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A Mediterranean Battlefield - Syria
Lauren Johnson Wrote:
Magda Hassan Wrote:
Michael Barwell Wrote:Who are the Turkmen that are reported to have killed two Russian pilots?
Downing of Russian jet throws spotlight on ethnic Turkish minority fighting with Syria's rebels
Alwiya al-Ashar is linked to a Turkish and CIA-backed logistics supply programme that funnels a near-constant stream of small arms, ammunition, and cash for salaries to rebel groups across northern Syria.

There are Turkic tribes all across Asia from Western China to Turkey. The CIA have for years been stoking the fire of Nationalism to destabilise the area. Erdogan has a grand plan for there to be a greater Turkey and a new Ottoman Empire. He wants a chuck of Syria as part of that. Stupid idiot thinks it will be his Turkey to be Emperor of. Puppets and their delusions of grandeur.

My enterpretation: nothing happens like this without the approval of The High Cabal. Erdogan has been given permission and the encouragement to dream big. Of course, that permission can be withdrawn at any point. My logic is that it fits into the schema of shoring up the southern extent of the intermarium further threatening Asia.

"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.


France and Israël launch a new war in Iraq and Syria

by Thierry Meyssan
On one hand, the French government is mobilising all its media in order to keep its population focused on the attacks of the 13th November. On the other, with Israël, it is launching a new war in Iraq and Syria. The objective is no longer to overthrow the secular Syrian régime, nor to destroy its army, but to create a colonial state straddling the border between Iraq and Syria, to be managed by the Kurds, in order to apply a stranglehold on the Arab states. The dream of an Israeli nation between the Nile and the Euphrates is back.

[Image: 1_-_1-148-39853-2-9334a.jpg]On this map, published in 2013 by Robin Wright in the New York Times, we can see Sunnistan, which Daesh was to create in June 2014, and from where they proclaimed the Caliphate, and also Kurdistan, that France and Israël now want to create. You may note that on this map, nothing is planned for the Christian populations, who will either have to be transferred to Europe, or else exterminated.

At the G20 meeting,
Moscow and Washington demand a halt to the financing of Daesh.

The G20 summit in Antalya (Turkey) certainly concentrated on economic questions, but above all, on the situation in the Near East. Numerous bilateral negotiations took place, but we know nothing about the subjects discussed and the agreements reached.However, Russian President Vladimir Putin denounced without naming them the states present at the summit who were actively sponsoring Daesh. He showed his colleagues satellite photographs of convoys of tanker-trucks crossing Turkey to sell the petrol stolen by the terrorist organisation in Iraq and Syria [1]. Publicly implicated for his violations of Security Council resolutions in the financing of Daesh, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan was visibly affected. According to the Turkish Socialist party, Bilal Erdoğan (the President's son) was directly managing this traffic [2].Presidents Putin and Obama concluded an agreement to destroy the Erdoğan family's tankers, thereby putting an end to the petrol trafficking. On the same day, and for the first time in eighteen months, the US Central Command bombed the tanker-trucks in Iraq, while the Russian army destroyed a massive number in Syria [3].Russia and the United States obliged France to join in this operation. Pretending to react to the Paris attacks, French Persident Hollande shamelessly announced that he had given his armies the order to bomb Daesh objectives in Syria, while President Putin gave public instructions to the Russian armies to coordinate with France and to act « as if » it was an ally [4]. The French President will be meeting with his US and Russian counter-parts in the near future.It would seem that effective dispositions have been taken to isolate the 24 banking establishments used by Daesh from Iraq to transfer money - dispositions that the Under-Secretary of State David S. Cohen has been trying in vain to impose for months [5].

