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In Defense Of Joe Stack
Joe Stack did more than just go to the window and scream “I’m as mad as hell and I am not going to take it anymore”. He chose to make a statement against a tyrannical government long ago pried loose from any semblance of morality. Not that I would personally recommend flying an airplane into a government building full of people to make a statement but it takes a lot to shake the television lobotomized sheeple these days. Of course since Stack wasn’t one of those dirty Muslim devils, therefore making his ‘terrorist’ attack no asset to the Zionist coddling corporate media to fuel the frenzy for endless wars of imperialism, his story was simply flushed down the memory hole in favor of the grand spectacle of Tiger Woods’ press conference the very next day.

Stack’s ‘manifesto’ was pure dynamite, the stuff that would represent a serious threat to the fascist oligarchy were it to get much play because quite frankly I agreed with a majority of it and so would millions of others who have gotten the shaft by this rotten to the core system. The authorized parrots for the establishment, Beck, Olbermann, Maddow, Limbaugh and their ilk did their jobs by spinning their gossamer webs of half-truths, obfuscations and outright balderdash to avoid addressing the real issues. They labeled him as a crank, a dangerous misfit who unbelievably hated our benevolent government and the patriotic and well-intentioned Internal Revenue Service. The reverence for the Constitution is evident in honorable men like George W. Bush who once referred to the document as “a goddamned piece of paper” or of former constitutional law professor Barack Obama who has failed to hold accountable the torturers, murderers, thieves and war criminals of the Bush administration.

At first some on the ‘left’ were trying to link Joe Stack to the insipid, long co-opted by neocon tea party movement, but Stack’s ‘manifesto’ didn’t fit nicely into the pre-defined cartoon stereotypes of the average Becker or Palinazi. Not to mention that the average ‘tea partier’ useful idiot only spouts talking points about small government and lower taxation, what they represent is just the reallocation of control of the massive government to serve THEIR needs, real or perceived and when outright totalitarian fascism does come to America it will be these shock troops who will be the first ones screaming for the torture and imprisonment of their enemies. Were this type of brutal, uneducated thug to ever gain control of the system then there will be no end to the stinking piles of naked, dead bodies of those that will provide the meat for their Caesar to feast upon.

Nor did the great Rush Limbaugh or the other multi-millionaire demagogues call him out as a ‘Socialist’ for daring to criticize our beautiful and blissful system of American ‘free-market’ capitalism that has eviscerated the free-enterprise system and busted the backs of small businesses. Joe Stack’s ‘manifesto’ could easily have been sold to the knuckle draggers as proof (yes my friends, proof) that the demon of communism was present in America. The ‘manifesto’ closed with “The capitalist creed: From each according to his gullibility, to each according to his greed” and red-baiting neo-McCarthyist scum like Limbaugh, Beck and O’Reilly would have had no problem rousing their rabble in the same manner that they did after the strange shooting incident at Fort Hood but Stack didn’t fit into their trite cookie-cutter storyline. The fiends in the corporate media and their paymasters understood that in hyping Stack’s ‘manifesto’ that they were playing with fire given the climate of fear, desperation, dread and rage that they have so merrily assisted in creating.

But what did Joe Stack really say?

He had problems with the IRS and the government just like millions of others do but who aren’t driven to violence out of pure desperation. Americans are ripped off by the IRS on a daily basis to provide the money to cover the blown-up schemes of the treasonous financial oligarchs, to finance illegal and immoral wars, CIA terrorism, foreign aid to Israel to carry out genocide and to metaphorically dig our own graves and pay for the shovels to do so. The IRS and the tyranical government are currently extorting our money to implement a monstrous anti-American high-tech police state that provides food for a massive for profit prison system, an inescapable legal black hole that any of you who arereading this could one day end up in. The nation’s airports are abominable examples of just how little privacy and the presumption of innocence until proven guilty matter in the new American century. Nude body scanners are now being funded with taxpayer dollars and the same scanners will in the future be coming to shopping malls as well, all under the big lie of fighting terrorism which will soon be defined to include even people with grievances against the IRS, moral repugnance towards the wars and the government who don’t happen fly airplanes into buildings but rage against the machine in their own way.

