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Diary of a Domestic Extremist One of the lads! Police agent provocateur exposed.
[B]Diary of a Domestic Extremist One of the lads![/B]

[Image: MarkStone.jpg]By Mikhail Goldman
Over the past few weeks the UK’s activist movement has been rocked by the revelation that an extremely active person within its ranks, who had been at the heart of many major direct action campaigns, was in fact an undercover policeman.
After being confronted by former friends, Mark ‘Stone’, whose real name is Mark Kennedy, confessed that he had been working undercover since 2000. He has since disappeared.
At a meeting at the London Anarchist Bookfair, those who’d known Mark revealed that he had been active in ecological, animal rights, anti-fascist and anti-capitalist movements. Mark was involved in setting up the direct action camp in Stirling during the G8 protests of 2005 and the first climate camp amongst other things. He was also thought to have been making links with activists across Europe and, possibly, the USA.
Because it is not often that someone so deeply embedded in activism is comprehensively outed in this way, we would do well to learn from the experience. The temptation is to become suspicious of those around us but this only weakens the strong trust that is needed to carry out effective campaigns. Whilst there will always be the possibility that agents of the state will infiltrate our networks of trust, if we can learn to be aware of the warning signs and the tactics they use, we can be more secure.
Those who had been close to Mark said that he had never spoken to them about large periods of his life. In addition, no one had ever met the family members that he claimed to have spent considerable amounts of time visiting. But perhaps more importantly than these warning signs was the realisation that very few people had ever had a political conversation with him.
He was always there to lend a helping hand, whether it was driving people and equipment or employing his climbing skills, but it seemed people took for granted the reasons for his involvement. It seems ridiculous that people would consider getting involved in serious political campaigns with people whose politics they were unclear about. It seems obvious, to me, that before embarking on anything we might regret, we should make an effort to get to know the beliefs and motivations of those around us.
I came across Mark on a few occasions, at large gatherings and events. I have to admit, I never really liked him much, despite many others going on about what a great guy he was. He was a very macho man – always showing off his hardcore activist credentials and taking an atmosphere of bravado around with him. He seemed very attuned to informal hierarchies, seeming to seek out other Big Men and looking for the in-crowds. His big mouth instantly made me suspicious and guarded around him, not because I thought he was a cop, but just because I thought he was indiscrete.
Looking back, it’s obvious to see that not only was Mark extremely good at making people trust him, his personality was perfect for getting tongues wagging. He was the kind of person who I can imagine encouraging others to brag about daring actions and someone who seemed like he’d be up for future ones. He was one of the lads; people didn’t feel the need to talk about his politics or his background because he was someone whose approval others sought.
That this machismo is extremely dangerous and destructive for activism should be obvious. Even when the Big Man isn’t a cop who is making a mental note of (and possibly recording) your every word, there are often good reasons why information about your activism should stay private. In a worst case scenario you could incriminate yourself and others but even if you don’t, there is always a risk to the security of your future plans. Serious activists shouldn’t talk loosely, spurred on by the thought of gaining the approval of people they assume to be more experienced or more daring than themselves.
Then there is the issue of why the hell anti-authoritarians should allow these informal hierarchies to exist in the first place. Quite frankly, why the hell should anyone care whether Mark or anyone else approves of what they’re doing, as long as they and their affinity groups are happy with it? Too often young and green activists with a lot of potential become disillusioned because they aren’t “in the loop” of older and/or (they imagine) more active people.
This striving to rise higher in the world of activist credentials is damaging and divisive. Most activism that goes on in the UK is not rocket science. We shouldn’t be chasing after some illusive mystique of the ‘bigger boys’. Anyone can do it themselves which is why it is, potentially, a very powerful thing. I think that being more open with new people, passing on a good security culture and empowering them to act is a good way of getting rid of the illusions of expertise that persist. It will also protect us from future infiltrators.
The case of Mark Stone/Kennedy has revealed a serious weak spot in activism – the tendency to form self-affirming cliques around hypermasculine values of daring, risk-taking and violence. It was through his role as an alpha male that Mark was able to rise through the ranks so effortlessly and gain so much trust and respect. This is very damning of the values that many within the supposedly progressive activist community hold. If there is one thing that we should learn from this sad case it is that we need to demystify masculine power within activism. We need to see this dominatory and predatory tendency for what it is and eradicate it, totally, from the movement.
Mikhail Goldman, (a.k.a. The Domestic Extremist) currently focusses his trouble-making and incitement in the Midlands area. His favourite activities are bringing down the system and enjoying a good cup of tea.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Mark 'Stone/Kennedy' exposed as undercover police officer‏