France and the « liberal hawks » organise a new war

Noting that they will now have to remove Daesh from Syria, the group of states, multinationals and US personalities who are organising the war have therefore decided to launch a third.[Image: puce-cebf5.gif] The « Arab spring » (February 2011 to January 2013) was triggered by the US State Department. The aim was to overthrow the secular Arab régimes, whether they were allied with or opposed to the United States, and to replace them with dictatorships managed by the Muslim Brotherhood. After having overthrown the Tunisian and Egyptian Presidents during the Jasmin and Lotus « revolutions », they declared war on Libya and Syria (as planned by the Lancaster House Treaty of November 2010), but the colonial forces were unable to attack Algeria (In Amenas hostage crisis).
[Image: puce-cebf5.gif] The second Syrian war (July 2012 to October 2015) was started by France, the US « liberal hawks» (Hillary Clinton, Jeffrey Feltman, David Petraeus, etc.) and Israël - financed by a group of states (Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, etc.) and multinational corporations (Exxon-Mobil, KKR, Academi, etc.). The aim was not so much to force a régime change as to « bleed » the country and destroy its army (more than 100,000 Syrian soldiers had already been killed in their fight against terrorism). This ended with Russia's military intervention.
[Image: puce-cebf5.gif] The third Syrian war (since the 20th November 2015) was initiated by certain members of the the same group, this time with the aim of creating a new state to the North of Syria and Iraq, in order to apply a stranglehold on the Arab states who are resisting Israël [6].Having realised that it will no longer be possible for them to act against Syria, the organisers of the war agreed to reboot and continue the programme which had already led to the creation of South Sudan in 2012. This project corresponds to the plan by Alain Juppé (March 2011) and that developed by Robin Wright (September 2013), which anticipated that after having supported Daesh in order to create a « Sunnistan », it would be neccessary to create a « Kurdistan » [7].This is no longer a phoney « ideological » war (the Arab spring), nor a phoney « religious » war (the second Syrian war), but a phoney « ethnic » war.[Image: 1_-_1_4_-26-0801a-2-ad479.jpg]

Secret operations on the ground

In order to acheive their goals, they managed to turn the Marxist-Leninist Syrian Kurdish party, YPG, (now known as the « Syrian Democratic Forces ») and ally it with the Barzani clan of Iraq. Of course, both groups are Kurdish, but they do not speak the same language, they killed each other throughout the Cold War, and are obedient to ideologies which are diametrically opposed [8].Let us note, by the way, that as from now, the Regional Kurdish Government of Iraq is a dictatorship. Its President, Massoud Barzani, who is a Mossad agent set up by the United Kingdom and the United States, has been hanging onto power since the end of his mandate in June 2013 [9].The government obliged the « Democratic Forces » (sic) to compel the non-Kurdish populations in the North of Syria to adopt the Kurdish culture (October 2015), provoking an uprising amongst the Arabs and Assyrian Christians, and the anger of Damascus. But there was no international reaction [10]. There had been no such reaction either during the annexation of the oil-fields in Kirkuk by the Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq (summer 2014), since international public opinion was focused only on the ethnic cleansing perpetrated by Daesh. At that time, not only had the major powers not yet condemned the war of conquest by the Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq, but they had proposed to supply them with weapons, without notifying the Central Government in Baghdad, with the phoney aim of fighting Daesh.The parties in the conflict will not announce that they are making war in order to create an Israeli colonial state, thus creating a pincer situation to the disadvantage of the resistant Arab states, but as soon as it becomes necessary, they will declare that they are fighting for an independent « Kurdistan » - a grotesque position since the territory concerned has never in history belonged to Kurdistan, and that the Kurds are in the minority here (less than 30 % of the population).On the 5th November, France announced it was sending the aircraft carrier Charles-De-Gaulle into the area, pretending that it was to support the fight against Daesh, but in reality, to take up position ready for the third Syrian war [11]. The ship left Toulon, its home port, on the 18th November.From the 13th to the 15th November, the Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq, supported by the « Democratic Syrian Forces » pushed Daesh out of Sinjar (Iraq). In reality, Daesh soldiers reatreated from the area, leaving only 300 men to face a coalition of several tens of thousands of soldiers. The liberated zone was not handed back to the Iraqi government, but annexed by the Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq.Although it is pretending not to support this operation, and while condemning it, Turkey in fact approved it in the secret Juppé-Davoutoglu Treaty of 2011. If this pseudo-Kurdistan were to be created, Turkey would not hesitate to force the PKK to retreat there.