And there is also Stack’s criticism of the loathsome Catholic Church, we sure as hell can’t have any sort of idea take root questioning the legitimacy of those in the God business to use their tax exempt status to weasel out of paying Caesar. The Catholic Church has for centuries been a murderous conclave of bloodthirsty power whores intent on enforcing their narrow-mindedness on the poor dupes who need religion as a crutch for their fear and innate savagery. Name me one institution with as long a history of slaughter, rape, theft and greed as the Catholic Church. The immorality of their former Nazi Pope and their pedophile priests is only surpassed by their worship of mammon and the tax exempt status pisses on the Ten Commandments rule of ‘Thou Shalt Not Steal’ as surely as their crusades and inquisitions spat upon ‘Thou Shalt Not Kill’. Stack’s condemnation of this pox on human history could not be tolerated for it may lead to similar questioning of the filthy ‘Christian’ churches and their like theft while the goat barn megachurches from where pulpits are used as perches where finely clothed charlatans preach political purely right-wing fascist Republican messages of hatred for the fellow man, exhortations to wage war and commit genocide in the name of Zionist Israel and to bastardize the holy book by twisting the message of Jesus Christ to transform him into nothing more than a pimp for the money changers and blood barters.

The right-wing ‘Christian’ churches in America are an obscenity, and the blasphemy that is belched forth during the demonic sermons and over tax-exempt propaganda networks Not only are these organizations able to benefit from avoiding the I.R.S. while ordinary Americans are taken to the wall over the slightest ‘violation’, they contribute to the foul rottenness of our corrupt political system by laundering and funneling money to demagogic stooges who are then sent to the big Washington D.C. whorehouse to serve corporate interests and stick it to the poor dumb bitches and bastards whose superstition and need for sanctioning of their hate and fear that bought into that swill and send them there. Not only should religious organizations be stripped permanently of their tax-exempt status but the Justice Department should send forth an army of investigators to enforce the RICO act against those found to be unfairly benefiting by acting as de facto arms of the criminal Republican party. But that would be an action of a government that serves the interest of the common good of the many instead of the corrupt few.

Joe Stack also called out the death panels that are the territory of the American insurance parasites and their bean counters who make the call on whether to pay or deny a claim and anyone familiar with the U.S. corporate communist collective knows all too well the hive mentality of boosting the blessed profits for the benefit of CEO pharaohs. Too much money has been spent in the past year by the lobbyists for big Pharma, the health care profiteers and the foulest of all, the insurance racket to upset the applecart. Obama and the DemocRAT party’s foul smelling bailout of the insurance industry marked as some sort of actual reform instead of just another massive fleecing of the American taxpayer to grease the wheels of the finance oligarch’s perpetual scam machine was an atrocity at best from the beginning. There was no chance that any humane form of a single payer system as could be expected in a civilized society was ever going to have a chance in hell, there is too much money to be made in profiting off of the misery of the sick and doomed. Even a piss-warm, watered down bill with some sort of public option was never going to happen and with lucrative post-politics lobbying jobs on the line our cowardly and corrupt Congress people and Senators would surely not dare to go against the financial interests of those who own them. What Obamacare really amounted to at the end is the use of the full force of the state as a threat to forcibly mandate an-already- beggared-by-the-corporate-looting-spree populace to buy overpriced, shitty insurance from the same bloodsuckers that have destroyed the system. The teabaggers came in handy during the media circus of the ludicrous town hall meetings during last summer’s recess when they descended en masse like Hitler’s own Sturmabteilung to disrupt and threaten already gutless elected officials. The media of course played this into a full blown lie of some sort of great populist revolt when the elements that receive the most attention were in actuality Astroturf fronts for political porkers like the scurrilous Dick Armey along with the insipid neocons of Newt Gingrich and the Bill Kristol led pack of polemicists. These drones were most recently seen uniting behind neocon darling Sarah Palin who is exhorting them to sign up for lifetime membership in the Republican cult.