................ | 21.10.2010 16:57 | G8 2005 | Sheffield | World
This is a statement from a group of people who have considered Mark 'Stone' a friend for the last decade.

[Image: 466478.jpg]
[Image: 466479.jpg]

Mark 'Stone' has been an undercover police officer from 2000 to at least the end of 2009. We are unsure whether he is still a serving police officer or not. His real name is Mark Kennedy. Investigations into this identity revealed evidence that he has been a police officer, and a face-to-face confession has confirmed this. Mark claims that he left the police force in late 2009, and that before becoming an undercover officer he was a Metropolitan police constable.

Please pass this information on to anyone who may have been in contact with Mark in the last decade, both in the UK and abroad.



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any proof?

21.10.2010 17:58
any proof? or just rumours?

Yes there is proof.

21.10.2010 18:20
Not sure what can be put up here, but can confirm that this isn't just rumour. Love to all who were close to him.

This is from a confession

21.10.2010 18:25
Please read the article.

This has been posted after he was confronted by his friends in the activist community and he confessed details including how long and how much he was paid. He was/is an undercover cop not just a snitch.

It is a reminder to always be vigilante and be wary of those who bring little of their background life into their activism and those who quickly want to be involved in the most 'full on' things.

However we need to remain open and welcoming to new people and not get paranoid.

It is a tricky balancing act to walk and probably nothing we will ever do will prevent open/semi-open groups being infiltrated but this should not paralyze us.

Love and solidarity to all those have taken action and shared their lives alongside this undercover cop.

fucking hell

21.10.2010 19:22
i cant believe its him. im sickened - i bet this scum is where the iona school raid tip off came from,???



21.10.2010 19:39
what an utter utter shit , bought this cunt a pint on a few occasions...hope his other family disown the fucker as well...Do you have a conscience mate ?
Concerned of gipton

sadly its true

21.10.2010 19:46
It's fucking gutting, but sadly it is true. Mark "Flash" Stone was confronted and admitted that he had been a serving police officer since 2000. Mark has been around a lot of movements - Earth First, anti-fascism, Dissent (you may remember him as one of the organisers of the driving teams at Stirling), was starting to get into animal rights.Its not a reason to get paranoid but it is a reason to be careful. He's by no means the first and he will not be the last. The worst thing he has done is the deep betrayal to a lot of people and the damage it has done to very good people. It does not matter how repentant he might be - fuck him.

Check out who have a booklet on identifying and dealing with scum like this.

jesus fucking wept

21.10.2010 19:50
This is insane. I personally don't feel compromised as he would have known about as much as the the police already know - but on a movement/scene wide level he was in a position to join a lot of dots and put people in certain places at particular times. "Another Van Cop" as a comrade remarked to me; we can only wonder how much has been dropped in terms of security due to the need for transport.

That said - responding to the comment about not trusting people who turn up and straight away want to be on the edge of legality in campaigns - i don't think anyone would treat their experience of him like that. Fuck, *look* at the bloke; what did they do, send him from Hendon to spend five years smoking rollies and living in a tent? Anyone can be made into a police asset, but an actually Police OFFICER?

fuck me.

