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Pretexts for intervention - Uganda - Lord's Resistance Army

The Lords Resistance Army, a militarised cult predicated upon the gross exploitation of young male adolescents, as pretext for US intervention. Note how elusive the leadership of the LRA proved - shades of Bin Lid.
Proof positive that the LRA is a US intelligence op:

Quote:On August 28, 2008, the United States Treasury Department placed Kony on its list of "Specially Designated Global Terrorists"...

In other words, one of ours, who will be killed in due course to spare any embarrassment.
Notice also how the mind control techniques used by the LRA against abducted children are remarkably similar to the techniques alleged to be used against children by those in the CIA mind control fraternity.
Austin Kelley Wrote:Notice also how the mind control techniques used by the LRA against abducted children are remarkably similar to the techniques alleged to be used against children by those in the CIA mind control fraternity.

Absolutely. I'd also draw attention to yet another appearance of our old friend, the "syncretic religion" (ie something cobbled together at a US university).

The Anglo-American orchestrated holocaust in the Congo and neighbouring countries is the deep political scandal of the age; and part of an even bigger exterminatory re-conquest of Africa.

Quote:A report by UK think-tank Chatham House says piracy off the coast of Somalia has cost up to $30m (£17m) in ransoms so far this year. But it also provides lots of anti Islamic propaganda for western media to further demonize Muslims to the poorly informed western public in their war against Islam

# Ex-militiamen, who are considered the muscle - having fought for various Lords Resistance Army clan warlords
# The technical experts, who are the computer geeks and know how to operate the hi-tech equipment needed to operate as a pirate - satellite phones, GPS and military hardware have all been trained in the USA by the CIA, after being selected from the young recruits of Lords Resistance Army for advanced training based on their skills at cold blooded murder since early childhood

Profile: Ugandan rebel Joseph Kony

A former Catholic altar boy from northern Uganda, Joseph Kony has waged war against the government of President Yoweri Museveni for almost two decades.

CIA funded Mr Kony to founded his own rebel group which over the next 19 years went on to abduct thousands of children to become fighters or sex slaves.

"When you go to fight you make the sign of the cross first. If you fail to do this, you will be killed," one young fighter who escaped from the LRA told Human Rights Watch.

"You must also take oil and draw a cross on your chest, your forehead, and each shoulder, and you must make a cross in oil on your gun. They say that the oil is the power of the Holy Spirit."

LRA leader Joseph Kony Kony is thought to have at least 60 wives

His Lord's Resistance Army movement has been demanding that Africa be ruled according to the Biblical 10 Commandments.

Born in the early 1960s in Odek, a village east of Gulu, Mr Kony is remembered as an amiable boy.

"He played football and was a brilliant dancer," one of his former classmates said, recalling the rebel leader's days at Odek primary.

He is thought to be the cousin of Alice Lakwena, a former prostitute who formed the CIA-funded Holy Spirit Movement in 1986. CIA ordered her movement in 1988 to Kenya so as to attack Somalia and raid shipping for extra cash and for false flag under cover operations in the area

By 1992, Kony had renamed the group United Democratic Christian Army and it was at this time that they kidnapped 44 girls from the Sacred Heart Secondary and St. Mary's girls schools. [3] Operation North was devastating to what would become the Lord's Resistance Army and with their number reduced from thousands to hundreds still engaged in brutal retaliatory attacks on civilians and NRA collaborators.

Quote:Naming and shaming people for supporting such an organization can have an impact. One Ugandan-American U.S. citizen has been a central supporter of the LRA. He has presented himself as a U.S. government official on numerous occasions. If he is working for the CIA, as many Ugandans believe, then the U.S. government is abetting terrorism. If he isn’t, then why isn’t the U.S. arresting him for impersonating a government official and providing material support to a group on the U.S. terrorist list?

Quote:“THE Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF) is investigating the Catholic relief agency Caritas over suspected fresh food supplies to rebels of the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) in the DR Congo.

The authorities of Western Equatoria in Southern Sudan last month intercepted 13 trucks carrying food supplies from Uganda to Doruma, an LRA infested area in eastern Congo.

It turned out that the cargo was meant for Caritas, a Catholic charity organisation which for a long time had been supplying food to the LRA at Ri-Kwangba assembly point as part of the cessation-of-hostilities agreement….

…The Sudanese officials became suspicious when the Ugandan registered trucks, hired by World Food Programme, were running without the white flag, which is the official practice for WFP vehicles.

