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Magda Hassan Wrote:They are such pedantic things. They should just know what you want. I blame the designers.
I always liked Apache's, especially the Navaho.
They fought the invading "Dons" (Spaniards) like tigers - as well as the invading white man. Navaho elders would spend all day watching and meditating on the Sun, following it in it daily peregrinations across the heavens and into darkness, so as to ensure it would arise again the next day, bringing light back upon all humanity.
Not bad for a filthy, butchering tribe of injun's, eh.
Or are we talking about something else?
Either way the Apache seem a timely reminder of the dark times we now face. Geronimo!
Aurora Consurgens anyone?
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge. Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
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Peter Lemkin Wrote:Julian Assange's Lawyers Warn of Imminent US Charges
Legal team for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange says Washington plans to invoke Espionage Act to indict their client
by Steven Morris
The US may be about to press charges against Julian Assange, the editor-in-chief of WikiLeaks, one of his lawyers said today.
Jennifer Robinson said an indictment of her client under the US's Espionage Act was imminent. She said her team had heard from "several different US lawyers rumours that an indictment was on its way or had happened already, but we don't know".
According to some reports, Washington is seeking to prosecute Assange under the 1917 act, which was used unsuccessfully to try to gag the New York Times when it published the Pentagon Papers in the 1970s.
The only clause I could see in the Act when I checked it a couple of days ago, was the Sedition Act of 1917 (absorbed into the Espionage Act) which, was originally an Act of King George used against Americans in the War of independence.
How noble and telling it would be of the Obama Administration to bring it back to prominence now.
Do I trust the British 'Bullingdon 'pro-American'" government to fight the ball-less extradition agreement that allows the US to demand extradition without providing evidence of the claimed offense?
Do I think the trumped up Swedish "wape" charges may have been used to get Assange into custody so that a "greater" charge of "espionage" takes precedence over the fallacious "wape" accusations?
The possibility has entered my mind.
Do I think a deal might have been hammered out between the Bullingdon grovelment and the Obama mirage-ment... possibly weeks ago?
Well, yes...
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge. Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
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12-12-2010, 07:43 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-12-2010, 08:26 AM by Peter Lemkin.)
David Guyatt Wrote:Peter Lemkin Wrote:Julian Assange's Lawyers Warn of Imminent US Charges
Legal team for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange says Washington plans to invoke Espionage Act to indict their client
by Steven Morris
The US may be about to press charges against Julian Assange, the editor-in-chief of WikiLeaks, one of his lawyers said today.
Jennifer Robinson said an indictment of her client under the US's Espionage Act was imminent. She said her team had heard from "several different US lawyers rumours that an indictment was on its way or had happened already, but we don't know".
According to some reports, Washington is seeking to prosecute Assange under the 1917 act, which was used unsuccessfully to try to gag the New York Times when it published the Pentagon Papers in the 1970s.
The only clause I could see in the Act when I checked it a couple of days ago, was the Sedition Act of 1917 (absorbed into the Espionage Act) which, was originally an Act of King George used against Americans in the War of independence.
How noble and telling it would be of the Obama Administration to bring it back to prominence now.
Do I trust the British 'Bullingdon 'pro-American'" government to fight the ball-less extradition agreement that allows the US to demand extradition without providing evidence of the claimed offense?
Do I think the trumped up Swedish "wape" charges may have been used to get Assange into custody so that a "greater" charge of "espionage" takes precedence over the fallacious "wape" accusations?
The possibility has entered my mind.
Do I think a deal might have been hammered out between the Bullingdon grovelment and the Obama mirage-ment... possibly weeks ago?
Well, yes...
After 9-11 and after COG there are SECRET new laws [plus the draconian ones for all to see in the unPatriot Act]. If the President already has the power to order the murder, without trial or accusation of crimes to anyone anywhere, [I'm sure it applies to an Australian anywhere, even in or not in US custody]. What they will 'do' will be windowdressing. No doubt, if they can't convict him and execute him by court trial - if they even bother, they will just suicide him in prison or do a wet job elsewhere. I'm very worried. Whatever anyone thinks of Assange and Wikileaks - they now are emblematic for internet freedom and free speech. This is warning to anyone who would dare follow his/their example, and it will be met with the attempt to shut down any such websites world-wide.
Ironically, we are becoming like the political model of the Chinese, which we claim to mock and criticize.
David, I'm sure the US has covered all its bases and has now secret deals with the UK and Sweden and Assange is as good as in US hands now. Only the details to be worked out for the benefit of a figleaf of due process and 'democracy /rule of law'. I trust Sweden over the UK to do the right thing - but trust neither of them much. The US can be trusted now to do the wrong thing. If nothing else we are as consistent as we are evil.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
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Albarelli's "A Terrible Mistake" makes it clear that the US has studied, researched, developed and practiced "sticky and wet" extra-judicial black ops (kidnapping, detention, torture, murder) since before the 1947 creation of the national security state. It's just that they are a little more open and boastful of it these days; Cheney spoke of going to the dark side, and Obama makes jokes from the podium about his Predatory prowess. As we have seen in Seymour's "Last Circle", "the state" has people sprinkled into key positions to massage the legalities, identify the targets, and cover up or prevent any detailed or effective investigation, inquiry or commission. There is little anyone is going to do to stop or prevent "the state" (the plutocrats behind the scenes) from doing what they will or want. We are left only with whatever we can summon for our personal authenticity and accountability, and perhaps the briefest of opportunities yet to find ourselves a comfortable and secure hole and/or tunnel underneath the rocks and mud below the lip of the cliffside where we can watch and document the histories of the plunge of the lemmings, the pathological frenzy, watching carefully to see how many of the madmen get swept over, who remains and what they will do then.
Is Assange a patsy who must play his fatal role? Can he be rescued legally? What of Manning and the others who hacked, or fed, the info? What of the many (innocent, uninvolved, peripherally curious, or activist) who will be listed, hurt, or marked?
We live in a world filled with moral imbeciles and thugs.
"To deal with reality you must first recognize it as such."
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
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This is not conspiracy, just a series of technical problems; most mirrors have a static, not an active version of the Wikileak site. As of a few minutes ago, these were the statistics: Good: 1 Outdated: 1474 Down: 159 Total: 1634 Only ONE good [up to date!]...the rest still have good, but some days old information on the DP cables [the older material all good]. I'm sure this will be fixed in some least, I hope so.
NB - there are also a number of alternate Wikileak sites - all with up to date information; these are just the mirror sites.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
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FTR #724 Wiki of the Damned
Posted by Dave Emory ⋅ October 19, 2010 Post a comment Email This Post Print This Post
Tags CIA, Cults, Drug, Earth Island, LSD, Mind Control, MKULTRA, Third Position, Underground Reich, UNPO, Vatican
Intro*duc*tion: The first of two pro*grams deal*ing with Wik*iLeaks, this broad*cast exam*ines an intel*li*gence– ![[Image: hamiltonbyrnefamily.jpg]]( con*nected mind con*trol cult with which Wik*iLeaks king*pin Julian Assange appears to be affil*i*ated. As well con*nected as it is ruth*less and crim*i*nal, the San*ti*nike*tan Park Asso*ci*a*tion of Anne Hamilton-Byrne con*di*tioned chil*dren with drugs, sen*sory depri*va*tion, sleep depri*va*tion, tor*ture and rit*ual sex*ual abuse in order to pro*duce sub*jects who bent to the will of the group’s leader.
![[Image: Hair-Today-Gone-Tomorrow-150x150.jpg]]( Although Assange (pic*tured at left) claims to have been “on the run” from the cult, his claims of links to Aus*tralian intel*li*gence plus his strange, “plat*inum” col*ored hair (dis*tinc*tive of chil*dren raised in the group) sug*gest that the con*nec*tions may run much deeper. (Recall in this con*text that the group prac*tices rig*or*ous, sophis*ti*cated mind-control method*ol*ogy and Assange him*self may be sin*cerely unaware of the depth of his appar*ent links to the group. The orga*ni*za*tion also devel*ops mul*ti*ple iden*ti*ties for the chil*dren raised in its ranks, as well as obtain*ing mul*ti*ple pass*ports for them. Assange’s mother claims his hair turned white fol*low*ing a dif*fi*cult cus*tody case involv*ing a child of his. As will be seen later, Assange claims that Aus*tralian intel*li*gence has advised him, and there is an appar*ent link between Aus*tralian intel*li*gence and the cult.)
The title of the pro*gram comes from two sci-fi/horror movies from the late 1950’s and 60’s called Chil*dren of the ![[Image: Children-of-the-Damned1.jpg]]( Damned and Vil*lage of the Damned. Both movies fea*tured a gen*er*a*tion of platinum-blonde chil*dren with psycho-kinetic pow*ers, preter*nat*ural intel*li*gence and a really, really bad atti*tude. The chil*dren are pic*tured in a pro*mo*tional poster for the film in the upper left. Cult leader Hamilton-Byrne (inset) and her “chil*dren” are pic*tured above and at right. A still from the film is at right. Assange is pic*tured twice at left. Is this a case of life imi*tat*ing art?
![[Image: Life-Imitates-Art-150x150.jpg]]( Pos*sess*ing con*sid*er*able wealth, in con*trol of its own psy*chi*atric hos*pi*tal, com*posed largely of well-heeled pro*fes*sional peo*ple, uti*lized as an exper*i*men*ta*tion cen*ter by one of Australia’s lead*ing Catholic psy*chol*o*gists, linked to the Aus*tralian min*is*ter over*see*ing that country’s intel*li*gence ser*vice, the “Fam*ily” as they like to be called, used these con*nec*tions to escape the pun*ish*ment that would cer*tainly have fol*lowed their activ*i*ties. Avail*able evi*dence sug*gests that the group is an intel*li*gence front.
