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40,000 contract serious virus in Ukraine, kills 30 Not Swine Flu

[size=12][size=12]International Bioterrorism Tabletop Exercise [/SIZE]
In September 2009, senior law enforcement officials, health care professionals and experts from international organizations joined their forces to confront a chilling crisis – the plague had just been unleashed on their countries by unknown evildoers.

A fictional scenario with a serious aim
Fortunately, this terrifying situation was a scenario under control, and the civilian authorities were all participants in a Tabletop Exercise on Preventing Bioterrorism hosted by INTERPOL. This exercise simulated a global bioterrorism attack and its aftermath. Participants in the Black Death scenario were faced with a fictional, intentional plague attack involving countries from their region, with the exercise designed to assist them in identifying critical co-operation and co-ordination issues which could hinder a quick and successful response to such an attack in real life.
The idea behind this exercise, the third in a series organized by INTERPOL, has been described by the Organization's Secretary General, Ronald K. Noble, as “helping focus our joint understanding of the role and responsibility of each of us – police, health care professionals, experts – in response to a bioterrorism incident, as well as identifying possible gaps or redundancies so that we can draw lessons from them.”
Inter-agency co-operation in Central and Eastern Europe
Organized by the INTERPOL Bioterrorism Unit, this third edition of the event took place from 29-30 September in Warsaw, Poland. Participants in the workshop numbered 27 from six Central and Eastern European countries (Belarus, Czech Republic, Finland, Poland, Slovakia, Ukraine), as well as 15 participants from international organizations such as Europol, the UN Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA), the World Health Organization (WHO), the European Centre for Disease Control, the European Commission (Directorate General for Health and Consumer Affairs and Directorate General for Justice, Freedom and Security), the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).
A wide range of INTERPOL initiatives
The tabletop exercise is the latest in a series of initiatives launched by INTERPOL since the creation of its Bioterrorism Prevention programme. INTERPOL has worked ceaselessly since 2005 to heighten its member countries’ awareness of the dangers of bioterrorism and to enhance their preparedness for a bioterrorist attack. The Bioterrorism Prevention Programme has co-ordinated a series of events, starting with the Global Conference on Preventing Bioterrorism in March 2005; regional workshops in Africa, South America, Europe and Asia; train-the-trainer sessions all over the world; and practical tabletop exercises such as the one outlined above.

"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
I recently developed a "file" of stuff off the Internet forwarded to Magda for her "vetting".
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Here it is. Thank Ed Star
Plague Genome: The Evolution Of a Pathogen
Flexibility makes Yersinia pestis adaptable to new pathways of transmission to humans

The Scientist 2001, 15(21):1


29 October 2001


by Janet Ginsburg

To Fight Plague, Look to Russia's Past
The Tsars, and then the Soviets, created a Yersinia pestis surveillance system that today's epidemiologists should envy

Email: Janet Ginsburg -
The Scientist 2005, 19(19):60


10 October 2005

A century before Ebola, SARS, or avian flu began making headlines, another invisible killer was carving a swath of death and fear across the Russian Empire: the plague. And even in an age that predated PCR and even Watson and Crick, the remarkable way the tsarist government set out to fight what was then an unknown organism could be a model for today's preventive strategies. "I thought I was being so creative for the last five years [by] suggesting that we look for zoonotic diseases independent of species bias," says veterinary pathologist Tracey McNamara, whose work on sick crows in 1999 helped lead to the identification of West Nile virus. "[The Russians] tried to detect disease threats before they spilled over into the human population."

WHO team arrives to assist with Ukraine flu probe

Lisa Schnirring [IMG]file:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/maggie/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/msohtml1/01/clip_image001.gif[/IMG] Staff Writer
Nov 3, 2009 (CIDRAP News) – The World Health Organization (WHO) said its team arrived in the Ukraine last night and met with the country's health ministry today to discuss a dramatic spike in flulike illnesses and deaths, particularly in the western part of the country.
The Ukrainian health ministry has recorded more than 250,000 flulike illnesses, of which 235 patients needed treatment in intensive care units, the WHO said in a statement today. As of yesterday, 70 deaths had been reported.
The high level of illnesses activity and severe cases, combined with reports of hemorrhagic pneumonia cases, have raised some speculation that the virus might be behaving differently in the Ukraine, but further testing is just getting under way.
Laboratory testing at labs in the Ukraine have confirmed the pandemic H1N1 virus in samples taken from patients in two regions, the WHO said, adding that because the pandemic virus has become dominant throughout the world, most of the Ukrainian respiratory illnesses are probably caused by the novel H1N1 strain.
Though the highest illness rates have been seen in the western part of the country, illness activity is increasing rapidly in Kiev, the WHO reported.
The WHO's field investigation team will start in the Lviv region, where the number of cases of severe respiratory illness has been especially high. Virologists from the WHO have started working with Ukrainian scientists at the National Influenza Centre and the Central Sanitary and Epidemiological Station, both in Kiev.
Ukraine's health ministry has sent viral samples to the WHO collaborating center in London, where laboratory experts will conduct confirmatory tests and further characterize the virus.
The outbreak raises several questions and may provide clues about how the virus will circulate in the Northern Hemisphere during the winter months, particularly in areas such as Eastern Europe that have healthcare challenges.
The WHO commended Ukrainian officials for their transparent reporting and open sharing of viral samples. It also said border closures and international travel restrictions are not warranted.
Lawmakers in the Ukraine today approved legislation freeing up $1 billion UAH (about $131 million) in reserve funds for flu response actions, according to a report from UNIAN, the country's independent news agency.
The country's head sanitary inspector today, in a television interview, denied that the country was experiencing an outbreak of pandemic flu and said only 14 cases had been confirmed, including three deaths, according to another UNIAN report today.
Meanwhile, two of Ukraine's top leaders, who are opponents in a January presidential election, scrambled to respond to the flu outbreak, UNIAN reported. President Victor Yuschenko instructed the military to prepare portable military hospitals, and Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko promised to provide all of the country's residents with masks to reduce their flu exposure.
An official from the Ukraine's flu and respiratory disease center, Oleksandr Hrynevych, today projected that pandemic H1N1 vaccination could begin in a month or two after regulators approve two vaccines that are undergoing testing, according to a report from the National Radio Company of Ukraine (NRCU). He said the vaccine supply will come from the WHO and from individual country donations.
A warden message posted on the US State Department's Ukrainian embassy Web site said US officials are aware of the outbreak and are monitoring the situation. Though the country has imposed several social-distancing measures, such as a 3-week school closure, Ukrainian officials have told the State Department that no general quarantine is in effect.
The US embassy said that, because of legal restrictions and lack of resources, it is not able to provide private citizens with pandemic supplies, medication, medical treatment, or medical advice.

