08-01-2011, 05:03 AM
Given the "anonymous" posting at a backwater blog [ http://operation-mockingbird.blogspot.com/ ], and the fact that these matters are never covered terribly well in American high schools (or colleges) (or the media), it was thought best to post this as speculative in nature requiring some discussion and vetting by those of you more learned about these things on the other side of the pond.
Friday, January 07, 2011
Christine Keeler, one of the girls.
The journalists only tell you so much.
J F Kennedy reportedly slept with Mariella Novotny.
Mariella Novotny (aka Stella Capes) was a high-class prostitute 'controlled by Stephen Ward in London'. (Mariella Novotny)
"Mariella was part Jewish; she was actually quiet proud of that and spoke Hebrew." (NightHawk: The Czech Night Hawk)
Stephen Ward worked for MI5.
Ward was an osteopath whose patients included Winston Churchill.
After the Cuban Missile Crisis, Ward told Christine Keeler, one of his girls, that he believed John F. Kennedy would be assassinated.
He told her and Eugene Ivanov: "A man like John Kennedy will not be allowed to stay in such an important position of power in the world, I assure you of that." (Christine Keeler)
From 1956-65, MI5 was run by Sir Roger Hollis
Allegedly, Hollis worked for the Sovet Union's security services, which were often Jewish led.
Soviet intelligence, at that time, shared intelligence with Israel. (aangirfan: ANGLETON AND MOSSAD; USS LIBERTY; PHILBY; KISSINGER)
Allegedly, Hollis and Ward were part of a Soviet spy ring with Sir Anthony Blunt.
The key figure in MI5 was Lord Victor Rothschild, who reportedly gave away secrets to Israel.
'Anonymous' left a comment about King Olav of Norway and the people Olav knew including various spooks, friends of Israel and top Americans:
My dad ... shared the same desk in Olav's office the last years of the war, as a personal assistant.
The Norwegian government kept 2 huge suites on the top floor of the Dorchester...
I was often up in Olav's suite.
Several times I was shushed-out to the other suite as he had visitors.
Sir Simon Marks (of M and S, we now know he was a top SIS man during the war)
Roger Hollis,
Dr. Stephen Ward
I think CIA, Corbelly
Willie Brant,
Harriman, too.
I even saw JFK there once, with all these people (before he ran for office, so this was in '60?)...
I even speak Norwegian and overheard Olav talking to his closest aide (who, surprisingly, had a very German name!
Now, Ward (the famous one) was ALWAYS there.
He and Olav were friends, met at a reception and socialised, Olav was very much at home at Ward's place (I was there, in Wimpole Mews).
But why was he included in some high-powered and very secret meetings? I'm inclined to think Ward was very much secret service, used to feed the Reds bull, to twist and turn things.
What on earth was going-on behind not only our backs, but that of the British, and perhaps, the USA governments?
That involved 2 Kings Of The Realm (and not long after, 2 Presidents).
AND Dr. Stephen Ward.
Ward and Christine Keeler, one of his girls (right)
According to Anonymous, who may or may not be accurate (Scandalous Women: Christine Keeler and the Profumo Affair):
"Ward... worked on a secret program for the USA, called Operation Monarch. Mind control, remote seeing ... Keeler often said 'Ward controlled her'...
"He also helped out at ... Barnardo's with the traumatised kids (many had been beaten and raped etc.)
"Ward knew many people in the intel-services.... including the infamous Clay Shaw of JFK fame, David Ferrie too...
"Ronna Ricardo was an Irish girl raped and abused as a child...
"Several men had dumped her on the way, the last an American who held the key to the atomic bomb.
"Ronna Ricardo ... told me a few things about ritual masonic abuse of children, involving many top people.
"She was involved in supplying young girls...
"She was involved with Ward in trying to get a camera in to take photos of the abuses...
"She knew of one 10 year-old girl who disappeared after being taken to hospital by the police. Just vanished.
"There were rumours of an orphanage in Ireland (Ronna had contacts in the IRA) where men she named for me filmed children being abused by people specially chosen for blackmail - as they were being slowly strangled to death by Anthony Blunt. Snuff-movies."
Clay Shaw
Some of the British spies who were secretly working for Soviet Russia were involved in sex and black magic parties.
Varda Proctor the wife of spy Dennis Proctor threatened to inform the authorities and then very kindly committed "suicide"
"Britain's intel apparatus listed names of all those who went to Russia from the thirties onward...