![[Image: Unseen-Unheard-Unknown-189x300.jpg]]( Even for*mer cult mem*bers who have turned on the orga*ni*za*tion have been drawn back into its fold and rec*on*ciled with Anne Hamilton-Byrne.
Tar*get*ing Rus*sia, China and some of the Cen*tral Asian states that emerged fol*low*ing the breakup of the Soviet Union, Wik*iLeaks has pur*sued a polit*i*cal agenda that smacks of a Third Position/UNPO/Underground Reich polit*i*cal ori*en*ta*tion. The group has also stung the United States, mak*ing an already dif*fi*cult Afghanistan pol*icy that much more dif*fi*cult fol*low*ing their leaks of key U.S. doc*u*ments about NATO involve*ment in that country.
Pro*gram High*lights Include: The group’s exces*sive secre*tive*ness; the group’s lack of can*dor about their sources of financ*ing in par*tic*u*lar; phar*ma*ceu*ti*cal com*pany Sandoz’s alleged dis*pens*ing of free LSD to Fam*ily; par*tial dis*cus*sion of Wik*iLeaks’ con*nec*tions to the milieu of Pirate Bay and Swedish fas*cist financier Carl Lund*strom; the Hamilton-Byrne cult’s “car*ing” for Lord Casey, the Aus*tralian cab*i*net mem*ber charged with over*sight of the Aus*tralian intel*li*gence agency; the Hamilton-Byrne cult’s close asso*ci*a*tion with Catholic psy*chol*o*gist Ronald Con*way; Conway’s alleged molesta*tion of peo*ple asso*ci*ated with the cult; Conway’s role as an expert com*men*ta*tor on the Church’s molesta*tion scandals.
1. The pro*gram begins with dis*cus*sion of a cult with which Assange appears to have been affil*i*ated, although he min*i*mizes his con*nec*tion to them. It is worth not*ing that flee*ing this cult appar*ently dom*i*nated much of his life at this point, yet the group’s pow*er*ful con*nec*tions appear to have allowed them to track him and his mother. Note that, although “on the run” from the group, Assange’s mother dis*cussed their where*abouts and fre*quented some of the same places. This may indi*cate a lack of imag*i*na*tion and/or resources on the part of Mama Assange, or it may indi*cate a process of cre*at*ing a legend–a plau*si*ble cover for observed phenomenon.
For exam*ple, if some*one noted a resem*blance between Julian Assange and chil*dren belong*ing to the cult, it could be neu*tral*ized by say*ing that he was an oppo*nent of the group.
In light of the appar*ent mind con*trol tech*niques prac*ticed by the group, indi*ca*tions of the group’s pos*si*ble intel*li*gence con*nec*tions, as well as delib*er*ate and exten*sive oper*a*tions to obfus*cate the iden*tity of cult mem*bers, one should take much of what Assange says about his rela*tion*ship to the group with a grain of salt. Might he be a mem*ber of the cult, who was “sheep-dipped” to mask his links to the group?
Assange’s own track record indi*cates a record of delib*er*ate, elu*sive behav*ior and statements.
. . . . When Assange was eight, Claire left her hus*band and began see*ing a musi*cian, with whom she had another child, a boy. The rela*tion*ship was tem*pes*tu*ous; the musi*cian became abu*sive, she says, and they sep*a*rated. A fight ensued over the cus*tody of Assange’s half brother, and Claire felt threat*ened, fear*ing that the musi*cian would take away her son. Assange recalled her say*ing, “Now we need to dis*ap*pear,” and he lived on the run with her from the age of eleven to six*teen. When I asked him about the expe*ri*ence, he told me that there was evi*dence that the man belonged to a pow*er*ful cult called the Family—its motto was “Unseen, Unknown, and Unheard.” Some mem*bers were doc*tors who per*suaded moth*ers to give up their new*born chil*dren to the cult’s leader, Anne Hamilton-Byrne. The cult had moles in gov*ern*ment, Assange sus*pected, who pro*vided the musi*cian with leads on Claire’s where*abouts. In fact, Claire often told friends where she had gone, or hid in places where she had lived before. . . .
“No Secrets” by Jeff Khatch*a*tourian; The New Yorker; 6/7/2010.
2. Wikipedia gives a nice overview of the group. Note that Wikipedia should, as a rule, be scru*ti*nized very care*fully. It is fre*quently in error. When sources and links check out, as they do here, it is gen*er*ally reliable.
Around 1964 Dr Raynor John*son was host*ing reg*u*lar meet*ings of a reli*gious and philo*soph*i*cal dis*cus*sion group led by Hamilton-Byrne at San*ti*nike*tan, his home at Ferny Creek in the Dan*de*nong Ranges on the east*ern out*skirts of Mel*bourne. Also con*nected was a series of weekly talks he gave at the Coun*cil of Adult Edu*ca*tion in Mel*bourne, enti*tled “The Macro*cosm and the Micro*cosm”. The group pur*chased an adjoin*ing prop*erty which they named San*ti*nike*tan Park [1] in 1968 and con*structed a meet*ing hall, San*ti*nike*tan Lodge.
The asso*ci*a*tion con*sisted of mid*dle class, pro*fes*sional peo*ple; it has been esti*mated that a quar*ter were nurses and other med*ical per*son*nel, and that many were recruited by John*son who referred them to Hamilton-Byrne’s hatha yoga classes.[2] Mem*bers mainly lived in nearby sub*urbs and town*ships in the Dan*de*nongs, meet*ing each Tues*day, Thurs*day and Sun*day evening [3] at San*ti*nike*tan Lodge, Crowther House in Olinda or another prop*erty in the area known as the White Lodge [4].
Dur*ing the late 1960s and 1970s Newhaven Hos*pi*tal in Kew was a pri*vate psy*chi*atric hos*pi*tal owned and man*aged by Mar*ion Vil*limek, a San*ti*nike*tan mem*ber; many of its staff and attend*ing psy*chi*a*trists were also members.
Many patients at Newhaven were treated with the hal*lu*cino*genic drug LSD [7]. The hos*pi*tal was used to recruit poten*tial new mem*bers from among the patients, and also to admin*is*ter LSD to mem*bers under the direc*tion of the San*ti*nike*tan psy*chi*a*trists Dr John Mackay and Dr Howard Whitaker . One of the orig*i*nal mem*bers of the Asso*ci*a*tion was given LSD, elec*tro*con*vul*sive ther*apy and two leu*co*tomies dur*ing the late 1960s.
Although the psy*chi*atric hos*pi*tal had been closed down by 1992, in that year a new inquest was ordered into the death of a Newhaven patient in 1975 after new claims that his death had been due to deep sleep ther*apy. The inquest heard evi*dence con*cern*ing the use of elec*tro*con*vul*sive ther*apy, LSD and other prac*tices at Newhaven but found no evi*dence that deep sleep had been used on this patient. The Newhaven build*ing was later reopened as a nurs*ing home with no con*nec*tions to its pre*vi*ous owner or uses.
Anne Hamilton-Byrne acquired four*teen infants and young chil*dren between about 1968 and 1975. Some were the nat*ural chil*dren of San*ti*nike*tan mem*bers, oth*ers had been obtained through irreg*u*lar adop*tions arranged by lawyers, doc*tors and social work*ers within the group who could bypass the nor*mal processes. The children’s iden*ti*ties were changed using false birth cer*tifi*cates or deed poll, all being given the sur*name ‘Hamilton-Byrne’ and dressed alike even to the extent of their hair being dyed uni*formly blonde[11].
The chil*dren were kept in seclu*sion and home-schooled at Kia Lama, a rural prop*erty usu*ally referred to as “Uptop”, at Tay*lor Bay on Lake Eil*don near the town of Eil*don, Vic*to*ria. They were taught that Anne Hamilton-Byrne was their bio*log*i*cal mother, and knew the other adults in the group as ‘aun*ties’ and ‘uncles’ They were denied almost all access to the out*side world, and sub*jected to a dis*ci*pline that included fre*quent cor*po*ral pun*ish*ment and star*va*tion diets.
The chil*dren were fre*quently dosed with the psy*chi*atric drugs Anaten*sol, Diazepam, Haloperi*dol, Largac*til, Mogadon, Serepax, Ste*lazine, Tegre*tol or Tofranil[4]. On reach*ing ado*les*cence they were com*pelled to undergo an ini*ti*a*tion involv*ing LSD[13]: while under the influ*ence of the drug the child would be left in a dark room, alone apart from vis*its by Hamilton-Byrne or one of the psy*chi*a*trists from the group[4].
“San*ti*nike*tan Park Asso*ci*a*tion”; Wikipedia.
3. More about the cult, from an arti*cle about a long-overdue bust of the group. Note the dif*fi*culty law enforce*ment had in bring*ing this group to jus*tice. One of many indi*ca*tions that the orga*ni*za*tion was “connected.”
The leader of Australia’s most noto*ri*ous cult, The Fam*ily, remains unre*pen*tant two decades after the raid that shocked the nation.
Anne Hamilton-Byrne broke her silence yes*ter*day, say*ing she was ready to die after rec*on*cil*ing with Sarah Moore, the “daugh*ter” who betrayed her to the authorities.