Resolution 2249 authorises this new war de facto

On the 20th November, Russia attempted once again to officialise the proposition for a resolution that it had drawn up for the session of the 30th September, and which it had been constrained to withdraw [12]. At the most, it modified the text by including references to the attacks in the Sinaï, Beirut and Paris, and also mentioned article 51 of the Charter (the right to legitimate defence). Once again, it was oblighed to withdraw the text and allow the passage of a French proposition which legalised any military intervention against Daesh in Syria and Iraq, which the Council approved unanimously (Resolution 2249) [13]. Although this resolution can be interpreted in a number of different ways, it tramples, de facto, on the national sovereignty of Iraq and Syria. It authorises the major powers to interfere as long as they pretend to be fighting against Daesh [14]. The aim is obviously to liberate the North of Syria from Daesh but not to return it to Syria, but to proclaim an independent state under Kurdish authority.Russia did not oppose the resolution, and voted for it. It seems that it prefers for the moment to profit from the Franco-Israeli plan in order to push Daesh out of Syria, without necessarily accepting the principle of a pseudo-Kurdistan. The creation of such a state has no legitimacy in international law the Kurds of Syria are not oppressed, but enjoy the same rights as other citizens. This re-opens the question of the rights of minorities which was already opened by the creation of Kosovo by NATO. It authorises de facto all ethnic groups, whatever their political situation, to demand an independent state. This implies the dissolution of most of the states in the world including France and the triumph of « globalisation ».
Keep in mind :
[Image: puce-cebf5.gif] The Kremlin and the White House have agreed to prevent financial support for Daesh. They have bombed tanker-truck convoys in Iraq and Syria belonging to Bilal ErdoÄŸan's company, and have isolated Daesh's banks.
[Image: puce-cebf5.gif] After the annexion of the Kirkuk oil-fields in June 2014, Israël and France have managed to continue the extension of the territory governed by the Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq (annexing of the Sinjar Mountains) and launching the conquest of the non-Kurdish territories in the North of Syria by the YPG, now known as the « Syrian Democratic Forces ». They intend, finally, to unite the two entities and proclaim the independence of a phoney Kurdish state.
[Image: puce-cebf5.gif] The creation of a pseudo-Kurdistan in non-Kurdish territories has no legality in international law. It's aim is only to function, with South Sudan, as a stranglehold on the major Arab states (Egypt, Syria and Iraq) in order to pursue the dream of an Israeli state between the Nile and the Euphrates.