"The records show visits to Russia from members of the Astor family.
"Lord William, 3rd viscount Astor, was to hold sex and black magic parties at his grand house, where Christine Keeler and Mandy Rice-Davies seduced the rich and famous.
"The society osteopath and healer Stephen Ward, was a master occultist who at these orgies would conjure weird spirits to visibly appear, which sound identical to those at Bilderberg ceremonies.
"M.I.5 informant Stephen Ward treated Winston Churchill for alcoholism and depression, and got him painting for therapy, it was said to be what ward knew of Churchill that ensured his murder.
"Sir Anthony Blunt then bought up all Stephen Wards drawings of the royal family and destroyed them, so no links would be found of Satanism and perversion in any enquiry, between the royals and a black magician, but of course Blunt sent word first to his Soviet controllers.
"Attendees at these parties told of Sir Anthony Blunt asphyxiating young boys...
"Sir Anthony Blunt could do as he wanted he ... would trawl the late night London lavatories for young men incapacitated by drink or drugs, to bring back to their flat over the Courtalds institute...
"The top catholic exorcist Dom Robert Petit-Pierre claimed the exorcisms he had to perform at the Astors huge estate and Wards cottage, contained the most potent satanic entities he had ever come across, including the spirits of several murdered boys; the evil spirits were similar to the entities surrounding the devils chimney, the Aleister Crowley wartime rituals on Britain's south coast for Winston Churchill's occult Black group experiments.
"Dennis Proctor, who helped run the pre war ministry of power, helped government supply contracts only go to those Jews approved by Rothschild..."
"The grandfather of Tony Blair friend Peter Mandelson was former government minister Herbert Morrison.
"Intel files from this period, state quite clearly that Morrison was instrumental in informing other powerful Jewish businessmen connected to the Russians which products would be going up in the annual budget...
"Dame Shirley Porter who is the daughter of Jack Cohen founder of Tesco supermarkets, had close connections to the late Herbert Morrison, and all these people are linked to the Rothschilds, who fund both Britain's New Labour and Conservative parties..."
One of Stephen Ward's girls, Mandy Rice Davies, with Israeli soldiers.
According to Henry Makow (Profumo Affair Exposed Illuminati Control /Profumo Affair Exposed Masonic Control):
"A tightly-knit satanic sex cult subtly controls all states and pits them against each other in a profitable and diverting Punch-and-Judy show...
"Keeler witnessed the 'Communist' Stephen Ward meeting with 'Fascist' leader Oswald Mosley.
"In Oct. 1962, she overheard Ward tell Eugene Ivanov, his Soviet contact: 'a man like John Kennedy will not be allowed to stay in such an important position of power in the world, I can assure you of that.'
"Ward was a spy master who used the innocent Keeler to get information from important men...
"Ward made his subordinate Soviet Naval Attache Ivanov seduce Keeler in order to compromise Profumo.
"Stephen Ward was an Illuminati agent whose job was to undermine the Conservative government to make way for Harold Wilson's Labor Party...
"Christine Keeler... slept with everyone from Ringo Starr to George Peppard...
"The Masonic elite were/are into every form of sexual depravity and have inducted society as-a-whole into what is in fact a pagan sex cult...
"At Cliveden, the seat of the Astor family and a center of British power, Keeler reports finding in the wood 'a witch circle, the real thing, about ten feet in diameter.'
"Keeler describes orgies: 'Stephen knew all the Masonic handshakes and he said that at some of the parties the girls would just wear Masonic aprons. They would be flicked up and down like a sporran,' he would laugh. Some of the women... were heavily into sadistic sex and there were 'black magic' parties which were really just an excuse for group sex sessions. There would be phallic totem poles around which all these women would bow and scrape.'
"The 'cream' of British politics, business, culture and law participated in this scene...
"Perhaps sex addiction and a lack of what Mathew Arnold called 'high seriousness' are prerequisites for our political leaders.
"After all, they must represent the interests of the Masonic central banking cartel, and in case they forget, must be easily black-mailable. This may explain our choice of US Presidential candidates.
"Mankind will continue to be a perennial underachiever so long as we are secretly governed by ruthless greedy Satanists and their minions".
posted by Anon at 11:51 AM 0 comments
Friday, January 07, 2011
![[Image: ChristineKeeler.jpg]](http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_NE-72ZXux-g/TSdo6BCRGxI/AAAAAAAAQwk/hvJ2jlVn6xQ/s320/ChristineKeeler.jpg)
The journalists only tell you so much.
