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I title this topic "COULD"
Considering they keep calling Trump the "biggest con job in US history"...

My take is the collective memory of this country's people and leaders barely makes it back to the first season of the Kardashians.

So the vault is opened and we come to learn what we've always expected - the Military using the resources of the CIA planned and carried out the 50+ year old assassination.
In the 10 years prior to and post 11/22/63 multitudes of VIPs were killed in the name of democracy and its fight against the spread of communism (so the multi-nationals could have their way anywhere on the planet) as well in the name of Communism and its fight against the spread of the USA.

Now what?

There are no laws that can be passed to prevent such a thing, no EO can remove the long history of the Military's control once the MICC was firmly established and easily recognized.

It's as if we all recognize the Devil in the room yet our hope in the human experience keeps us going.

Nothing but the complete repeal of the Fed Res Act and the removal of private ownership of any government's money supply can begin to make a dent in "the Establishment" - DEBT is the tool of absolute control for the Bankers and Lawyers running the show. Until we as a species change to a resource based economy rather than a profit based one - the situation cannot improve on a global basis.

Where's the outcry about Pearl Harbor and all those lives lost over a political decision that was brought to the light of day and is now universally accepted.
or 9/11 where thousands of innocent lives were lost to forward an administration's agenda to firmly establish "Terrorism" as the next -ism war that can never be won using the established techniques as they were established so these things would NEVER end...

IMO - People today want a safe place to live and work and walk. To raise their children with opportunity... the cracking of the History of Deception (None Dare Call It Conspiracy) is not something a President or a mountain of documents will accomplish. We can spend a Trillion saving those specifically responsible for the problem yet cannot find the means to feed our people, fix our roads, put people to work and pay them rather than hand out welfare.

There's an old Philosophy question that is asked: What would the absolute proof of G~d's existence do to Faith?

So I ask, what would the absolute proof of "A", "B", or "C's" involvement and sponsoring of this act do to the Faith most people have that our country is a force of good in the world?

What changes once we prove Ozzie was set-up (which I believe we have done repeatedly) - you think our man DVP and ilk will suddenly see the light or will fight it tooth and nail?

"The Evidence IS the Conspiracy" has been my guiding light now for some time.
The EVIDENCE will never show us who did what but only how it was covered-up.

Can you name anything done in the last 60 years to curtail the Military, its intelligence agencies, the CIA, the NSA and so on?
I believe we've seen some seriously large information leaks proving what our government's civilian (non-elected) agencies are doing to us.

The shadow government has never been stronger as the deluge of information provides an excellent hiding place.
the same government that ignored and turned off "Able Danger" is supposed to tell us they killed JFK?

If we are expecting any of that to happen as a result of released documents - I'm afraid we'll all be in for a very unpleasant awakening.

How exactly do we change the MICC by voting for a party or an individual when the decisions and actions of un-elected leaders from Industry, Military mix with the voting rights of the members of Congress, many of whom are directly affiliated with either the Military or Industry?
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
That's pretty much how I feel, David. We are almost in the realm of Orwell's 1984 where most of the population only knows/remembers what they have recently been told to know/remember, and otherwise they are worried about their victory gin and chocolate rations, and trying to stay out of trouble. At least half the American people are downright indifferent to truth and history; their apathy is almost nihilistic.

40 years ago -

Love that scene from Network. I remember my parents coming home after seeing it and telling me I could never watch TV again...
Like all things - that too shall pass

Here's something I just found that may help shed some light on the current state of affairs.

Most people don't know about "Colonel" House and his long-lasting effects on the US as the chief advisor to the NJ Gov who became president - Woodrow Wilson.

I've not read it yet, although I see from the intro about House, they don't even bother discussing his Fed Res Act involvement.

The book is supposed to allow a glimpse inside the situation as it was in the early 1900's and pit one doctrine against another...
I am hoping that by sheer hubris his book betrays the activities of the time...

In 1912, House published anonymously a novel called P[B]hilip
Dru: Administrator[/B], in which the title character, Dru, leads the democratic
western U.S. in a civil war against the plutocratic East, becoming the
dictator of America. Dru as dictator imposes a series of reforms which resemble
the Bull Moose platform of 1912 and then vanishes.

The beginning of the book:

[size=12][size=12]I[B]n the year 1920, the student and the statesman saw manyindications[/B]
that the social, financial and industrial troubles that hadvexed the United
States of America for so long a time were about to culminatein civil

Wealth had grown so strong, that the few were about tostrangle the
many, and among the great masses of the people, there wassullen and
rebellious discontent.

The laborer in the cities, the producer on the farm, themerchant, the
professional man and all save organized capital and itssatellites, saw a
gloomy and hopeless future.


From None Dare:

This act (the Federal Reserve Act)
establishes the most gigantic trust on Earth...

When the President signs this act, the invisible government by the money power,
proven to exist by the Money Trust Investigation, will be legalized...

The new law will create inflation whenever the trusts want inflation..."
Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh Sr.
December, 1913

House had set down his political ideas in his book called Philip Dru: Administrator in 1912. In this book House laid out a thinly fictionalized plan for conquest of America by establishing "Socialism as dreamed by Kari Marx." He described a "conspiracy"-the word is his which succeeds in electing a U.S. President by means of "deception regarding his real opinions and intentions." Among other things, House wrote that the conspiracy was to insinuate "itself into the primaries, in order that no candidate might be nominated whose views were not in accord with theirs." Elections were to become mere charades conducted for the bedazzlement of the bourgeoisie. The idea was to use both the Democrat and Republican parties as instruments to promote World Government.
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
I was convinced that Trump was only running to help the Clintons but I am starting to waver. Seeing the neocons going after him makes me suspect that he really is seen as a threat by some on the right. It could, of course, be nothing more than theatre, but that's not the feeling that I get.

