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Analysis of NPIC Briefing Boards
I'm a relative newcomer' to JFK assassination research, so please forgive me if the following question has been previously addressed and answered elsewhere; (unfortunately, my own searches have not thus far turned up any worthwhile answers).

My question concerns the 4-Panel set of briefing boards' made during the so-called 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] NPIC Event' (i.e. that presided over by Homer McMahon, Ben Hunter, et al, on Sunday, 24 November 1963). Recall that these are the official' (previously Classified) briefing boards that were eventually released by CIA and placed in the National Archives in 1993.

An inspection of these 4 individual briefing boards readily reveals that a number of small blue and red triangles have been carefully placed at certain positions along the time-line' created from image enlargements of the Zapruder film. Most notably, on briefing board Panel IV, both a red and a blue triangle have been annotated precisely beneath the fatal head shot' image (i.e. Zapruder frame 313).

Looking at all four Panels, there are a total of 6 little triangles positioned along various specific points on the time-line: 3 red; and 3 blue. The first red triangle (R1') appears on Panel I around the time when JFK's limo starts to go behind the Stemmons freeway sign. The first blue triangle (B1') also appears on Panel I, but is placed further along the time-line to a point where JFK's limo is starting to re-emerge from behind the Stemmons freeway sign. Panel II contains a single blue triangle (B2'), whereas Panel III reveals just a single red triangle (R2'). As mentioned above, Panel IV finally shows both red and blue triangles (R3' and B3') precisely beneath the fatal head shot.
During my own (limited) internet searches, I have not come across any official explanation for the meaning of these little triangles. However, it would seem reasonable (to me, at least) that these triangles were placed on the briefing boards to indicate the precise time of shots' fired at the motorcade.

If this is the case, isn't it also reasonable to conclude that the official' CIA/NPIC interpretation of the event time-line was that a total of 6 shots were fired at JFK; 3 by each of two separate shooters (i.e. Shooter #1' fired at the time/position of the Blue triangles, whereas Shooter #2' fired at the time/position of the Red triangles)?

I'd be very interested to hear what other researchers have deduced from this annotation of the briefing boards.
Adam -

These 4 boards from Homer's group (as opposed to the boards and film from Dino) are the official boards made from the altered (or carefully selected frames) of the Zfilm.

The little triangles you will see correspond to the NPIC CIA450 docs released. See the visuals below:

One thing to remember is an 8mm film was in DC by 2am Friday night and it is not until 10pm Sat night that Dino gets his 8mm film..

According to these panels and the NPIC notes - shots at 190 - 206 - 213 - 242 - 264 were apparrent.


[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7970&stc=1]

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7971&stc=1]

Attached Files
.jpg   NPIC Panels - Horne.jpg (Size: 1.57 MB / Downloads: 45)
.jpg   NPIC shot locations - Copy.jpg (Size: 470.66 KB / Downloads: 44)
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
I think Brugioni showed enough proof that not only did CIA alter the original briefing boards but also committed a sealed and compartmentalized effort to keep knowledge of this from the technicians involved. There are those in the assassination world who don't realize how much this evidences the Zapruder Film being altered.

Many thanks for the prompt response. I hadn't come across the notes contained in the NPIC CIA450 documents, so I much appreciate you steering me in their direction.

If I understand the notes correctly, it looks to me as if the red and blue triangles are simply depicting two possible scenarios for the timings of the Official' 3 shot sequence:
  • Scenario 1 (red triangles) times of 3 shots as proposed by Life Magazine;
  • Scenario 2 (blue triangles) times of 3 shots suggested by NPIC analysis.
The question this begs is what was the second team told to do when they made the new set of panels and how did they do it?
Albert Doyle Wrote:The question this begs is what was the second team told to do when they made the new set of panels and how did they do it?

The group on Sunday was not aware of the Saturday group's work - as you said, departmentalized.

So to them (Homer McMahon et al) they were taking the film given to them and creating briefing boards - so nothing was "new" to them.


Adam -

I think the more important aspect of that page one NPIC stuff are the 2 questions at the top...

Why 18.3 not 16fps and the top right - how did LIFE know the exact frames of the 1st and 2nd shot?

The answer is they were told to work backward from Z313, not to identify shots as seen on the film for the film they were reviewing had virtually all the shots except behind the sign and what we know as Z313... removed

Dino said he saw 4-6 shots from at least 3 directions in his review of it (if I remember correctly)

Then, instead of using the location of JFK himself, the FBI & SS alternated between the front and rear bumpers when they performed their location analysis...
(Note: with a 21 foot limo, the rear of the limo as marked in one spot compared to the front of the limo in another effective removes 42 feet of distance.
the shot further down Elm as shown in WCD298 was made to disappear by using math, having WEST change his survey and the fraud offered as CE884 & CE875)

Over time and thanks to Tague and Walthers - the 3 shot conclusion of the FBI & SS from January 20, 1964 was changed to 2 by the end of May, 1964.

And the third shot some 40 feet further down Elm disappears... I've started a 3 part article on WCD298 at, if interested in investigating further.

btw - without the help of Tom Purvis and Chris Davidson, much of this would remain a mystery.


[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7972&stc=1]

Attached Files
.jpg   Purvis survey argument p1 - 3 shot West Feb survey changed to 2 shots in June.jpg (Size: 224.8 KB / Downloads: 39)
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
Great post David - I certainly will be taking a look at your 3 part article on WCD298 at

Adam Kemp Wrote:Great post David - I certainly will be taking a look at your 3 part article on WCD298 at


Thanks very much Adam.... Part 3 is in the works yet the 40 pages for Parts 1 & 2 will give you more than enough to get you even more amazed.

It is from this WCD that we can conclude with certainty that the films and photos of that area of DP (of which there are only 3 films and 2 photos)
were most definitely altered to remove a number of things.

Here is the CIA450 page 6 which relates to the Panel Boards

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7974&stc=1]

Attached Files
.pdf   NPIC 6 of 8.pdf (Size: 55.35 KB / Downloads: 3)
.jpg   CIA 450 NPIC page 6 - frames and photos.jpg (Size: 245.96 KB / Downloads: 41)
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
good material David Josephs...
David Josephs Wrote:
Adam Kemp Wrote:Great post David - I certainly will be taking a look at your 3 part article on WCD298 at


Thanks very much Adam.... Part 3 is in the works yet the 40 pages for Parts 1 & 2 will give you more than enough to get you even more amazed.

It is from this WCD that we can conclude with certainty that the films and photos of that area of DP (of which there are only 3 films and 2 photos)
were most definitely altered to remove a number of things.

Here is the CIA450 page 6 which relates to the Panel Boards

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7974&stc=1]

David, this is really solid material. Eager for part three!


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