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Nazis and the occult
The below are a short series of exchanges on an Axis Forum almost 10 years ago (yes, I'm a laggard) concerning background - or rather insight - on Nazi occultism and what it may have signified.

The key posts are by a member using the name OHRDRUF. I have highlighted certain passages which, for me, stand out.


[FONT=&amp]Nazis and the Occult[/FONT]
by Elf Friend » 19 Oct 2009, 16:53
[FONT=&amp]I've been reading Paul Roland's 2007 book The Nazis and The Occult. He writes, [/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]"Moreover, how could one explain the enigma of the demagogue himself? As the respected British historian A.J.P. Taylor remarked: 'How could a man so ignorant, so enslaved by stupid dogmas, have achieved such practical success?' It seemed inconceivable that a man of Hitler's limited imagination, intellect and avowed indolence could have galvanized a nation into following him blindly where he willed, unless there was somethng else empowering him which the people sensed and entrusted with their fate. In short, what was the true nature of the regime that had raised Germany from defeat to be master of Europe and thence to wholesale destruction in less than 12 years?" [/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]He later comments, "There can be no doubt that Hitler was possessedthose who witnessed his powers to whip up a mob attested to that factbut he was driven by demons of this world, not the next. They were the demons of resentment, fear, self-loating and all-consuming hatred. The fact is, Hitler didn't need help from the dark side. He had enough destructive energy within him to wreak havoc on a scale unimaginable even in the days of Vlad the Impaler, Tamburlane and Genghis Khan" (p.50). [/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]Speaking further about the influence of Madame Blavatsky and Leopold von List upon the Nazis, Roland insists that Hitler had nothing but scorn for the pseudo-pagan revivalists. Yet Hitler emerged from Landsberg prison in the autumn of 1924 with renewed appetite for politics and driven by Karl Haushofer's idea of Lebensraum. A little over 13 years later he claimed the most sacred relic in all Christendom, the Holy Lance that supposedly had been driven into the side of the crucified Christ. Why was this so important to him? How do these things fit together? [/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]Roland throughout demonstrates his personal conviction that supernatural forces were not at work in the Nazi regime. In his conclusion he writes, ". . . the Nazi regime was capable of unleashing the torments of hell without the assistance from supernatural forces. But that does not mean that such forces were not at work in the world at that time, only that they were not in a form which we would understand or recognize as demonic" (p.199).[/FONT]






[FONT=&amp]Re: Nazis and the Occult[/FONT]
by ohrdruf » 19 Nov 2009, 17:52
[FONT=&amp]The problem with the Goodricke-Clarke book is that it is simply academic and does not describe the philosophy behind what was being attempted and the practices employed by the various organizations. Did they pray, or meditate or what? [/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]What was the theory behind the hatred of the Jews? This hatred flowered so early on and was so widespread before the First World War in Germany and Austria that there had to be some real philosophy beyond mere "envy" to explain it, but Goodricke Clarke leads all the other professors of history in being unable or unwilling to do so.[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]Hitler had something which has been described by those in his close circle as "hypnotic magnetism". See for example, the opinion of Wilfred von Oven (Goebbels' Press adjutant) who uses this term in his book "Mit ruhig festem Schritt". From 1907 onwards (Kubizek: "Hitler mein Jugendfreund"), it is clear that this gift was the factor which enabled Hitler to develop into what he was.[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]National Socialism was more than just a political system. Hitler stated that those who saw it as just that knew nothing of it. National Socialism was, according to Hitler, "more than a religion - it is the will to re-create Man anew." The philosophy was that of Götterdämmerung - the gods are dead, and a new breed of Man must be created to replace them. Men must become gods. Those who are unfit and incapable of becoming gods must be exterminated. [/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]Not everybody in the hierarchy embraced the doctrine. Himmler wanted to continue the worship of the gods by reintroducing the cult of Wotan, and so it is clear that the SS doctrine did not accommodate the death of the gods, and the elimination of the celestial hierarchy. Basic to Nazi belief was Reincarnation, a doctrine which Hitler stated he espoused, and reincarnation proposes that as gods die they are replaced by deceased humans of a level of development adequate to replace them. For this reason the SS doctrine was more spiritual than Hitler's idea of creating the new race on Earth.[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]It is clear from "Germanisches Leben" by SS-Standartenführer Schilling (Koehlers & Amelung, 1937) that National Socialism was a revival of the Aryan sun cult of the Bronze Age. This was the reason for the worldwide Nazi Sonnenwendfeir ceremonies four times per year (the two solstices and the longest and shortest day).The swastika as the symbol of the sun for the Germanen originates from the Bronze Age. [/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]Why should a 20th century industrialized society have decided to cast off Christianity and replace it with a pre-historic sun cult? There has to have been some advantage in doing so, nothing in Nazism was done without a good, concrete reason. Someone who has studied religions can see what its purpose might have been, but no academic I have ever read has dared enter this thorny path.[/FONT]









