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The Presidency After the JFK Assassination: Or why Sanders Supporters (myself included) were Destine
What makes this so unfortunate is that, as many people could have predicted, Trump appears to have imploded, at least a little.

Also, he has not been able to raise any real amount of funding. Whereas Bernie Sanders had a strong corps of backers just waiting for him to get the nomination.

The GOP put out a disinfo story that if Sanders won the nomination, Trump would sweep all fifty states.


At least one liberal blogger, Joe Cannon at Cannonfire, bought this crap. He went on a jihad against Sanders, the likes I had not seen since Jane Hamsher and Markos Moulitsas went off on Caroline Kennedy and her possible appointment to the senate.

In both cases, the bloggers were dead wrong.

Whatever lead Clinton has right now, about six points, add about five more and that is what Sanders would have now. And IMO, the Trump implosion has not run its course.

The so called liberal blogosphere has turned out to be really the Establishment blogosphere.

Slightly to the left of the NY Times. A thundering disappointment.
Lauren Johnson Wrote:Building off the Mena, AK scenario as well as the use of the Arkansas State bonds by the CIA for money laundering, Clinton had effectively turned his state over to the Secret Team.

This made him an obvious choice for the presidency as Terry Reed documents.

Interesting about the bonds....the money laundering...
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Something about the entire interview with Terry Reed segment bothers me. Perhaps it was just the obvious faked theatricality of pretending that the narrator (in the studio) was interviewing Reed (in an airplane hangar), I dunno. Anyhow, I thought it was fairly well done, given that not much of it was new, up to that point. It's just weird that all the "new" material (with Reed) looked staged. I opted to stop watching when the narrator started pretending to interview the wife.
"All that is necessary for tyranny to succeed is for good men to do nothing." (unknown)

James Tracy: "There is sometimes an undue amount of paranoia among some conspiracy researchers that can contribute to flawed observations and analysis."

Gary Cornwell (Dept. Chief Counsel HSCA): "A fact merely marks the point at which we have agreed to let investigation cease."

Alan Ford: "Just because you believe it, that doesn't make it so."
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:Isn't there a movie in production about Barry Seal?

That documentary isn't bad, but it concentrates too much I think on Mena.

The CIA drug running during the Contra War was much bigger than that--coming in through California and Florida also.

But I understand what you mean about Clinton's indoctrination.

Ya with Tom Cruise playing Seal. Sure to be a total white wash and not lay a finger on the Bush/Clinton connection.
Dawn Meredith Wrote:Ya with Tom Cruise playing Seal.

:Confusedhock:: ::face.palm::
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Dawn Meredith Wrote:
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:Isn't there a movie in production about Barry Seal?

That documentary isn't bad, but it concentrates too much I think on Mena.

The CIA drug running during the Contra War was much bigger than that--coming in through California and Florida also.

But I understand what you mean about Clinton's indoctrination.

Ya with Tom Cruise playing Seal. Sure to be a total white wash and not lay a finger on the Bush/Clinton connection.

Drew Phipps Wrote:Something about the entire interview with Terry Reed segment bothers me. Perhaps it was just the obvious faked theatricality of pretending that the narrator (in the studio) was interviewing Reed (in an airplane hangar), I dunno. Anyhow, I thought it was fairly well done, given that not much of it was new, up to that point. It's just weird that all the "new" material (with Reed) looked staged. I opted to stop watching when the narrator started pretending to interview the wife.
While "surviving" a wonderful area of town during the '50s, I was taught, and learned, to be very careful believing anything I heard, as well as more than 1/2 of anything I saw.


Nathaniel Heidenheimer Wrote:d to reenact Groundhogs Day which (I hope) is redundant.

Hello. I want to start a thread on what we mean by "the presidency" and how a lack of mediated public sphere discussion on what presidents can and cannot do (especially after the 1963 Coup) facilitates the use of "left" Democratic Primary candidates who are nothing more than role players for Corporate Rightist who will eventually chosen by Corporate America as the most pragmatic Republican available.

I will start with the observation that Sanders challenge to Clinton was remarkably weak on foreign policy. IMO this is not so much a reflection of Sanders poor judgement as it was a reflection of The National Security State by 2016. In other words, had Sanders dared to break the bipartisan mums the word consensus on Syria et. al., had he chosen to really linger on Libya... it would have been beyond the NSS 2016 pale and .. he would no longer have been airwave-viable in the completely corporate America of 2016.

What has this to do with the Kennedy Assassination? Everything, because it is precisely the growing power of the National Security State, often hidden by the deceptive New York Review of Books ish marketing of "The Imperial Presidency," that prevents younger voters and those saved from history by the french abortion pill of history better known as "magazines" from understanding just how much of today's campaigns are, in fact, role playing for a Democratic Party that has become Republicans without protest.

It is our failure to connect the JFK Assassination to the longer term evolution of the Democrats (or failure rather to make this connection more widely understood) that enables these hamster wheel primaries with so many trillions of dollars in wasted energy. This must be more democratically shown.

While I supported Sanders for reasons of making SOME reality more widely available i.e. MSM airtime that would be gained, I knew there was never a question of Sanders being able to win. A Pax Americana In Planned Decay does not suddenly change directions after 48 years of One Direction. That more people cannot see this one direction is because of the impact of the assassinations have not been widely explained in terms of their effects on the Democrats and today's complete hegemony of the National Security State.

The removal of chemical weapons from Syria and the removal of nuke material from Iran did NOT fit the National Security State Agenda.

$2.35 a gallon gas wasn't on anyone's radar.

The National Security State is not all-powerful and it's not monolithic.

Edward Snowden's work -- in my opinion -- was a CIA attack on the NSA/DEA.

The NSA/DEA had their wings clipped last year when Congress ruled that the telecoms store all electronic transmissions, instead of the NSA funneling everything to the DEA, which has a file on every American.

Will Prez Hillary's feet feel the fire of the Bern?

It's up to us.
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:At least one liberal blogger, Joe Cannon at Cannonfire, bought this crap. He went on a jihad against Sanders, the likes I had not seen since Jane Hamsher and Markos Moulitsas went off on Caroline Kennedy and her possible appointment to the senate.

In both cases, the bloggers were dead wrong.

I was active on Firedoglake during the time in question.

I didn't chime in at the time on the Hamsher v. DiEugenio debate over Caroline.

In hindsight, Hamsher was right.

Kirsten Gillibrand has turned out to be a very effective liberal Senator.

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