Michael Osterholm elected member of Council on Foreign Relations

Aug 26, 2009 – CIDRAP Director Michael T. Osterholm, PhD, MPH, has been elected to membership of the prestigious Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).
The CFR is an independent, nonpartisan membership organization dedicated to promoting the understanding of foreign policy and the United States' role in the world. It maintains a diverse membership of prominent thinkers who debate major issues with senior government officials, members of Congress, and global leaders. Council membership is divided almost evenly among New York, Washington, and other locations around the world.

Throughout the council's 88-year history, secretaries of state, former national security officers, bankers, lawyers, professors, former CIA members, and senior media figures have been honored with membership.
Osterholm, who is internationally recognized as an expert on infectious diseases, pandemic preparedness, food safety, and biosecurity, was nominated by a group of prominent public policy and foreign relations leaders and elected by the council's membership.

"I'm extremely honored to be elected to the council's membership and look forward to continuing our work to limit the global impact of infectious diseases" Osterholm said.


"I am strongly in favor of using poisoned gas against uncivilized tribes. The moral effect should be good...and it would spread a lively terror.... "-- Winston Churchill commenting on the British use of poison gas against the Iraqis after World War I


Malcolm Casadaban (12 August 1949 – 13 September 2009) was Associate Professor of Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology and of Microbiology at the University of Chicago.[1]
He became Assistant Professor at Chicago in 1980, and associate professor in 1975….
Casadaban died following an accidental laboratory exposure to Yersinia pestis, a bacterium associated with plague.[2]

Who is Joseph Moshe?

Who is Joseph Moshe? Where is Joseph Moshe?


What of Norbert G. Riedel,Ph.D., Corporate Vice President and Chief Scientific Officer at Baxter International?

What of the allegations [the subject of a lawsuit in Austria] made about Baxter Inte’l in Europe, the Ukraine and Austria?



Let's see what the NWO eugenicist murdering psychopaths at reveal about themselves:

Biological Threat Reduction Program (BTRP)

The Biological Threat Reduction Program (BTRP), formerly the Biological Weapons Proliferation Prevention (BWPP) Program, is a DoD surveillance and response program designed to enhance biosecurity and biosafety at research facilities in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Ukraine.

History and operational characteristics
The program was established in 2003 by the DoD’s Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA). Using existing research infrastructure and in-country expertise as the backbone of each country’s system, the BTRP is expanding those programs to include disease surveillance and response capabilities. The primary focus is diseases caused by 14 select agents that have a history of being weaponized by a state and diseases that present a pandemic threat (e.g., H5N1 avian influenza).15

Each host country has a network of “sentinel medical *facilities,” a Central Reference Laboratory, and a national response team(s) that identify, investigate, and respond to deliberate and naturally occurring disease outbreaks.§ Clinicians at sentinel medical facilities report human cases that match the case definitions of interest (e.g., influenzalike illness, acute febrile illness, or acute hemorrhagic fever). Likewise, veterinarians report veterinary diseases of interest to the host country’s Central Reference Laboratory and to the DoD. Each Central Reference Laboratory analyzes environmental and clinical samples using standardized nucleic acid detection methods with quality controlled reagents, protocols, and equipment. Laboratory information and communications with the DoD are managed with an electronic database, Electronic Integrated Disease Surveillance System (EIDSS).

If a disease outbreak caused by one of the 14 pathogens is detected or if a disease outbreak of international public health significance occurs, the closest response team travels to the site to conduct initial epidemiologic investigations and to collect additional samples for laboratory analysis. Response times vary; in smaller countries such as Georgia and Azerbaijan, a team can reach a site in one day. In a larger country like Kazakhstan, it could take longer.** For reports of less serious diseases, more information may be needed before a response team will be mobilized.