J F Kennedy reportedly slept with Mariella Novotny.
Mariella Novotny (aka Stella Capes) was a high-class prostitute 'controlled by Stephen Ward in London'. (Mariella Novotny)
"Mariella was part Jewish; she was actually quiet proud of that and spoke Hebrew." (NightHawk: The Czech Night Hawk)
Stephen Ward worked for MI5.
Ward was an osteopath whose patients included Winston Churchill.
After the Cuban Missile Crisis, Ward told Christine Keeler, one of his girls, that he believed John F. Kennedy would be assassinated.
He told her and Eugene Ivanov: "A man like John Kennedy will not be allowed to stay in such an important position of power in the world, I assure you of that." (Christine Keeler)
From 1956-65, MI5 was run by Sir Roger Hollis
Allegedly, Hollis worked for the Sovet Union's security services, which were often Jewish led.
Soviet intelligence, at that time, shared intelligence with Israel. (aangirfan: ANGLETON AND MOSSAD; USS LIBERTY; PHILBY; KISSINGER)
Allegedly, Hollis and Ward were part of a Soviet spy ring with Sir Anthony Blunt.
The key figure in MI5 was Lord Victor Rothschild, who reportedly gave away secrets to Israel.
'Anonymous' left a comment about King Olav of Norway and the people Olav knew including various spooks, friends of Israel and top Americans:
My dad ... shared the same desk in Olav's office the last years of the war, as a personal assistant.
The Norwegian government kept 2 huge suites on the top floor of the Dorchester...
I was often up in Olav's suite.
Several times I was shushed-out to the other suite as he had visitors.
Sir Simon Marks (of M and S, we now know he was a top SIS man during the war)
Roger Hollis,
Dr. Stephen Ward
I think CIA, Corbelly
Willie Brant,
Harriman, too.
I even saw JFK there once, with all these people (before he ran for office, so this was in '60?)...
I even speak Norwegian and overheard Olav talking to his closest aide (who, surprisingly, had a very German name!
Now, Ward (the famous one) was ALWAYS there.
He and Olav were friends, met at a reception and socialised, Olav was very much at home at Ward's place (I was there, in Wimpole Mews).
But why was he included in some high-powered and very secret meetings? I'm inclined to think Ward was very much secret service, used to feed the Reds bull, to twist and turn things.
What on earth was going-on behind not only our backs, but that of the British, and perhaps, the USA governments?
That involved 2 Kings Of The Realm (and not long after, 2 Presidents).
AND Dr. Stephen Ward.
![[Image: keeler.jpg]](http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_NE-72ZXux-g/TSdo6xR8n3I/AAAAAAAAQw0/HMgLhD3-PFI/s320/keeler.jpg)
According to Anonymous, who may or may not be accurate (Scandalous Women: Christine Keeler and the Profumo Affair):
"Ward... worked on a secret program for the USA, called Operation Monarch. Mind control, remote seeing ... Keeler often said 'Ward controlled her'...
"He also helped out at ... Barnardo's with the traumatised kids (many had been beaten and raped etc.)
"Ward knew many people in the intel-services.... including the infamous Clay Shaw of JFK fame, David Ferrie too...
"Ronna Ricardo was an Irish girl raped and abused as a child...
"Several men had dumped her on the way, the last an American who held the key to the atomic bomb.
"Ronna Ricardo ... told me a few things about ritual masonic abuse of children, involving many top people.
"She was involved in supplying young girls...
"She was involved with Ward in trying to get a camera in to take photos of the abuses...
"She knew of one 10 year-old girl who disappeared after being taken to hospital by the police. Just vanished.
"There were rumours of an orphanage in Ireland (Ronna had contacts in the IRA) where men she named for me filmed children being abused by people specially chosen for blackmail - as they were being slowly strangled to death by Anthony Blunt. Snuff-movies."
![[Image: clay%2Bshaw.jpg]](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_NE-72ZXux-g/TSdo6VgDw-I/AAAAAAAAQws/cO_XiQSJrjY/s320/clay%2Bshaw.jpg)
Some of the British spies who were secretly working for Soviet Russia were involved in sex and black magic parties.
Varda Proctor the wife of spy Dennis Proctor threatened to inform the authorities and then very kindly committed "suicide"
"Britain's intel apparatus listed names of all those who went to Russia from the thirties onward...