The Fam*ily made head*lines around the world in 1987 when the Aus*tralian Fed*eral Police and Com*mu*nity Ser*vices Vic*to*ria raided the cult’s prop*erty at Lake Eil*don and took six chil*dren into care.
Police later found 14 chil*dren had been brought up in almost com*plete iso*la*tion believ*ing they were the off*spring of Hamilton-Byrne and her late hus*band Bill.
In fact none of them was the Hamilton-Byrnes’, but chil*dren of sin*gle moth*ers who had been pres*sured into giv*ing them up for adop*tion or cult mem*bers who did not want them.
But it was the way the chil*dren had been treated that really shocked the nation.
Hamilton-Byrne had ordered the children’s hair be dyed per*ox*ide blonde and they be dressed in iden*ti*cal outfits.
It was also alleged they had been half-starved, beaten and forced to take large quan*ti*ties of tran*quilis*ers to “calm them down” and even fed LSD when they became adults.
Now, in the first ever inter*view at her sprawl*ing Olinda com*pound, the cult leader has defended how she raised the chil*dren and attacked those who said she mis*treated them as “lying bas*tards”. Of her crit*ics, she said: “I would love to put them right, but I can’t.” . . .
“Anne Hamilton-Byrne, Leader of the Fam*ily, Unre*pen*tant but Ready to Die” by James Camp*bell; Her*ald Sun; 8/16/2009.
4. More about the prac*tices of the group, from a police*man who helped to bring them to heel:
Lex De Man, the police*man who spent five years bring*ing The Fam*ily cult leader Anne Hamilton-Byrne to jus*tice, is still haunted by the case and its toll on every*one involved.
And while proud that Oper*a*tion For*est, the task*force on which he worked from 1989 to 1994, even*tu*ally secured her con*vic*tion for per*jury, he is still angry Hamilton-Byrne escaped pun*ish*ment for alleged mal*treat*ment of the chil*dren in her care.
Mr De Man said Hamilton-Byrne was lucky the chil*dren who had endured beat*ings, drug*gings and star*va*tion at The Family’s Lake Eil*don prop*erty were too trau*ma*tised to tes*tify against their alleged tormentor.
“One girl looked like she was seven but was, in fact, 11. She was suf*fer*ing from psycho-social dwarfism,” Mr De Man said.
“I didn’t think at that time – and even today – that many of the kids would be able to sus*tain giv*ing evi*dence in the wit*ness box. I think they’d been dam*aged too much.”
The detective’s deci*sion to go after Hamilton-Byrne for fal*si*fy*ing doc*u*ments came in 1991 when the cult’s solic*i*tor, Peter Kibby, decided to co-operate with police.
“Doc*u*ments don’t lie. Peo*ple lie on doc*u*ments. A doc*u*ment might be false, but it’s a human being that puts the infor*ma*tion on it,” Mr De Man said.
Kibby then per*suaded one of the for*mer “Aun*ties”, Pat Mac*Far*lane, to make a statement.
After months of inter*views, and later armed with the evi*dence to secure a war*rant to arrest Hamilton-Byrne, police still took three years to find her.
“Painful Jus*tice” by James Camp*bell; The Her*ald Sun; 8/16/2009.
5a. Another indi*ca*tion of seri*ous insti*tu*tional sup*port for the cult con*cerns the par*tic*i*pa*tion in their activ*i*ties of Ronald Con*way. One of Australia’s most promi*nent Catholic intel*lec*tu*als, Con*way appears to have engaged in molesta*tion of chil*dren placed in his care. Con*way has also writ*ten dis*mis*sively of com*plaints of sex*ual abuse against Catholic priests.
. . . Conway’s auto*bi*og*ra*phy says that he began his LSD exper*i*ments at St Vincent’s Hos*pi*tal. And for*mer patients say that Con*way also admin*is*tered LSD to them at the Newhaven psy*chi*atric hos*pi*tal which was sit*u*ated at 86 Nor*manby Road, Kew, in Melbourne’s inner east.
In the late 1960s and dur*ing the 1970s, Newhaven hos*pi*tal was owned and man*aged by Mar*ion Vil*limek, a mem*ber of a “New Age” sect called the San*ti*nike*tan Park Asso*ci*a*tion, also known as “The Fam*ily”. A leader of the sect, Anne Hamilton-Byrne, was also an admin*is*tra*tor at the Newhaven. Con*way, Eric Seal and other ther*a*pists hired con*sult*ing rooms there on a ses*sional basis, and were not involved with the sect. Newhaven ceased being a hos*pi*tal in 1992.
Ronald Con*way became one of Australia’s most promi*nent Catholic intel*lec*tu*als, writ*ing books and news*pa*per arti*cles about Aus*tralian soci*ety. He also appeared in radio and tele*vi*sion dis*cus*sion pro*grams as a psy*chol*o*gist and social commentator.
When the church’s sex*ual scan*dals became news in Aus*tralia in the 1990s, Con*way some*times com*mented on the issues of celibacy and sex*ual abuse. . . .
“Ronald Con*way: The Hands-On Psy*chol*o*gist Who Helped the Catholic Church’s Trainee Priests”;; 5/17/2010.
5b. As one wag who blogged about the San*ti*nike*tan Park Asso*ci*a*tion observed; “What good is an LSD mind con*trol reli*gious cult sex*ual abuse story with*out the Catholic Church mak*ing a guest appearance?”
. . . “After sev*eral ses*sions with Con*way, it was sug*gested that I undergo LSD ther*apy in Newhaven Pri*vate Hos*pi*tal as an overnight patient. It was explained to me that this ther*apy was a way to fast-track psy*cho*analy*sis and would be very help*ful in accept*ing my sex*u*al*ity. Con*way, as a psy*chol*o*gist, had no qual*i*fi*ca*tions to admin*is*ter drugs. I did not under*stand this at the time.
“Dur*ing the last ses*sion I came to believe that I had been in the pres*ence of God who autho*rized me to lead the sex*ual life which had been cho*sen for me.
“Con*way then sug*gested that I con*tinue to see him with*out the use of LSD.I explained to him that my finances were stretched and that it was not pos*si*ble. He said that it was impor*tant that I con*tinue to see him and that if I were will*ing he would see me at his home in Tor*ring*ton Street, Can*ter*bury, gratis.
“What a shock I got when one night he made advances to me and we ended up on the floor of his sit*ting room. The room was dec*o*rated as if it were the inside of an Egypt*ian tomb. He said this should not have hap*pened but that, as it had, we should do it prop*erly in his bed*room. It was a spar*tan room with the bed cov*ers on a sin*gle bed already turned down and elec*tric bar heaters turned on rest*ing on tables either side.
…”In the early 1990s, when I was 48 years of age, I was a patient in the Freemason’s Hos*pi*tal and woke up one after*noon to find Ron Con*way sit*ting on my bed hold*ing my hand. He had heard from some*one that I was in hos*pi*tal. I made it clear that I was not happy with his pres*ence .He explained to me that he had been fol*low*ing my life through a work col*league of mine, another psychologist.
“Ron Con*way never appeared again.” . . .
6. A more detailed–and con*se*quently more horrifying–account of the cult’s prac*tices was pre*sented by dis*si*dent mem*ber Sarah Moore, who even*tu*ally rec*on*ciled with Anne Hamilton-Byrne. Note the “breed*ing pro*gram” alluded to here, as well as the use of mul*ti*ple iden*ti*ties, birth*dates and passports.
Note also, Moore’s indi*ca*tion that ene*mies of the group had “disappeared.”
My mother was Anne Hamilton-Byrne, the leader of a small sect in the Dan*de*nongs called the Fam*ily or the Great White Broth*er*hood. I was a small part of her plan to col*lect chil*dren in what she her*self once called a “sci*en*tific exper*i*ment”. Later I dis*cov*ered it was her inten*tion that we chil*dren would con*tinue her sect after the earth was con*sumed by a holo*caust. She saw us as the “inher*i*tors of the earth”. I didn’t know that then. In those days I was just a child. A child of a guru, but a child no less.
Twenty-two to twenty-eight chil*dren in all lived at Uptop in its hey*day, although the fos*ters had vary*ing lengths of stay
She used to say that she couldn’t remem*ber all the dates very well because she had so many chil*dren. Maybe, in ret*ro*spect, we should have realised that was weird but then we never thought it was any*thing out of the ordi*nary. She decided upon sets of twins and triplets and gave us ages and birth-dates to fit in with that idea. Birth*day changes were just some*thing you accepted. It was as if Anne knew so much more about every*thing than us and she just might be reveal*ing another piece of our life plan if she changed our birthdays.
We were the chil*dren of The Fam*ily, the chil*dren of Anne Hamilton-Byrne. We were dressed alike. Most of the girls’ hair was dyed blond, cut into fringes and worn long with iden*ti*cal hair*styles and identically-coloured rib*bons. All the boys had bowl haircuts.
…Why did she raise us in almost total social iso*la*tion, miles from any*where, with min*i*mal con*tact with other humans apart from the sect mem*bers who looked after us? Why did she sub*ject us to the bizarre and cruel reg*i*men in which we grew up? Was it to demon*strate that she had the power to cre*ate a gen*er*a*tion that would be reared with her beliefs and believ*ing in her? I sus*pect per*haps that there were more sin*is*ter motives than these alone. Some of us had mul*ti*ple birth cer*tifi*cates and pass*ports, and cit*i*zen*ship of more than one coun*try. Only she knows why thus was and why we were also all dressed alike, why most of us even had our hair dyed iden*ti*cally blond.
