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Jim Altgen's photo of limo and lead car - Printable Version

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Jim Altgen's photo of limo and lead car - Betty Chruscielski - 18-05-2011

This is my first time posting so please bear with me. If all has worked well I've attached the Jim Altgen's picture of Clint Hill climbing on the back of the presidential limo. Enlarge the picture 400% and focus on the rear window of the lead car. Please notice the man facing the rear on the driver's side. Some people who see this say, "Well of course they would have a man watching the president". The only problem is that Police Chief Curry stated that he looked in his rear view mirror and saw a commotion but didn't know what was going on until a police motorcyclist drove up and told them the president was hurt. With someone watching the limo from the lead car, the lead car occupants would all have known exactly what was happening in the limo. The fact of the motorcyclist riding up has never been verified in the photographs taken.* Doug Weldon tried to interview the motocyclist, James Chaney, but the government legally prevented from doing so.*
I can't remember if both Forrest Sorrels and Lawson concurred about the motorcyclist or if it was just Win Lawson. Sheriff Decker did not lie to the Warren Commission about what happened in the lead car because Sheriff Decker never testified to the Warren Commission about his ride in the lead car becasue he only testified about his stint with Oswald! We know that Win Lawson lied to the Warren Commission. Allen Dulles asked Lawson, Did the limo ever pass the lead car? Win answered emphatically that, No the limo car never passed the lead car. Yet by photographic evidence we know that the limo did pass the lead car. (If my computer skills were better I'd attach that picture too, If wyou don't know which picture I'm referring to please let me know.) Why did Allan Dulles a man fired by Kennedy ask Win Lawson a point blank question and get such a straight forward answer that was false?
Also interesting is Forrest Sorrels. Forrest had so much involvement on 11/22/63. He rode in the lead car, jumped out of the car to tell hospital workers to get stretchers out, found the witness Howard Brennan, went with Zapruder to get the film developed, told the commission all about Jack Ruby. With all of his involvment you would think that he would be sought after but when I googled him it's like he dropped off the face of the earth after his Warren Commission testimony. I can't even google an image of him. We know he lied to the Warren Commission because the limo did pass the lead car and he couldn't have arrived there first to tell hospital workers to get stretchers out.
When googling Jim Altgen's photo of Clint Hill climbing on the back of the limo, make sure you find a high quality photo. Jim used high quality film. Yet on the Wiki sites the rear window has been pixelated. Some sites have the left hand margin caught off, some have the contrast really dark, some are washed out.
Combining this photo with Doug Weldon's research makes one wonder, What is going on in the rear window? In the middle of the window, it looks as if the image of a man has been cut out. Could they have used a mafia car that was designed to shoot out from the rear window for drive by hits? Jim Fetzer and Doug Weldon have given this photo for Jack White to analyze. With Jack's condition it will probably be awhile before he gets around to it.
Thank you for allowing me to write this. Betty

The above underlined sentence is incorrect. Chainey was dead before Weldon had an opportunity to interview him.