by michael mills » 24 Nov 2009, 06:39
[FONT=&amp]Anything with the word "Occult" in it should be regarded with extreme suspicion as a sensationalist pandering to irrational human desires and fears.[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]I have not read the book "The Occult Roots of Nazism", but the use of the word "occult" in the title is a bit misleading. Organisations like the Thule Society, which did had have connections with the early National Socialist Party, were "occult" only in the sense in which the Masonic Lodges are "occult". Like the Masons, groups like the Thule Society had some weird rituals, but their aims were entirely rational, namely to achieve political and social power and influence for their members by working behind the scenes, rather than openly like most political parties.[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]The basic meaning of "occult" is "secret" or "hidden", and groups like the Masons or the Thule Society were occult in that sense, in that they were secret societies working in a clandestine way. But they were certainly not believers in or practitioners of supernatural or paranormal phenomena.[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]Hitler himself was certainly no believer in any sort of religion or cult, and had nothing but scorn for practitioners of mystic rites, such as witchcraft or Nordic pre-Christian nature cults. His ideology was based on entirely material, natural concepts, mostly derived from biology, eg the concepts of race and breeding, the concept of "blood", which is essentially a metaphor for genetically inherited physical characteristics. Nothing supernatural in those concepts.[/FONT]








[FONT=&amp]Re: Nazis and the Occult[/FONT]
by bf109 emil » 24 Nov 2009, 08:26
[FONT=&amp]Michael you wrote[/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]Hitler himself was certainly no believer in any sort of religion or cult, and had nothing but scorn for practitioners of mystic rites, such as witchcraft or Nordic pre-Christian nature cults[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]i agree with this as the OCCULT and Nazi's can be traced back to a Russian Woman...[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]Sadly, most of the analyses of Nazism leave all of its various occult roots at the doorstep of one poor old Russian woman, Helena Blavatsky. The German occult societies appropriated some Theosophical ideas, to be sure, to the same extent that the Nazis eagerly distorted some of the doctrines of Nietzsche (so carefully doctored by his sister to omit the parts where he condemns German nationalism as an "abyss of stupidity!"4 or disavows anti-Semitism.) When Nietzsche discusses the Superman, he does not say that he shall be a German or an Aryan, only that we will not recognize him. It should be pointed out that Blavatsky's doctrine of the Six Root Races5 - Astral, Hyperborean, Lemurian, Atlantean, Aryan, and the Coming Race - did not assign much importance to the Aryan race. They would also be supplanted in turn by the Sixth Root Race, which would arise out of all the existing races and nations, sort of like a 'mutant' strain. Blavatsky does not attach much importance to racial magic, which she puts in the category of "sorcery." It should be pointed out that the Nazis closed most of the Theosophical lodges in Germany, including Rudolf Steiner's Goetheaneum, and banned Freemasonry and many other occult societies....Blavatksy's Secret Doctrine[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]and to Jung's writing of this[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]There are others often mentioned in this occult cast of villains. Jung is blamed for reviving interest in mythology and the workings of the racial unconscious, and for originally supporting the Nazis because of their attempts to revive Teutonic ritual and mythic thinking. Yet, when Jung discusses that the dreams of many patients in the 1930s reveal the archetype of a "great blond beast," he issues it as a warning, not as a herald of good fortune6. Jung himself described Nazism as the type of mass psychosis that afflicts a society when its leader becomes 'possessed' by one of the archetypes of the unconscious. Gurdjieff and Crowley are also mentioned as possible Reich supporters, which is astounding based on the evidence that both may have well been working clandestinely for the Resistance movements in France and England. Many occult groups, such as the Prieure du Sion, seem to have acted as infiltrators, aping the Nazi party line while passing on important information to its enemies in their journal Vaincre. In places like Vichy France, occult groups might have had no choice but to appear firmly in the Nazi fold...Carl Gustav Jung, Memories, Dreams, Reflections[/FONT]








