24-05-2012, 01:10 PM
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:Seamus Coogan Wrote:http://www.topsecretwriters.com/2012/05/...enri-paul/
If you want to prove conspiracy in the Diana case. Then looking at the dodgy toxicology tests is a place to start!!!!
Ah, Seamus, now you're getting a little warmer.
Yes, the toxicology tests on Henri Paul are as credible as the official autopsy reports on JFK and his, ahem, missing or doppelgangered brain.
And yes, Henri Paul is not the simple drunk chauffeur of the official version, as we discussed many many moons ago:
Quote:The Paget Report and Martin Gregory have downplayed the point that the movers and shakers of the arms, criminal and intelligence worlds have regularly congregated in the building as a neutral meeting place for many years.
Al Fayed was the proprietor of the joint when the October Surprise' against Jimmy Carter was formulated there by arms dealers and CIA stooges like George Bush (7), and a number of other scandalous deals have gone down there worthy of a novel (8).
By all accounts, Fayed had bugged the Ritz intensively and probably had some knowledge of all of this. Thus, Gregory's and the Paget Report's comments that Paul had never had contact with anyone from MI6 is just as bizarre. Equally strange is the fact that, for all of his security, Al Fayed doesn't seem to have ever captured Paul with any member of MI6. Yet for all this, the chances of Paul hanging out with MI6 agents (wittingly or not) in or near a place as immersed in mystery as the Ritz, is actually very high.
So, let's put our deep political hats on.
Let's speculate a little on the logistics.
Let's assume Diana was to be assassinated but it must look like an accident.
No public execution, as with JFK, but a ritual slaughter nevertheless.
Now, many coalface cops and detectives are honest people. They investigate crime honestly.
How can their investigations be closed down?
The trump card is always National Security. The arrival of the spooks, the imposition of boundaries where information requests by the investigation team are Denied because the details are Classified.
The Finders case, which I - along with others - personally investigated, is one such shining example.
The murder of Gareth Williams is another.
Henri Paul's intelligence background is clear to all who look.
As a Mechanic and Perfect Patsy.
Al Fayed's intelligence background is clear to all who look.
As a Mechanic and Useful Tool.
Trevor Rees-Jones was amnesiac for a decade.
And then there's Oswald Le Winter - see here.
Deep throat for Francovich.
Key source for Gladio and the October Surprize.
Filmed in silhouette against a picture window of dull greyness....
What makes a Perfect Patsy?
Now there's a deep political question.
Cheers mate. I've been meaning to reply to all of this for a very long time. The bitch for me is that so much of my stuff is compressed in the can at the moment. LeWinter, oh yes the man is worthy of an article himself. I said as much in about Part VII I think mate! Once again fascinating dude. I think Rees Jones is a difficult case. I doubt we'll ever get it out of him what happened. There are some reports he's scared of fessing up, but hell he took a hell of a smack! As for your other pointers funnily enough I am looking into the McCann case at the moment (I am learning to always have something cooking). I've been looking into the McCann case since it started. It's something I am far more passionate about than Diana. Anyhow, you can see how honest cops can get their case shut down extremely quickly. That's stuck with me since I started out with the good ole JFK all those years ago! But if you have any direct statements of this happening I'd love to see them. Because they got hold of the case very quickly.
I think I have some four more pieces to go, what I think is important is the Alma Tunnel. The whole purpose of the excercise if a conspiracy was to off her and/or get her in that ambulance. I really think there's potentially a ton of deception and red herrings in the tunnel that night!
"In the Kennedy assassination we must be careful of running off into the ether of our own imaginations." Carl Ogelsby circa 1992