I can't see him actually having managed to separate 2 personalities here - it boggles the mind that he's spend so long doing basically fuck all, expending so much effort in terms of debate, slow, dull legwork and campaigning - and still be thinking "aha, fooling these oh-so dangerous activists brilliantly..."
He must be a deeply conflicted individual. His life is almost certainly in tatters. Here's to hoping.
bill stickers

I'd never have believed it...

21.10.2010 19:51
Not sure what it was which caused people closer to him on a daily basis to become suspicious, investigate, and eventually question him, but he was one of the last people I'd have suspected. Just shows that our instincts and feelings are not a reliable guide in this minefield. I feel very sorry for a couple of people in particular who must be devastated at this news.

Fucking SCUM

21.10.2010 19:56
We used to call him 'Flash' cos he had more money than the rest of us.

Now we know why.

Fucking scum.

Love to those he betrayed.

oh shit, no!

21.10.2010 19:58
Still reeling from this. The total cunt.
Thinking mostly now of those very close to him - you have my love, solidarity and shared rage.

emails to remove from lists

21.10.2010 20:08
He's on numerous email lists. We've removed him from ours

If you have
[Image: maillink.gif]
of anything with "lumsk" in it
you should take him off.

He has also been builiding connections with activists on the European mainland, in particular in Berlin, Austria and Italy. Possibly also France and Holland. If you have contacts there please forward this news on.

Love to all those hurt by this, but it will take more than that to break us.
activists in the north of england

whats wrong with him being a copper?

21.10.2010 20:23
police arnt all bad. Some of them got my belongings back when i was burgled.
didnt see any anti-fash or climate protestors helping me out then
steve malloy

United we are stronger

21.10.2010 20:27
Being assertive and critical will only make actions for environmental and social justice stronger. It is also important to not take these acts of state repression lying down and let the 'powers that be' know that this is unacceptable and will not be taken lying down. Big love to one and all hurt by this
dan glass
[Image: mail_small.gif] e-mail:

who has he been

21.10.2010 20:34
It is worth thinking about the fact that the cops already have other people in place for the next decade of activism in the UK.

[Image: extlink.gif]
replaced by?

Why Mark, why?

21.10.2010 20:35
Oh Mark! WHY!?

We shared a particularly brotherly experience once... or so I thought. Even though we were only really mates in passing and never hung out that much, I have held you in very high regard since that day.

Now I'm just left thinking that all the conversations we ever had were phoney, and wondering how on earth you managed to separate your double life in this way? A person I thought I knew has now vanished from existence, and is a "never was". It's actually worse than someone dying, in many ways - I'm really angry as well as mourning for a lost friend.

I don't know what your reasons would be, and I don't want to judge you for whatever you've done. Calling you "fucking scum" etc. is a bit too superficial really, and if anything, is not angry or specific enough to make any difference. I expect words like those will be water off a duck's back to you by now anyway.

Considering that I wasn't even THAT close to you, and how much this news has affected me tonight, I really feel a deep sadness for friends who I know were much closer to you than I was.

I want to live in a world based on honesty, truth, friendship and mutual respect for ourselves and our planet - just like everyone you've undoubtedly been involved in betraying over the years.

People who really care and are trying to do their little bit to make the world a better place, all betrayed, and for what purpose?

Why Mark, why would you do that?
Man Of The Woods


21.10.2010 20:48
"Calling you "fucking scum" etc. is a bit too superficial really, and if anything, is not angry or specific enough to make any difference"

I'm not trying to make a difference, just venting my fury at someone I thought was a mate. Those of us who got pissed with him, went climbing with him, went on actions with him, considered him a mate (and sometimes more, the sleazy bastard).... we don't have to defend our rage and betrayal!

Do the right thing

21.10.2010 20:50
Mark if your reading this, do the honourable thing and expose the people you were working for, what operations you were involved in, how much you got paid to fuck up the lives of everyone that ever cared for you over the past 9 years.


painful memories

21.10.2010 20:58
this is so sad. i was also duped by a police informer, some years ago. someone i called "dad" who i had shared many intense experiences with both as a campaigner/activist and as a human being. i don't have anything useful to say i just wanted to send out huge hugs to all those affected by this. it ripped me apart on many levels, was deeply traumatic, and even split those of us who had been the victims of this guy. hope you won't let that happen to you. much love, rage, respect, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
also spied on

More photos?