[FONT=&amp]Re: Nazis and the Occult[/FONT]
by ohrdruf » 24 Nov 2009, 18:33
[FONT=&amp]It always amuses me when contributors such as Michael Mills profess knowledge of Hitler's religious beliefs, probably based on reading learned historians just as ignorant as they are (no offence intended), when those historians have not consulted or,if they have consulted, have not understood, the original source(1).[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]Hitler's religious beliefs were these:[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp](1) The basic principle of life is Reincarnation. (Hitler, Monologues, p.67, 149: 151, table talk of 13.12.1941)[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp](2) The world is pantheistic (Hitler, Monologues, p.103, table talk, 24.10.1941): "Whoever says that lightning comes from God is not wrong, but what is certain however is that God does not send it in the manner the Church maintains. The Church's definition is a misrepresentation of Creation for its own purposes. True piety is to be found where the most profound knowledge about the inadequacy of the human being resides. Whoever only sees God in an oak or a tabernacle and not in everything there is, he can never be inwardly holy."[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]From these two principles, one can see how close Hitler was to both Hinduism and Buddhism in his beliefs. Furthermore, with regard to the mystery of sun worship, if God is to be found "in everything there is" then God is in the Sun, and the Sun is the most obvious recipient for worship because it is there every day and visible to all.[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]The error in worshipping the Sun, however, as has been expressed time and again in the old traditions, including the pre-Christian Nordic, and in revelations by the Virgin Mary in apparitions over the centuries, is that prayer must be addressed to a female intermediary. Himmler realized this when he advocated to Felix Kirsten, as recorded in the latter's book, that the only thing of any value whatever in Christianity was the reverence paid to the Virgin Mary, because it was the same as the worship offered to the Nordic goddess and leader of the Valkyries Freya. Hitler did not approve of this view and on 14.10.1941, (Monologues p.84) dismissed the proposal of a new Wotan-cult before Himmler, who was present, had the chance to advocate it. [/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]The sun cult of the Mayans provides a clue as to what the Nazis believed they could obtain by worshipping the sun on the four major Sonnenwendfeir days mentioned earlier. Anybody who has studied the Mayan religion will see at once what is meant. Accordingly there was no need for any of the other occult clubs to exist in Germany and in due course they were all outlawed by Hitler.[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]Mr Mills is also mistaken as to the underlying purpose of the Thule Society. [/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]Goebbels' Press adjutant (1943-1945) Wilfred von Oven stated in his recent book "Mit ruhig festem Schritt" that the Thule which was meant was the mysterious inhabited island discovered by the Greek explorer Pytheas in the Arctic Sea in about 320 before the Christian era, and described by Pytheas in the remaining fragments of his chronicle "On the Ocean".[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]One of the three co-founders of the 1919 Thule Gesellschaft was Lanz von Liebenfels who survived the Second World War into the 1950s and provided Professor Daim the Viennese psychologist with enough material for a biography, "Der Mann der Hitler die Ideen gab" (The man who gave Hitler his ideas) published in Munich in 1985. The dubious expert Goodricke Clarke even mentions this in his own book. Professor Daim states that the Thule discovered by Pytheas was inhabited by a Nordic/Aryan race endowed with mystical powers and scientific knowledge far in advance of human achievements of the 20th century. It was the purpose of the Thule Society to contact the inhabitants of Thule (which was obviously in a parallel world) for the purpose of proposing a pact in which all but the Aryan race would be allowed to die out and the Aryan/Thule races would take over the world. Thus Thule appears to be a branch of Agharta. The parallel with Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton's occult novel "The Coming Race" (London, 1871) is striking.[/FONT]