Joe Stack wrote of the rigged game that is American capitalism; anyone who has paid attention to the bailouts of the bankers by Federal Reserve and Goldman Sachs moles burrowed deeply into both the Bush and Obama administrations understands that the deck was stacked in favor of the pigs from the get go. You didn’t see any of the teabagger swine marching on Wall Street or reacting in outrage to the militarizing of the city of Pittsburgh to protect the global elite during last year’s G20 summit did you? The massive crimes by the speculators and banksters like AIG, Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan Chase and the rest of the looters should have been punished, there should have been prison terms and expropriations of pilfered loot to return to the victims who these criminals fleeced to finance their extravagant lifestyles. Again, that is what would have happened in any decent society with a government that wasn’t thoroughly corrupted and hijacked and we poor, fucked-over and fucked-out Americans certainly don’t have the privilege of living in one, at least not anymore.
The United States of America is going bankrupt, the choice between Empire and republic has been made and when Generals McChrystal and Petraeus were given free reign to escalate in Afghanistan the Rubicon was crossed. There cannot be guns and butter and the ploughshares are worth nothing in comparison to the swords that can be sold by the Military Industrial Complex to all sides of any conflict; our top exportable commodity is death and our emperors fiddle while Der Heimat crumbles. Crumbling infrastructure, millions of sick, homeless and jobless, the sad and hollow-eyed diaspora of the zero sum game of ‘fuck you, I got mine’ capitalism - they are pissed off but so many are so easily given illogical scapegoats for their all too logical rage. Where were the teabagger swine when all of this went down? An even bigger question is where were the teabagger swine when Bush and Cheney had the national credit card and the keys to the war machine? The same place where the bleeding heart types were when the Obamessiah escalated the carnage in Afghanistan and were given cover by Medea Benjamin of Code Pink who was down with it all because it was now a war to liberate oppressed women; the myth of liberal pacifism is just another big lie when they are the ones who can bask in the glory of the latest and greatest imperialist war.

The government and the system it serves know all too well how much legitimate anger is currently out there. I can hear it daily whether it be in grocery store checkout lines, gas stations or restaurants: a growing realization that the system itself is the enemy. Joe Stack struck a blow against that system in the way that he hoped would shake it and awaken the zombies from their fitful sleep but sadly it won’t because the ever glowing televisions, the ultimate drug delivery device (the Nazis were in awe of the capabilities of TV and were experimenting with the medium when Berlin fell) for that sweet, narcotic E-crack will ensure that they will continue to shuffle one after another into the steel chute, they may or may not realize what has happened when they reach the end and the captive bolt pistol comes to rest between their thousand yard staring eyes to bring an end to their pathetic excuse for what passes for consciousness. Hell, in a land where any serious comprehensive definition of democracy has come to be exemplified by American Idol and Jack Bauer has become a national icon maybe the coming damnation is deserved. The Founding Fathers knew all too well the dangers of a willfully ignorant and easily duped populace. A perfect example of eugenics American style would be in a call that I heard Friday morning on the Bill Press Show during the morning commute in which some clueless ass proposed eliminating the First Amendment as a remedy to more Joe Stacks deciding that they are as mad as hell and not going to take it anymore.

I want to unequivocally state that I do not agree with Joe Stack when he stated that violence is the “only” answer for that is NOT the solution. Firstly the government has bigger guns, armies of militarized police goons and a crackerjack high-tech police state that has been put into place using the phony ‘terrorist’ attacks of 9/11 as justification. If those who choose violence are numerous enough then it would be a simple matter of the president picking up the phone and invoking his powers to declare martial law, the power that the dumb bastard Republicans gave to George W. Bush and his NSPD51 that Barack Obama has not rescinded. If you choose violence you will be crushed. Never, ever should you underestimate the ability of a tyrannical state to reciprocate with extreme prejudice and maximum brutality against those that threaten it with any sort of violence for the state has the monopoly on the use of violence. The REAL answer is to delegitimize the state, withhold your willing consent, protest against the war machine and debunk the ultimate lie that is faith in this monstrous system. The political system is nothing more than two dueling and largely interlocking criminal parties that will grind your bones to make their bread in order to serve the oligarchs.