And while we're on the subject of Trump...

“The most difficult subjects can be explained to the most slow-witted man if he has not formed any idea of them already; but the simplest thing cannot be made clear to the most intelligent man if he is firmly persuaded that he knows already, without a shadow of doubt, what is laid before him.”
― Leo Tolstoy,
Quote:R.K. Locke
I was convinced that Trump was only running to help the Clintons but I am starting to waver. Seeing the neocons going after him makes me suspect that he really is seen as a threat by some on the right. It could, of course, be nothing more than theatre, but that's not the feeling that I get.

I'm not a politician, but I play one on TV.... ::laughingdog::
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
David Josephs Wrote:Considering they keep calling Trump the "biggest con job in US history"...

My take is the collective memory of this country's people and leaders barely makes it back to the first season of the Kardashians.

So the vault is opened and we come to learn what we've always expected - the Military using the resources of the CIA planned and carried out the 50+ year old assassination.
In the 10 years prior to and post 11/22/63 multitudes of VIPs were killed in the name of democracy and its fight against the spread of communism (so the multi-nationals could have their way anywhere on the planet) as well in the name of Communism and its fight against the spread of the USA.

Now what?

There are no laws that can be passed to prevent such a thing, no EO can remove the long history of the Military's control once the MICC was firmly established and easily recognized.

It's as if we all recognize the Devil in the room yet our hope in the human experience keeps us going.

Nothing but the complete repeal of the Fed Res Act and the removal of private ownership of any government's money supply can begin to make a dent in "the Establishment" - DEBT is the tool of absolute control for the Bankers and Lawyers running the show. Until we as a species change to a resource based economy rather than a profit based one - the situation cannot improve on a global basis.

Where's the outcry about Pearl Harbor and all those lives lost over a political decision that was brought to the light of day and is now universally accepted.
or 9/11 where thousands of innocent lives were lost to forward an administration's agenda to firmly establish "Terrorism" as the next -ism war that can never be won using the established techniques as they were established so these things would NEVER end...

IMO - People today want a safe place to live and work and walk. To raise their children with opportunity... the cracking of the History of Deception (None Dare Call It Conspiracy) is not something a President or a mountain of documents will accomplish. We can spend a Trillion saving those specifically responsible for the problem yet cannot find the means to feed our people, fix our roads, put people to work and pay them rather than hand out welfare.

There's an old Philosophy question that is asked: What would the absolute proof of G~d's existence do to Faith?

So I ask, what would the absolute proof of "A", "B", or "C's" involvement and sponsoring of this act do to the Faith most people have that our country is a force of good in the world?

What changes once we prove Ozzie was set-up (which I believe we have done repeatedly) - you think our man DVP and ilk will suddenly see the light or will fight it tooth and nail?

"The Evidence IS the Conspiracy" has been my guiding light now for some time.
The EVIDENCE will never show us who did what but only how it was covered-up.

Can you name anything done in the last 60 years to curtail the Military, its intelligence agencies, the CIA, the NSA and so on?
I believe we've seen some seriously large information leaks proving what our government's civilian (non-elected) agencies are doing to us.

The shadow government has never been stronger as the deluge of information provides an excellent hiding place.
the same government that ignored and turned off "Able Danger" is supposed to tell us they killed JFK?

If we are expecting any of that to happen as a result of released documents - I'm afraid we'll all be in for a very unpleasant awakening.

How exactly do we change the MICC by voting for a party or an individual when the decisions and actions of un-elected leaders from Industry, Military mix with the voting rights of the members of Congress, many of whom are directly affiliated with either the Military or Industry?

Bravo!, Mr. Josephs :Clap:

Brilliant analysis all around.

The problems that plague mankind is much bigger than any specific title-holder, let alone the title holder's meddling puppet-masters or crafty minions manipulating the strings while lurking in the hidden shadows. Sadly, a sense of community/commonwealth has long since been replaced by self-centered interests/gain by a select few enjoying the status-quo.

You and a great many others like you who cherish truth, honesty, justice and a sense of fairness have not failed individually, but we as a whole have failed. Somewhere along the way we've been hijacked by the banks/lending powers smiling in our faces while sticking a knife in our backs. Greed, greed, greed...

The Founders tried, even daring to make the ultimate sacrifice during their worthy cause, giving birth to a young and promising Republic. It was left up to the generations that followed to maintain that priceless gift of liberty. Now, nothing short of Thomas Jefferson's wisdom can save us from ourselves at this point, but courage like that doesn't grow on trees.

Speaking of Mr. Jefferson, here's a quote that about sums up all of the lies about what really happened on November 22, 1963...

"It is error alone which needs the support of government. Truth can stand by itself" --Thomas Jefferson

So, essentially, the truth is plain and simple and doesn't require 1 volume let alone 26 volumes.
Tracy Riddle Wrote:The President is like a guy sitting on the tip-top of an iceberg, most of its bulk submerged and invisible, but imagining that if he leans one way or the other he can influence which direction it will drift.

Nice analogy, even if what we are witnessing is *not* the latest political action thriller. Time will tell of course, but what I'm seeing here is red meat for the Right, just like ole Barry was for the Left in '07/'08.
Tracy Riddle Wrote:That's pretty much how I feel, David. We are almost in the realm of Orwell's 1984 where most of the population only knows/remembers what they have recently been told to know/remember, and otherwise they are worried about their victory gin and chocolate rations, and trying to stay out of trouble. At least half the American people are downright indifferent to truth and history; their apathy is almost nihilistic.

40 years ago -

This now helps explain the reasoning behind why my grandmother called TV a "boob-tube" forty five years later. I'm now free!

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