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The Managed Dialectic Happening Before Our Eyes
Bannon's quitting the WH and going to war for Trump starting up a new TV channel to go take on Fox News? Oh please. Tell me this has not been the plan from the beginning. Trump surrounded by globalists? Sounds like he is still a reality TV star getting ready to make his next move: "I tried but The Swamp conspired against me. We need a revolution. They're out to get me. I need your help. You wouldn't believe how bad it really is. Whatever I said before, IT'S WORSE."

It's a case of the The System leading a revolution against itself.

Quote:Unshaven and working from home in cargo shorts as he moves into "Bannon the Barbarian" mode, Steve Bannon is thinking bigger than Breitbart.Axios' Jonathan Swan hears Bannon has told friends he sees a massive opening to the right of Fox News, raising the possibility that he's going to start a network.
  • Bannon's friends are speculating about whether it will be a standalone TV network, or online streaming only.
  • Before his death in May, Roger Ailes had sent word to Bannon that he wanted to start a channel together. Bannon loved the idea: He believes Fox is heading in a squishy, globalist direction as the Murdoch sons assume more power.
  • Now he has the means, motive and opportunity: His chief financial backer, Long Island hedge fund billionaire Bob Mercer, is ready to invest big in what's coming next, including a huge overseas expansion of Breitbart News.

On Day 1, Breitbart declared he's taking his West Wing infighting to the outside, telling Bloomberg Businessweek'sJosh Green that he's "going to war for Trump against his opponents on Capitol Hill, in the media, and in corporate America."
  • The reality is that Bannon will go nuclear on former colleagues he calls "West Wing Democrats": economic adviser Gary Cohn, Jared and Ivanka ("Javanka," as he calls them) and Deputy National Security Adviser Dina Powell.
  • The revved-up Breitbart operation is also likely to target Speaker Ryan, as it did before Trump.
Why it matters: The country's national political conversation is about to get even uglier, if you can imagine. It's going to be dark, and toxic, with a fight on the right that may be more bitter and personal than hostilities between Republicans and Democrats.
  • Bannon signaled his subtle approach in a for-the-ages Weekly Standard interview: "The Trump presidency that we fought for, and won, is over … I feel jacked up … Now I'm free. I've got my hands back on my weapons. … I am definitely going to crush the opposition. There's no doubt. I built a f***ing machine at Breitbart. And now … we're about to rev that machine up."
  • His restoration as executive chairman of Breitbart News was announced less than five hours after the White House confirmed his "mutually agreed" departure as chief strategist. (Translation: He was told he wasn't long for the West Wing.)
  • Bannon made a "conqueror's return" to a Breitbart editorial conference call last night, and laid out the battle ahead for the staff.
  • Josh Green author of "Devil's Bargain," the book that helped get Bannon fired because Trump hates sharing the spotlight tweeted: "Bannon sounded like he'd just consumed 40 Red Bulls … At least [he] didn't say he's leaving to spend more time with his family."
Around the corner: Expect Bannon to use Breitbart to engage aggressively in September's policy fights. Watch for Bannon to pressure Trump to veto any government funding bill that doesn't include money to fund the building of that big, beautiful wall he promised along the southern border with Mexico.

Watch for a real fight over the debt ceiling. In other words: Buckle up.

This is of course speculation. But we are living in times where my ramblings won't match what is really coming down the pike. The basic question: did Trump really want Bannon out or is it part of a made for TV drama?
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl
I don't buy the story, Lauren. It sounds to me like Bannon ego spinning his sacking (a negative) into the good news (a positive).

But that's just my gut talking.

But I am very interested to know what info Assange has that will rock the world.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
David Guyatt Wrote:I don't buy the story, Lauren. It sounds to me like Bannon ego spinning his sacking (a negative) into the good news (a positive).

But that's just my gut talking.

But I am very interested to know what info Assange has that will rock the world.

I guess I would call this post a thought experiment. Probably a bad one. But ... just sayin'.
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl
I don't find Lauren's thought experiment far fetched at all. Mercer just might go for something like that, or similar.
Bannon's leaving [for whatever real reason] seemed too buddy-buddy between Trump and Bannon to be for the hinted reasons [what reasons?!?] given to or by the media. I think their working together continues under other means....

I'm surprised no one yet has leaked Trump's tax returns....those alone would topple him...but better would be some stuff on his casino deals/bailouts/bankruptcies - and his money laundering/investments/deals....but I guess we might have to wait for that stuff to emerge. They guy who ghost wrote Trump's book felt Trump wouldn't last his first year in office. Of course, I think we can all think of ways he might get around that, with a big war or state of emergency due to a 'terror attack' in the US or some such. Bannon understands things like that to, and might just be the guy to try to make it happen - with money from Mercer - who is to the right of the Devil - and bankrolled Trump's campaign [Trump not being as rich as he makes out].

Something is cooking - and dumb and horrible as Trump is, he knows how to scheme and survive things others could never survive.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

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