I can only con*jec*ture because I will never know for sure. How*ever I sus*pect that she went to such great lengths in order to enable her to move chil*dren around, in and out of the coun*try. Per*haps even to be sold over*seas. I’m sure there is a mar*ket some*where in the world for small blond chil*dren with no trace*able iden*ti*ties. If she did it, it was a per*fect scam. Many ex-sect mem*bers have said that they were aware that Anne was cre*at*ing chil*dren by a “breed*ing pro*gram” in the late 1960s. These were ‘invis*i*ble’ kids, because they had no papers and there is no proof that they ever existed. Yet we Hamilton-Byrne chil*dren had mul*ti*ple iden*ti*ties. These iden*ti*ties could per*haps have been loaned to other chil*dren and the sim*i*lar*ity of our appear*ance used to cover up their absence. One lit*tle blond kid looks very like another in a pass*port photo. I don’t sup*pose we will ever know the truth because only Anne Hamilton-Byrne knows the truth about the whole affair and the truth is some*thing she will never tell.
…I am train*ing to be a doc*tor but some*times I think my med*ical career will be sab*o*taged because there are still many in the sect who have a lot of influ*ence in pro*fes*sional and aca*d*e*mic cir*cles. It may sound melo*dra*matic, but I know that some who were Anne’s ene*mies have dis*ap*peared in strange circumstances. . . .
Unseen, Unheard, Unknown; by Sarah Moore (Hamilton-Byrne).
7. Among those on the receiv*ing end of the cult’s ser*vices was Lord Casey, for*mer Governor-General of Aus*tralia and the min*is*ter in charge of over*see*ing the Aus*tralian intel*li*gence ser*vice, with which Assange claims to be connected.
. . . It has been sug*gested that Anne would have had no power with*out a syringe. She claimed a lot of knowl*edge of med*ical things. She said she had been the matron of a hos*pi*tal but there is no evi*dence she ever did nurs*ing. I can’t empha*sise the impor*tance of nurs*ing in the sect enough. It was crit*i*cal to the way she viewed the Aun*ties and, it was what she planned for the girls’ future pro*fes*sion. She said nurs*ing was one of the ideal occu*pa*tions because it was a form of ‘self*less ser*vice’ that led to spir*i*tual advance*ment. We knew that on their weeks off from Uptop the Aun*ties were either train*ing to be nurses or prac*tised as nurses. Sev*eral of the Aun*ties nursed Lord Casey, a for*mer Governor-General of Aus*tralia. [Ital*ics are mine–D.E.] Rumour has it that he made a sig*nif*i*cant dona*tion to the sect. . . .
8. More about Lord Casey, his pro*fes*sional his*tory and ide*o*log*i*cal outlook:
In pub*lic, Casey seemed to be a devoted Cold-War war*rior, fer*vently sup*port*ive of Britain and the U.S.A., and deeply hos*tile towards the Soviet Union and China; he was the min*is*ter respon*si*ble for the Aus*tralian Secret Intel*li*gence Service.”
“Casey, Richard Gavin Gard*ner”; Aus*tralian Dic*tio*nary of Biog*ra*phy.
9. More about the bru*tal con*di*tion*ing pro*gram exe*cuted by the cult on its accolytes. Notice, again, the use of mul*ti*ple iden*ti*ties, pass*ports and birth*dates for the chil*dren. What are they used for?
…Once ini*ti*ated, came the ‘go-through’ and that meant LSD trips. Every*one knew that it was an inevitable con*se*quence of ini*ti*a*tion, one of the rit*u*als that was inte*gral to the spir*i*tual devel*op*ment of the new ini*ti*ate. I’ve been present at many ‘go-throughs’ of peo*ple in the sect and ended up hav*ing at least a dozen myself.
Dur*ing a ‘go-through’ you were sup*posed to look at your*self and see the bad*ness inside, to regress to sig*nif*i*cant inci*dents in child*hood and in pre*vi*ous lives which affected your per*son*al*ity and retarded your spir*i*tual devel*op*ment. The drug, which Anne some*times called the ‘herb’ or the ‘dream med*i*cine’, was meant to make this eas*ier. It was also meant to make the spir*i*tual bond*ing eas*ier between mas*ter and dis*ci*ple. You were sup*posed to recog*nise her as the “one true mas*ter”, Christ incarnate.
She would come in to peo*ple when they were under and ask, “Do you know who I am?” The cor*rect answer was, “the Lord Incar*nate”. The incor*rect answer meant you weren’t ‘work*ing’ hard enough. “Work*ing” was ‘look*ing at your*self’ and real*is*ing what a “hor*ri*ble” per*son you were, repent*ing for your sins and puri*fy*ing yourself.
Before my first ‘go-through’ I was deprived of sleep for sev*eral nights and made to read ‘Yoga and the Bible’. Before*hand I’d watched one of my broth*ers get down on his knees and beg me not to hate him for being a closet homo*sex*ual. This con*fes*sion had been wrung out of him by Anne after sev*eral days of inten*sive ‘work*ing’ under the drug. He felt that he was a fail*ure and I did my best to tell him that he’d never be a fail*ure to me because I loved him. We were all scared of reveal*ing our weak*nesses but doubted that we would be able to hold any*thing back once under the influ*ence of the drugs.
Anne’s tech*nique, pretty typ*i*cal, of keep*ing us awake for sev*eral days before a ‘go-through’ meant that we were incred*i*bly vul*ner*a*ble any*way. You have to hand it to Anne, she knew her stuff; this was chronic sleep depri*va*tion and it added to the strain of the whole expe*ri*ence. Even today, I find if I am really tired I’m prone to flash*backs of LSD and it is harder to cope than it should be. Add to that the sen*sory depri*va*tion, for I was placed in a quiet and dark room and never knew whether it was day or night.
…It was also at this time in 1984, just before my ini*ti*a*tion, that Anne changed my name and gave me a new iden*tity. No longer was I to be called Andree who was born in June, July or maybe Sep*tem*ber. Now, for some rea*son that I never knew, I was called Sarah. I was now a triplet and had even changed nation*al*i*ties: I was now born in New Zealand on 16 Novem*ber 1970. I even had a pass*port to prove this.
It may seem bizarre now but at the time I took this in my stride. I didn’t even con*sider it strange that Anne had never told me this infor*ma*tion up to now, that pre*vi*ously I had believed I was some*one else. This sort of thing – sud*den changes in our real*ity– was par for the course in our lives and we never ques*tioned sur*prises. We were used to unpre*dictabil*ity as far as Anne was con*cerned. I hated the name Andree any*way and being a triplet was more inter*est*ing than being a sin*gle. I now know that there were sev*eral pass*ports in my name, a cou*ple of which were Aus*tralian. They all had dif*fer*ent birth-dates. I also had sev*eral birth cer*tifi*cates in dif*fer*ent names and in dif*fer*ent states.. . .
Unseen, Unheard, Unknown; by Sarah Moore (Hamilton-Byrne).
10. Sarah Moore sug*gests a pos*si*ble rea*son for the group’s appar*ent abil*ity to escape legal ret*ri*bu*tion for their activities.
Of inter*est and pos*si*ble sig*nif*i*cance, also, is the alle*ga*tion by Moore that Sandoz–part of the old I.G. Far*ben complex–was pro*vid*ing the group with free LSD. San*doz also bought the fam*ily busi*ness of Swiss Nazi financier Carl Lund*strom, thereby empow*er*ing him with the cap*i*tal with which he has real*ized his polit*i*cal endeavors.
Among those endeav*ors is the Pirate Bay down*load*ing web*site, with an asso*ci*ated polit*i*cal party (the Pirate Party) and PRQ server, which hosts Wik*iLeaks. As we will see in FTR #725, the Pirate Party is help*ing spon*sor Wik*iLeaks’ pres*ence in Sweden.
…The bulk of the sect was made up of pro*fes*sional peo*ple. With*out their sup*port and par*tic*i*pa*tion, Anne Hamilton-Byrne would never have become what she is today. It was their names, or most impor*tantly, the let*ters that went after their names, that gave her the cred*i*bil*ity and social power she needed. It gave her the means to keep those she already had and to get more and sim*i*lar peo*ple into the cult..
These pro*fes*sional peo*ple: doc*tors, lawyers, engi*neers, archi*tects, psy*chi*a*trists, nurses and social work*ers allowed her suc*cess*fully to pull the wool over everyone’s eyes for more than twenty years.
Had The Fam*ily been a group of strangely dressed peo*ple meet*ing once or twice a week for med*i*ta*tion, an address by the Mas*ter, play*ing of music and chant*ing, they would never have gone unno*ticed for so long. But pin-striped pro*fes*sion*als in their con*ser*v*a*tive suits with their impec*ca*ble social cre*den*tials could get away with main*tain*ing in their pri*vate life morals that were com*pletely at vari*ance with their pro*fes*sional ethics. They looked respectable, peo*ple thought, there*fore they must be respectable.