All the programs are operational, with the program in Georgia being the most proficient of the BTRP Centers. The surveillance system will be expanded to include drug-resistant tuberculosis, rabies, cholera, malaria, and other diseases of public health importance in the countries; however, these public health efforts will be supported by other sponsors.

Region/countries served
Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Ukraine

In FY2006, funding for the Biological Threat Reduction Program was $60 million, and over the next 5 years, the U.S. intends to spend approximately $400 million on the program. The BTRP system is designed to be self-sustaining after an agreed-on start-up period.

Biological Threat Reduction in Central Asia and the Caucasus

Summary of Presentation by Scott A. Levac
March 28, 2006

At the CBW Breakfast Seminar on March 28, 2006, Scott A. Levac, an international project manager from the U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), gave the first public briefing on the Threat Agent Detection and Response (TADR) Project in Central Asia and Caucasus. Mr. Levac described in detail the objectives of the project, the current level of cooperation with the host countries, and the impediments that remain. Nearly fifty people from U.S. government agencies, think tanks, academic institutions, foreign embassies, and media outlets attended the briefing, which was held at the CNS Washington, DC Office.

The TADR Project is currently in various stages of implementation in Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan. Fiscal Year 2006 funding for the project is approximately $60 million, and the United States expects to spend about $400 million on the program over the next five years. Efforts to extend the project to Russia have run into political roadblocks, however, such as the lack of a bilateral framework agreement and questions about Russian compliance with the Biological Weapons Convention.

According to Levac, the main objectives of the TADR Project are to combat the threat of bioterrorism and prevent the proliferation of biological weapons (BW) technology, pathogens and expertise by:

* Reducing the number of strain collections of especially dangerous pathogens and consolidating them at no more than three facilities in each country, so as to minimize the possibility of these disease agents falling in to the hands of bioterrorists;
* Developing a security system to protect the limited number of repositories;
* Training former bioweapons scientists to use their skills for peaceful purposes; and
* Strengthening the public health infrastructure of the host countries by establishing a state-of-the-art network of infectious-disease surveillance facilities to detect and respond to outbreaks.

In each country participating in the TADR Project, several epidemiological sentinel stations will be connected in real time to a Central Reference Laboratory (CRL). DTRA has commissioned a basic architectural design for the CRL that includes separate wings for work on human and veterinary diseases that meet Biosafety Level 2 or 3 standards. The CRL will also serve as the national repository for especially dangerous pathogens (such as the bacteria that cause anthrax and plague), making it possible to consolidate culture collections that are currently dispersed at numerous field stations at a single, highly secure location. Pathogens isolated in the field will be transported to the CRL for identification and storage.

Each CRL pathogen repository is equipped with advanced security measures such as cipher locks, card readers, and security cameras, as well as a computerized accounting system in which samples of human and veterinary pathogens are catalogued with bar codes. In addition, a newly developed Electronic Integrated Disease Surveillance System (EIDSS) links teams of epidemiologists working in the field with their colleagues at the CRL and with an electronic database in the United States. The TADR Project is equipping the participating countries with special vehicles for the secure transportation of pathogens, as well as data communication devices with Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) capability.

The TADR Project entails extensive scientific cooperation between the United States and the participating countries. One component of the project is the training of local specialists in advanced laboratory diagnostic methods, such as the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Levac also emphasized that the project offers tangible benefits for U.S. infectious-disease and biodefense specialists by providing them with samples of unique strains of pathogenic microorganisms isolated from endemic areas in Central Asia and Caucasus. In return, the United States will send DNA-based diagnostic tools to the CRLs.

The ultimate goal of the TADR Project to establish in each of the host nations an integrated public health and animal health system that will effectively monitor especially dangerous diseases, prevent outbreaks, and detect and mitigate the consequences of possible bioterrorist attacks. Such a capability will not only reduce the risk of "brain drain" of former bioweapons scientists, but the consolidation of highly dangerous pathogens in secure repositories will reduce the risk of theft or diversion by terrorists.


Plague Following Use of a Biological Weapon

The epidemiology of plague following its use as a biological weapon would differ substantially from that of naturally
occurring infection. Intentional dissemination of plague would most probably occur via an aerosol of Y pestis, a mechanism that has been shown to produce disease in nonhuman primates.19 A pneumonic plague outbreak would result with symptoms initially resembling those of other severe respiratory illnesses.

The size of the outbreak would depend on factors including the quantity of biological agent used, characteristics of the strain, environmental conditions, and methods of aerosolization. Symptoms would begin to occur 1 to 6 days following exposure, and people would die quickly following onset of symptoms.16 Indications that plague had been artificially disseminated would be the occurrence of cases in locations not known to have enzootic infection, in persons without known risk factors, and in the absence of prior rodent deaths.

There are no widely available rapid diagnostic tests for plague.28 Tests that would be used to confirm a suspected
diagnosis—antigen detection, IgM enzyme immunoassay, immunostaining, and polymerase chain reaction—
are available only at some state health departments, the CDC, and military laboratories.21

see also Bacterial Pneumonia Caused Most Deaths in 1918 Influenza Pandemic

Plague as a weapon

Human susceptibility to plague is thought to be universal.