  1. Adolf Hitler: Monologe im Führerhauptquartier, 1941-1944, Orbis Verlag version (Werner Jochmann), 2000







by Inselaffe » 26 Nov 2009, 16:50
[FONT=&amp]ohrdruf wrote:[/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]Hitler's religious beliefs were these:[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp](1) The basic principle of life is Reincarnation. (Hitler, Monologues, p.67, 149: 151, table talk of 13.12.1941)[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp](2) The world is pantheistic (Hitler, Monologues, p.103, table talk, 24.10.1941): "Whoever says that lightning comes from God is not wrong, but what is certain however is that God does not send it in the manner the Church maintains. The Church's definition is a misrepresentation of Creation for its own purposes. True piety is to be found where the most profound knowledge about the inadequacy of the human being resides. Whoever only sees God in an oak or a tabernacle and not in everything there is, he can never be inwardly holy."[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]From these two principles, one can see how close Hitler was to both Hinduism and Buddhism in his beliefs. Furthermore, with regard to the mystery of sun worship, if God is to be found "in everything there is" then God is in the Sun, and the Sun is the most obvious recipient for worship because it is there every day and visible to all.[/FONT]


[FONT=&amp]Ohrdruf, that is an interpretation of the information, I would suggest a number of others are equally plausible and equally valid. I'm not quite sure the quote given definitively supports a claim for Hitler's religious beliefs being pantheistic. Are there other sources to support this?[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]ohrdruf wrote:[/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]The sun cult of the Mayans provides a clue as to what the Nazis believed they could obtain by worshipping the sun on the four major Sonnenwendfeir days mentioned earlier. Anybody who has studied the Mayan religion will see at once what is meant.[/FONT]


[FONT=&amp]I did a lot of reading on Pre-Columbian religious practices on my athropology course but am not clear what you are driving at here? I understand the Mayan's prodigious abilities in astronomy, what's the link with NS Germany?[/FONT]