Who were these pro*fes*sion*als? They were doc*tors who wrote out the pre*scrip*tions that con*trolled us; lawyers, who wrote out the Deed Polls that were needed to forge pass*ports and birth cer*tifi*cates that cre*ated our false iden*ti*ties; social work*ers, who allowed Anne to by-pass nor*mal chan*nels to allow her to adopt, or sim*ply steal in some instances, six*teen chil*dren; doc*tors and nurses who gave her con*tacts with rich dying peo*ple who then left their estates to her. It was the same doc*tors who signed their death cer*tifi*cates; psy*chi*a*trists who had peo*ple com*mit*ted to Newhaven – the Fam*ily owned psy*chi*atric hos*pi*tal; and doc*tors and nurses who super*vised the abuse of LSD,( which for a while they actu*ally obtained free of charge from the Swiss drug com*pany, Sandoz). . . .
11. Wik*iLeaks’ polit*i*cal ori*en*ta*tion is clar*i*fied in an arti*cle pub*lished in The New Yorker. Note that the group’s pri*mary tar*gets are “highly oppres*sive regimes in China, Rus*sia and Cen*tral Eurasia”–the Earth Island about which we’ve spo*ken so often. They’re also will*ing to work against the United States, obviously.
Wik*iLeaks polit*i*cal ori*en*ta*tion smacks of a Third Posi*tion, UNPO polit*i*cal orientation–one con*sis*tent with the Under*ground Reich.
Do not fail to note the poten*tial dam*age that could result from pub*lish*ing the social secu*rity num*bers of active-duty U.S. mil*i*tary per*son*nel. This could lead to, among other things, the com*pro*mis*ing of WMD tech*nol*ogy, nukes in particular.
. . . Assange, despite his claims to sci*en*tific jour*nal*ism, empha*sized to me that his mis*sion is to expose injus*tice, not to pro*vide an even-handed record of events. In an invi*ta*tion to poten*tial col*lab*o*ra*tors in 2006, he wrote, “Our pri*mary tar*gets are those highly oppres*sive regimes in China, Rus*sia and Cen*tral Eura*sia, but we also expect to be of assis*tance to those in the West who wish to reveal ille*gal or immoral behav*ior in their own gov*ern*ments and cor*po*ra*tions.” he has argued that a ‘social move*ment” to expose secrets could ” bring down many admin*is*tra*tions that rely on con*ceal*ing reality–including the US administration.”
Assange does not rec*og*nize the lim*its that tra*di*tional pub*lish*ers do. Recently, he posted mil*i*tary doc*u*ments that included the Social Secu*rity num*bers of sol*diers, and in the Bunker I asked him if Wik*iLeaks’ mis*sion would have been com*pro*mised if he had redacted these small bits. [Ital*ics are mine–D.E.] He said that some leaks risked harm*ing inno*cent people–“collateral dam*age, if you will”–but that he could not weigh the impor*tance of every detail in every doc*u*ment. Per*haps the Social Secu*rity num*bers would one day be impor*tant to researchers inves*ti*gat*ing wrong*do*ing, he said; by releas*ing the infor*ma*tion he would allow judg*ment to occur in the open.
A year and a half ago, Wik*iLeaks pub*lished the results of an Army test, con*ducted in 2004, of elec*tro*mag*netic devices designed to pre*vent IED’s from being trig*gered. The doc*u*ment revealed key aspects of how the devices func*tioned and also showed that they inter*fered with com*mu*ni*ca*tion sys*tems used by soldiers–information that an insur*gent could exploit. By the time Wik*iLeaks pub*lished the study, the Army had begun to deploy newer tech*nol*ogy, but some sol*diers were still using the devices. I asked Assange if he would refrain from releas*ing infor*ma*tion that he knew might get some one killed. He said that he had insti*tuted a “harm-minimization pol*icy,” whereby peo*ple named in cer*tain doc*u*ments were con*tacted before pub*li*ca*tion, to warn them, but that there were also instances where the mem*bers of Wik*iLeaks might get “blood on our hands.” . . . .
“No Secrets” by Raffi Khatch*adourian; The New Yorker; 6/7/2010.
12. More about the sen*si*tive nature of what Wik*iLeaks pub*lishes. It might cause loss of life and/or limb by U.S., coali*tion, or Afghan personnel.
. . . . In 2007, he pub*lished thou*sands of pages of secret mil*i*tary infor*ma*tion detail*ing a vast num*ber of Army pro*cure*ments in Iraq and Afghanistan. He and a vol*un*teer spent weeks build*ing a search*able data*base, study*ing the Army’s pur*chase codes and adding up the cost of the procurements–billions of dol*lars in all. The data*base cat*a*logued materiel that every unit had ordered: machine guns, Humvees, cash-counting machines, satel*lite phones. Assange hoped that jour*nal*ists would pore through it, but barely any did. “I am so angry,” he said. ‘This was such a fuck*ing fan*tas*tic leak: the Army’s force struc*ture of Afghanistan and Iraq, down to the last chair, and nothing.” . . .
13. Another aspect of Wik*iLeaks that has attracted inter*est con*cerns their obfus*ca*tion of fund*ing, cre*at*ing ques*tions about where the money they col*lect is actu*ally going.
The secret-spilling web*site Wik*iLeaks appears to be a fru*gal spender, tap*ping less than 5 per*cent of the funds received through two of its three dona*tion meth*ods, accord*ing to the third-party foun*da*tion that man*ages those contributions.
Wik*iLeaks has received 640,000 euros (U.S. $800,000) through Pay*Pal or bank money trans*fers* since late Decem*ber, and spent only 30,000 euros (U.S. $38,000) from that fund*ing, says Hen*drik Fulda, vice pres*i*dent of the Berlin-based Wau Hol*land Foundation.
The money has gone to pay the travel expenses of Wik*iLeaks founder Julian Assange and spokesman Daniel Schmitt, as well as to cover the costs of com*puter hard*ware, such as servers, and leas*ing data lines, says Fulda. Wik*iLeaks does not cur*rently pay a salary to Assange or other vol*un*teers from this fund*ing, though there have been dis*cus*sions about doing so in the future, Fulda adds. The details have not yet been worked out. . . .
. . . . The site got another boost in dona*tions in April after it pub*lished the con*tro*ver*sial video show*ing a 2007 U.S. Army heli*copter attack in Bagh*dad. Wik*iLeaks claimed it raised more than $150,000 in less than a week after the release of the video. A U.S. Army intel*li*gence ana*lyst named Bradley Man*ning was since arrested and charged with being Wik*iLeaks’ source for the video. Assange and other Wik*iLeaks vol*un*teers have claimed that the orga*ni*za*tion com*mis*sioned lawyers to defend Man*ning, and the group has cam*paigned for more dona*tions from the pub*lic to cover the legal expenses.
Fulda said that no money han*dled by the foun*da*tion has gone to pay expenses for Manning’s defense. [Ital*ics are mine, D.E.] He didn’t know if Wik*iLeaks obtained money from other sources for the pur*pose. He said, how*ever, that his foun*da*tion would have no prob*lem in prin*ci*ple pay*ing such legal expenses. . . .
“Wik*iLeaks Cash Flows In, Drips Out” by Kim Zetter;; 7/13/2010.
14. Many of the organization’s crit*ics have noted the sharp con*trast between the opaque nature of its oper*a*tions and the drive for total trans*parency it demands on the part of the orga*ni*za*tions it scru*ti*nizes. In the next pro*gram about Wik*iLeaks, we will exam*ine the Wau Hol*land foun*da*tion at greater length.
The con*tro*ver*sial web*site Wik*iLeaks, which argues the cause of open*ness in leak*ing clas*si*fied or con*fi*den*tial doc*u*ments, has set up an elab*o*rate global finan*cial net*work to pro*tect a big secret of its own—its funding.
Some gov*ern*ments and cor*po*ra*tions angered by the site’s pub*li*ca*tions have already sued Wik*iLeaks or blocked access to it, and the group fears that its money and infra*struc*ture could be tar*geted fur*ther, founder Julian Assange said in an inter*view in Lon*don shortly after pub*lish*ing 76,000 clas*si*fied U.S. doc*u*ments about the war in Afghanistan in July. The move sparked inter*na*tional con*tro*versy and put Wik*iLeaks in the spotlight.
In response, the site has estab*lished a com*plex sys*tem for col*lect*ing and dis*burs*ing its dona*tions to obscure their ori*gin and use, Mr. Assange said. Anchor*ing the sys*tem is a foun*da*tion in Ger*many estab*lished in mem*ory of a com*puter hacker who died in 2001.
WikiLeaks’s finan*cial sta*bil*ity has waxed and waned dur*ing its short his*tory. The site shut down briefly late last year, cit*ing a lack of funds, but Mr. Assange said the group has raised about $1 mil*lion since the start of 2010.
WikiLeaks’s lack of finan*cial trans*parency stands in con*trast to the total trans*parency it seeks from gov*ern*ments and corporations. . . .
“How Wik*iLeaks Keeps Its Fund*ing Secret” by Jeanne Whalen and David Craw*ford; The Wall Street Jour*nal; 8/23/2010.
15. Another fas*ci*nat*ing detail con*cern*ing the tan*gled web that is Wik*iLeaks con*cerns the PRQ server, based in Swe*den. In addi*tion to host*ing Wik*iLeaks, it is the base for Pirate Bay, a con*trol*ling inter*est in which is owned by Carl Lund*strom, a promi*nent Swedish Nazi and financier of that country’s lead*ing fas*cist polit*i*cal party. It is unclear if this would give Swedish Nazi ele*ments to infor*ma*tion from doc*u*ments accessed by Wik*iLeaks, but that seems a rea*son*able possibility.