21.10.2010 21:03
If anyone has them?

scum of the earth

21.10.2010 21:09
fuck, and I feel violated, I hate to think about the people who were involved in organising actions with him that got busted (yes that included the Iona School Nottingham 114), the deep friends he had, never mind the people who loved him as a friend and lover. My sincerest feelings of shared betrayal, and through that, love and loyalty to all of them (& us) go out.

I can understand why 'fucking scum' had passed my lips too before I even read it here. It's actually the depth of feeling that makes those words really mean something horrible, and that was the person we once knew. If all his back problems and trips to the US were fake and excuses to go spend time with his other family, I think (& hope?) that his phases of depression were real and a result of the reality of his behaviour.

If I never see him again, it'll be too soon.

no surprise....

21.10.2010 21:15
shocked because confirmed duplicity on this scale is fundamentally incomprehensible... but not surprised

- high unearned income (no details of income/work even to those intimate with him)
- turned up out of nowhere and then suddenly knew everyone all ova europe
- no political handle - just a full-on goodtime boy - but couldn't get a sense of why he was involved?
- long and sometimes sudden absences to mystery brother abroad
- taking personal mobile to actions and meetings and not turning them off
- lack of accessibility to non-political people in his life eg old friends, family

said it quite a few times over the years that things didn't add up with Mark but what do we do when we have suspicions but no evidence? he fit all the criteria for undercover, but was involved with some very trustworthy and amazing people so... until some evidence showed up it was just bitching and a bad feeling. and we don't want to fall into patterning and normalising people like the system does, so we end up in a pretty difficult position when we feel like someone might be a cop because they don't quite fit the bill (excuse the pun).

we all have to keep secrets sometimes, but i think we know when there's something up...

mark, i am sure you are reading this, and i am really glad to be me and not to be you. fuck, man, you really fucked over some amazing, beautiful people and you know it as much as we all do... and i am glad that i don't have to live with that and i am sorry for you that you will have to live with that. we make heaven and hell here on earth - welcome to hell.


@steve malloy

21.10.2010 21:18
Did you ask any anti-fascists or climate campers for help first? No? Didn't think so.

Doing the right thing

21.10.2010 21:18
Why on earth would mark do the right thing, after all as far as he is concerned he thought he was doing the right thing in working for the state..

Our movement is full of spies and infiltrators, employed by the police, by private contractors, employed by the energy companies, arms companies, etc etc.

Now lets be mature about this, and not feel betrayed when it happens, it is just how it is, we are subversives and they are not, and that is why they spy on us...
[Image: mail_small.gif] e-mail:

its really not always obvious and can be the last person you'd have expected

21.10.2010 21:20
just to add that the guy who spied on us - well i spent entire weekends with his son, had many dinners and nights at the pub with his wife, spent time in his home, etc.

point is - they are hard to spot, are often not the ones you suspect, and its always massively painful when truth is discovered. someone is always around to say "i told you so/i knew it" - but its never helpful.
also spied on

More than just reporting

21.10.2010 21:28
Always following the black block - and driving them. Plan B is Berlin.

On one hand...

21.10.2010 21:35
it's alarming that he got away with it for so long and was so deep in and so trusted.

On the other, it mustn't induce a destructive paranoia in which everybody starts to suspect everybody else. It might be that the powers of darkness are quite content for him to be outed at this stage, hoping for exactly that effect. Combined with the deep hurt and sense of betrayal many people feel, this could rip apart several important networks and activist scenes -if we let it.

So let's not let it. There's lessons to be learned from the similar devastating betrayal in CAAT a few years ago. This is a time to stay solid, care for each other, keep active, and steer a course between sensible security and irrational paranoia.