The politically connected scum like for example Goldman Sachs and GM get bailouts while regular Americans who have played by the rules get their jobs offshored to India, China or some lousy third world shithole where there are no labor unions nor laws to protect the slave populations. How many jobs have been lost since NAFTA started the ball rolling and the criminal Bush administration cloaked itself in the flag under the phony war on terror and escalated the strip-mining of the American economy in the name of greed? President Obama lied when he campaigned for the presidency by indicating that these rotten trade pacts that screw hard working, decent and honest Americans into lives of privation and strip away their dignity would be re-examined. Globalization has been a disaster for all but the wealthiest Americans and the pigs that run the corporations that are given more human rights by our putrid and corrupted to the core legal system that was long ago bought and paid for and now has sold out those that it was theoretically supposed to protect for pennies on the dollar. The change that Obama promised is chump change and those jobs are NEVER coming back just as the vile moneychangers on Wall Street will NEVER be held accountable for crashing the economy but rather bailed out with the pound of flesh from every American that is extracted by the Big Brother IRS man. That Obama is a liar should be a shock to nobody who is awake, a poison tree produces only poison fruit and in America in 2010 the entire fucking orchard is infected. Obama, like his predecessors is by every definition a war criminal and a tyrant, this is the system, the Empire and it is all wrapped in the flag and sent out carrying a cross to give it legitimacy when it has none. As George Santayana once famously warned “those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it” and anyone who knows anything at all about history understands that power ALWAYS corrupts and tyranny is the norm rather than the exception.

No, I do not agree with Joe Stack about violence; ideas are much more powerful than bullets and bombs or airplanes flown into buildings. To spread the truth, the idea that there is no legitimacy to be found in this monstrous system of greed, murder and a prison industrial complex that rivals that of Joseph Stalin’s gulags and that in America there are really only two life forms – vampires and cattle – is far more dangerous to the system. This is why Joe Stack’s words were washed away immediately by the truly relevant and all-important news of the holy words of Tiger Woods, the Jesus Christ of the American church of wonder-working celebrity crucified and arisen anew while the fires at the Echelon Building were still smoldering. The truth is what the political prostitutes, professional con-artists, schemers, butchers and bankers fear the most for it is the only thing that will end the reign of tyranny and allow the people to regain control over their own destinies, their own government and the future of their children.

Expose the criminal bastards, the time is ripe for a non-violent revolution but it is running out…


By Ed Encho

p.s. - This is my first essay here, hopefully it won't be my last due to the provocative nature of it.
Bravo Ed. :top: I certainly don't hope it is your last either. Joe Starks manifesto was lucid and spot on even if I don't thing flying into an occupied building is the best way to deliver it. I am sure millions can relate to it if it were well known.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
I am happy to be here, rest assured I have plenty of things in progress that will be posted in the future. I have done a good deal of work on Main Core and PROMIS and how it all relates to the shadow government. I actually did a series of four fairly long posts on it all last year most easily accessible in one shot at the SOTT website under the title:

How the Secret Team Transformed American into an Empire

I am in the process of updating and reworking that thing right now into a much larger piece that I entitled "A Monolithic and Ruthless Conspiracy - How the Secret Team Transformed America" - I liked that last part so I kinda stole it from SOTT but what the hell, they did post it so I guess they owe me.

I also am planning a series on the Council For National Policy but that is one that I am gonna need a lot of help on since it is so secretive.

Anyway, glad to be here because you have some awesome stuff posted and some very intelligent contributors.