Note that Lund*strom sold his fam*ily busi*ness to the San*doz com*pany. Part of the old I.G. Far*ben com*plex, it is the firm that devel*oped LSD and, accord*ing to Sarah Moore, pro*vided it gratis to the Hamilton-Byrne cult. Note that the ele*ments of the old I.G. Far*ben firm have coa*lesced into an essen*tial ele*ment of the Bor*mann cap*i*tal net*work, the eco*nomic com*po*nent of the Under*ground Reich.
In FTR #725, we will exam*ine more ele*ments of link*age between the Pirate Bay milieu and WikiLeaks.
A Swedish Inter*net com*pany linked to file-sharing hub The Pirate Bay says it’s help*ing online whistle-blower Wik*iLeaks release clas*si*fied doc*u*ments from servers located in a Stock*holm sub*urb. Mikael Viborg, the owner of the Web host*ing com*pany PRQ, on Fri*day showed The Asso*ci*ated Press the site — the base*ment of a drab office build*ing — in Solna on the con*di*tion that the exact loca*tion was not revealed.
“This is the office. The server room is fur*ther inside,” the 28-year-old Viborg said, with the door to the office cracked open. Desks with com*put*ers, doc*u*ments, and empty pas*try boxes and soda cans could be seen inside before he closed the door.
Wik*iLeaks posted more than 76,900 clas*si*fied mil*i*tary and other doc*u*ments, mostly raw intel*li*gence reports from Afghanistan, on its web*site July 25. The White House angrily denounced the leaks, say*ing they put the lives of Afghan infor*mants and U.S. troops at risk.
The secre*tive web*site gives few details about its setup, but says its “servers are dis*trib*uted over mul*ti*ple inter*na*tional juris*dic*tions and do not keep logs. Hence these logs can*not be seized.” . . .
” Swedish Web Host*ing Firm Con*firms Wik*iLeaks Link” by Karl Rit*ter [AP];; 8/6/2010.
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Julian Assange Conneced to DARPA Hacker
Posted by Dave Emory ⋅ December 4, 2010 Post a comment Email This Post Print This Post
Tags CIA, Cover, Mind Control, Nazi, Safari Club, Underground Reich, UNPO
![[Image: Tron.jpg]]( Com*ment: In FTR #‘s 724, 725, we exam*ined Wik*iLeaks, noting–among other connections–the organization’s appar*ent con*nec*tions to intel*li*gence services.
Assange is part of a hacker milieu that includes one Peiter Zatko, aka “Mudge”, a cel*e*brated hacker cur*rently employed by DARPA to strengthen cyber*se*cu*rity. This is a con*nec*tion that raises more ques*tions than it answers.
With web chat*ter assert*ing that Wik*iLeaks may be an intel*li*gence com*mu*nity ploy to pre*cip*i*tate more cen*sor*ship of the Inter*net, this is a con*sid*er*a*tion to be weighed, although Mr. Emory feels there is much more to the story than that.
“Assange ties to DARPA cyber*se*cu*rity pro*gram hir*ing ‘hack*ers’ An Inter*view With Wik*iLeaks’ Julian Assange” [Forbes];; 11/29/2010.
FORBES: I wanted to ask you about [Peiter Zatko, a leg*endary hacker and secu*rity researcher who also goes by] “Mudge.”
Assange: Yeah, I know Mudge. He’s a very sharp guy.
FORBES: Mudge is now lead*ing a project at the Pentagon’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency to find a tech*nol*ogy that can stop leaks, which seems pretty rel*a*tive to your orga*ni*za*tion. Can you tell me about your past rela*tion*ship with Mudge?
Assange: Well, I…no com*ment.
FORBES: Were you part of the same scene of hack*ers? When you were a com*puter hacker, you must have known him well.
Assange: We were in the same milieu. I spoke with every*one in that milieu. . . .
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Swedish Nazi Background of Assange Accuser’s Accuser
Posted by Dave Emory ⋅ December 10, 2010 Post a comment Email This Post Print This Post
Tags Anti-Castro, Anti-semitism, Iran-Contra, Nazi, neo-Nazi, Third Position, Underground Reich, White Supremacy
![[Image: The-Girl-Who-Kicked-the-Hornets-Nest.jpg]]( Com*ment: The web has been abuzz with a story about con*nec*tions between Julian Assange’s accuser and the Anti-Castro Cuban milieu har*nessed by Oliver North to effect the Iran-Contra machi*na*tions. (Assange has been charged with rape in Sweden–a coun*try who’s rape laws are con*sid*er*ably dif*fer*ent from those in the U.S.)
What has been absent from the dis*cus*sion has been the fact that writer “Israel Shamir” is actu*ally a Swedish anti-Semite with pro*found con*nec*tions to an inter*na*tional Nazi/fascist milieu. (“Shamir”–real name Joran Jermas–wrote his piece about Assange accuser Anna Ardin in Alexan*der Cockburn’s Coun*ter*punch.)
Shamir is also a liar, who has sys*tem*at*i*cally mis*rep*re*sented his pro*fes*sional cre*den*tials. His appear*ance in defense of Wik*iLeaks is all the more inter*est*ing because of Swedish fas*cist financier Carl Lundstrom’s under*writ*ing of Pirate Bay. (Pirate Bay and asso*ci*ated ele*ments have been major sources of sup*port for Assange and Wik*iLeaks.)
“Israeli Writer Is Swedish Anti-Semite” by Tor Bach, Sven Johansen and Lise Apfel*bum; The Search*light; May/2004.
Excerpt: A man who claims to be one of Israel’s lead*ing intel*lec*tu*als is also a Swedish anti*se*mitic writer. Israel Shamir presents him*self on his web*site as a lead*ing Russian-Israeli intel*lec*tual and a writer, trans*la*tor and jour*nal*ist. But in 2001 he changed his name to Jöran Jer*mas and has sur*rounded him*self in Swe*den and Nor*way with anti*semites and strange con*spir*acy theorists. . . .
. . . Jermas’s trans*la*tor in Nor*way is Hans Olav Brend*berg, a teacher, who was recently asked to leave the exec*u*tive com*mit*tee of a branch of the Red Elec*toral Alliance (RV). The left-wing RV, which took 1.2% of the vote in the gen*eral elec*tion in 2001 and has over 80 local coun*cil*lors, accused Brend*berg of mak*ing anti-Jewish state*ments on the inter*net and in his work as Jermas’s translator.
Brend*berg, 35, stirred up con*tro*versy after writ*ing arti*cles for the left-wing daily Klassekam*pen in which he charged the Jews with killing Christ and hat*ing all non-Jews. But it is through the KK-forum, Klassekampen’s semi-official web-based dis*cus*sion forum, that Brend*berg has gained most noto*ri*ety for state*ments such as: “Mil*lions of nice Ger*mans have always existed but not one of them is men*tioned in Anne Frank’s Diaries. As for the broader pic*ture: is not the world big*ger than the attic of a Dutch city apart*ment block?”
On sev*eral occa*sions, Brend*berg has referred to Kevin Mac*Don*ald, an extreme right-wing Amer*i*can, as an author*ity on Jew*ish mat*ters. Mac*Don*ald, a pro*fes*sor at an obscure Cal*i*forn*ian uni*ver*sity, is a white racist, anti*se*mitic, anti-black, anti-left apol*o*gist for Hitler’s geno*cide and an invet*er*ate fascist.
Mac*Don*ald is per*haps most infa*mous for his claim that the Jews have effected a breed*ing pro*gramme to con*quer other “races”. He appeared in court as a wit*ness on behalf of David Irv*ing, the British quasi-historian and Hitler admirer, in his libel case against Deb*o*rah Lipstadt. . . .
. . . Shamir has found other, even more extreme friends in Swe*den. One of his Swedish trans*la*tors, Lars Adel*skog, is not only a lead*ing fig*ure in the Swedish UFO move*ment but can also be found in the jun*gle of con*spir*acy the*o*ries where the Illu*mi*nati, the Freema*sons and lizards in human form are sup*pos*edly work*ing together to end civil*i*sa*tion as we know it.
Adelskog’s last book bore the pro*found title En tom säck kan inte stå (An empty bag can*not stand) and was pub*lished by the openly nazi pub*lisher Nordiska För*laget. This organ*i*sa*tion also sells books by Mac*Don*ald, Hitler and Irv*ing. In his lat*est book, Adel*skog tries in typ*i*cal nazi style to “prove” that the Nazi geno*cide of the Jews never took place.
Adel*skog was pre*vi*ously the edi*tor of the Swedish “alter*na*tive” mag*a*zine Nexus, where he also spread his pet con*spir*acy the*o*ries. The Nation*al*so*cial*is*tisk Front later touted unsold issues of Nexus through its website.
Jermas/Shamir him*self is no stranger to con*spir*acy the*o*ries. When he vis*ited Nor*way in 2001, he made the laugh*able claim in the main*stream news*pa*per Adresseav*isa that many Jews received text mes*sages warn*ing them to get out of the World Trade Cen*tre in New York before the ter*ror attacks of 11 September.
Another out*let that eagerly pro*motes anti*se*mitic con*spir*acy the*o*ries is the Russ*ian mag*a*zine Zav*tra and its edi*tor Alexan*der Prokhanov. While in Moscow, Jer*mas worked as a jour*nal*ist for Zav*tra, which has been described as Russia’s most anti*se*mitic rag. When the noto*ri*ous racist and for*mer Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke went to Rus*sia to pro*mote his new book, Jew*ish Suprema*cism, and his National Asso*ci*a*tion for the Advance*ment of White Peo*ple, it was on Prokhanov’s invitation.