by ohrdruf » 26 Nov 2009, 20:12

[FONT=&amp]"The Cosmos", Hitler said (Heim: Table-talks, Orbis 2000, p.234), "is endless in all directions, endless not only outwards but also inwards." That is its extent. In order to confirm Hitler's pantheistic convictions, we have merely to consult his love for Schopenhauer. "Throughout the First World War I carried all five volumes of Schopenhauer in my gas mask case," he tells his listeners (Heim, p.411), and after the war, so he also tells them, he intends for "statues to Kant and Schopenhauer, the world' greatest philosophers, to be erected in the inner hall of the Great Library at Linz", his home town. [/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]It was known that he could quote endless pages of Schopenhauer by heart. It is not any part of Hitler's modern image to think of him as philosophically literate. Yet how many profesors of philosophy could quote pages of Schopenhauer by heart? Knowing something by rote is no guarantee of understanding, but it is certainly evidence of understanding, particularly in an adult, and more so if it is the only reading matter he carried with him throughout four years of war. [/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]It seems to be the case that Hitler had as deep an understanding of Schopenhauer's philosophy as any man alive. Essentially, what is the basis of this philosophy? [/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]A block of marble which appears solid is merely millions of molecules, relatively as far apart as the Earth is from the Sun, which revolve around each other, vibrating about one another, and only held together by a binding keynote. The only reason why the block of marble appears to be solid, firm and substantial is because its molecules are vibrating so rapidly that they cannot be seen. If a force could interrupt the keynote, the object would disappear. Accordingly no physical object has permanent reality. The vibration and its source are the only reality. [/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]Hitler no doubt discussed all this with his scientists. Therefore, on a scientific basis linked to Schopenhauer's doctrines, he would have believed in the Absolute, or God, being present in all things which exist and "not just in an oak or tabernacle."[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]The Chichen Itza pyramid is well known in modern times for its spectacular phenomenon at the Equinox. In the heyday of the Mayan religion there were important initiatic ceremonies celebrated in the cult of Hunab Ku. Hunab Ku was the senior god, but had no form, being instead "an energy without figurative representation but present in everything." This description from "Bermudez: Profecias Mayas" is so close to Hitler's description that he might have written it himself. During the mass celebrations of the Equinox "the god Kukulcandescended to address the priesthood". Exactly what this involved is not enlarged upon, but the celebrations seem an ideal way to provide the deity with the energy required to descend in order to communicate information. No better reason exists for an industrialized nation of 20th century Europe to suddenly revert to sun worship with huge festivals and celebrations at the Equinoxes. They wanted a deity to descend and pass them advanced information of a scientific kind, and I certainly believe that in this they were successful.[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]The real purpose of the Second World War has never been understood. It achieved its purpose, and within two decades we shall see the fruits. "We sowed the wind, we shall reap the whirlwind."[/FONT]








by Inselaffe » 27 Nov 2009, 14:39

[FONT=&amp]ohrdruf wrote:[/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]In the heyday of the Mayan religion there were important initiatic ceremonies celebrated in the cult of Hunab Ku. Hunab Ku was the senior god, but had no form, being instead "an energy without figurative representation but present in everything." This description from "Bermudez: Profecias Mayas" is so close to Hitler's description that he might have written it himself.[/FONT]



[FONT=&amp]Regarding Hunub Ku, please see or There are no extant references to this God prior to the arrival of Europeans. He is generally regarded as either a local synthesis of indiginous religion and Christianity or as something created by Catholic Priests to assist in converting the Maya.[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]The description from the book you cite certainly has similarities with the AH quote from Table Talk, however, so would any generic reference to a broadly pantheistic outlook. Such opinions are not uncommon and a found across a wide spectrum of religious and philosophical works from many cultures.[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]ohrdruf wrote:[/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]The real purpose of the Second World War has never been understood. It achieved its purpose, and within two decades we shall see the fruits. "We sowed the wind, we shall reap the whirlwind[/FONT]


[FONT=&amp]Though I feel certain I'll regret it, you can't leave that hanging can you? Care to tell us what you mean?[/FONT]





by ohrdruf » 28 Nov 2009, 22:12
[FONT=&amp]Dear Inselaffe ("Ape of the Island?")[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]My mention of the Mayan sun cult is only meant to illustrate what was the purpose of the Sonnenwendfeir ceremonies. The ceremonies were not actually aimed at the gods of the Mayans, the idea was for contact to be made with Higher Forces, probably in the Untersberg, BY THIS METHOD. [/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]Since you now concede the point of Hitler as "broadly pantheistic", I can proceed to answer your final question.[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]It is clear from the diaries of Von Hassell (1938-1944), the German ambassador to Rome who turned to the Resistance, that the purpose of Hitler and Ribbentrop from at least 1938 if not before was WORLD WAR, that being the term used in 1938, and war apparently for its own sake. The political causes were merely the mechanism to bring it about.[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]Now only the gods demand human sacrifice for its own sake. The sacrifice may be in blood or burnt. You will look at history and understand what I am saying here. War provides human suffering and human sacrifice. Whatever it may have looked like from the human level, the real hidden purpose of the Second World War was sacrifice. Some estimates suggest eighty million was the approximate total I believe, and that was the price paid in full. If the Higher Forces had wanted a Nazi victory, then they would have intervened to provide one. A Nordic-National Socialist rump will form part of the new race to come.[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]I think it was at Fatima that the apparition of the Virgin Mary, in promising the new war at the conclusion of the reign of Pope Pius XI (died 1939), stated that if everybody in the world prayed for four hours per day, the world could be transformed and war avoided. Humanity does not wish to go through such suffering as having to pray four hours per day and so we go the difficult path.[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]We have paid for the new human race endowed with cerebral powers beyond our imaginings, the mutation being as far advanced from us as we are from the apes. For certain in 2029, during our own lifetimes, at the epoch of the great revolution, we shall see the new race.[/FONT]