Ed Encho Wrote:I am happy to be here, rest assured I have plenty of things in progress that will be posted in the future. I have done a good deal of work on Main Core and PROMIS and how it all relates to the shadow government. I actually did a series of four fairly long posts on it all last year most easily accessible in one shot at the SOTT website under the title:

How the Secret Team Transformed American into an Empire

I am in the process of updating and reworking that thing right now into a much larger piece that I entitled "A Monolithic and Ruthless Conspiracy - How the Secret Team Transformed America" - I liked that last part so I kinda stole it from SOTT but what the hell, they did post it so I guess they owe me.

I also am planning a series on the Council For National Policy but that is one that I am gonna need a lot of help on since it is so secretive.

Anyway, glad to be here because you have some awesome stuff posted and some very intelligent contributors.

Thanks Ed. We certainly look forward to your posts and we're happy to help were we can.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Vernon Hunter survived two tours in Vietnam,only to be killed by some fucking asshole.May Joe Stack recieve his (72 VIRGINS FROM HELL)!!!!!!!!!!!!

Welcome to the forum Ed....... :beer:
Why so little attention to Vernon Hunter?

[Image: joan_walsh.png] Joan Walsh
IRS bomber Joe Stack captured the news for days, but his African-American, Vietnam vet victim has gone unheralded

By Joan Walsh
[Image: md_horiz.jpg] KTVT-TV
Vernon Hunter

I traveled this weekend and missed the identification of the only person killed by Joe Stack in his unsettling attack on the Internal Revenue Service office in Austin last week (h/t Crooks and Liars, Will Bunch). He is Vietnam veteran and IRS worker Vernon Hunter.
His son, Ken Hunter, told local reporters he was tired of the media paying too much attention to the fractured and incoherent political beliefs espoused by the demented Stack, and not enough attention to his father's life:

"There was just too much going on about what the guy did and what he believed in, and enough's enough. They don't need to talk about him. Talk about my dad. You know, some people are trying to make this guy out to be a hero, a patriot. My dad served two terms in Vietnam. This guy never served at all. My dad wasn't responsible for his tax problems."
Hunter said his father was the kind of guy who'd have tried to help Stack with the tax troubles that supposedly drove Stack to the violence that took Hunter's life.

Googling "Vernon Hunter" on Monday night I was stunned by how little the national media, beyond Bunch, Crooks and Liars, the Associated Press and ABC's "Good Morning America," had paid attention to Stack's victim. "GMA" seemed to write about Hunter because the show featured Stack's daughter from his first marriage, Samantha Bell, calling her father a "hero." To her credit, Bell retracted her statement, and labeled Hunter the hero, when she learned about the man her father killed.
Stack's daughter may be forgiven bad judgment in the wake of losing her father. American politicians can't. I cut new Massachusetts Sen. Scott Brown some slack the other night -- Brown compared Stack to the "frustrated" voters who backed him last month, "who want their elected officials to be accountable and open and talk about the things that are affecting their daily lives." But I haven't seen Brown retract or clarify his comments since Hunter's identity was discovered, and that's disappointing.
Far worse than Brown is Rep. Steve King of Iowa, who embraced Stack's grievances four days after his attack and three days after Hunter's body was identified:

"I don’t know if [Stack's] grievances were legitimate, I’ve read part of the material. I can tell you I’ve been audited by the IRS and I’ve had the sense of ‘why is the IRS in my kitchen.’ Why do they have their thumb in the middle of my back. … It is intrusive and we can do a better job without them entirely."
Human Events editor Jed Babbin should win the bottom-feeder award for joking about Hunter's killing at that confab of crazy, CPAC. Talking about his friend Grover Norquist, Babbin quipped:

