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Why Not? If Tony Blair can be the Grand European Poo Bah - Printable Version

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Why Not? If Tony Blair can be the Grand European Poo Bah - Magda Hassan - 30-07-2009


By Gregory Levey
On Sunday, George Mitchell, President Obama's Middle East envoy, arrived in Israel to confer with its leaders. Also visiting this week are Defense Secretary Robert Gates, national-security adviser James Jones, and Gulf States envoy Dennis Ross. It's a full-court press on the Israelis, and the American wish list is long. They want Israel to stop expanding settlements; to stop building Jewish neighborhoods in East Jerusalem; and for hawks in the government to chill out while the U.S. is negotiating with Iran. And yet, odds are, they'll come back to Washington empty-handed, for reasons having to do as much with atmospherics as policy: Team Obama just doesn't have Israel's full trust.
But there is someone who does—someone who could use a job, someone who argued straightforwardly for a Palestinian state, and yet someone who has the implicit admiration and regard of Israel. President Obama needs a new envoy to the region who can get results—and George W. Bush is his man.

Why Not? If Tony Blair can be the Grand European Poo Bah - Peter Presland - 30-07-2009


I was just not expecting the punch line - honest! - sprayed coffee all over my keyboard and simply burst out laughing.

Just when you think things can't get more surreal - They DO. :rofl:

Why Not? If Tony Blair can be the Grand European Poo Bah - Magda Hassan - 30-07-2009


Yep. And from such a 'respectable' main stream magazine too!

I did think about putting a warning at the beginning of the article for just that very event but I forgot :coffee:

Why Not? If Tony Blair can be the Grand European Poo Bah - Jan Klimkowski - 30-07-2009

Quote:Gregory Levey (born ca. 1978) is a writer living in Toronto, Canada.

He served as a speechwriter for the Israeli government, first for the Permanent Mission of Israel to the United Nations in New York,[1] and then, in Israel, in the offices of Prime Ministers Ariel Sharon and Ehud Olmert as Senior Foreign Communications Coordinator and English Speechwriter

Remember folks, MSM is all about objectivity and impartiality.... :bandit: