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Earthquake in Haiti
An earthquake has struck Haiti, with apparently severe consequences. I'll leave you to your own resources for the details. Haiti is geo-politically significant for two reasons; it is a potential base/site of operations in forthcoming and underway US military efforts against other nearby nations, and it has been a conduit for narco-trafficking.

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"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Mmmm... narcotrafikking...?.. maybe. But Caribe is the most controlled sea in the world. So controlled, that colombian traffikers has builded submarines to approach to USA shores.

I think that as a base is valuable, but there are other options, as the big Guantanamo base in Cuba.

But forgiving those considerations (sound stupid to even think on them in this moment), Haiti is a country in total collapse. Political, economic and social. Death toll can be as big as 100.000 people, and all major buildings, hospitals, services and infraestructure are in ruins. Even if international aid is generous, it might took DECADES to recover from this disaster and give haitians a hope.
The people of Haiti have never been forgiven by the self-styled Great Powers for having the audacity to kick the slave masters out and form the first independent nation in the post-Columban Americas.

Toussaint L'Ouveture should be an iconic and inspirational folk hero. Instead, 99% of people don't even know his name.

On finally being captured by the French colonialists, Toussaint said: "In overthrowing me you have cut down in Saint Domingue only the trunk of the tree of liberty, it will spring up again from the roots, for they are many and they are deep."

Since the Haitian revolution, the nation has been systematically destablized by the "Great Powers", particularly America, the mob, and multinational companies. The butcher dictators, such as Papa and Baby Doc Duvalier with their murderous Tontons Macoutes, were supported by foreign intelligence agencies and the mob.

Meanwhile, leaders who tried to improve the lot of ordinary Haitians, such as Jean-Bertrand Aristide, have been the subject of US-backed coups. Aristide was kidnapped by US marines last time he tried to change things for the better.

Then there's the use by Big Pharma of poor Haitians as human guinea pigs for the testing of new drugs.

I helped make a film about it in 1995:

The people of Haiti have thrown off the shackles of those who enslaved them once. They will do so again.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
It looks very bad there. I don't think it is in an earthquakes zone like Chile or Japan and the buildings are very poor standard anyway. No doubt it will be used as a golden opportunity by those wanting to use Haiti as a staging post for anything. In the mean time waste of space Pat Robinson has predictably blamed Haiti's pact with the devil for the earthquake which is god's revenge on the Haitians for making said pact. Stupid
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Magda Hassan Wrote:It looks very bad there. I don't think it is in an earthquakes zone like Chile or Japan and the buildings are very poor standard anyway. No doubt it will be used as a golden opportunity by those wanting to use Haiti as a staging post for anything. In the mean time waste of space Pat Robinson has predictably blamed Haiti's pact with the devil for the earthquake which is god's revenge on the Haitians for making said pact. Stupid

- Who is Pat Robinson ...?...
Ruben Mundaca Wrote:
Magda Hassan Wrote:It looks very bad there. I don't think it is in an earthquakes zone like Chile or Japan and the buildings are very poor standard anyway. No doubt it will be used as a golden opportunity by those wanting to use Haiti as a staging post for anything. In the mean time waste of space Pat Robinson has predictably blamed Haiti's pact with the devil for the earthquake which is god's revenge on the Haitians for making said pact. Stupid

- Who is Pat Robinson ...?...
He is a right wing Christain wacko raving looney type preacher. For some reason he is given a public platform instead of being institutionalised and on medication. He is the one that expressed Christ's message of love and desire for peace and tolerance by calling for Chavez to be assassinated and said hurricane Katrina was god's wrath against homosexuals.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
  • The U.S. Department of State held a special briefing on the situation in Haiti, at which administration officials outlined the steps being taken by various government agencies, including USAID and U.S. Southern Command. These steps include the deployment of two 72-person search-and-rescue units to help drill through the debris in order to try to identify individuals that can be saved, and the deployment of U.S. aircraft carrier Carl Vinson to Haiti.
  • U.S. Southern Command issued a press release listing some immediate response activities, which include the deployment of:
    • U.S. Air Force 1st Special Operations Wing to the Port-au-Prince airport to provide air traffic control capability and airfield operations;
    • A U.S. Navy P-3 Orion aircraft from the Forward Operating Location at Comalapa, El Salvador to conduct an aerial reconnaissance of the area affected by the earthquake;
    • A team of 30 people, including U.S. military engineers, operational planners, and a command and control group and communication specialists, who will arrive on two C-130 Hercules aircraft; and
    • U.S. Navy aircraft carrier, USS Carl Vinson, in addition to other U.S. Navy ships.

  • U.S. Southern Command also issued a fact sheet on the details of its mission to Haiti, which, in addition to the deployments cited above, notes that hospital ship USNS Comfort has been ordered to support Haiti relief operations.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Ruben Mundaca Wrote:Mmmm... narcotrafikking...?.. maybe. But Caribe is the most controlled sea in the world. So controlled, that colombian traffikers has builded submarines to approach to USA shores.

I think that as a base is valuable, but there are other options, as the big Guantanamo base in Cuba.

But forgiving those considerations (sound stupid to even think on them in this moment), Haiti is a country in total collapse. Political, economic and social. Death toll can be as big as 100.000 people, and all major buildings, hospitals, services and infraestructure are in ruins. Even if international aid is generous, it might took DECADES to recover from this disaster and give haitians a hope.

Ruben, my closest friend is a Dominican who transits back and forth 4-5 times a year and spends 4-6 weeks there in the winter. and maintains close contact with the people and the culture. He informs me that the Dominican side of the island is gravely concerned because of the frequent small plane flights and drops into Haiti. I certainly wish the best for the Haitians. It is my understanding that US interests would like to bring their usual form of purposeful chaos to the region in order to de-stabilize it. I have also read about HAARP. It is my understanding that a major effort is already underway to extend "the empire" incrementally; forays have been made via air into Venezuela already, if you believe the Venezuelans, and Colombia and the isthmus have been a focal point for some time. As has been discussed elsewhere, "relief" operations often mask other purposes. I appreciate that Gitmo is nearby as well, though it is presently tasked for other purposes and also under some political pressure from the Cubans. Having published a paper on community disaster response through the International Association of Emergency Managers, I appreciate what the nation and its people are up against. I send them my prayers. Wclef Jean is heading up an effort (google it up, it involves Twitter) and he is working overtime to help his people in "staying alive":
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Ed Jewett Wrote:
Ruben Mundaca Wrote:Mmmm... narcotrafikking...?.. maybe. But Caribe is the most controlled sea in the world. So controlled, that colombian traffikers has builded submarines to approach to USA shores.

I think that as a base is valuable, but there are other options, as the big Guantanamo base in Cuba.

But forgiving those considerations (sound stupid to even think on them in this moment), Haiti is a country in total collapse. Political, economic and social. Death toll can be as big as 100.000 people, and all major buildings, hospitals, services and infraestructure are in ruins. Even if international aid is generous, it might took DECADES to recover from this disaster and give haitians a hope.

Ruben, my closest friend is a Dominican who transits back and forth 4-5 times a year and spends 4-6 weeks there in the winter. and maintains close contact with the people and the culture. He informs me that the Dominican side of the island is gravely concerned because of the frequent small plane flights and drops into Haiti. I certainly wish the best for the Haitians. It is my understanding that US interests would like to bring their usual form of purposeful chaos to the region in order to de-stabilize it. I have also read about HAARP. It is my understanding that a major effort is already underway to extend "the empire" incrementally; forays have been made via air into Venezuela already, if you believe the Venezuelans, and Colombia and the isthmus have been a focal point for some time. As has been discussed elsewhere, "relief" operations often mask other purposes. I appreciate that Gitmo is nearby as well, though it is presently tasked for other purposes and also under some political pressure from the Cubans. Having published a paper on community disaster response through the International Association of Emergency Managers, I appreciate what the nation and its people are up against. I send them my prayers. Wclef Jean is heading up an effort (google it up, it involves Twitter) and he is working overtime to help his people in "staying alive":

But still don't understand.... Why a plane will drop drugs in to Haitian territory ...?... Maybe there are some (few) rich haitian people who can consume, but I still don't think too many haitians can buy expensive drugs as cocaine (there are cheaper ones).

Haiti may be good for traffikkers as a stop in the way to richer countries, if they can find the way to reach them. If a traffikker can sell cocaine at $ 10.000 in USA or $. 5.000 in Mexico, why sell it for $ 1.000 in Haiti..?.

As far I know, thats why it may be not difficult to trafikker to reach Haiti in the so called eastern traffikkers route, but problem for them begin northern Cuba and west-near Mexico. Those areas are under heavy surveilance.

I don't know what other intentions can have the americans helping Haiti. They have come to my country as well, and the only thing I can say about them is that they use this situations to TRAIN their newbie doctors and personnel in real environment, evaluating failures in equipment, procedures, personnel and deployment. In Haiti situation, I think ANY help is welcome, even newbie's.

I don't think that evrything USA does carry dark evil intentions. There are good people evrywhere, you know. Even in the USA.

Lets pray for Haiti and his people, and hope they can have all the help they need and more.
Ruben Mundaca Wrote:
Ed Jewett Wrote:
Ruben Mundaca Wrote:Mmmm... narcotrafikking...?.. maybe....

Ruben, my closest friend ... informs me that the Dominican side of the island is gravely concerned because of the frequent small plane flights and drops into Haiti.

Haiti may be good for traffikkers as a stop in the way to richer countries, if they can find the way to reach them. If a traffikker can sell cocaine at $ 10.000 in USA or $. 5.000 in Mexico, why sell it for $ 1.000 in Haiti..?.

I don't think that evrything USA does carry dark evil intentions. There are good people evrywhere, you know. Even in the USA.

Lets pray for Haiti and his people, and hope they can have all the help they need and more.

My understanding is that Haiti is used as a transit point, not an end-market, and the fears are that some 'product' will end up coming across the border into the Dominican socio-political environment.

Yes, there are many good people in the U.S., even within governmental circles and agencies. Currently they are being silent when they should be outraged (not about the Haiti issue); as for the government, I've read the plans (which are largely transparent) and I'm familiar with its track record. Forgive me my imperfectly targeted/harnessed/focused frustrations. I agree that prayer (and action) are warranted. In this case, as in every disaster, it is important not to add to what is known as dysfunctional mass convergence and so to pause to be sure -- if I may use a German tactical term -- where the proper "schwerpunkt" of response ought to be focused.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"

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