They were also concerned about the fact that the trucks were heading for a route which had not been used for years due to LRA activities, and that it seemed unclear where they were going to be off-loaded.

Army spokesman Felix Kulayigye yesterday said the incident was being investigated….” [Source: All Africa]


by Keith Snow

Quote:The "insurgency" of the LRA for example, provided the U.S., the SPLA and Museveni with a public relations pretext used to gain continued weapons acquisitions and logistical support. In fact, the U.S. and Uganda were covertly arming the SPLA in Sudan.

Having eliminated most of the actual LRA rebels, but to support the pretext for arms shipments to Uganda, UPDF forces disguised themselves as LRA insurgents, attacked villages and raped, tortured and murdered innocent civilians, and then returned to SPLA camps in Uganda and Sudan. (Such UPDF tactics persist.) When the few legitimate LRA rebels emerged from the bush (1996) for "good faith" peace talks with the Museveni government, their position was undermined: Museveni tasked Col. Fred Torit (now a Minister in parliament) with frustrating the peace accords…

U.S. Special Ops have trained guerillas in and out of Uganda for operations in Congo, Rwanda, and Sudan, and for Uganda’s own insurgencies. Ongoing programs include the Joint/Combined Exchange Training (J/CET): From 1995-97 the J/CET program ran operations in 34 of 53 African countries. The International Military Education and Training (IMET), and Expanded-IMET (E-IMET) fund, arm, and train foreign soldiers in the U.S. The Africa Crisis Response Initiative (ACRI) missions are run by the U.S. Army Special Forces Command. The Africa Center for Security Studies (ACSS) programs are reportedly run by retired U.S. military experts involved in School of the Americas atrocities using death squads and torture as policy.

Trained by U.S. Green Berets, Uganda’s 3rd Battalion was immediately deployed to crush an insurgency in western Uganda. SPLA guerillas have also been trained by Special Ops. The U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency has foreign agents operating in Africa who travel under U.S. passports to consult and direct clandestine operations. South Africa – a staunch American ally – has shipped military hardware to both sides in the Sudanese conflict.

A Bad Situation Getting Worse: New Oil, Land Grab in Northern Uganda and Renewed War in Congo

By Hellen Abak
[Originally Published at, February 25, 2009]

Quote:Renewed fears of insecurity due to Uganda’s return to war with the Lord’s Resistance Army, December 14, 2008 have also driven some people back to squalid displacement camps, for the perceived safety of numbers.

Update: "Operation Lighting Thunder" has officially ended. The mission in the Congo was widely criticized, and resulted in the displacement of several hundred thousand people: an estimated 150,000 in Congo and 100,000 in Sudan. An additional 900 Congolese were estimated killed in the aftermath, with aid agencies attributing the massacres to the LRA. Reporters from the Congo report that the Ugandan troops were also involved in killing civilians. The mission to corral the LRA, which is composed mainly of abducted children and youth, has been handed over to MONUC, with offers of help from Israel…

Confirmation of gold deposits in areas of Northern Uganda and a recently announced oil find in Amuru District, described by Canadian corporation Heritage Oil as “world class,” have brought about several land disputes, with investors, private individuals and government officials attempting to illegally acquire land.

Ugandan daily the Monitor reported February 22, 2009 that Heritage Oil has already completed its first phase of oil exploration at the Amuru site. The government of Uganda has not made public the contractual agreement giving mineral rights to Heritage.

The Monitor also noted that Heritage is currently employing private mercenaries to guard the find, and the government has deployed members of the Presidential Guard Brigade (PGB) at the site…

Special Report On Oil - Deleted comments from an ABC News website regarding the Uganda oil find in 2007

"On May 18, 2007, ABC news broke a hidden story about horrors in Uganda, and then they censored and deleted reader’s comments. ABC has deleted an unknown number of comments by people horrified by the atrocities who only want to bring the truth to light and help stop the horrible suffering. Some forty comments were deleted on the night of May 20 alone. What are ABC’s real motives? From Darfur to Congo to Ethiopia to Somalia to Kenya—who or what is ripping apart this region of Africa?"
Goodness gracious me, the US "abetting terrorism" - and, apparently, working hand-in-hand with the Vatican.

Shades of the war in the former Yugoslavia eh.

The explanation offered about why the international community continues to tolerate Somali pirates is very credible.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
U.S./U.K. Allies Grab Congo Riches and Millions Die: 2001-03 UN Expert Reports

By Prof. Peter Erlinder

Global Research, November 4, 2008

Once again, the suffering of African people caught up in a war that makes little sense to non-Africans has made the front pages in western media, as more than a million people have been displaced in the past week by re-newed fighting in the Eastern Congo. For most Americans who don’t pay much attention to the details of African history and politics, the humanitarian disaster in the Congo has exploded into public consciousness, as if the 25-year war to control Central Africa began only yesterday.

