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Daniel Hopsicker on the fatal MENA crash - Did Tom Cruise's helicopter clip doomed Mena plane? - Printable Version

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Daniel Hopsicker on the fatal MENA crash - Did Tom Cruise's helicopter clip doomed Mena plane? - Anthony Thorne - 15-09-2015

Two killed in a plane crash on the (Barry Seal biopic) MENA shoot, and the victims have intriguing backgrounds. The mainstream press quickly spin the official story of the crash, ignoring witness testimony, just as the film will spin the assassination of Barry Seal. Another top notch article from Hopsicker.

Daniel Hopsicker on the fatal MENA crash - Did Tom Cruise's helicopter clip doomed Mena plane? - Peter Lemkin - 15-09-2015

Anthony Thorne Wrote:Two killed in a plane crash on the (Barry Seal biopic) MENA shoot, and the victims have intriguing backgrounds. The mainstream press quickly spin the official story of the crash, ignoring witness testimony, just as the film will spin the assassination of Barry Seal. Another top notch article from Hopsicker. that is one of the weirdest stories I've ever read, and I've read a lot of weird stories.....have to let that one sink in a bit..... ::face.palm::

Daniel Hopsicker on the fatal MENA crash - Did Tom Cruise's helicopter clip doomed Mena plane? - David Guyatt - 15-09-2015

Kudos to Dan for getting another important story to the public. By this I mean not simply the curious case of the aircraft deaths, which is very curious, but the fact that the new Barry film is planned to be yet another whitewash of reality. Maybe we the public were only allowed one fairly true story from Hollywood namely, Kill The Messenger, featuring Jeremy Renner, whereas the Barry Seal story apparently has to remain fictional.

Daniel Hopsicker on the fatal MENA crash - Did Tom Cruise's helicopter clip doomed Mena plane? - Drew Phipps - 15-09-2015

Maybe "Mena" is the "Mockingbird" response to "Messenger".

I can't figure out why in the world real spooks would be present on fake movie set. It actually sounds to me more like the chopper is filming some footage of the Aerostar flying over jungle and what not; after all that is on-location for where the cocaine comes from. Studio denying responsibility?

Daniel Hopsicker on the fatal MENA crash - Did Tom Cruise's helicopter clip doomed Mena plane? - Dawn Meredith - 15-09-2015

David Guyatt Wrote:Kudos to Dan for getting another important story to the public. By this I mean not simply the curious case of the aircraft deaths, which is very curious, but the fact that the new Barry film is planned to be yet another whitewash of reality. Maybe we the public were only allowed one fairly true story from Hollywood namely, Kill The Messenger, featuring Jeremy Renner, whereas the Barry Seal story apparently has to remain fictional.

I was suspicious when I first saw this in the newsfeed but as Dan observes getting any real information proved fruitless. Hollywood is lies and coverup. I knew that Mena would be fully vetted by the Clintons and Bushs before it could even be made. Like Zero Dark Thirty, this is one I will probably not see. The CIA poured millions into Zero dark Thirty my husband told me at dinner the other night. I did not have time to check the source as I have been in a long jury trial but when it ends get him to get me the source. It did not surprise me in the least and I bet the same is true of this lying film called "Mena".