Here I wish to mention just a few things. Firstly, that the writer Ohrdruf states is a "parallel world" - or in my preferred terminology the Collective Unconscious. The second thing to note is the same writer's mention of Untersberg, which is the northernmost massif of the Berchtesgarden Alps. That the Nazi occult derived, in part from their studies of the legendary Agartha and Shambala of Tibetan occult teachings (see HERE and HERE) is undoubted and quite clearly there is working here the old esoteric idea that the highest places on the planet represent portals to the Gods. My understanding rather is that there are geographical locations that can be used to induce an ease of entry into the Collective Unconscious. It's a mental trick if you will. I additionally note in this regard that when Hitler moved to Patagonia in Argentina post WWII, the place chosen for him was likewise mountainous and quite beautiful too and presumably reminded him of Berchtesgarden either fondly or occultly - or both?

Another thing I'll mention is Ohrdruth's reference to the Mayan religion and Chichen Itza and the God Kukulcan. I'm pretty sure I've mentioned before, in some other thread on this forum, the peculiar similarity of the Mayan god name Cuculcan and the Irish mythological god named Cu Chulainn (HERE). Worlds apart geographically, but perhaps closer in other ways than any may suspect?

I also especially want to note the same writer's last above para about the real purpose of WWII. It is a very curious statement to make, I think. Whatever is the writer alluding to when he states about WWII that it "achieved its purpose and within two decades we shall see the fruits"?

Well, read on as it is explained.

by Karl » 01 Dec 2009, 03:18
[FONT=&amp]ohrdruf wrote:[/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]We have paid for the new human race endowed with cerebral powers beyond our imaginings, the mutation being as far advanced from us as we are from the apes. For certain in 2029, during our own lifetimes, at the epoch of the great revolution, we shall see the new race.[/FONT]


[FONT=&amp]Just like...magic! [Image: f2e06e1d-7786-433f-8e6d-8c03270e6136] Hopefully your 29 number came from something more interesting then an obscure anniversary.[/FONT]







[FONT=&amp]There are two distinct indications that the year is 2029. One is from the Polish explorer Ferdinand Ossendowski in his 1923 book "Beasts, Men and Gods" written after his visit to a Buddhist monastery in Gobi. The other is encoded in the apparitions of the Virgin Mary. This prophetic structure is based on dates of apparitions and numerology, but you need a knowledge of Plutarch's "The Mysteries of Isis and Osiris" to decipher it. Attention was first drawn to this by the present Pope when Cardinal Ratzinger.[/FONT]

The meaning of the mysteries of Isis and Osiris that the writer refers to signify, in my view anyway, that this gentleman is or was probably a Freemason. I personally had little time for Egyptian occult studies although I did covered them to a small degree many decades ago, and cannot further explicate his meaning here. What I do know is that an awful lot of Freemasonic lore is based on Astronomy and Astrology (the "outer and the inner" being my interpretation of these two... skills).