Despite the dogs with which he is will*ing to lie down, Jer*mas does not seem afraid of catch*ing fleas. In the USA, Alex Lin*der of Kirksville, Mis*souri, who has seem*ingly fallen from grace in the nazi National Alliance (NA), has set up his own out*fit called the Van*guard News Net*work. Lind*ner is eagerly pro*mot*ing a forth*com*ing con*gress of Holo*caust liars in Sacra*mento this year and pub*lished parts of a pecu*liar email cor*re*spon*dence with Jer*mas, pos*ing under his old name of Shamir. . . .
Com*ment: “Shamir” has not been shy about his views, post*ing his rabid, Medieval anti-Semitic views on his website.
“Lord Ahmed’sUnwel*come Guest” by Stephen Pol*lard; The Sun*day Times; 4/7/2005.
Excerpt: . . . He has worked for Zav*tra, Russia’s most anti-Semitic pub*li*ca*tion, and is allied with the Van*guard News Net*work, set up by an Amer*i*can, Alex Lin*der — a man so extreme that he was even ostracised by the US neo-Nazi National Alliance.
Indeed, Shamir/Jermas’s own web*site proudly reprints his views: “Jews asked God to kill, destroy, humil*i*ate, exter*mi*nate, defame, starve, impale Chris*tians, to usher in Divine Vengeance and to cover God’s man*tle with blood of goyim . . . ” “The Ashke*nazi Jews believed that spilled Jew*ish blood has a magic effect of call*ing down Divine Vengeance on the heads of the Gen*tiles . . . The pic*ture of Jews slaugh*ter*ing chil*dren for cul*tic rea*sons exerted huge impact on the Chris*t*ian peo*ples of Europe.” On and on it goes. . . .
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12-12-2010, 10:40 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-12-2010, 10:51 AM by Peter Lemkin.)
WikiLeaks row: why Amazon's desertion has ominous implications for democracy
Amazon's decision to abandon WikiLeaks sends out a clear message: you can publish what you like – as long as it meets with the government's approval
John Naughton, Saturday 11 December 2010 10.00 GMT
One of the most interesting aspects of the WikiLeaks controversy is the light it has shed on the providers of cloud computing. One after another they have fallen over like dominoes when the going got rough. First, some of the ISPs hosting WikiLeaks caved in; then EveryDNS, the company that mapped its domain names (eg on to machine addresses, dropped it; then Amazon, which had enough computer power and bandwidth to resist even the most determined cyber-attacks, took it off its computers; then PayPal and later Mastercard, the online conduits for donations, cancelled its accounts. The rationalisations these outfits gave for dropping WikiLeaks had a common theme, namely that it had violated the terms and conditions under which the terminated services had been provided.
Amazon is the most interesting case. It provides so-called "cloud computing services" by renting out some of the thousands of computers used to run its online store. WikiLeaks moved its site on to Amazon's cloud to ensure that it would not be crippled by the denial-of-service attacks that had brought other ISPs to their knees. But then the company received a call from senator Joseph Lieberman, the kind of politician who gives loose cannons a bad name, who had been frothing about WikiLeaks being "implacably hostile to our military and the most basic requirements of our national security". Some time after that, Amazon terminated WikiLeaks's account.
Lieberman then declared: "I will be asking Amazon about the extent of its relationship with WikiLeaks and what it and other web service providers will do in the future to ensure that their services are not used to distribute stolen, classified information."
Amazon denied that it had caved in to "a government inquiry" but declared that it had kicked WikiLeaks out because it was not adhering to the company's terms and conditions — which require that "you warrant that you own or otherwise control all of the rights to the content" and "that use of the content you supply... will not cause injury to any person or entity".
"It's clear," pontificated Amazon, "that WikiLeaks doesn't own or otherwise control all the rights to this classified content. Further, it is not credible that the extraordinary volume of 250,000 classified documents that WikiLeaks is publishing could have been carefully redacted in such a way as to ensure that they weren't putting innocent people in jeopardy."
The more you think about it, the more disturbing this becomes. What gives a US senator the right to ask anybody about "the extent of its relationship" with WikiLeaks? His declaration led the New Yorker's Amy Richardson to wonder "if Lieberman feels that he, or any senator, can call in the company running the New Yorker's printing presses when we are preparing a story that includes leaked classified material, and tell it to stop us".
And what about Amazon's assertion that WikiLeaks "doesn't own or otherwise control" all the rights to the classified cables that it published? As Markus Kuhn, a computer security researcher at the Cambridge Computer Lab, pointed out to me, any work "prepared by an officer or employee of the US government as part of that person's official duties" is not entitled to domestic copyright protection under US law. So, in the US at least, the leaked cables are not protected by copyright and it doesn't matter whether WikiLeaks owns the rights or not.
But, in a way, that's the least worrying aspect of Amazon's behaviour. More troubling is what its actions portend for democracy. Rebecca MacKinnon, a scholar who has written incisively about China's efforts to censor the net, wrote a sobering essay about this last week. "A substantial, if not critical amount of our political discourse," she points out, "has moved into the digital realm. This realm is largely made up of virtual spaces that are created, owned and operated by the private sector."
As far as the law of contract is concerned, Amazon can do what it likes. But this isn't just about contracts any more. "While Amazon was within its legal rights," MacKinnon warns, "the company has nonetheless sent a clear signal to its users: if you engage in controversial speech that some individual members of the US government don't like… Amazon is going to dump you at the first sign of trouble."
Yep. For years people have extolled cloud computing as the way of the future. The lesson of the last week is simple: be careful what you wish for.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
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12-12-2010, 12:22 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-12-2010, 12:31 PM by Peter Lemkin.)
WikiLeaks backlash: The first global cyber war has begun, claim hackers
As Julian Assange is held in solitary confinement at Wandsworth prison, the anonymous community of hacktivists takes to the cyber battlefields
Mark Townsend, Paul Harris in New York, Alex Duval Smith in Johannesburg, Dan Sabbagh, Josh Halliday, Saturday 11 December 2010 21.30 GMT
He is one of the newest recruits to Operation Payback. In a London bedroom, the 24-year-old computer hacker is preparing his weaponry for this week's battles in an evolving cyberwar. He is a self-styled defender of free speech, his weapon a laptop and his enemy the US corporations responsible for attacking the website WikiLeaks.
He had seen the flyers that began springing up on the web in mid-September. In chatrooms, on discussion boards and inboxes from Manchester to New York to Sydney the grinning face of a Guy Fawkes mask had appeared with a call to arms. Across the world a battalion of hackers was being summoned.
"Greetings, fellow anons," it said beneath the headline Operation Payback. Alongside were a series of software programs dubbed "our weapons of choice" and a stark message: people needed to show their "hatred".
Like most international conflicts, last week's internet war began over a relatively modest squabble, escalating in days into a global fight.
Before WikiLeaks, Operation Payback's initial target was America's recording industry, chosen for its prosecutions of music file downloaders. From those humble origins, Payback's anti-censorship, anti-copyright, freedom of speech manifesto would go viral, last week pitting an amorphous army of online hackers against the US government and some of the biggest corporations in the world.
Charles Dodd, a consultant to US government agencies on internet security, said: "[The hackers] attack from the shadows and they have no fear of retaliation. There are no rules of engagement in this kind of emerging warfare."
The battle now centres on Washington's fierce attempts to close down WikiLeaks and shut off the supply of confidential US government cables. By Thursday, the hacktivists were routinely attacking those who had targeted WikiLeaks, among them icons of the corporate world, credit card firms and some of the largest online companies. It seemed to be the first sustained clash between the established order and the organic, grassroots culture of the net.
But the clash has cast the spotlight wider, on the net's power to act as a thorn not only in the side of authoritarian regimes but western democracies, on our right to information and the responsibility of holding secrets. It has also asked profound questions over the role of the net itself. One blogger dubbed it the "first world information war".
At the heart of the conflict is the WikiLeaks founder, the enigmatic figure of Julian Assange – lionised by some as the Ned Kelly of the digital age for his continued defiance of a superpower, condemned by his US detractors as a threat to national security.
Calls for Assange to be extradited to the US to face charges of espionage will return this week. The counteroffensive by Operation Payback is likely to escalate.
The targets include the world's biggest online retailer, Amazon – already assaulted once for its decision to stop hosting WikiLeaks-related material – Washington, Scotland Yard and the websites of senior US politicians. There is talk of infecting Facebook, which last week removed a page used by pro-WikiLeaks hackers, with a virus that spreads from profile to profile causing it to crash. No one seems certain where the febrile cyber conflict will lead, only that it has just begun.
At 9.15am last Tuesday a thin, white-haired figure left the Frontline Club, the west London establishment dedicated to preserving freedom of speech, and voluntarily surrendered to police. After two weeks of newspaper revelations concerning countries from Korea to Nigeria, and figures such as Silvio Berlusconi and Prince Andrew, a warrant for Assange's arrest had just been received by British police. It was from Swedish prosecutors eager to question him on unrelated allegations of rape.
The response to WikiLeaks' cable release had been savage, particularly in the US. Mike Huckabee, a former Arkansas governor, said those who passed the secrets to Assange should be executed. Sarah Palin demanded Assange be hunted in the same way an al-Qaida operative would be pursued. The US attorney general Eric Holder ordered his officials to begin a criminal investigation into Assange with the intention of putting him on trial in the US. News of his arrest, even on unrelated charges, pleased the US authorities. "That sounds like good news to me," said Robert Gates, US secretary of defence.