"The records show visits to Russia from members of the Astor family.
"Lord William, 3rd viscount Astor, was to hold sex and black magic parties at his grand house, where Christine Keeler and Mandy Rice-Davies seduced the rich and famous.
"The society osteopath and healer Stephen Ward, was a master occultist who at these orgies would conjure weird spirits to visibly appear, which sound identical to those at Bilderberg ceremonies.
"M.I.5 informant Stephen Ward treated Winston Churchill for alcoholism and depression, and got him painting for therapy, it was said to be what ward knew of Churchill that ensured his murder.
"Sir Anthony Blunt then bought up all Stephen Wards drawings of the royal family and destroyed them, so no links would be found of Satanism and perversion in any enquiry, between the royals and a black magician, but of course Blunt sent word first to his Soviet controllers.
"Attendees at these parties told of Sir Anthony Blunt asphyxiating young boys...
"Sir Anthony Blunt could do as he wanted he ... would trawl the late night London lavatories for young men incapacitated by drink or drugs, to bring back to their flat over the Courtalds institute...
"The top catholic exorcist Dom Robert Petit-Pierre claimed the exorcisms he had to perform at the Astors huge estate and Wards cottage, contained the most potent satanic entities he had ever come across, including the spirits of several murdered boys; the evil spirits were similar to the entities surrounding the devils chimney, the Aleister Crowley wartime rituals on Britain's south coast for Winston Churchill's occult Black group experiments.
"Dennis Proctor, who helped run the pre war ministry of power, helped government supply contracts only go to those Jews approved by Rothschild..."
"The grandfather of Tony Blair friend Peter Mandelson was former government minister Herbert Morrison.
"Intel files from this period, state quite clearly that Morrison was instrumental in informing other powerful Jewish businessmen connected to the Russians which products would be going up in the annual budget...
"Dame Shirley Porter who is the daughter of Jack Cohen founder of Tesco supermarkets, had close connections to the late Herbert Morrison, and all these people are linked to the Rothschilds, who fund both Britain's New Labour and Conservative parties..."
![[Image: Mandy%2BRice%2BDavies.jpg]](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_NE-72ZXux-g/TSdo7FBkZpI/AAAAAAAAQw8/NJx5RhJ7YQw/s320/Mandy%2BRice%2BDavies.jpg)
According to Henry Makow (Profumo Affair Exposed Illuminati Control /Profumo Affair Exposed Masonic Control):
"A tightly-knit satanic sex cult subtly controls all states and pits them against each other in a profitable and diverting Punch-and-Judy show...
"Keeler witnessed the 'Communist' Stephen Ward meeting with 'Fascist' leader Oswald Mosley.
"In Oct. 1962, she overheard Ward tell Eugene Ivanov, his Soviet contact: 'a man like John Kennedy will not be allowed to stay in such an important position of power in the world, I can assure you of that.'
"Ward was a spy master who used the innocent Keeler to get information from important men...
"Ward made his subordinate Soviet Naval Attache Ivanov seduce Keeler in order to compromise Profumo.
"Stephen Ward was an Illuminati agent whose job was to undermine the Conservative government to make way for Harold Wilson's Labor Party...
"Christine Keeler... slept with everyone from Ringo Starr to George Peppard...
"The Masonic elite were/are into every form of sexual depravity and have inducted society as-a-whole into what is in fact a pagan sex cult...
"At Cliveden, the seat of the Astor family and a center of British power, Keeler reports finding in the wood 'a witch circle, the real thing, about ten feet in diameter.'
"Keeler describes orgies: 'Stephen knew all the Masonic handshakes and he said that at some of the parties the girls would just wear Masonic aprons. They would be flicked up and down like a sporran,' he would laugh. Some of the women... were heavily into sadistic sex and there were 'black magic' parties which were really just an excuse for group sex sessions. There would be phallic totem poles around which all these women would bow and scrape.'
"The 'cream' of British politics, business, culture and law participated in this scene...
"Perhaps sex addiction and a lack of what Mathew Arnold called 'high seriousness' are prerequisites for our political leaders.
"After all, they must represent the interests of the Masonic central banking cartel, and in case they forget, must be easily black-mailable. This may explain our choice of US Presidential candidates.
"Mankind will continue to be a perennial underachiever so long as we are secretly governed by ruthless greedy Satanists and their minions".
posted by Anon at 11:51 AM 0 comments
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"