The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14


Turkey Provokes Russia with Shoot-down

November 24, 2015

Exclusive: Turkey appears to have deliberately shot down a Russian warplane as a provocation designed to escalate tensions between NATO and Russia, a ploy that seems to have sucked in President Obama as he tries to look tough against Russia to appease his neocon critics, writes Robert Parry.
By Robert Parry
President Barack Obama always sensitive to neocon criticism that he's "weak" continues to edge the world closer to a nuclear confrontation with Russia as he talks tough and tolerates more provocations against Moscow, now including Turkey's intentional shoot-down of a Russian warplane along the Turkish-Syrian border.
Rather than rebuke Turkey, a NATO member, for its reckless behavior or express sympathy to the Russians Obama instead asserted that "Turkey, like every country, has a right to defend its territory and its airspace."
[Image: 101754_recep_tayyip_erdogan_dogum_yeri.jpg?92867d]Turkish President Recep Erdogan.
It was another one of Obama's breathtaking moments of hypocrisy, since he has repeatedly violated the territorial integrity of various countries, including in Syria where he has authorized bombing without the government's permission and has armed rebels fighting to overthrow Syria's secular regime.
Obama's comment on Turkey's right to shoot down planes made during a joint press conference with French President Francois Hollande on Tuesday was jarring, too, because there was no suggestion that even if the SU-24 jetfighter had strayed briefly into Turkish territory, which the Russians deny, that it was threatening Turkish targets.
Russian President Vladimir Putin angrily called the Turkish attack a "stab in the back delivered by the accomplices of terrorists." He warned of "serious consequences for Russian-Turkish relations."
Further provoking the Russians, Turkish-backed Syrian rebels then killed the two Russian pilots by riddling their bodies with bullets after they parachuted from the doomed plane and were floating toward the ground. Another Russian soldier was killed when a U.S.-supplied TOW missile brought down a Russian helicopter on a search-and-rescue mission, according to reports.
But Obama, during the news conference, seemed more interested in demonstrating his disdain for Putin, referring to him at one point by his last name only, without the usual use of a courtesy title, and demeaning the size of Putin's coalition in helping Syria battle the jihadist rebels.
"We've got a coalition of 65 countries who have been active in pushing back against ISIL for quite some time," Obama said, citing the involvement of countries around the world. "Russia right now is a coalition of two, Iran and Russia, supporting [Syrian President Bashar al-] Assad."
However, there have been doubts about the seriousness of Obama's coalition, which includes Sunni countries, such as Saudi Arabia and Turkey, which have been covertly supporting some of the jihadist elements, including Al Qaeda's Nusra Front and its ally, Ahrar al-Sham.
Syrian rebels, including jihadists fighting with Ahrar al-Sham, have received hundreds of U.S. TOW anti-tank missiles, apparently through Sunni regional powers with what I've been told was Obama's direct approval. The jihadists have celebrated their use of TOWs to kill tank crews of the Syrian army. Yet Obama talks about every country's right to defend its territory.
Obama and the U.S. mainstream media also have pretended that the only terrorists that need to be fought in Syria are those belonging to the Islamic State (also known as ISIS, ISIL or Daesh), but Al Qaeda's Nusra Front and its ally, Ahrar al-Sham, which was founded in part by Al Qaeda veterans, make up the bulk of the Turkish-and-Saudi-backed Army of Conquest which was gaining ground with the help of those American TOW missiles until Russia intervened with air power at the request of Syrian President Assad in late September.
The SU-24 Shoot-down
As for the circumstances surrounding the Turkish shoot-down of the Russian SU-24, Turkey claimed to have radioed ten warnings over five minutes to the Russian pilots but without getting a response. However, the New York Times reported that a diplomat who attended a NATO meeting in which Turkey laid out its account said "the Russian SU-24 plane was over the Hatay region of Turkey for about 17 seconds when it was struck."
How those two contradictory time frames matched up was not explained. However, if the 17-second time frame is correct, it appears that Turkey intended to shoot down a Russian plane whether over its territory or not to send a message that it would not permit Russia to continue attacking Turkish-backed rebels in Syria.
After shooting down the plane, Turkey sought an emergency NATO meeting to support its attack. Though some NATO members reportedly consider Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan a loose cannon, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg declared that the allies "stand in solidarity with Turkey."
Further increasing the prospect of a dangerous escalation, NATO has been conducting large-scale military exercises near the Russian border in response to the Ukraine crisis.
Erdogan's government also appears to have dabbled in dangerous provocations before, including the alleged role of Turkish intelligence in helping jihadist rebels stage a lethal sarin gas attack outside Damascus on Aug. 21, 2013, with the goal of blaming Assad's military and tricking Obama into launching punitive airstrikes that would have helped clear the way for a jihadist victory.
Obama only pulled back at the last minute amid doubts among U.S. intelligence analysts about who was responsible for the sarin attack. Later evidence pointed to a jihadist provocation with possible Turkish assistance, but the Obama administration has never formally retracted its allegations blaming Assad's forces.
One motive for Erdogan to go along with the sarin "false flag" attack in 2013 would have been that his two-year campaign to overthrow the Assad government was sputtering, a situation similar to today with the Russian military intervention hammering jihadist positions and putting the Syrian army back on the offensive.
By shooting down a Russian plane and then rushing to NATO with demands for retaliation against Russia, Erdogan is arguably playing a similar game, trying to push the United States and European countries into a direct confrontation with Russia while also sabotaging Syrian peace talks in Vienna all the better to advance his goal of violently ousting Assad from power.
The Neocon Agenda
Escalating tensions with Russia also plays into the hands of America's neoconservatives who have viewed past cooperation between Putin and Obama as a threat to the neocon agenda of "regime change," which began in Iraq in 2003 and was supposed to continue into Syria and Iran with the goal of removing governments deemed hostile to Israel.
After the sarin gas attack in 2013, the prospect for the U.S. bombing Syria and paving the way for Assad's military defeat looked bright, but Putin and Obama cooperated to defuse the sarin gas crisis. The two teamed up again to advance negotiations to constrain Iran's nuclear program a threat to neocon hopes for bombing Iran, too.
However, in late 2013 and early 2014, that promising Putin-Obama collaboration was blasted apart in Ukraine with American neocons playing key roles, including National Endowment for Democracy president Carl Gershman, Sen. John McCain and Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs Victoria Nuland.
The neocons targeted the elected government of President Viktor Yanukovych, recognizing how sensitive Ukraine was to Russia. The Feb. 22, 2014 coup, which was spearheaded by neo-Nazis and other extreme Ukrainian nationalists, established a fiercely anti-Russian regime in Kiev and provoked what quickly took on the look of a new Cold War.
When the heavily ethnic Russian population of Crimea, which had voted overwhelmingly for Yanukovych, reacted to the coup by voting 96 percent to leave Ukraine and rejoin Russia, the neocon-dominated U.S. mainstream media pronounced the referendum a "sham" and the secession a Russian "invasion." Cold War hysteria followed.
However, in the nearly two years since the Ukraine coup, it has become increasingly clear that the new regime in Kiev is not the shining light that the neocons and the mainstream media pretended it was. It appears to be as corrupt as the old one, if not more so. Plus, livings standards of average Ukrainians have plunged.
The recent flooding of Europe with Syrian refugees over the summer and this month's Paris terror attacks by Islamic State jihadists also have forced European officials to take events in Syria more seriously, prompting a growing interest in a renewed cooperation with Russia's Putin.
That did not sit well with ultranationalist Ukrainians angered at the reduced interest in the Ukraine crisis. These activists have forced their dispute with Russia back into the newspapers by destroying power lines supplying electricity to Crimea, throwing much of the peninsula into darkness. Their goal seems to be to ratchet up tensions again between Russia and the West.
Now, Turkey's shoot-down of the SU-24 and the deliberate murder of the two Russian pilots have driven another wedge between NATO countries and Russia, especially if President Obama and other NATO leaders continue taking Turkey's side in the incident.
But the larger question indeed the existential question is whether Obama will continue bowing to neocon demands for tough talk against Putin even if doing so risks pushing tensions to a level that could spill over into a nuclear confrontation.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
'Turkmen' terrorist Alparslan Celik who shot down Russian plane was actually Turkish citizen whose father was mayor or provincial town and member of Grey Wolves.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Uh oh. Didn't the Grey Wolves "do" for Gladio?
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
Several very significant people have been lobbying on behalf of Turkey in the U.S. over recent years. The size of the Turkish lobby is largely under-appreciated, I think, but has been covered in some detail by Sibel Edmonds. Another organisation to look at is the Turkish-American Council.
“The most difficult subjects can be explained to the most slow-witted man if he has not formed any idea of them already; but the simplest thing cannot be made clear to the most intelligent man if he is firmly persuaded that he knows already, without a shadow of doubt, what is laid before him.”
― Leo Tolstoy,