The "Congo story" Behind the Headlines

But, in fact, the human rights disaster that the people of the world are watching on our TV screens is just the most recent human tragedy in a 25 year struggle for economic and political dominance in Central Africa that has been raging since the decline and eventual collapse of the Soviet influence in Africa in the 1980’s and early 1990’s. A sad fact of the 20th Century is that, even after the end of formal "colonialism" in the mid-20th Century, ruling African elites in virtually every African nation have looked to one or more powerful "sponsors" in the developed world to gain or retain power. And, to grab the personal wealth that goes with political/military power in Africa.

In Africa, "government" is a well-accepted avenue for trained and educated African elites to get ahead economically, without having to immigrate to more developed nations outside of Africa. Few major private multi-national economic entities are based in Africa, and "para-statal" government monopolies or government-approved contracting with private foreign sources of capital from the developed world are the main sources of economic development in many African countries. The result is that political and military power is inevitably entwined with economic benefit for those who manage to achieve state-power whether by the ballot, or by force.

In addition, direct support from industrialized nations in the form of "aid" must be funneled through governmental agencies. And, even today, "donor income" from the industrialized world makes up a large portion of the budgets of nearly every African nation. And, after the end of support from the Soviet Bloc in about 1990, local leaders were forced to choose between Anglo-American aid and investment or from former colonial masters that comprise the EU countries, at least until China began developing economic relations with African nations within the past few years.

"Blood Diamonds," Leonardo DeCaprio’s recent film, makes the point that every lengthy war in Africa is possible only with support from foreign governments or private interests (or both)…..which necessarily have designs on African resources in return. And, so it is with the 25-year war for control of the riches of Central Africa, of which the humanitarian disaster in the Congo is the most recent example.

The recent British/French "diplomatic initiative" to discuss yet another ceasefire with Congo’s President Kabila and Rwanda’s Paul Kagame, makes absolutely clear who the real protagonists are in this most recent eruption of the war in the Congo. It is now generally understood that the Congo "rebels" are closely-enough connected to Kagame’s Rwanda that it is more important to negotiate with him than with Gen. Laurent Nkunda, the titular leader of the Congolese-tutsi "rebel" army.

But, the connections between the suffering in the Congo and either Rwanda or Uganda are rarely discussed in mainstream media, least in the English-speaking world. And, to the extent we are informed about the reasons for the Congo War at all, we are told that Gen. Nkunda is at war "to protect the tutsi minority." That the continued fighting as something to do with the 1994 "Rwanda genocide." And, that "hutu genocidaires" have to be rooted out of the Eastern Congo to protect both Congolese "tutsis" and the territory of Rwanda, itself.

However, it has been more than 14 years since Kagame seized complete power in Rwanda, which means that anyone under 30 could not have been directly involved in the 1994 events in Rwanda that Kagame’s government calls the "Genocide". Today’s teenage combatants were either children or not yet born, when civilians-killed-civilians in Rwanda in 1994. At most, Gen Nkunda is fighting the "children of the genocidaires"…and the scope of the fighting as reached far beyond the limited areas near the Rwandan border where anti-government Rwandan-refugees (both tutsi and hutu) are actually located.

And, even without considering the wars in Uganda and Rwanda that lasted from 1981 to 1994, at least, there can be no dispute that the Congo war has been raging since 1996…which means that the war is not only inter-generational…but must be funded from outside Africa in a "Blood Diamonds"-like scenario….and it is.

Origins of the Congo War: 2001-03 UN Experts’ Reports

In fact, evidence has long existed that the war in the Eastern Congo, between 1996 and today, has little or nothing to do with "ethnicity" or capturing "genocidaires." Like "weapons of mass destruction" used to justify another war of aggression by the U.S. on Iraq.…."ethnic" and "response to the genocide" have been used by both Uganda and Rwanda to justify a war of aggression, waged for economic reasons, described in the UN Experts Reports. Not coincidentally, Uganda and Rwanda are two of the largest recipients of US and British economic and military assistance in Africa. Wars initiated by Uganda’s Yoweri Museveni and Rwanda’s Paul Kagame, have raged in Central Africa since Museveni’s 1981 invasion to seize power in Uganda, which the Red Cross reported had killed at least 300,000 civilians by the time he took power in 1986.