Re: No Surprise

21.10.2010 22:12
Couldn't agree more with what 'I' said above. This was blindingly obvious. There was circumstantial evidence longer than my arm for years and many people had been avoiding working with him and advising others to do the same. The real lesson here seems to be to trust your instincts. This police operation was sloppy as fuck and we fell for it for a decade.

Betrayed? Yes, but carry on.

21.10.2010 22:20
Easy for me to say this as I didn't know the person. But if you are, quite rightly, feeling betrayed, let down, and infiltrated, you are probably right to feel that.

But don't let those feelings stop you from being an activist. A quick search on Indymedia will show you how many actions do succeed. And we have to keep doing those actions - even if there might be an infiltrator.

Most times, there will not be, and we must keep fighting the good fight. What ever it takes.

@ crav

21.10.2010 22:45
Your 'blindingly obvious' comment is incredibly insensitive and untrue.

Burn Notice

21.10.2010 23:08
Another of Mark's e-mail addresses is [Image: maillink.gif] .
That one goes direct to his mobile, the number for which is 07590189428 .

also this email address

21.10.2010 23:20
[Image: maillink.gif]

and one that was summat like ms1969@ blah blah.

check your lists, and remove as appropriate. aktivix are already checking for any with these emails.

whats good is how much stuff DID happen despite his involvement. scum. the fall out will take time, but amazing networks of solidarity... love and rage.

doing tedious admin stuff makes you feel better, then you get another memory in your head and it feels like youve just found out all over again.

please can we stop the insensitive comments based on peoples appearance as a method to tell their trustworthiness? x



21.10.2010 23:25
possibly hoping for too much, but really do hope that this scumbag piece of shit tops himself.. saying that, scumbags like him dont have much human feelings left so wont be holding my breath.. wish you all the worst pig! ACAB

Biily No Mates

21.10.2010 23:26
Well, this turd has just wasted a decade of his life What a complete waste of 10 years! One day, he will realise what he has done, and will regret wasting his very existence for the sake of the state... for a payslip . . .for the oppressive system that we live next to.

What a turd, my condolences go out to those who were close to him and were fooled by him.

What this does highlight (again) is that dicks like this are among networks. Part of the furniture unfortunately, bnig bruv is scared of us and wants the inside scoop. Guess people just need to play a bit more wisely and be vigilant without being paranoid.
Little Sista


22.10.2010 00:44
personally i feel sick. retrospectively things make sense but theres nothing we can do now eh? maybe just be a bit more suss about people who are a bit too "flash"...

The morning after the news

22.10.2010 08:02
"There was circumstantial evidence longer than my arm for years and many people had been avoiding working with him and advising others to do the same."

All I can say is that none of that reached me. Something to think about, without starting witch hunts all over. I guess I trusted the judgement of those from his area who, for good and understandable reasons, kept suspicions under their hats. We may need to re-think that.

Don't agree with "trust your instincts". Time after time, instincts in this area have turned out to be wrong and fingered an innocent person, sometimes driving them away.

We need to be more aware of objective information / discrepancies rather than "instincts". Balancing this with not tearing ourselves apart in mutual suspicion isn't easy, though. If there's something about my life / past / actvities which worries people, I hope they'd raise it with me. I could put their mind at rest. Flash Mark probably couldn't.

I don't understand how people can be saying he must now be devastated at his own treachery, might be going to top himself etc. Why? He obviously doesn't give a shit to have done this in the first place and what a great time he's had for 10 years! All the joys of the scene he's been involved in with none of the fears and risks. The only person without that sinking feeling in his stomach before a big action, I guess. It made him seem calm in a crisis (because it wasn't a crisis for him) so other people tended to view him as a sort of rock of stability in at least a couple of panicky situations.

RATCLIFFE TRIAL. Oh yes, this might well have a bearing. I'm sure its being thought about.

