP] Sol-gel technologyis utilized by LLNL for making nanothermites.[SUP][55][/SUP] In another coincidence,Savannah River Technology staff participated in the searchand rescue operations at Ground Zero by providing uniquetools.[SUP][56][/SUP]
Today,Washington is owned by URS Corp, and they still "helpmanage and operate Idaho NL, LANL and LLNL," through apartnership with Battelle.[SUP][57][/SUP] But just before 9/11they were going through a tough time financially, and soughtchapter 11 bankruptcy protection. Securities and ExchangeCommission (SEC) documents show that Washington madecourt-ordered pre-petition payments, as part of theseproceedings, to a number of companies including Komatsu. Washington also made payments to Greenhorne & O'Mara,whose employee Theresa McAllister was a lead author for theFEMA and NIST reports on the WTC disaster, and to SumitomoBank.[SUP][58][/SUP] Sumitomo Bankwas closely allied with Komatsu, and was involved withdefense-related production.[SUP][59][/SUP]
Other floors and companies of interest
If a "top down" demolitionwere implemented in the WTC's Twin Towers on 9/11, then itwould have been necessary to plant explosives on floorsbelow the impact zone. From a novice perspective, it wouldseem ideal to have planted such explosives at regularintervals below the impact area, around floor 50, forexample, and below that around floors 25 to 35, and lower. Videos show "squibs" emanating in these general areas ofeach tower, at levels spaced between the mechanical floorson 41-42, and 75-76.
We have seen that Marsh occupied theimpact zone for the north tower, and floors 47 to 54 of thesouth tower. Additionally, in a reflective criss-crosspattern, Fuji Bank's parent company Mizuho Holdingsoccupied the impact zone for the south tower, as well asfloors 48 to 50 of the north tower (DKB). PrimarkCorporation occupied part of the impact zone for the southtower, and also floor 11 of the north tower.
To evaluatefloors 25 to 35 of each tower we should note that, in 1997and 1998, big leases were signed at the WTC involving AON,Marsh, and Bankers Trust, and two other companies ofinterest, Exco Resources and Oppenheimer & Co. At the time,tenancy had gone way up and the complex was expected to beat full capacity due to growth of the financial sector.[SUP][60][/SUP]
Exco Resources (Exco),of Dallas Texas, was an oil and gas holding company that wasthe parent to Garban Intercapital, located on floor 25 and26 of the north tower, and also on floor 55 of the southtower, just above Marsh subsidiary Guy Carpenter. Excoexperienced rapid growth as of 1998, in part due to somevery well connected management representatives. Member ofthe board Mark Neporent also represented Cerebrus Capital,along with Dan Quayle. Robert L. Stillwell, senior partnerat Bush friend James Baker's firm Baker Botts, iscurrently a director at Exco.
Directors and Officers atExco, during the period of interest, were associated withEnron affiliates, Anadarko Petroleum, a company owned andoperated by long-time Bush family partner Robert Allison,and many other oil and gas exploration firms. Both Enron andRobert Allison met with Dick Cheney in regard to hissecretive energy task force in early 2001.[SUP][61][/SUP] In general, oil and gasexploration companies use explosives to underground createshock waves, so that oil reserves can be found through theseismic responses. Usually there is only a 10% success ratefor finding new productive oil fields.[SUP][62][/SUP]
Another Excoexecutive was Jeffrey Benjamin, who served on the board ofExco starting in 1998, and from 1996 to 1998 was managingdirector of UBS, the BCCI connected bank mentioned abovewith Mathis Cabiallavetta and Wolfgang Demisch. Just priorto working for UBS, Benjamin was managing director ofBankers Trust. Through Bankers Trust, he worked with A.B.Krongard, and as of 2002, Benjamin is a senior advisor toApollo Management with Krongard's wife, Cheryl GordonKrongard.