Turkey Has Destroyed Russia's Hope Of Western Cooperation
Paul Craig Roberts
UPDATE: A friend, George Abert, suggested a reason why the Turks shot down the Russian fighter-bomber over Syria. The Russians have a technology that they recently demonstrated against the newest US missile cruiser and Israel's US jet fighters. The technology shuts down the communication systems of hostile forces, leaving them blind. He wonders if the Russian aircraft was shot down in order to encourage the Russians to use its unknown technology whenever Russian aircraft are in the vicinity of NATO and Israeli aircraft. He bets that the US has sent every Raven and ELINT specialist to the area in hopes that Russia's use of the technology will allow them to learn enough about the system to duplicate it or learn how to block it.
Turkey's unprovoked shoot-down of a Russian military aircraft over Syria raises interesting questions. It seems unlikely that the Turkish government would commit an act of war against a much more powerful neighbor unless Washington had cleared the attack. Turkey's government is not very competent, but even the incompetent know better than to put themselves into a position of facing Russia alone.
If the attack was cleared with Washington, was Obama bypassed by the neocons who control his government, or is Obama himself complicit? Clearly the neoconservatives are disturbed by the French president's call for unity with Russia against ISIL and easily could have used their connections to Turkey to stage an event that Washington can use to prevent cooperation with Russia.
Washington's complicity is certainly indicated, but it is not completely out of the question that the well-placed Turks who are purchasing oil from ISIL took revenge against Russia for destroying their oil tanker investments and profitable business. But if the attack has a private or semi-private origin in connections between gangsters and military, would Turkey's president have defended the shoot-down on such spurious grounds as "national defense"? No one can believe that one Russian jet is a threat to Turkey's security.
Don't expect the presstitutes to look into any such questions. The presstitutes, such as the BBC's Moscow correspondent Sarah Rainsford, are spinning the story that the loss of the Russian aircraft, and earlier the airliner, proves that Putin's policy of air strikes against iSIL has backfired as Russians are not safer.
The responses to the shoot-down are also interesting. From what I heard of Obama's press conference, Obama's definition of "moderate Syrian rebels" includes all the extremist jihadish groups, such as al Nursa and ISIL, that are the focus of the Russian attacks. Only Assad is an extremist. Obama, following the neocon line, says that Assad has too much blood on his hands to be allowed to remain president of Syria.
Obama is not specific about the "blood on Assad's hands," but we can be. The blood is the blood of ISIL forces fighting the Syrian army. Obama doesn't refer to the blood on ISIL's hands, but even the presstitutes have told us the horror stories associated with the blood on ISIL's hands, with whom Obama has allied us.
And what about the blood on Obama's hands? Here we are talking about a very large quantity of blood: the blood of entire countriesLibya, Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria, and the blood that Obama's puppet government in Kiev has spilled of the ethnic Russian inhabitants of Ukraine, not to forget the Palestinian blood spilled by Israel using US supplied weapons.
If the blood on Assad's hands disqualifies Assad from office, the much greater quantity on Obama's hands disqualifies Obama. And Cameron. And Hollande. And Merkel. And Netanyahu.
Throughout the entire Washington orchestrated conflicts in the Middle East, Africa, and Ukraine, the Russian government has spoken reasonably and responded in a diplomatic manner to the many provocations. The Russian government relied on European governments realizing that Europe does not benefit from conflicts generated by Washington and separating themselves from a policy that is against their interests. But Europe proved to be a collection of American vassals, not independent countries capable of independent foreign policies.
In its campaign against ISIL in Syria, the Russian government relied on the agreement made with NATO countries to avoid engaging in the air. Now Turkey has violated this agreement.
I will be surprised if the Russian government any longer places any trust in the words of the West and any hope in diplomacy with the West. By now the Russian government and the Russian people will have learned that the Wolfowitz doctrine means what it says and is in force against Russia.
From the Ukrainian attack on Crimea's power supply and the blackout that is affecting Crimea, the Russian government has also learned that Washington's puppet government in Kiev intends further conflict with Russia.
Washington has made it clear from the beginning that Washington's focus is on overthrowing Assad, not ISIL. Despite the alleged attack on France by ISIL, the US State Department press spokesperson, Admiral John Kirby, said that Russia cannot be a member of the coalition against ISIL until Russia stops propping up Assad.
To the extent that the shoot-down of the Russian military aircraft has a silver lining, the incident has likely saved the Russian government from a coalition in which Russia would have lost control of its war against ISIL and would have had to accept the defeat of Assad's removal.
Each step along the way the Russian government has held strong cards that it did not play, trusting instead to diplomacy. Diplomacy has now proven to be a deadend. If Russia does not join the real game and begin to play its strong cards, Russia will be defeated.
Magda Hassan Wrote:'Turkmen' terrorist Alparslan Celik who shot down Russian plane was actually Turkish citizen whose father was mayor or provincial town and member of Grey Wolves.