The real reasons for the ongoing war in the Congo is described in great detail in several United Nations Security Council Expert Reports, make clear that war and massive civilian deaths in the Eastern Congo since 1996 have little, if anything to do with "tribalism," "ethnicity," or even the "Rwanda genocide." But, rather, have everything to do with the rape of the Congo’s resources by the militaries of Rwanda and Uganda and their local surrogates.

According to three separate UN Security Council Reports, issued between 2001 and 2003, war on the Congo began when Uganda and Rwanda made common-cause with local Congolese leader Laurent Kabila, and other Congolese elites, to control the vast resources of the Eastern Congo in 1996. The UN Reports show that that since, the 1996 invasion and a second invasion in 1998, Rwanda and Uganda have become the major trading centers for diamonds, precious metals and other natural resources that are not found in either country.....but which exist in great quantities in the Congo. As of 2003, the UN Security Council Reports put the cost of civilian lives at some 3 million (the current estimate is more than 5 million lives….so far).

The Rwanda/Uganda Rape of the Congo Continues Today

For more than 3 decades, the "anti-Communist" credentials of the former Congolese Joseph Mobutu had protected him from western criticism during the Cold War, despite his brutal kleptocracy that had been matched only by vicious pre-independence colonial rule of Belgian King Leopold. But, after the collapse of the Soviet Union in the early 1990’s and Mobutu became politically expendable, Uganda/Rwanda-supported "Congolese rebels" replaced him with Laurent Kabila in 1997 and Kabila agreed to a treaty that split economic dominance of the Eastern Congo between Uganda and Rwanda in the areas adjacent to their own borders.

By 1998, however, Uganda and Rwanda invaded Eastern Congo again, after the new President Kabila began attempting to reclaim military and economic influence in the areas of his country controlled by Rwanda and Uganda. Unlike 1996, Kabila had made alliances with other African nations that opposed the foreign-supported aggression against the Congo and troops from Angola, Zimbabwe and Namibia entered the war in support of the Kabila government. Despite a 1999 Lusaka peace treaty, which also provided for the creation of MONUC (UN Observer Mission in the Congo), the war continued. In 2000, while the U.S. media was distracted by the Bush/Gore campaign, the Uganda/Rwanda began vying for control over portions of the Congo and the long-standing alliance split over control of the resources of the Eastern Congo.

UN Experts: Decades-long Congo Resources Rape

By January 2001, this "first world war of Africa" had killed more than 3 million people, Laurent Kabila was assassinated and was replaced by his son, Joseph. For many years, the Rwandan government had claimed that its interests in the Congo was protection from "genocidaires" hiding in the Congo…but the falsity of this claim was exposed in July 2001, when the UN Security Council received its first preliminary report on the exploitation of Congo’s resources. The first, interim report documents the plunder of coffee, timber, diamonds, gold and "coltan" (the grey gold that is in every cell phone that can be found only in the Congo) by Rwandan and Ugandan forces in the areas each controlled.

Another more extensive report in October 2002 documented the seizure of banks, sugar refineries, mines and provides the names of local leaders and war-lords with ties to Uganda and Rwanda…as well as describing the ties between both "hutu" and "tutsi" Rwandans who were working together to enrich themselves, and their Rwandan and Ugandan sponsors, at the expense of the indigenous Congolese. And the October 2003 Security Council Report states:

Quote:"….The Rwandan Defense Forces (RDF) still play an important but highly discreet role in the [RCD-Goma’s] operations…." And, that the Rwanda-linked network in the Eastern Congo had the objective of "…permanent, autonomous control over the territory of the eastern DRC…" (citing training operations and lines of communication to Kigali).

By 2008, the MONUC "peacekeeping-observer" mission has grown to 17,000 troops, the largest in UN history, but its Spanish military commander resigned last week "for personal reasons" after only a month in his post when Kagame/Nkunda troops over-ran Congolese military postsand war-torn Congolese began stoning UN forces for failing to protect them. But MONUC is the creation of the UN Security Council. But, U.S. and Britain have Security Council veto-power that can prevent more aggressive options, as also occurred during the Rwanda War in 1994, when the US/UK prevented UN-military opposition to Kagame and Museveni’s military adventures.