Oppenheimer & Co, an investment bank, was onfloors 31 to 34 of the south tower. Oppenheimer'sleadership once included Stephen Berger, former executivedirector of the PANYNJ (1985 to 1990). Berger was also onthe board of Dresser Industries, the Bush dynasty firm, aswell as being on the board of Forstmann Little & Co. withmanaging director of the Carlyle Group, Daniel Akerson, andwith Alex Mandl of In-Q-Tel.
Oppenheimer was sold, byStephen Robert and Nathan Gantcher, to the Canadian ImperialBank of Commerce (CIBC) in 1997. Mr. Gantcher continued toserve as Vice Chairman of CIBC Oppenheimer from 1997 to 1999and also served on the board of Jacobsen Partners withGerald Parsky, the former undersecretary of the Treasury whointroduced Saudi investors to America. Parsky developed aclose relationship with the Bushes, and by 1976 was "theundisputed go-to man for the Saudis on oil and money." Healso raised a lot of money for George W's campaign.[SUP][63][/SUP] Parsky, Gantcher andStephen Robert were all members of the Council on ForeignRelations as of 1997, along with Friedman, Bremer,Augustine, Gordon, and Maurice Greenberg (and about 3,000others).
CIBC Oppenheimer was invested in a number ofpowerful and politically wired companies, includingHollinger International, whose board included HenryKissinger, Richard Perle, and 9/11 Commissioner James R.Thompson. CIBC Oppenheimer was also invested in RobertAllison's Anadarko Petroleum, and several DKB subsidiariesincluding CIT Group, on whose board sits 9/11 CommissionerThomas Kean. On a side note, Kean is also a Trustee of DrewUniversity with Garnett Keith of Komatsu.
In 2003, theSEC fined CIBC Oppenheimer $80 million for helping tomanipulate the financial statements of Enron.
Conclusions and next steps
If we look at thecompanies that occupied the impact zones of the WTC towers,and other floors that might have played a useful role in thedemolition of the towers, we see connections toorganizations that had access to explosive materials, and tothe expertise required to use explosives. Mining companieslike Washington, Morrison-Knudsen, Komatsu and AokiConstruction (and John Lehman's Special Devices Inc.) haveaccess to many types of explosive materials. Oil and gascompanies, like those associated with Exco, use explosivesfor exploration. Some of the explosive technologiesavailable to these companies, for example Komatsu andWashington, involve thermite, a chemical mixture that hasbeen identified in the WTC dust and in the environmentaldata at Ground Zero.
It seems that, if certain managementrepresentatives of the tenant companies listed above wantedto help bring the WTC towers down, they would have been wellsuited to do so. The companies mentioned were located atwell-spaced intervals in the buildings, and some, forexample Marsh and the Primark subsidiaries, had a reputationof being secretive. In fact, a number of the executivesfrom these firms were either on the board of intelligencefirms (e.g. In-Q-Tel, TASC), or were closely related toothers who were. Others were connected to the CIA itself,and to some of the largest defense contractors in the world,like Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, General Dynamics,Halliburton, and SAIC.
There are also strong connectionsto those who benefited from the 9/11 attacks, most notablythe Bush family and their corporate network, includingDresser Industries (now Halliburton) and UBS, and toDeutsche Bank and it subsidiaries, reported to have brokeredthe insider trading deals. There are links between thesetenant companies and the terrorist-related fraudulent bankBCCI.
In Part II of this series of essays, we'll lookat the security companies and other contractors that hadaccess to the WTC buildings. We'll then see moreconnections to the Bush family, through the companies thatrestructured the security systems in the late 1990s, likeSecuracom, where Marvin Bush and Wirt Walker were directors.Also involved in these security upgrades was Ensec, wherefuture Democrat National Committee chairman Terry McAuliffewas added as a director in 1996 and later worked for HarkenEnergy's Alan Quasha. The second essay will also look atE.J. Electric, owned by J. Robert Mann of the Yale GleeClub, and examine particulars about the PANYNJ managementstaff, and the Giuliani and Silverstein teams that wereinvolved.
Part III will review the clean up of GroundZero, and some of the people involved in the cover-upinvestigations. For example, we'll look more closely atDonald Evans, a close friend to George W. Bush since 1968and his largest fund-raiser, and who also happened to besecretary of the Department of Commerce during the NIST WTCinvestigation. This is interesting because NIST reports tothe Secretary of Commerce.
