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Oswald and employment after his return to the US - Magda Hassan - 12-11-2009

I was just wondering the other night why Oswald never worked in civil aviation when he returned to the US? He was a qualified marine radar operator and the aero-space industries were expanding in those times so surely there were employment opportunities. Plus the pay would have been much better than many of the jobs he did and he would have been better able to provide for his family. Is there any evidence that he tried to get work in this area?

Oswald and employment after his return to the US - Jack White - 12-11-2009

Magda Hassan Wrote:I was just wondering the other night why Oswald never worked in civil aviation when he returned to the US? He was a qualified marine radar operator and the aero-space industries were expanding in those times so surely there were employment opportunities. Plus the pay would have been much better than many of the jobs he did and he would have been better able to provide for his family. Is there any evidence that he tried to get work in this area?

Magda...LHO WAS employed when he returned...BY THE CIA.


Oswald and employment after his return to the US - Adrian Mack - 12-11-2009

I think his jobs were generally cover for his Intelligence activities, weren't they? And circumstantially, Eustis Reily's donations to INCA tie Oswald's boss at the Reily Coffee Company to the NO milieu of spooks, anti-Castro groups, and weird, bald, amateur cancer researchers. To give one example.

Oswald and employment after his return to the US - Magda Hassan - 12-11-2009

Jack White Wrote:Magda...LHO WAS employed when he returned...BY THE CIA.

Oh, certainly! I would also say he was employed by the same bunch when he left for the USSR.

Adrian Mack Wrote:I think his jobs were generally cover for his Intelligence activities, weren't they?
Yes, this is true. But I wonder why the created the legend of LHO and not give him a better cover (yes, I'm sure what ever he was doing was what 'they' wanted him to do but...) like air craft controller or similar or at least a good reason why he wasn't doing something like that. I know he expected to go to NASA like all the others did at Reily's Coffee and that may have been the beginning of something but that is the first time he even looked like doing something in his line of 'real' work.

Oswald and employment after his return to the US - Phil Dragoo - 12-11-2009


Leslie Welding Company. July 1962. Didn't like the work. Quit after three months.

Jaggers-Chiles-Stovall. October 1962. Terminated after six months.

New Orleans

Reily Coffee Company. April 1963. Fired after three months.


Texas School Book Depository. October 16, 1963. Many thanks to Ruth Paine for the connections to get me the job.

Remember. It's not what you know. It's what they know that you don't know.

Why did Lee try to call John Hurt in Raleigh, North Carolina, and does it track back to the school for illusion which Tosh Plumlee attended there with Lee.

And why are Lee's tax and employment records still state secrets.

Unless of course he was in fact working for CIA and/or their agents and assets witting, unwitting; overt, covert.

What a dog and pony show. He was led to every station of the cross until the Texas Theater and the basement garage of the jail where he finished his final position of "Patsy".

Oswald and employment after his return to the US - Magda Hassan - 12-11-2009

Phil Dragoo Wrote:Why did Lee try to call John Hurt in Raleigh, North Carolina, and does it track back to the school for illusion which Tosh Plumlee attended there with Lee.

And why are Lee's tax and employment records still state secrets.
Well, yes, indeed. These are two things I am very interested in also. Why was that call never put through and who was the mystery man who say waiting for LHO to make that call? And if LHO is just some lone dumb schmuck that works pushing boxes around a warehouse why are his tax records secret?

Oswald and employment after his return to the US - Phil Dragoo - 12-11-2009

And yet, they doth protest too much.

Oswald and employment after his return to the US - Helen Reyes - 12-11-2009

Magda Hassan Wrote:But I wonder why the created the legend of LHO and not give him a better cover (yes, I'm sure what ever he was doing was what 'they' wanted him to do but...) like air craft controller or similar or at least a good reason why he wasn't doing something like that. I know he expected to go to NASA like all the others did at Reily's Coffee and that may have been the beginning of something but that is the first time he even looked like doing something in his line of 'real' work.

Oswald was considered unreliable. He took jobs that made him appear like a Soviet dissident in the USSR or like a blackballed Communist in the USA. It fits in with the cover. Not sure what his expertise was from the radar station in Japan, it probably could've translated into flight controller back in the USA, but he did tell the Soviets he would give them classified information and that made him a liability for any company in the USA.