A History of Big Power-Central Africa Disinformation

Although the real reasons for the Congo War have been well-documented by UN Security Council sources, as well as the fact that US/UK surrogates are getting rich in the Congo, neither the United States nor Britain have much of an interest in helping critics and Human Right activists "connect the "dots" that link Yoweri Museveni/Kagame’s 1986 military-takeover of Uganda or Paul Kagame’s military-takeover of Rwanda in 1994, with the horror that has engulfed the Congo since the joint Rwanda/Uganda invasion of 1996. The indisputable evidence of the Museveni/Kagame/Nkunda "axis of evil" in Central Africa has rarely, if ever, seen the light of day.

After Museveni seized power in 1986, Uganda became, and remains, a major recipient of British aid to Africa, as well as the beneficiary of British military training and armaments. After Museveni took power, the CIA also established its major African electronic listening post in Kampala, Uganda’s capital. And, Kagame’s long-standing Pentagon ties can be traced to the 1980’s and he was actually had been receiving U.S. officer training in Ft. Leavenworth Kansas which he returned to Uganda, then Rwanda, to lead the 1990 invasion. His reputation in U.S. military circles remained intact when he seized power in 1994, during his first invasion of the Congo in 1996 AND during the 1998 second Congo invasion.

By the time of the 1996 Congo invasion, the Rwandan military had been receiving U.S. military training for at least two years (and perhaps more) and Kagame’s Pentagon ties had been established for at least ten years. Today Britain remains Uganda’s largest foreign patron. And, U.S. support as swelled the Rwandan army from 7,000 Belgian/French-trained troops under the previous government when Museveni/Kagame invaded in 1990, to an estimated 70,000 to 100,000 U.S.-trained and armed troops in 2007.

But, the mutually-beneficial relationships between the U.S. and Britain and their African surrogates goes both ways. Not only are Rwandan and Ugandan elites basking in the Congo’s stolen wealth, but "private contractors" from both countries are two of the largest contingents of military-mercenaries in Iraq and in Darfur, where the Chinese-supported Sudanese government has rejected US/UK investment and have been labeled "genocidaires" in a far less-bloody conflict than the Rwandan/Ugandan adventure the Congo. Ugandan troops are also part of the U.S.-Ethiopian "Christian" occupation of "Muslim" Somalia….which was the greatest humanitarian tragedy in Africa before last week…. when the Congo War disaster reached the headlines, again.

Casual visitors to Uganda and Rwanda can’t help but notice that both Central African countries are better off than their neighbors, both economically and in terms of social organization. Compared to other African countries that lack close relationships to wealthy sponsors, these two, small, densely-populated nations appear to be outposts of calm and relative prosperity on a continent. But, the fact is that the relative prosperity and calm in Museveni’s militarized Uganda and Kagame’s militarized Rwanda has come at the terrible price of more than 5 million Congolese lives, as documented by the UN Reports.

"Piercing the Veil" of Central Africa Disinformation

There is now no doubt that , when Ugandan Major Paul Kagame invaded Rwanda in 1990, he was accompanied by nearly 25% of the Ugandan army and Ugandan complicity has been confirmed by formerly confidential US and UN files at the UN Tribunal for Rwanda. And, like other African wars, the cost of supporting the Museveni/Kagame 4-year war of attrition must have come from outside the country. And, most probably, the massive support must have come from or been known by Uganda’s main foreign sponsors, the US and UK. As one former U.S. State Department source has stated:

"Either Museveni was misusing (the U.S. support ) he was receiving and was not being called to account…or he was using it for the purpose intended."

Previously classified U.S. and UN documents and testimony, now in evidence at the UN Rwanda Tribunal, show that Kagame, himself, touched off the "Rwanda genocide" by assassinating former Rwandan President and launching an assault to seize power within minutes after shooting down President Habyarimana’s plane on the night April 6, 1994.….long before any of the alleged civilian killings began, in response to the assassination. The well-planned and organized "blitzkrieg" controlled the eastern-third of the country by the third week in April, and civilian killings were reported to the UN in the Kagame-controlled area days later.

Even former UN Rwanda Tribunal Chief Prosecutor, Swiss Judge Carla del Ponte, and former Chief Investigator, Australian Barrister Michael Hourigan have called for the UN Rwanda Tribunal to prosecute Kagame. And, even though both France and Spain have issued INTERPOL warrants for Kagame and his associates, he continues to receive invitations to speak at prestigious institutions in the US and Britain, where the INTERPOL warrants have been ignored.