That being the case I note the following from NASA (HERE) in passing:

Quote:Friday the 13th, 2029

[Image: snglogo89x87.gif?itok=xiL2Drj4]

Friday the 13th, 2029
Asteroid 2004 MN4 will come scarily close to Earth on April 13, 2029, but it will not hit.
Friday the 13th is the day of the Knights Templar; the day their Order was rounded up and imprisoned outlawed by the Vatican in 1307 (HERE). 700 years later in 2007 the Vatican forgave the Order, restored it and thereafter cordial relations were resumed (HERE). This followed certain threats from the Templars to the Vatican.

I have noted elsewhere on this forum that the number 7 is sacred to the Knights Templar. As it is to Yale Order of the Skull and Bones (their order/chapter number being 322 which translates to "7".

In fact the Skull and Bones is a Templar Order offshoot (also noted elsewhere on this forum. I have also noted and posted linked news reports about the mildly concealed threat to the Vatican before (sorry but I don't have the time to find all the links just now).

The Order of the Skull and Bones derives from the German Illuminati and a sister organisation to both was Oxford's All Soul's College as set out by the late Prof Tony Sutton in his ground-breaking book on The Order (from which all else on the subject follows). Think of the Oxford Group or the Rhodes Milner Kindergarden that was discussed so extensively in Carroll Quigley's two books Tragedy & Hope and the Anglo-American Establishment that revealed the true political power that controlled the UK and which had closely aligned to the ruling elite in America (the CFR grew from Britain's Chatham House, also an Oxford Group undertaking for example). These terrestrial self serving power lines cannot be ignored.

I note all this because of the statement in the last post by the writer Ohrdruf in the forgoing Axis forum thread:

[FONT=&amp]There are two distinct indications that the year is 2029. One is from the Polish explorer Ferdinand Ossendowski in his 1923 book "Beasts, Men and Gods" written after his visit to a Buddhist monastery in Gobi. The other is encoded in the apparitions of the Virgin Mary. This prophetic structure is based on dates of apparitions and numerology, but you need a knowledge of Plutarch's "The Mysteries of Isis and Osiris" to decipher it. Attention was first drawn to this by the present Pope when Cardinal Ratzinger.[/FONT]

The following from Illuminati News is relevant (I had copies of all the original news reports on this story but lost everything following a computer shop cock up or maliciousness that resulted in the loss of my hard drive - along with 15 years of research gone in the blink of an eye):

Quote:[TABLE="width: 100%"]
Last Updated: Saturday, April 30, 2005 11:53:08 AM
[TD][TABLE="width: 91%"]
[Image: bar.jpg]Pope Was Investigating Knights Templar
- The Insider, April 30, 2005 -
(Posted here by Wes Penre, April 30, 2005)
[Image: bar.jpg]

(Print-Friendly Version)
[Image: bar.jpg][Image: benedict-xvi-1.jpg]
The new Pope, Benedict XVI, was actively investigating secret societies including the Knights Templar and the Illuminati, it was revealed yesterday. Details were exposed by a local newspaper in Hertfordshire, England. Cardinal Ratzinger was head of the Inquisition, the arm of the Church set up to investigate, persecute or eliminate heretics. But the curious thing is, we now know that he started his investigation shortly before he was elected as the new Pope. Did he know something? He certainly made no secret of his ambition to become Pope.

Pope's probe into Hertford's Templars(1)

THE NEW POPE has reportedly made inquiries into a secret society, the Knights Templar.

He is thought to-have contacted a top Hertfordshire historian and a records officer at County Hall in Hertford.

The inquiries follow the Templars' demand last December for a papal apology by 2007 for their persecution by the Vatican almost 700 years ago.

The demand which the Vatican was said to be seriously considering' made international headlines after it was exclusively revealed by the Mercury. The news also appeared in national newspapers, including The Times, The Independent, and The Guardian.

Now we have received new information that Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger made the calls prior to his election as Pope Benedict XVI earlier this month.