Yet even as Assange prepared to appear in a London court last week, an unlikely alliance of defenders had begun plotting to turn on the forces circling WikiLeaks. They were beginning to attack Amazon, which had been persuaded to sever links with WikiLeaks by Joe Lieberman, who heads the US Senate's homeland security committee; they also hit every domain name system (DNS) that broke's domain name: Mastercard, Visa and Paypal, which stopped facilitating donations to the site, and the Swiss post office which froze WikiLeaks' bank account.
Operation Payback was hitting back alongside a fledgling offshoot, Operation Avenge Assange, both operating under the Anonymous umbrella. These are a loose alliance of hackers united by a near-obsessive desire for information libertarianism who congregate on the website
The cyberwar did not only involve obvious symbols of authority, though. For days, from their darkened chatrooms, the Anonymous ones had been watching a hacker called the Jester who seemed to be co-ordinating a series of attacks on internet service providers hosting WikiLeaks. They had noticed the Jester's pro-censorship credentials, deducing he must be receiving help. Speculation mounted that the Jester was a shadowy conduit working at the behest of the US authorities. "We wondered who was really behind his anti-WikiLeaks agenda," said a source.
Attempts to railroad WikiLeaks off the net quickly failed. Removing its hosting servers has increased WikiLeaks' ability to stay online. More than 1,300 volunteer "mirror" sites, including the French newspaper Libération, have already surfaced to store the classified cables. Within days the WikiLeaks web content had spread across so many enclaves of the internet it was immune to attack by any single legal authority.
In some respects, WikiLeaks has never been safer or as aggressively defended. As Assange was remanded in custody and taken to Wandsworth jail, Anonymous vowed to "punish" the institutions that had axed links with the website under pressure from the US authorities. The websites of Visa, Mastercard and PayPal were brought down; so too the Swedish government's.
One Anonymous hacker said: "I've rambled on and on about the 'oncoming internet war' for years. I'm not saying I know how to win. But I am saying the war is on."
Unsurprisingly, the timing of Assange's arrest and aspects of Sweden's initial handling of the sexual allegations prompted his lawyer Mark Stephens to denounce the moves as politically motivated. A computer hacker himself, Assange, 39, achieved both instant notoriety and adulation when WikiLeaks published batches of damaging US files relating to the Afghan war in July. This fame led him to Stockholm a month later to deliver a lecture entitled: "Truth is the first casualty of war." It was a sellout. One leftwing commentator likened it to "having Mick Jagger in town".
That night – 14 August – Assange stayed with the conference organiser at her flat in Södermalm, a former working class area of the city centre that has become Stockholm's equivalent of London's Islington. Three days later, in keeping with his habit of regularly changing addresses, Assange stayed in Enköping, a town 100 miles from Stockholm, with another woman who had also attended his lecture on the importance of truth in a war zone.
Assange left Sweden on 18 August and the women went together to the police the next day. According to Claes Borgström, their lawyer, the women did not know each other before going to the police. Initially, he said, the women wanted some advice, but the police officer concluded a crime had been committed and contacted the duty public prosecutor.
In court last week Assange was alleged to have had sex with unlawful coercion with a woman who was asleep and to have sexually molested the other by having sex without a condom.
In Sweden, among the country's community of hackers and left-leaning political activists, the timing is viewed as coincidental rather than conspiratorial.
"The Americans are very lucky indeed that Assange screwed around in Sweden, a society which takes rape allegations very seriously,'' said Åsa Linderborg, culture editor of the leftwing Aftonbladet tabloid. Film-maker Bosse Lindquist, whose WikiLeaks investigation will be broadcast on Swedish TV tonight, and who has spent many hours with Assange over the past few months, said Assange's attitude to women did not seem in any way striking.
"If you look at the two prosecutors involved in investigating the rape allegations, they are not types you would imagine bowing to any kind of pressure from, say, the Swedish government or the United States.''
A senior civil servant, who requested anonymity, also dismissed allegations of political plotting against Assange, arguing that Swedish culture is often misunderstood. "Swedes do not have an iconoclastic tradition in which you build people up then demolish their reputations. Even when people are celebrities, we accept that they may have questionable private lives. Swedes are capable of seeing the advantages of WikiLeaks while conceding that Assange may have unsavoury morals between the sheets.''
Linderborg, though, says there is a widespread sense in Sweden that Assange's rise to fame fuelled his libido and ego.
"Plenty of women are attracted by his underdog status and the supposed danger of spending time with him. He has several women on the go at once. One person told me he screws more often than he eats,'' Linderborg said.
Of course, given the nature of the web, the allegations have triggered a series of attacks on both women's characters with lurid claims of "women who cry rape" and "bitches trying to send an innocent man to prison".
Operation Payback
Those monitoring the chatrooms used by Operation Payback say its hackers have set aside the sexual allegations, instead concentrating their efforts on amassing greater potency for the next phase of the WikLeaks fightback. The weapons deployed last week were "denial of service" attacks in which online computers are harnessed to jam target sites with mountains of requests for data, knocking them out of commission.
The initial attacks against the Swiss PostFinance required about 200 computers, according to one Anonymous source. Yet within a day hackers were able to recruit thousands more pro-WikiLeaks footsoldiers. By the time the Visa and Mastercard websites were disrupted last Wednesday, close to 3,000 computers were involved.
Anonymous leaders began distributing software tools to allow anyone with a computer to join Payback. So far more than 9,000 users in the US have downloaded the software; in second place is the UK with 3,000. Germany, the Netherlands, Canada, France, Spain, Poland, Russia and Australia follow with more than 1,000. The 11th country embroiled in the attacks is Sweden, where WikiLeaks's massive underground servers are housed, with 75 downloads.
Sean-Paul Correll, a cyber threat analyst at Panda Security, who has monitored Operation Payback since its conception, said it was impossible to "profile" those involved. "They are anonymous and they are everywhere," he said. "They have day jobs. They are adults and kids. It is just a bunch of people." Middle-class professional members working alongside self-styled anarchists.
Ostensibly, Anonymous is a 24-hour democracy run by whoever happens to be logged on; leaders emerge and disappear depending on the target that is being attacked and the whims of members. Correll said: "This group does not exist with some sort of hierarchy. It exists with a few organisers but these can change at any time. That gives the group great power in that it is impossible to trace and define. At the same time it is also a source of weakness as its actions can be unfocused."
Ideas are floated on internet bulletin boards, whose location moves daily to evade detection. Ultimately a proposal hits a democratic "tipping point" and action is taken.
A major test of Payback's mounting firepower will be Amazon, given the size of its servers. The attempt to attack the site last Thursday was half-hearted, but nevertheless audacious. Now sources estimate they would need between 30,000 and 40,000 computers to hurt Amazon and there is a growing feeling among hacktivists that it could happen. If it does, the retailer could lose millions of dollars during the Christmas season.
So far, though, most of the attacks have been principally designed to register protest rather than destabilise companies financially, opting for their public websites rather than their underlying infrastructure.
Two of the internet's most important social networking sites – Twitter and Facebook – are also becoming targets of elements within Anonymous.
Twitter upset hackers last week by removing the Anonymous account – which had 22,000 followers – amid speculation that it was preventing the term #wikileaks appearing on its trending topics. The Anonymous page on Facebook was removed for violating its conditions, a move that has similarly annoyed a cohort of hackers. Both Facebook and Twitter have won praise in recent years as outlets for free speech, yet both also harbour corporate aspirations that hinge on their ability to serve as advertising platforms for other companies.
Their use by Anonymous to direct people planning attacks has, according to many analysts, placed both in a difficult position. Facebook, which still has sites eulogising murderer Raoul Moat and Holocaust deniers, said it drew the line on groups that attack others, a bold move considering the site's WikiLeaks page boasts more than 1.3 million supporters. Any evidence that both sites yielded to US pressure and the gloves would be off. So too for any organisation that yields to American demands over WikiLeaks.
Evgeny Morozov, author of The Net Delusion, a book which argues the internet has failed to democraticise the world successfully, believes the attacks are already viewed by Washington "as striking at the very heart of the global economy".
Another emerging target in the weeks ahead is the US government itself. For a brief time last Tuesday, – the website of every US senator – went down. Cyberguerillas claim it is a possible sign of things to come.
The future
The trajectory of the WikiLeaks controversy is almost impossible to predict. On Tuesday Assange will attend his next bail hearing. Although supporters have stumped up £180,000, it is expected bail will be refused, pending a full hearing of Sweden's extradition request. However his lawyer may also reveal fresh claims of US interference in the saga.
Regardless of the fate of its founder, WikiLeaks will continue releasing declassified cables. At the moment only several hundred of 250,000 cables have been publicised.
Analysts now describe the organisation's structure as a "networked enterprise", a phrase that has been used in the past in relation to al-Qaida.
For all the US attempts, it is clear the attacks on WikiLeaks have made minimal impact and are unlikely to affect the availability of the information that WikiLeaks has already leaked.
Meanwhile, Senator Lieberman has indicated that the New York Times and other news organisations using the WikiLeaks cables may be investigated for breaking US espionage laws. At present, who will win the "world's first information war" remains unclear.
Morozov said: "There will be many more people from the CIA and NSA [National Security Agency] hanging out around them."
But the conflict increasingly seems likely to target the real profits of US corporations. Today a 24-year-old from London will ready his weapons for the battle ahead.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass