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Nix Film - Bob Prudhomme - 21-06-2014

[Image: ClearVigilantGuernseycow.gif]

This was posted by Joseph Napolitano at the JFK Assassination Forum and is one of the best gif's of the Nix film I have seen. Clear evidence of removal of frames from this film, ostensibly to hide the limo stop, can be seen in this closeup view. As Joseph points out, one only need look at the bystanders and the way they magically appear and disappear.

Hats off to Mr. Napolitano.

Nix Film - Albert Doyle - 21-06-2014

If you are calling that blacked-out section the removed part it is after the head shot.

Nix Film - Bob Prudhomme - 21-06-2014

And your point is?

Nix Film - Drew Phipps - 21-06-2014

I don't see any appearing or disappearing bystanders, but their position relative to the limousine does seem to skip forward (to the right) on two occasions. (I'm supposing that the image has been stabilized to keep the limo in the same place.) The movement of the front motorcycle seems to scoot too far to the right just as it goes off screen. The driver's head snap back to the front just seems a bit too quick to be a normal reaction, as it does in the Zapruder film as well

Nix Film - Bob Prudhomme - 21-06-2014

Good point.

Nix Film - Lauren Johnson - 21-06-2014

I noticed Greer's and Kellerman's reaction for the first time. Kellerman literally ducks in response to the shot.

Nix Film - Bob Prudhomme - 21-06-2014

Lauren Johnson Wrote:I noticed Greer's and Kellerman's reaction for the first time. Kellerman literally ducks in response to the shot.

Do Greer and Kellerman duck in response to the shot, or are they being pitched forward by a hard brake application by Greer? Notice that the Connally's begin their collapse to the floor of the limo at almost the same moment. Strangely, though, the Kennedy's appear to be totally unaffected, despite Jackie being perched on the edge of her seat and JFK being comatose.

Interestingly, Kellerman makes no mention of "ducking" in his testimony to the WC.

Nix Film - Drew Phipps - 21-06-2014

You would suppose if it was brakes, that the Kennedys would be affected as well. Which leads me to believe that the SS guys are just flinching from the shot, but still their reactions look a tiny bit too fast. I'm wondering if that camera had a mechanical issue, as the skipping bits seem to occur at regular intervals of something under a second. Guess I'm gonna have to watch the whole Nix film again for evidence of other skipping. It might be frames missing, or it might be the camera slowing down periodically (making the replay at a constant speed appear to skip). Based on the patterns in the grass behind the limo it looks fairly smooth.

I don't believe that the limo came to a complete stop. That would involve too many frames. If you are just slicing 1 frame out every half second or so, (at 16 fps) that would only be an increase of apparent speed of the limo of 14%, like from 10 mph to 11.5 mph, or from 8 mph to 9 mph. So editing out frames wouldn't cover a stop and go unless you took a long segment of film which presumably would be fairly easy to spot.

Lemme go look at that diagram of Dealy Plaza and see how much distance was between the lady with the afro (Toni Foster?) and the man in black (Richard Bothun?) (there aren't any bystanders in between, just the motorcycle wheel). If it's more than, say, double the length of the limo, then there might be a length of missing frames.

According to Don Robardeau's .gif map of Dealy Plaza (available here )

there is about a 36 foot distance from Toni Foster to Richard Bothun. So that's not more than double the length of the limo. Doesn't appear to be a significant length of frames omitted between Foster and Bothun

Nix Film - Bob Prudhomme - 21-06-2014

According to many witnesses, something else happened with the limo that is not seen in any film. Many witnesses saw the limo swerve to the left, as well as slowing almost to a stop.

"Oh, Mrs. Kennedy, oh my God, oh my God. I didn't mean to do it, I didn't hear, I should have swerved the car, I couldn't help it. Oh, Mrs. Kennedy, as soon as I saw it I swerved. If only I'd seen it in time!" William Greer, Secret Service and driver of the limousine on 22/11/63, speaking to Jackie Kennedy at Parkland Memorial Hospital, and quoted in William Manchester's book "The Death of a President"

Flinching?? Kellerman's face just about bounces off the dashboard. That is quite a flinch!

Nix Film - Peter Lemkin - 22-06-2014

The man in black certainly vanishes; then the woman in tan suddenly appears. Also of note is the movement of the front of the motorcycle, consistent with the vehicle likely slowing down, and then speeding up [on that portion that is there].