In the end, we might see thatconspiracies are not just limited to the powerless peoplewho happen to live on the most strategically important landsin the world. The conspiracies that matter might involvethe powerful people who seek access to those lands, and whohave spent their lives seeking morepower.

Endnotes and references: [1] Steven. E. Jones, Why Indeed Did the WTCBuildings Completely Collapse?, Journal of 9/11 Studies,September 2006
[2] Steven E. Jones, et al, Fourteen Points of Agreementwith Official Government Reports on the World Trade CenterDestruction, The Open Civil Engineering Journal Volume 2,doi: 10.2174/1874149500802010035
[3]Niels H. Harrit, et al, Active Thermitic Material Discoveredin Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe, TheOpen Chemical Physics Journal, Vol 2, 2009, doi:10.2174/1874412500902010007,
[4] Kevin R. Ryan, et al, Environmental anomalies at theWorld Trade Center: evidence for energetic materials, TheEnvironmentalist, Volume 29, Number 1 / March, 2009,
[5] James Gourley, Appeal Filed with NIST, Pursuant toEarlier Request for Correction, Journal of 9/11 Studies,December 2007
[6] Eric Douglas, The NIST WTC Investigation--How RealWas The Simulation?: A review of NIST NCSTAR 1, J 9/11Studies, December 2006
[7] Kevin Ryan, What is 9/11 Truth? - The First Steps, J9/11 Studies, August 2006
[8] Larry Neumeister, Trade Center bomber's threatforeshadowed September terrorist attacks, September 30,2001, Associated Press
[9] Sandra Harmon, Mafia Son, St. Martin's Press, NY
[10] History Commons, page for Rajaa Gulum Abbas,
[11] NIST WTC Report, NCSTAR 1-1H, Chapters 11 and 12,
[12] Kevin Ryan, Another Amazing Coincidence Related tothe WTC,
[13] NIST NCSTAR 1-1H (see above), table 13-1, and table13-2.
[14] Marcia Vickers, The Secret World Of Marsh Mac,BusinessWeek, November 1, 2004
[15] Wayne Madsen, AIG is a "special case", OnlineJournal. September 23, 2008
[16]Ellen Ray, William H. Schaap, Covertaction, Institute forMedia Analysis, p 193
[17] John Kerry and Hank Brown,The BCCI Affair: A Report to the Committee on ForeignRelations United States Senate, December 1992, Senate Print102-140,
[18] Eric J.Fry, From BCCI to AIG..., March 13, 2009,Bullion Vault Gold News,
[19] Website for In-Q-Tel,
[20] The History Commons, "Wolfowitz Doctrine", Dykes, Wolfowitz Warns of 'Surprise like Pearl Harbor'Months Before 9/11 Attacks, Jones Report, February 9, 2007's meeting with Mahmud Ahmed was documented in aFOIA response obtained by the 9/11 Working Group ofBloomington -
[21]Philip Shenon, The Commission: The Uncensored History of the9/11 Investigation, pp 249-253
[22] Craig Unger, House ofBush, House of Saud, pp 220, 228
[23] Craig Ungerreferences the UBS links to BCCI in House of Bush, House ofSaud, and Russ Baker describes the UBS bailout of Harken inFamily of Secrets
[24] Akzo's International Paint isthe maker of Interchar
[25] Taku Murakami, US Patent 5532449 - Using plasma ARCand thermite to demolish concrete,
[26] Steven E. Jones et al, Extremely High TemperaturesDuring the World Trade Center Destruction, Journal of 9/11Studies, January 2008
[27] Lewis Paul Bremer III on Washington DC NBC4 TV09/11/01, Vehmgericht
[28] A.K. Gupta, The Great Iraq Heist, January 15, 2004,Information Clearing House
[29] Albert Gibson et al, Integral low-energy thermiteigniter, US Patent number: 4464989,
[30]Kevin R. Ryan, The Top Ten Connections Between NIST andNanothermites, Journal of 9/11 Studies, July 2008,
