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A new Look at the BYP by Jeff Carter - Printable Version

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A new Look at the BYP by Jeff Carter - Jim DiEugenio - 31-07-2015

Jeff Carter from 50 Reasons for 50 Years fame, takes a new look at the infamous BYP.

I especially liked part 2.

There are two more parts to come.

A new Look at the BYP by Jeff Carter - Drew Phipps - 31-07-2015

Quote: The de Mohrenschildt backyard photo was apparently discovered in February 1967 by Jeanne de Mohrenschildt, inside the sleeve of a record album found at a Dallas storage unit the de Mohrenschildts had secured ahead of their move to Haiti in April 1964.

I thought the DeM's went to Haiti in June 1963

A new Look at the BYP by Jeff Carter - Albert Doyle - 31-07-2015

The best evidence is Marina saying she didn't remember it as being 2 photos but only remembered it as 1 when in fact it was 3. No person who actually took the photos would make that mistake.

The Warren Commission was a rogue group whose whole process can now be safely said to be a massive suborning of perjury.

A new Look at the BYP by Jeff Carter - Peter Lemkin - 31-07-2015

Albert Doyle Wrote:The best evidence is Marina saying she didn't remember it as being 2 photos but only remembered it as 1 when in fact it was 3. No person who actually took the photos would make that mistake.

The Warren Commission was a rogue group whose whole process can now be safely said to be a massive suborning of perjury.

Just for the record, there are many more than three BYPs......even publicly; and there are some others extant that have never been made public. Yet.::willynilly::

A new Look at the BYP by Jeff Carter - Tracy Riddle - 31-07-2015

"Gopadze had reviewed Gregory's interpretive work recorded during interviews with her on November 23 (WCD 344). Gopadze's review noted that Gregory had added words and rephrased certain statements, but his interpretive work was characterized as flawless in a later report (CE1792)."

This seems to imply that Marina's FBI/SS interviews were tape recorded? It would be interesting to have those released.

A new Look at the BYP by Jeff Carter - David Josephs - 31-07-2015

The most difficult thing for me to reconcile with Marina is the actual operation of THAT camera and her memory of what happened.

Mr. McDONALD. Before the session, before you started taking these photographs, what was he doing?
Mrs. PORTER. Well, he just show me which button to push, you know.

That camera is much more difficult that that. Unlike "regular" cameras which are held to the face with a viewfinder showing the image correctly,this camera reverses the image and must be looked at from above, down into the camera.

Without a tripod and the reluctance she expressed AND the fact Oswald supposedly took the camera and wound it to the next frame before each photo... the images are crisp and clean, centered, and more in number than she remembers.

For a first time camera operator NOT to tell us about the difficulty of the upside-down image, holding the camera chest high and still being able to snap a quality photo is more proof to me that Marina was one of the most if not THE most fraudulently incriminating after the fact witness we have.

Finally, if there is only 1 negative left and only 2 found in the searches... 133-C in Roscoe White's widow's possession being the same exact pose as the Nov 29th recreation AND the cutout raises serious doubts that Marina was ever involved with these images...

A new Look at the BYP by Jeff Carter - Tracy Riddle - 31-07-2015

Interesting that Seth Kantor's notes from the DPD say the original photo was developed at 501 Elm St - which is the Dal-Tex Building. We know so little about that place circa 1963.

A new Look at the BYP by Jeff Carter - Albert Doyle - 31-07-2015

Don't tell Fetzer about that Dal-Tex photo lab.

Yeah, the fact the re-creation photo was posed exactly like the Roscoe White backyard photo is highly incriminating. Plus I remember reading somewhere that a cut-out forgery photo template of Oswald was found at Dallas PD.

A new Look at the BYP by Jeff Carter - David Healy - 31-07-2015

David Josephs Wrote:The most difficult thing for me to reconcile with Marina is the actual operation of THAT camera and her memory of what happened.

Mr. McDONALD. Before the session, before you started taking these photographs, what was he doing?
Mrs. PORTER. Well, he just show me which button to push, you know.

That camera is much more difficult that that. Unlike "regular" cameras which are held to the face with a viewfinder showing the image correctly,this camera reverses the image and must be looked at from above, down into the camera.

Without a tripod and the reluctance she expressed AND the fact Oswald supposedly took the camera and wound it to the next frame before each photo... the images are crisp and clean, centered, and more in number than she remembers.

For a first time camera operator NOT to tell us about the difficulty of the upside-down image, holding the camera chest high and still being able to snap a quality photo is more proof to me that Marina was one of the most if not THE most fraudulently incriminating after the fact witness we have.

Finally, if there is only 1 negative left and only 2 found in the searches... 133-C in Roscoe White's widow's possession being the same exact pose as the Nov 29th recreation AND the cutout raises serious doubts that Marina was ever involved with these images...

I, too, doubt Marina had anything to do with these photos. She was terrified of being deported, in the custody of the SS/FBI immediately after the murder (for weeks), debriefed and questioned endless times.

Has Marina ever described the back yard photo(s)? I can hear those guys and gals now,: "hey girl, your gonna tell us, your hubbie had a rifle and you took a picture of him with the rifle, PERIOD! If not, you're on a slow boat Minsk, and your kids stay here in the custody of the state...

A new Look at the BYP by Jeff Carter - Jim DiEugenio - 31-07-2015

Drew Phipps Wrote:
Quote: The de Mohrenschildt backyard photo was apparently discovered in February 1967 by Jeanne de Mohrenschildt, inside the sleeve of a record album found at a Dallas storage unit the de Mohrenschildts had secured ahead of their move to Haiti in April 1964.

I thought the DeM's went to Haiti in June 1963

This is being corrected

And I agree, the Roscoe White photo being posed like the cut out is really a puzzler.