The Rwanda/Congo "Genocide" Connections

Perhaps most important, at least from an American perspective, recently de-classified UN and State Dept documents show that U.S. Secretary of State Warren Christopher had reports of massive civilian killings by Kagame’s no later than September 1994. And, despite the evidence in contemporaneous UN and US documents, the U.S. has permitted Kagame’s crimes to be blamed on others…and to be re-characterized by Kagame and the ICTR as a "genocide" committed by Kagame’s enemies. Which, if true, would make the Rwanda War the first in history in which only the losing side in the war committed crimes and atrocities. A WWII analogy would to blame the Japanese, not only for their own crimes, for U.S. bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, too, or blaming the Germans for the fire-bombing of Dresden, the massacres on the Eastern Front and the sack of Berlin.

The former UN Chief Prosecutor Del Ponte has publicly described how she was to the State Department in the summer of 2003 by Bush Ambassador for War Crimes, Pierre Prosper. Prosper, also a former ICTR Prosecutor, told her that she must drop all investigations of Kagame’s crimes, or risk being removed from office. When Judge Del Ponte insisted that the evidence required that he be prosecuted for war crimes and genocide, she was removed from her office at the Rwanda Tribunal within 90 days, at the insistence of the U.S. and Britain.

And, now that we know (from the 2001-03 UN Security Council and UN original UN Rwanda documents) that we have been the victims of a disinformation campaign, when it comes to the origins and reasons for the Congo War. If the role of Rwanda and Uganda in the Congo have been distorted, how can we be sure of Kagame’s version of how he came to power in Rwanda in 1994, as a "saviour"…when the Security Council knew that, less than two years later, Kagame and Museveni invaded the Congo to enrich themselves and are responsible for more than 5 million deaths since that time?"

Either the 2001-03 Reports are wrong….and former UN Chief Prosecutor Del Ponte is wrong….and the UN Chief Investigator Hourigan is wrong….or the story of the Congo War, as well as the "Rwanda Genocide" must be re-investigated… and re-written. But we need not start a debate before the research into original, contemporaneous documents is more complete than it is now.

Some the answers about the "Rwanda Genocide" are in the formerly classified documents now in evidence at the UN Tribunal for Rwanda, but which have received no more attention than the 2001-03 UN Security Council Experts’ Reports that detail the Ugandan and Rwandan rape of the Congo. The evidence exists in publicly accessible archives of the UN Security Council and Rwanda Tribunal….just waiting to be read!

This version does not contain endnotes. An updated version containing endnotes will be posted shortly.

Quote:Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Centre for Research on Globalization. The contents of this article are of sole responsibility of the author(s). The Centre for Research on Globalization will not be responsible or liable for any inaccurate or incorrect statements contained in this article.

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© Copyright Peter Erlinder, Global Research, 2008

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Quote:The former UN Chief Prosecutor Del Ponte has publicly described how she was to the State Department in the summer of 2003 by Bush Ambassador for War Crimes, Pierre Prosper. Prosper, also a former ICTR Prosecutor, told her that she must drop all investigations of Kagame’s crimes, or risk being removed from office. When Judge Del Ponte insisted that the evidence required that he be prosecuted for war crimes and genocide, she was removed from her office at the Rwanda Tribunal within 90 days, at the insistence of the U.S. and Britain.

How delightful of UKUSA.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
The Rwanda and Yugoslavia ICTR/ICTY transcripts and documents have all been removed from the internet as well. Just try finding them. I tried about 6 months ago and also sent an email inquiring as to their whereabouts and that has gone unanswered.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
The ICTY has adopted the same policy as the Rwanda tribunal which does not
post transcripts of the trials at all. None of the trial transcripts of
the illegal Rwanda trials are available to the public and never have been

My position has been for a long time that unless the prisoners at both of
these illegal tribunals get together and condemn them, together, as a
system of imperial US and Nato oppression there is no point in complaining
about the actions of one of them.

Christopher Black
Chair, legal committee, ICDSM

> All pages containing the "trials"' transcriptions have been removed
> from the website of the "ad-hoc Tribunal" in Den Haag - ICTY.
> Those documents have been apparently moved to a reserved area, which
> can be accessed after online registration. The documents are now
> protected against non-personal use and their redistribution is said to
> be forbidden ("without any right to ... redistribute them or to
> compile or create derivative works therefrom":
> ).
> These measures are nothing but the newest demonstration of the non-
> transparent and non-legal nature of the "ad-hoc Tribunal". We tried to
> register ourselves and get access to the pages, but without success.
> We invite all interested people to try registering themselves and to
> let us know if they can finally access the ICTY archive, or not.
> Thanks.
> CNJ-onlus
> j u g o c o o r d @ t i s c a l i . i t
> website:
> newsletter JUGOINFO:
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.

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