[31] Skull and Bones is a secret society at YaleUniversity, founded in 1832. Members have included GeorgeH.W. Bush, his father Prescott Bush, his son George W. Bush,his brother Jonathan J. Bush, and many other powerfulpeople. For LMI's mission, see its website -
[32] World Markets Research Centre, Global TerrorismIndex: key findings, The Guardian (UK), August 18, 2003
[33] NIST NCSTAR 1-1H, table 13-2
[34] See MichaMorrison, Wall Street Journal, March 1, 1995. and, GinaBellafante et al, All That Glitters..., Time Magazine,November 6, 1995
[35] Timothy O'Brien, A WashingtonBank, a Global Mess, NY Times, April 11, 2004,
[36]Wikipedia page for Deutsche Bank -
[37] Michael C. Ruppert, Suppressed Details of CriminalInsider Trading Lead Directly into the CIA's HighestRanks, October 9, 2001,
[38] For the fraudulent loan scandal, see article fromThe Economist, entitled Japan's financial scandals: now abig bank, July 27, 1991. For the Cayman islands deposits,see Terry Reed and John Cummins, Compromised: Clinton, Bushand the CIA, p248
[39] William Bowles, Frauds-R-Us'The Bush Family Saga, Information Clearing House, May 11,2003
[40] Sam Smith, Arkansas Connections, The ProgressiveReview, January 2001
[41]David E. Kaplan and Alec Dubro, Yakuza: Japan's CriminalUnderworld, University of California Press, 2003, see p 216for the Koike loans and pp 198-199 for Niu Onoue
[42]Chairman Resigns at Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank, New York TimesBusiness section, June 14, 1997
[43] For the IBJ loans,see Mizuho press release - James Sterngold, Japan Hit by Another Scandal, New YorkTimes, August 14, 1991 For FirstPlus Financial, see theCenter for Public integrity, The Buying of the President - more on Japanese banks and the Yakuza in the early 90s,see
[44] Thomas Flannigan, Bribing the Bushes -
[45] Jeff Gerth, The 1992 Campaign; Business Dealings ofthe President's Relatives: What the Record Shows, New YorkTimes, April 19,1992,
[46] Russel S. Bowen, The Immaculate Deception, AmericanWest Publishers 1991
[47] [][/email]Masanobu Iwatani, Regulatory Reform Provokes a Wave of NewEntrants to Japan's Security Markets, Capital ResearchJournal, Vol 2, No 4,
[48] Stephanie Strom, International Business; Japan'sBanks Pressed by Troubled Corporate Clients, New York Times,November 25, 2000,
[49] Miki Tanikawa, Stocks Relapse As Japan Waits ForChanges, New York Times, July 27, 2001,
[50] Hiroko Tabuchi, In Japan's Stagnant Decade,Cautionary Tales for America, New York Times, February 12,2009
[51] See History Commons profile for Jim Pierce, andaccompanying referencs,
[52] Mark MacIntyre, Bunker Hill: light at the end of thetunnel, The Seattle Daily Journal of Commerce, August 20,1998,
[53]The agreement between LLNL and Savannah River can be foundhere -
[54] Savannah's reference to developing sol-gels can befound here -
[55]Randy Simpson webpage at LLNL -
[56] News from the Savannah River National Laboratory,September 20, 2001,
[57]URS Website -
[58] SEC document for Washington pre-payments -
[59] The Ties That Bind, Descended from family businessempires, six huge business groups dominate the Japaneseeconomy, Multinational Monitor, October 1983 -
[60]John Holusha, Commercial Property/Downtown; At the WorldTrade Center, Things Are Looking Up, May 31, 1998, New YorkTimes, see PANYNJ press release from December 1997, -
[61] Don Van Natta Jr. and Neela Banerjee, Top G.O.P.Donors in Energy Industry Met Cheney Panel, New York Times,March 1, 2002
[63] Russ Baker, Family of Secrets, Bloomsbury Press, pp292-295
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