In the 1950s and 1960s, both US and Soviet biological weapons programs developed methods to directly aerosolise particles containing Y. pestis.

Soviet scientists manufactured large quantities and allegedly engineered multidrug-resistant strains.7

A 1970 WHO assessment considered that, in a worst-case scenario, 50 kg of Y. pestis released as an aerosol over a city of five million could result in 150 000 cases of pneumonic plague, with 80 000–100 000 requiring hospitalisation and 36 000 deaths.3 Especially in a non-endemic area such as Australia, even a single case of primary plague pneumonia should prompt consideration of deliberate exposure.

September 10, 2008 16:45
На Украине начались совместные с США учения по борьбе с птичьим гриппом In the Ukraine, began joint exercises with the United States to combat avian flu

International Ukrainian-American exercises in emergency response "Raf End Ready 2008" started today in Lviv. Их целью является отработка приемов борьба с птичьим гриппом и предоставление международной помощи в случае вспышки и пандемии этого заболевания. Their purpose is working out methods to combat avian influenza and the provision of international assistance in the event of an outbreak and a pandemic of the disease.
В учениях на базе Самборской птицефабрики задействованы сотрудники МЧС, Минздрав, Служба Безопасности Украины, МВД, МИД, Минобороны, Минтранссвязи, Минагрополитики, Минэкономики, Госкомветмедицины, Гостаможслужбы, Госпогранслужбы. The exercise based Samborskii poultry engagements MOE, Ministry of Health, the Security Service of Ukraine, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Defense, Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Agrarian Policy, Ministry of Economy, Goskomvetmeditsiny, Customs Service, State Border Service. От американской стороны - Национальная гвардия Калифорнии и Служба медицины катастроф Калифорнии, сообщили сегодня ИТАР-ТАСС в главном управлении МЧС Львовской области. From the American side - the National Guard of California and California Disaster Medical Service, told Itar-Tass at the headquarters of Emergency in Lviv region.
На Украине опасный для человека вирус птичьего гриппа Эйч5-эн1 впервые был зафиксирован у дикой птицы в начале октября 2005 года на границе с Румынией в Одесской области. In Ukraine, dangerous for human avian influenza virus Eych5-en1 was first recorded in wild birds in early October 2005 on the border with Romania in the Odessa region. В связи со вспышкой Эйч5-эн1 в Крыму в декабре того же года в качестве меры предосторожности было забито почти 170 тысяч голов домашней птицы. In response to the outbreak Eych5-en1 in the Crimea in December of that year as a precaution were culled nearly 170 thousand heads of poultry. В середине февраля 2006 года вирус обнаружили в Одесском зоопарке, в январе 2008 года в птицеводческом хозяйстве "Лобзенко" в селе Ровное в Крыму. In mid-February 2006 the virus was found in Odessa Zoo in January 2008 in the poultry farm "Lobzenko" in the village of Falling in the Crimea. Пока ни одного подтвержденного случая заболевания птичьим гриппом среди людей в Украине не зарегистрировано, тем не менее такой возможности эпидемиологи не исключают. While no confirmed cases of avian influenza in Ukraine are not registered, however this does not exclude the possibility of epidemiologists. Среди источников заражения смертельным вирусом, считают эксперты, - незаконный ввоз в страну крупных партий животноводческой продукции. Among the sources of contamination of a deadly virus, experts say - the illegal importation of large quantities of animal products.
По официальным данным Международного эпизоотического бюро в 2007 году высокопатогенный вирус птичьего гриппа был зарегистрирован в 42 странах мира. According to official data from the International Epizootic Bureau in 2007, highly pathogenic avian influenza was reported in 42 countries. С начала 2008 года это заболевание, уже было зарегистрировано, в Украине, Израиле, Великобритании, Китае, Вьетнаме, Египте, Индии, Иране, Турции, Германии и Таиланде. Since early 2008, the disease has already been registered in Ukraine, Israel, Britain, China, Vietnam, Egypt, India, Iran, Turkey, Germany and Thailand.


All of the below taken from :

What makes this story very interesting is (1) a scientist warned of this back in August and was arrested right after and (2) reports from Ukraine of planes spraying something in the skies over cities just before things got really bad.

(1) According to Dr. True Ott, a man called him after an interview on his radio show on Aug. 11th stating that he had proof that Baxter was manufacturing a bioweaponized version of the flu vaccine in Ukraine that used RNA from the deadly 1918 flu.

Overview with some history on Baxter's past "mistakes"

Dr. Ott talking about the call with the man

Dr. Deagle discussing the incident

The next day Aug. 12th, this guy was chased down in LA for supposedly threatening the White House (read first two comments after the article as well).

Dr. Ott discusses Joseph Moshe's call on the Aug 17th Dr. Deagle show (6 minute mark of 2nd link)

2. (discusses Joseph Moshe at minute 6)

Another Dr. Deagle clip from Aug 10th (interesting they were saying the swine flu will begin producing more cytokine storms two months ago)

(2) Ukrainian citizens report aerial spraying on October 30th, right before the more serious form of the virus was being reported.

"Reports of helicopters and light airplanes spraying aerosols over Kiev, Lviv, Ternopil, and other cities throughout Ukraine are tonight flooding online forums and websites, hundreds of people have verified the reports with their own eye-witness accounts."

Ukrainian authorities are denying eyewitness reports of aerial spraying

Other related articles...

Ukraine to declare martial law?

Presidential address to Ukraine on Nov 4th

Vaccine opponents to be arrested in Ukraine

Another story on Joseph Moshe

Ukraine outbreak might be the plague

WHO arrives in Ukraine to study new flu

Someone made a short summary of these events in video form here

As usual, during the time of the outbreak there was a bioterrorism "exercise" going on...

Is it no surprise vaccine manufacturers are granted legal immunity?

Scare the public by saying there is a limited supply of vaccines...

...So they will eat the cookie

As well as …

Mutant H1N1 Swine Flu Or Pneumonic Plague? Number Of People In Ukraine With Mystery Illness Almost Doubles In Two Days To Nearly Half A Million!

The pandemic situation in Ukraine has rapidly gotten worse. In fact, the number of people in Ukraine who have contracted serious respiratory illness has almost doubled in two days to nearly half a million. The number of confirmed deaths is 81, although there are some sources that suggest that the number of deaths is actually much higher. While some mainstream media outlets still refuse to consider the possibility that the outbreak in Ukraine is anything other than the H1N1 strain that is found in other areas of the world, the reality is that the hemorrhagic nature of the respiratory disease in Ukraine has many health experts speculating either that the H1N1 swine flu virus has mutated in that region or that what is happening in Ukraine is an outbreak of pneumonic plague.

For those health experts that believe that the outbreak in Ukraine is primarily being caused by the H1N1 virus, the fact that the cases in Ukraine appear to be clustered is raising concerns that the H1N1 swine flu virus could now have mutated into a more virulent form. Recombinomics is quoting an earlier report about some of these patients in Ukraine to show just how severely the virus is affecting patients in that region.....

All the six dead young people had symptoms of severe hemmorhagic pneumonia. The disease starts slowly, with temperature rising to 37.2 - 37.3 degrees, slight cough and pain in joints. Nasal catarrh developed at the end of the second or third day. Autopsy revealed that the lungs were soaked with blood, the oblast chief specialist said.

Recombinomics is also reporting that the severe respiratory disease cases in Ukraine "are clearly hemorrhagic disease that fills lungs with blood and produces bleeding at all orifices, which are stark reminders of 1918 pandemic cases which were also linked to a swine H1N1."

A disease which fills the lungs with blood and produces bleeding at all orifices?


It is funny how this outbreak in Ukraine is increasingly being compared to the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic.

Perhaps it was not a good idea for scientists to dig up and reconstruct the Spanish flu virus back in 1998. You see, in February 1998 Johan Hultin recovered samples of the 1918 Spanish flu virus from the frozen corpse of an Alaskan woman buried for decades in the permafrost near Brevig Mission, Alaska.

Was it really such a grand idea to bring back a flu virus that killed approximately 50 million people across the globe in 1918?

Could this virus, or a similar virus, be causing the problems that we are currently seeing in Ukraine?

Perhaps it is not the flu at all. In fact, there are some health experts that are claiming that what we are seeing in Ukraine right now is an outbreak of the pneumonic plague.

From the very beginning of the outbreak, many Ukrainians were buying into the rumor that Ukraine has been infected with pneumonic plague by their neighbor Russia. Now it seems very unlikely that Russia is involved, but the rumors that pneumonic plague is involved will not go away. The following are quotes from one international website.....

"In Ukraine over the past week about 1500 people have already died. As noted by some doctors, the reason - pneumonic plague. High temperatures from the first day, a burning sensation in the chest, the desire to drink cold and nausea - all of these symptoms are frightening. People die within few days."

"Odessa and the region is already infected, most likely, is mutated pneumonic plague , - said one of the doctors of private clinics in Odessa."

"I have met with friends from the western Ukraine, the doctors say that the lungs of the dead were black. And that, perhaps this is not influenza but pneumonic plague."

Not only that, but on Steve Quayle's website, one eyewitness reportedly from Romania is insisting that the mystery illness in Ukraine is the pneumonic plague, and that it has already spread to Romania, Bulgaria, and Hungary.....

It is quite possible that what they are really dealing with is the Pnumonic Plague or black death. There are outbreaks all over Romania now, however they will not give any details on the infection and are still insisting that it is all swine flu. My bravo sierra detector is going off big time. What I am seeing here in Romania and getting reports of in Ukraine, poland, Bulgaria, and Hungary is afast moving disease. If is is the black death, you should be concerned, when the black death wiped out 25% of Europe it took 4 years before the plague subsided. It is virulent however it does NOT burn itself out quickly. Sounds like I need some thieves oil.

It is still early and details are sketchy, but the Romanian authorities and the press here are definitely covering something up.

Whatever is going on over in Ukraine, it sounds like it is extremely serious. Up until now, the whole swine flu crisis has mostly been a bunch of hype. The H1N1 swine flu has been a mild flu bug that has been killing far less people than the normal seasonal flu does.

However, this situation in Ukraine may represent something else entirely. For the number of cases to double in just two days is extremely alarming.

The following video report from Russia Today posted below is one of the few mainstream video reports out there that we currently have about the situation in Ukraine.....

This is definitely a situation that we all need to keep a close eye on. If any of you have any additional intel about what is going on in Ukraine, please leave a comment below.

How did this slip below the radar?

Pneumonic Plague Outbreak in China
Published: August 3rd, 2009

Two people have died, a town of 10,000 is under quarantine, and the area within a 17-mile radius around it has been sealed to contain a pneumonic plague outbreak:

Chinese authorities have put a whole town in quarantine after an outbreak of horrifying pneumonic plague.

Two people have died from the highly contagious disease, an even more powerful brother of The Black Death – the bubonic plague believed to have wiped out a quarter of the population of Europe in the 14th Century.

Pneumonic plague is one of the most virulent and deadly diseases on earth, usually fatal within 24 hours.

It attacks the lungs and kills nearly everyone who catches it unless they get rapid treatment with antibiotics.

A dozen people in the stricken town of Ziketan have so far been infected. The disease spreads fast and is passed from person to person by coughing.

Authorities in northwest China have sealed off the remote town of 10,000 people and begun a treatment and quarantine programme.

Residents are terrified, shops have been shuttered, homes disinfected, face masks distributed, there has been panic buying and streets are deserted, witnesses reported.

The World Health Organisation said it was in close contact with Chinese health authorities and that measures taken so far were appropriate.

It looks serious, but the Chinese regime being what it is, they aren’t limited by anything in their choice of means to keep the disease from spreading. People are just worker ants for them.

and there is even more there… at[/FONT]
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Quote:As usual, during the time of the outbreak there was a bioterrorism "exercise" going on...

Curiouser and curiouser said Alice. 911 and London's 7/7 both had a related "exercise" going on at the very time of those events.

Since I do not believe in coincidences of this magnitude I have to conclude that a deep political event was under way --- and is under way.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
Add the following to the general mix of information and sources:

Ministry of Pulic Health of Ukraine

(+38 45) 253-52-71; 253-61-65
(+38 45) 253-69-75
Ministry address: 7 Hrushevsky st., 01021, Kyiv - 21, Ukraine

It would really help if I could speak the language; perhaps there is someone here who can.


There is the background question of "electioneering" and the Ukraine's own version of the fear versus control mechanism.

Another has also raised the generalized question about what role the radiation from Chernobyl might be playing.


International Bioterrorism Tabletop Exercise

In September 2009, senior law enforcement officials, health care professionals and experts from international organizations joined their forces to confront a chilling crisis – the plague had just been unleashed on their countries by unknown evildoers. More here:


"... The WHO said a team of specialists who arrived in the country on Monday will initially focus on the Lvov region, where reported “severe” cases of acute respiratory illness “have been especially high.”

Samples from Ukraine have also been received by the WHO’s influenza research laboratory in London for tests.

“Many questions remain to be answered,” the WHO said.

“The outbreak in Ukraine may be indicative of how the virus can behave in the northern hemisphere during the winter season, particularly in health care settings typically found in eastern Europe,” it added.


I can't begin to translate ...

Popping that name into WhoIs gets you this data:

Administrative Contact:
% ======================
nic-handle: VK401-UANIC
person: Vitaliy Kustov
address: kv. 36, ul. Lomonosova, 11
address: 03127 KIEV
address: UA
phone: +38 (050) 3837200
mnt-by: NONE
changed: VK401-UANIC 20080214172022
source: UANIC

% Technical Contact:
% =================
nic-handle: IMENA-UANIC
organization: "Internet Invest" Ltd
address: Velyka Vasylkivska, 111/113
address: 03150 KYIV
address: UA
phone: +380 (44) 2010102
fax-no: +380 (44) 2010102
org-id: 32493292
mnt-by: NONE
changed: IMENA-UANIC 20081103144619
source: UANIC


a Yahoo Babel translation of the home page of that web site...


[link to]


Ukrainian live news streams
[link to]

It helps if you speak the language, but you can gain something just by watching...

play with the buttons ... some audio, some video ...


Why Isn’t the H1N1 Pandemic Flu Being Investigated as a Designed Bioweapon?
by Bill Sardi


Contact this blogger at


VIDEO: Bell Tolling for the Swine Flu

History and scientific data pertaining to "A type flu"
by Dr. Teresa Forcades (in Spanish, with subtitles)

[She is a Benedictine nun in Montserrat who was trained as a physician and a public health specialist in the States at SUNY; she discusses the differences between "A", "B", and "C" types flues, the variants, the meaning of the H and the N in A-H1N1, a recent article in the New England Journal of Medicine, and more...]

video from VIMEO embedded here:


As I said elsewhere:

"... the epidemiological sampling and assay process needed to nail down the vectors and fomites is in the hands of someone else... but this is precisely what is necessary, as was designed [by Ed Jewett] into the team communications/decision-making cycles of the now-aborted multi-player PC game developed to teach civilians how to respond to the outbreak of the avian influenza in the poultry industry in Georgia [USofA] by key people at the Georgia Tech Research Institute and the University of Georgia's College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences in conjunction with the company involved in the design and creation of DARWARS....

Another good geography-oriented question has to do with the location of this all in the Ukraine and its proximity to the Black Sea, the new US bases in and around the Black Sea, the purpose of those bases that seem to be "encircling" Russia, and the rest of the geo-politics, energy and narcotics issues that pertain to the greater Caspian basin:

If only the Ukraine had the Critical Response Incident Simulation Exercise System (CRISES) Program.


Swine Flu Outbreak In Ukraine Claims 144 Lives
Vince Veneziani|Nov. 10, 2009, 9:25 AM

Ukraine is becoming more and more like a post-apocalyptic movie of sorts by the minute. Reports say that over 1 million people in the country have H1N1 or swine flu and 144 people have died so far from the disease:

RT: As the death toll from respiratory diseases continues to rise, panic is spreading among the population. Although the country’s capital remains so far untouched by the outbreak, it’s impossible to find anti-flu drugs in Kiev’s pharmacies.

Roughly every third citizen there wears a protective mask. At times home-made ones, as they’re also a rare commodity in drug-stores. Angry people are pointing fingers at everyone – from drug store owners to authorities – for the lack of medication. However, officials say that it’s the people who are responsible for the problem.

Sooner than later, the country is expected to declare a state of emergency regarding the outbreak.

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Yesterday morning:

Head of the WHO international mission Jukka Pukkila has forecast that Ukraine could face a second, longer wave of the epidemic of A/H1N1 flu.

"We really are facing the virus of A/H1N1 flu… We have overcome the peak of the wave [of the epidemic in Ukraine]… The country should be ready for the fact that we could face a [new] wave of the epidemic that could last for several weeks or even several months," he said a meeting of the WHO mission with Ukrainian President Viktor Yuschenko in Kyiv on Monday.

At the same time, the WHO representative said "it is extremely hard to foresee the further development of the epidemic in Ukraine, as in other countries of the world."

According to Pukkila, the experience obtained by Ukraine during its fight against the epidemic is important for other countries.

"This result is important not only for Ukraine but for all other regions too. People of all countries are watching what is taking place in the country. The experience will help them to improve the response [to flu outbreaks] in their own countries," he said.


Kiev - The death toll in Ukraine's flu outbreak continued to rise on Thursday.

A total of 95 persons have died from flu-related symptoms since the disease struck Ukraine's western provinces late last month, said Zinovy Mytnik, vice health minister, in comments reported by the Interfax news agency.

A total of 633,877 Ukrainians nationwide have registered with health authorities as suffering from the flu, though some have recovered since the disease's late October outbreak, Mytnik said.

Ukraine's Ministry of Health on Wednesday gave a total of currently infected at some 470,000.

The particularly virulent A/H1N1 flu strain, or swine flu, was likely responsible for a significant proportion of the infections, based on laboratory testing thus far, Mytnik said, speaking at a Kiev press conference.

Since the beginning of the flu outbreak, Ukraine's Health Ministry had sent 31 samples from persons infected with flu to a British laboratory to be checked for the presence of swine flu, of which 15 tested positive.

A former Soviet republic, Ukraine lacks a modern public health infrastructure and, since the beginning of the flu outbreak in late October, has seen severe shortages of even simple medical supplies such as protective masks and flu remedies.

No Ukrainian laboratory is capable of testing for the presence of swine flu, Mytnik said.

International medical assistance continued arriving in Ukraine on Thursday, with European Union nations taking the lead. Top contributors were Slovakia, Austria, Hungary and Poland - the last being the first country to respond to a Ukrainian October 31 appeal for foreign aid, according to an Intefax report.

EU-donated medical supplies en route or already in Ukraine included protective masks, respiration equipment and surgical gloves.

Emergency shipments of the swine flu treatment Tamiflu, produced in Switzerland, first began arriving by cargo plane to Ukraine on Sunday.

Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, on a visit to the western city of Chernovtsy, near the epicentre of the flu outbreak, said government efforts to control the flu's spread were working.

'There is no need to to invoke a national emergency,' she said, according to a Korrespondent website report.

Tymoshenko's government has attempted to control the flu outbreak with the imposition of a partial quarantine of eight western provinces most badly hit by the disease, a military-style mobilization of state-owned fabric and clothes factories to mass-produce protective masks, and limits to allowable public gatherings.

In the midst of a campaign for Ukraine's presidency, Tymoshenko has, since the beginning of the flu outbreak, repeatedly attacked the private health industry, accusing drug manufacturers of inflating prices artificially and pharmacists of hoarding medical supplies.

A government consumer protection agency in Lviv, one of the worst-hit cities in the flu outbreak, on Thursday filed a class-action suit against local health officials, accusing them of conspiring with private health suppliers to price-gouge consumers of medical supplies, the Unian news service reported.

Nov 5, 2009, 12:38 GMT


A million infected in Ukraine flu epidemic: minister: Ukraine's epidemic of flu and acute respiratory disorders has now affected more than a million people, the country's deputy health minister said on Tuesday. Vasyl Lazoryshynets said the death toll from the epidemic had risen to 174, as President Viktor Yushchenko warned the country must brace itself for a second wave of infections
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Quote:Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, on a visit to the western city of Chernovtsy, near the epicentre of the flu outbreak, said government efforts to control the flu's spread were working.

'There is no need to to invoke a national emergency,' she said, according to a Korrespondent website report.

An appropriate epitaph.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
David Guyatt Wrote:
Quote:As usual, during the time of the outbreak there was a bioterrorism "exercise" going on...
Curiouser and curiouser said Alice. 911 and London's 7/7 both had a related "exercise" going on at the very time of those events.

Since I do not believe in coincidences of this magnitude I have to conclude that a deep political event was under way --- and is under way.

Yes, I think you are right. My later comment about the Ukraine having its own Critical Response Incident Simulation Exercise System (CRISES) Program was very much tongue-in-cheek, or sardonic, or...

Based on what I know [my reading, my experience, my training, my self-taught sense of what is possible inside simulations and exercises, etc.], I am currently operating under a cognitive umbrella that must allow for the possibility that, inside the Westernized governmental world of the US and perhaps extended into certain political and corporate allies, such exercises have been deeply infiltrated and co-opted and COINTELPRO'ed for the express purpose of learning not how to improve response or teach responders but how better to infiltrate, hide within, and invariably defeat such responses, responders, and response protocols.

My personal insights come from having been a long-term tabletop gaming enthusiast, having read [consumed] a SAGE publication ["The Guide to Simulations/Games for Education and Training"] which was a bibliographic compendium of the best insights within the field of simulations and games circa 1980 published with the help of NASAGA, having studied the field in depth, having published within the field, having worked briefly within the field, of being NIMS-certified in exercise design, and of being involved at multiple levels on multiple occasions with low-level drills, exercises, command centers, etc. This is amplified by having read in some depth about the OODA loop, what it is, how it works, how it has been adopted by national (US) entities, and how it functions/works in a computerized application or with the support of the kinds of surveillance/analysis capabilities presently in place.

Simply said, if "the state" can get you to participate in a drill or table-top exercise with your critically-placed colleagues, it can tap into your insights and knowledge. The nature of that process is to put a perplexing scenario or problem in front of you and ask you and your co-responsible colleagues to address it, tackle it, solve it, etc.

If the process is computerized (thus enabling very high quality capture and storage) and/or if the post-exercise debrief is captured in print, or on tape, then the state can analyze it and all its similar events faster and more effectively, and with deeper insights, than you can. Those doing that analysis [at a level well above and removed from your own] can then "see" where the "seams" are in the socio-political response system so it can better sidestep or defeat that system.

Essentially, it is a very subtle method of espionage.

We now return you to your regular-scheduled pandemic.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Ed Jewett Wrote:Simply said, if "the state" can get you to participate in a drill or table-top exercise with your critically-placed colleagues, it can tap into your insights and knowledge. The nature of that process is to put a perplexing scenario or problem in front of you and ask you and your co-responsible colleagues to address it, tackle it, solve it, etc.

If the process is computerized (thus enabling very high quality capture and storage) and/or if the post-exercise debrief is captured in print, or on tape, then the state can analyze it and all its similar events faster and more effectively, and with deeper insights, than you can. Those doing that analysis [at a level well above and removed from your own] can then "see" where the "seams" are in the socio-political response system so it can better sidestep or defeat that system.

Essentially, it is a very subtle method of espionage.

We now return you to your regular-scheduled pandemic.

Nice observation Ed
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Ed Jewett Wrote:It would really help if I could speak the language; perhaps there is someone here who can.
Almost anything in the Ukraine will at least have a version in Russian, look for the little flag or RU or PO for Rossiya/Russia. will let you paste in the Russian language link and spit out an English translation of sorts. Belarusian and Ukrainian are almost Russian anyway for all practical purposes, just some odd words here and there and weird spelling.

Quote:Head of the WHO international mission Jukka Pukkila has forecast that Ukraine could face a second, longer wave of the epidemic of A/H1N1 flu.

"We really are facing the virus of A/H1N1 flu… We have overcome the peak of the wave [of the epidemic in Ukraine]… The country should be ready for the fact that we could face a [new] wave of the epidemic that could last for several weeks or even several months," he said a meeting of the WHO mission with Ukrainian President Viktor Yuschenko in Kyiv on Monday.

At the same time, the WHO representative said "it is extremely hard to foresee the further development of the epidemic in Ukraine, as in other countries of the world."

According to Pukkila, the experience obtained by Ukraine during its fight against the epidemic is important for other countries.

"This result is important not only for Ukraine but for all other regions too. People of all countries are watching what is taking place in the country. The experience will help them to improve the response [to flu outbreaks] in their own countries," he said.

So Pukkila makes it official, it really isn't 2009 Swine Flu.
Helen Reyes Wrote:
Ed Jewett Wrote:It would really help if I could speak the language; perhaps there is someone here who can.
Almost anything in the Ukraine will at least have a version in Russian, look for the little flag or RU or PO for Rossiya/Russia. will let you paste in the Russian language link and spit out an English translation of sorts. Belarusian and Ukrainian are almost Russian anyway for all practical purposes, just some odd words here and there and weird spelling.
To je jezik polski but I can't help confirm the translation. Perhaps Jan can help?
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.

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