24-09-2010, 07:45 PM
Quote:Hercegovakia Banka was founded in 1997 "by several companies and the Franciscan Order [in Bosnia], which controls the religious shrine in Medjugorje,"
Quote:The purported apparitions at Medjugorje, which began in 1981 and continue daily, have drawn millions of pilgrims, and inspired millions more - both Protestant and Catholic.Recommended reading is of course David Guyatt's MASTERS OF PERSUATION . . .
The Pope has not approved Medjugorje, and a series of scandals and theological inconsistencies weigh against the devotion to Our Lady of Medjugorje ever being sanctioned. The bishop of the diocese of Mostar, which includes Medjugorje, declared in a recent press interview that Medjugorje "is not a shrine" but simply "an ordinary parish."