Correction: He didn't shoot down plane but shot pilot parachutist from Russian plane. Itself a war crime.

And yes David Grey Wolves did plenty for Gladio.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Tracy Riddle is not completely out of the question that the well-placed Turks who are purchasing oil from ISIL took revenge against Russia for destroying their oil tanker investments and profitable business. ....

It's an interesting muse that the prevarication around hitting ISIL's oil assets is because they're Turkish oil assets- (thinking of just the masses of trucks, but "PRoil assets" casts a nice shadow and makes me sound smarter than I am), and would explain the postcards saying "In 45 minutes we invite you to ruuun" - surely just a coincidence there @ 45minutes. It would mean that a conflict is being fought for the very survival of civilization itself Hitlersbollock with no commitment to succeed in stated endeavour - that our pal Turkey is funding the boogeymen, and we're just fine with that, or unjoined-up thinking to the extent of cretinism. The Kunduz hospital's an interesting one, if I heard it right on the telly; that everyone knew where the hospital was, and yet for an hour, because of some emergency, someone called-in/painted the wrong building, and for an hour, didn't notice that over 100 105mm artillery shells from the AC130 weren't hitting the building that they were looking at, and that, tho' the hospital was on a map, no-one had 'networked' that info into the maps that anyone used - they put the hospital on a map so it wouldn't get shot at, but the ppl who do the shooting don't use that map, & neither do the ppl who say "Shoot".

In a similar unconordirated vein, PRDave (Cameron)'s saying that there are 70,000 good guys in Syria which comes like a warm relief - 'The prime minister's spokesman said the claim that there are 70,000 moderate Syrian opposition fighters is "based on the best intelligence analysis that we have" >cou-45minutebollocks-ghs<. Earlier some MPs said they did not accept it. (See
[size=12] 2.33pm.)[/SIZE]', whilst others disagree - "PM's Plan To Fight IS: Fantasy, Not Strategy" - & "PM's Syria Fighters Figure A 'Magical Number'" - .
Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."
Supposedly, Russia has sent an S400 missile battery and deployed it in Syria.
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl

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