A source told the Mercury that the German cardinal contacted local history expert Dr Alan Thompson at the University of Hertfordshire. The anonymous source also pointed out that the Pope's homeland, Bavaria, where he became a member of Hitler Youth, is also the homeland of a mysterious secret society, the Illuminati.

After we asked him to confirm the claim, Dr Thompson said: "I was contacted some time ago by a previous cardinal ... but I don't want to talk any more about it."

Tim Acheson, a modern-day Templar, commented: "The professor may not want to give anything away, but there is an important clue in his reply. The previous cardinal' can only refer to one man Ratzinger."

In Dan Brown's best-selling novel about, Angels and Demons, the Illuminati takes revenge on the Vatican. Mr Acheson speculated, "Ratzinger is on record suggesting that Freemasonry was set up to persecute Christianity. Perhaps it is the revenge of the Templars that the Church fears, since the origin of Freemasonry is rooted in the persecution of the Templars by the Church."

Before he became Pope, Cardinal Ratzinger led the Vatican committee once known as the Inquisition'. Among its roles is to consider apologies to groups persecuted by the church.

Such groups include the Knights Templar, a secretive Order of warrior monks who were persecuted by King Phillip IV of France and Pope Clement V from October 13, 1307.
[Image: king-philipIV.gif] [Image: pope-clementV.jpg]
King Philip IV and Pope Clement V
The Mercury's source also claimed that the cardinal contacted Herts County Council's environmental records officer, Alison Tinneswood.

Ms Tinneswood would not comment this week and, seeking refuge in the "Data Protection Act", a Herts County. Council spokesman refused to confirm or deny that a member of staff had been contacted by the Vatican.

A press officer for the Holy See pledged to look into the matter.

Mr Acheson observes an ironic historical connection between the Templars and the name new Pope.

He added, cryptically: "The pontiff chose Benedict as his papal title, a name with special significance for the Knights Templar. The Rule of the Templars, which is like a code of conduct for the Order, was originally known as the Rule of Benedict."[/TD]

I am not here advocating that 2029 is going to be a catastrophic event. Nor, in fact, the opposite. I simply don't know.

My own interpretation is that what may be being hinted at by Ohrdruh here (and I may be misinterpreting him wildly?) is that an event in 2029 is predicted and that this may be the close approach of an asteroid.. but both outer and inner. In other words where the outer is a reflection of the inner and thus the more significant event. Could easily be wrong though.

I also think consciousness is growing at a quite rapid pace now - perhaps sadly with thanks to American perpetual warfare and bloodshed (and no, I'm not going to even mention Moloch HERE - and the Skull and Bones and their annual Bohemian Grove shindig that culminates in a psychodrama centring on a sacrificial theme - at this moment in time --- whoops, just did anyway.
::facepalm::). But consciousness is to be welcomed. The quicker more people slough off the chains of their own captivity and designer stupidity the better.

Speaking of Asteroids and the Asteroid Belt; there is a story about how the Asteroid Belt resulted from the destruction of a planet apparently called Phaeton
. I have a very distant memory of over 50 years ago that the Nazis called this not Phaeton but something else. Or am I conflating something from 50 years ago?... quite likely.

More on the Asteroid MN4.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
I need to add a PS here. The Freemason get an awful lot of bad press, and rightly so too. Members have used their Brotherhood to enrich themselves, to cover up and avoid criminal prosecution and punishment and a lot more besides. But I know for a fact that there are many Freemasons who are honest people who aim is only to extend their own consciousness and those of others too. These are the spiritually inclined whereas the others are selfishly inclined.

I have to say I intensely dislike secret societies and consider in the case of Freemasons that their membership roll be made public -- as the the Blair government was going to do but which Jack Straw as Home Secretary badly fudged - as all politicians are inclined to do - and ultimately chose not to proceed with.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
The future? The post-human world. Experiments on-going.

"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl
Elisa E. another woman who provides confirmation to the previous witness. I put this video forward that there are many victims of military mind control projects. I believe the ultimate goal is create a New Human.

"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl

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