Judas pays the highest price

22.10.2010 09:02
If we are dissenting and significant then we will be infiltrated. We should bear this in mind and act appropriately at all times. As for Mark, I honestly believe the greatest harm he has done is to himself. He may well have got ten years on pay, dossing around and having a laugh (at our expense) but the real currency of life is human relationships and he's just lost a decade's worth - forever. Nobody is so cold and hard that they can remain unaffected by that.

Post Mortems wont help

22.10.2010 10:04
Although its very natural I dont think any rationalisation of why he did it will help. We will never know - there is a million reasons as to why he may have done it but ultimately these dont matter. The most important thing is that he did it and we now know - there is one position worse - that he remained at large.

Solidarity with those hurt.....

Grumpy Barfin - Peoples Republic of North Dublin

did his confession reveal any specific information?

22.10.2010 10:19
My heart goes out to folk who have been fucked over by this and I'm sure this is a difficult time but it might be a good use of energy to salvage what we can in terms of information.

It would be useful for people in the networks he infiltrated to detail as best they can any information they were able to garner from him during his confession or otherwise about where these networks have been compromised.

This goes to show how important trust is.

Legal options

22.10.2010 10:21
I know we're still at the shock/grieving stage, but I hope that somebody's going to look into the possibility of suing the shit out of somebody. I don't know a whole lot about the law, but what Mark did seems to me like it ought to be a breach of people's reasonable expectations of a private life.


22.10.2010 10:26
Since nobody's said it yet, massive props to the people who sussed and confronted him.


22.10.2010 10:43
I hope anyone who is feeling really down about this will take heart from all the messages of solidarity above. Don't let this fuck up fuck you up - nine years of being lied to and decieved will have a profound effect on those he spent time with. Get some support if you need it - please don't struggle alone.
bothered of Batley.

Legal Options

22.10.2010 10:50
On the matter of legal implications: sex, consent and rape.

"A person consents if s/he agrees by choice and has the freedom and capacity to make that choice."

this is strange

22.10.2010 10:53
Obviously, people have gone to some length to spread this via mail, lists and web. But the article lacks a lot of necessary information and there's no contact given to get in touch with the people who wrote it. And please, PLEASE don't ever make a first publication about a suspected informer on indymedia, where anyone can publish. Get it published on a reliable source where publihers can be held responsible for what they are distributing (morally, not legally).

additional email adresses and phone numbers

22.10.2010 10:55
Here are two other email adresses he has used in the past four years and one mobile number

[Image: maillink.gif]

[Image: maillink.gif]

+44 7765243665

from Denmark

more on undercover police

22.10.2010 11:04
Found this article today

Undercover policeman reveals how he infiltrated UK's violent activists, 14 march 2010, guardian

[Image: extlink.gif]

"My role was to provide intelligence about protests and demonstrations, particularly those that had the potential to become violent," he said. "In doing so, the campaigns I was associated with lost much of their effectiveness, a factor that ultimately hastened their demise."

His deployment, which lasted from 1993 to 1997, ended amid fears that his presence and role within groups protesting about black deaths in police custody and bungled investigations into racist murders would be revealed during the public inquiry by Sir William Macpherson into the death of south London teenager Stephen Lawrence.

His decision to tell his story to the Observer provides the most detailed account of the shadowy and controversial police unit that has provided intelligence from within political and protest movements for more than four decades. He believes the public should be able to make an informed decision about whether such covert activities are necessary, given their potential to curtail legitimate protest movements.

Officer A – with a long ponytail, angry persona and willingness to be educated in the finer points of Trotskyist ideology – was never suspected by those he befriended of being a member of the Special Demonstration Squad (SDS), a secret unit within Special Branch, whose job is to prevent violent public disorder on the streets of the capital. Known as the "hairies" due to the fact that its members do not have to abide by usual police regulations about their appearance, the unit consists of 10 full-time undercover operatives who are given new identities, and provided with flats, vehicles and...
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Fascinating and very sad. Having had personal betrayals I know how it feels....:thumpdown:
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

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