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Ventura Show Censored?
Peter Lemkin Wrote:I-dunno Charles.... Look, I would rather the show not have the 'tone' it does....but that is what attracts many and the information I saw on FEMA CAMPS was hard to knock down. OK, it wasn't how I'd have done it...or you...but no one but those who already sing in our choir would likely watch your film or my film on this subject if done in a less 'dramatic' and TV'd-UP'd style. If it is true, that this was denied to be broadcast and IF [very big IF] it is somewhere on the internet where people can find it, I think it will have a big effect...and that is what counts!! I'm not talking about any of his other shows...this one!


I think I've been less than clear in my previous post.

More directly: If "they" lower the hammer on a piece of junk science, they elevate that junk science within our larger community.

How might "they" reinforce Hunt's disinformation?

Simple: By appearing to be dismayed by its dissemination.

Again, I realize that it was the FEMA material and not the JFK episode that allegedly drew "their" wrath. But again, once "they" demonize Ventura, all that he has produced takes on a level of significance it does not deserve.

I hope I've been more artful in this post.

Charles Drago Wrote:Peter,

I think I've been less than clear in my previous post.

More directly: If "they" lower the hammer on a piece of junk science, they elevate that junk science within our larger community.

How might "they" reinforce Hunt's disinformation?

Simple: By appearing to be dismayed by its dissemination.

Again, I realize that it was the FEMA material and not the JFK episode that allegedly drew "their" wrath. But again, once "they" demonize Ventura, all that he has produced takes on a level of significance it does not deserve.

I hope I've been more artful in this post.


Got it. Look, I agree and I mildly disagree. I wish this 'show' or an infinitely better one was being done by, say, John Pilger or any number of others we could name - especially someone really expert on JFK on the JFK stuff. I think we'd both agree the results would much more accurate, freer of questionable to known disinfo tucked in. Pilger and others like him make excellent films, well researched and produced and without the sensationalism that degrades. He and others we could think of would also really do their research and not rush through a complex subject too fast to get it correct......Question is -would it be seen by many. Most have never heard of Pilger, Peter Dale Scott, Dick Russel or others who could do better jobs. I guess you are trying to make the point that the net effect will be negative. I'm not sure. Some books on JFK that I disagree with the main point or just some major point are still in my collection, as they also contain some information, some interview, some analysis that I feel has value. Ventura surely will not win us the war.....but he may get some involved in reading and thinking for themselves. I think that is all we can hope for from him and his show. The problem with such a show is it is too frequent to do a a proper job on anything - unless it had a staff and budget like the Pentagon. Charles, I hope you get the nod for such a show - with a slot every third month. Meantime, we have to deal with what cards we've been dealt. I don't think Ventura is intentionally screwing things up - even if he may be screwing some things up by the speed and sloppiness if the research. As to net effect, I think only time will tell.

As you correctly point out, a lot of junk science has been elevated on purpose, and that is why we always seem to be fighting like salmon to get upstream on these issues. Ventura is a personal friend of Russells. I have NO idea if Dick is consulted on the JFK stuff - or even his take on this particular matter, but I'd bet he'd be cautious to use it, for exactly the reasons you cite or suspect. I don't know who is researching and writing for we? Is Jesse leading his own path on all the shows, or is there a team - or a Svengali?
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"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Personally I love the show though I have not seen it for a couple of weeks now that it is on on Friday nights. I loved most of the JFK show as well. I agreed totally with Jim Fetzer's take on this one.

I know that Jesse's style can be a turn off to some. But I think back to the show he had briefly on another cable tv station several years back and, when talking about the JFK assassination, he said he was warned to shut up and to stay away from Dallas. He responded that he would not do either, that he was not afraid of "them": the killers of JFK. No matter what you think of his show, his style or the man himself he IS a former Governor and he is on tv every Friday night delving into topics that no one else on television cares or dares to touch.

He could be enjoying life in Mexico.


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