"I'm really happy to see Grover today. He was getting a little testy in the past couple of weeks. And I was just really, really glad that it was not him identified as flying that airplane into the IRS building."
I'm sure the Hunter family enjoyed the humor.
The Christian Science Monitor reported that posters at the racist site are Stack fans, with one proclaiming "The Guy is a true Hero!" Since we don't yet know the nature of Stack's anti-government beliefs, I won't file him with the anti-government, anti-Democrat and anti-Obama armed lunatic fringe that's emerged since we elected our first black president. Yet. But it is certainly worth noting that Stack just happened to kill a black man; and the right-wing racist anti-Obama Birther who struck the Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C., also killed a black man, Stephen Tyrone Johns.
Without proven connections between the killings, it's just a sad coincidence. But let's mark it here, and hope there's no reason to identify any kind of pattern. Let's hope that fervently. My condolences to the family of Vernon Hunter.
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Buckminster Fuller
Well it seems to me that I specifically do not condone violence in the post and stuff like this response really belongs at a place like Daily Kos in my opinion instead of where serious issues are discussed. I especially find it offensive that the good old Stormfront smear is dragged out which is a standard tactic in smacking down any questioning of a Zionist centric U.S. foreign policy. I may be new here but I have played this game for a good long while now.

Truthfully, I have about zero respect for Joan Walsh or any of the other so-called progressive A list bloggers who found that instead of crashing the gates that it was much easier to just have a doggie door installed by the castle masters. In reading some of the stuff out there by these great crusaders for all that is right it often makes me want to vomit as they are now just fine with the surveillance state, the wars and the militarizing of the police just as long as their team is in power (at least theoretically) so to hell with them all.

As for poor Vernon, yeah it sucks but let's have some proportionality here as well as some fairness in including the hundreds of thousands if not millions of innocent dead murdered by the imperialist wars financed by the tax money that is confiscated from American citizens to build bombs and attack other countries in order to steal their resources and install brutal puppet dictators.

Not to mention all of the American kids who will grow up without mothers or fathers because they got killed fighting in illegal corporate wars paid for by U.S. tax dollars.

Just my two cents

[Emphasis added]
Ed Encho Wrote:Well it seems to me that I specifically do not condone violence in the post and stuff like this response really belongs at a place like Daily Kos in my opinion instead of where serious issues are discussed. I especially find it offensive that the good old Stormfront smear is dragged out which is a standard tactic in smacking down any questioning of a Zionist centric U.S. foreign policy. I may be new here but I have played this game for a good long while now.

Honestly, I find this to be quite an odd statement coming from someone who links here to their articles at Signs of The Times and says that their new article will draw directly from SOTT writings.

Laura Knight Jadczyk and her crew at SOTT go well beyond a morallly and politically sound criticism of Israeli state policies, and go so far into the World Conspiracy model as to be considered downright racist. I won't even get into the detail of the concerns that they constitute a manipulative and dangerous cyber-cult, though that is an important issue also.

Ed, what do you think about this?
Geez Ed,a little bit touchy eh!Yes,this place is for serious discussion of important issues.I think it is important to put a face on Vernon Hunter so that people can understand that Joe Stack is nothing but a murderer.If he had any balls,he should have just gone to the front steps of the IRS building with manuscript in hand and just blew his brains out.

And I'm so sorry that I used Joan Walsh.I guess I need to watch what I'm posting for fear of (seeming too liberal).I don't know,will this B list blogger work better for you?

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Remembering Vernon Hunter…

Shall we?

When I watched footage of the massive fire consuming an office building in Austin Texas last week after a domestic terrorist flew a plane into it, my first thought was to hope no one other than the pilot was hurt.

That was, tragically, not the case.

Vernon Hunter, a Vietnam veteran who served two tours of duty…husband and father and friend to many…was murder by Joe Stack when Joe Stack decided to vent his frustrations at all things not in his control by flying a plane into an office building in Austin Texas.

That the good Lord saw fit to limit the loss of life is little comfort to Vernon Hunter’s family…or to his colleagues, who have been terrorized by both the terrorist attack and the disturbing celebration/validation of that attack by everyone from conservative pundits to the junior Senator from Massachusetts.

I take no comfort and find no cause for celebration in the murder of a man who served this nation at war and at peace.

I find no grand statement within the terrorist act that took the life of a beloved husband and father.

Last week’s attack has been lauded by many who aren’t complex enough to be anti-government…’tis more accurate to say they are anti the current administration. They seek to celebrate Stack because this terrorist was American, wrote a manifesto decrying his torture at the hands of [insert government agency here] and that happens to freakishly fit how some folks define a hero.

But in my world, Vernon Hunter is a hero…not because of how he died but because of how he lived.

Yeah, I'm going to remember Vernon Hunter...Vietnam veteran, husband, father and grandfather.

And may God give comfort to those who mourn his loss...

posted by Shark-fu at 7:41 AM
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Buckminster Fuller
I think that the Stack event needs to be considered only after a step-back and some deep breaths to clear the amygdalic autonomic response mechanism. Let's keep some perspective. America at this moment is a political tinderbox teetering at the edge of economic collapse, extended war, massive shutdown of freedoms, its people under a decade at least of media-stress from induced chaos, economic warfare on the middle class, dupliciities and abuses from leadership, and a variety of existent and burgeoning political COINTELPRO. The nation is near a tipping point, a point -- I could call it spontaneous combustion, but there is nothing spontaneous about it -- at which it will burst into any number of outbreaks. We can decry violence as a political counter-reaction all we want; meanwhile, the state is bringing violence, chaos, trauma, destruction, and degradation to the world, including its own people.


"I tend to view people like Joe Stack as canaries in the coal mine -- people on the margins, mentally and situationally, that fatally explode at the early onset of severe societal and economic pressure. Here's what's driving them:
  • Extreme frustration/hopelessness. A great many people have seen little to no success in the US commercial sector despite a considerable effort, for decades. For workers below the median wage this current environment is a depression -- from the duration to the rate of the un/underemployment. Any status gain they might have achieved before this occurred is now gone.
  • Few mitigating influences. Most of the community and familial structures that historically buffered people in the US against economic failure have been ravaged. Even functional families are now atomized.
  • Rage and a loss of government legitimacy. Time worn beliefs that have underpinned the American experiment, such as the idea of a level playing field, the correlation between hard work and success, and the underlying basic fairness of our system have been savaged by the government response to the financial crisis. Frankly, the perception of many is that Wall Street's pros are guilty of criminal fraud and even traitorous behavior (they damaged the security and future of the US for personal benefit). Worse, they not only avoided punishment, they were rewarded for it.
Will we see more of this violence? Most assuredly. Domestic terrorism, as a result of systemic failure, can be an existential threat in a super-empowered age. "

Posted by John Robb on Friday, 19 February 2010 at 11:48 PM | Permalink


The Taoists of old used to say "Wu wei." Silent observation, witnessing, contemplation, etc. may be of value. I would suggest that characterizing Joe Stack as wrong in any sense is to take sides in an arena that is forcing everyone to take sides. As Bush said, "you're either with us or against us". Even withdrawal, disconnection or indifference plays to the enhanced power of a system running amok. Debates of this nature, as evidenced in another thread about another event decades ago, serve merely as distraction or division. The empire's OODA loop is running at 83 mph; everyone else's tops out at 52 .. on a good day, freshly-fueled with coffee and some information. They have Echelon and ganged main-frame computers, extremely sophisticated economic warfare software, etc. that has succeeded in raping the nation of a large share of the wealth it has built up beyond decades, and we are shooting the dead canary in the corner like the Empire's schutzshtaffel shot the dead corpses in Nissour Square.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
I'm afraid I didn't see much to admire or respect in Joe Stack's "manifesto", which culminated with:

Quote:Well, Mr. Big Brother IRS man, let’s try something different; take my pound of flesh and sleep well.

Stack's rant was largely incoherent, but most of the anger seemed to be directed at the taxman.

There are plenty of causes worth dying for.

There are very few causes which justify killing the innocent. In fact, there may be none.

A gripe with the taxman cannot possibly justify the killing of the innocent.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war

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