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The DPF has suffered a great loss with the 'withdrawal' of David Guyatt - I am greatly saddened.
If it can loose such an important, informed, knowledgeable and pleasant original-founding-members, such as DG, it is a very sad situation.
As neither I [nor I doubt those still in charge] will speak to the issues involved, this is a difficult to impossible thread to discuss...but I wanted to register my GREAT discontent that DG was allowed, or induced, or chose to to leave - and the great loss that this represents. :thumbsdown:

His absence will be greatly missed by myself, and I'm sure most others.

Goodbye David!!!! You are welcome back, anytime...but I respect your decision.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Sorry, Peter, to bring home the reality of David Guyatt leaving, but it seems more likely what you precipitated than what anyone, especially me, posted.

Your response, rightly trashing his claims about Craig Williamson, Chip Tatum et al. on another thread having to do with the Olof Palme assassination, seems the most likely cause of his leaving.

I personally shall not miss him in the slightest, given his incredible, personal attacks upon me when I joined, and I hope he doesn't return.

But given my luck, he shall probably be back after a short sojourn on
Trowbridge H. Ford Wrote:Sorry, Peter, to bring home the reality of David Guyatt leaving, but it seems more likely what you precipitated than what anyone, especially me, posted.

Your response, rightly trashing his claims about Craig Williamson, Chip Tatum et al. on another thread having to do with the Olof Palme assassination, seems the most likely cause of his leaving.

I personally shall not miss him in the slightest, given his incredible, personal attacks upon me when I joined, and I hope he doesn't return.

But given my luck, he shall probably be back after a short sojourn on

You are either totally misinformed about ALL political life on Planet Earth [and certainly on DG; or not in command of your mental facilities....or malevolent...I'll say no more.... IMO this Forum needs less like you here - and more like DG! What a revolting and self-serving post, IMHO.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Do both of you truly want to know why David is no longer here?

Read your own goddamn posts!

Ford, your ignorance is matched only by our arrogance. I expect nothing more from you. David Guyatt has done more for truth and justice in a single Internet posting than you will do in a thousand lifetimes.

Peter, my friend, I can't believe you opened this can of worms. Why the hell didn't you ask me what went on? You claim to have communicated with David, and yet you simultaneously claim ignorance. Given your relationship to more than one of the founders of DPF, you were out of line.

WAY out of line.
So much for any rules governing conduct on this site.

If they had any force, both Peter and Charles would be well on their way out too - what wouldn't be a bad result either.

If you canot answer or deal with another person's claims, just call him/her insane, stupid, malevolent, worthless, etc., ad nauseam.

It's always been the way of people without serious ideas.
Charles Drago Wrote:Do both of you truly want to know why David is no longer here?

Read your own goddamn posts!

Ford, your ignorance is matched only by your arrogance. I expect nothing more from you. David Guyatt has done more for truth and justice in a single Internet posting than you will do in a thousand lifetimes.

Peter, my friend, I can't believe you opened this can of worms. Why the hell didn't you ask me what went on? You claim to have communicated with David, and yet you simultaneously claim ignorance. Given your relationship to more than one of the founders of DPF, you were out of line.

WAY out of line.

Bravo CD!

And Ford is here for what reason? Except to insult our founders and accuse members of his alleged attempted murder he appears to have nothing useful to say.
Since Dawn Meredith has mentioned my complaints about Jim DiEugenio, Jim Marrs and others, posters might be interested in knowing their attempt to make me a subscriber shortly after the special issue in January 1996 in which he set me up for murder.

On December 23, 1996, when resulting poisoning effects were at their peak, someone sent me a personal invitation to join CTKA at the following address which was immediately forwarded here by my sister:

Trowbridge Ford
123 Mountain Road
West Redding, CT

Its contents pushed especially what Probe had done, starting with the special "Nixon" issue - where everyone from Director Jim Marrs to Chairman Jim DiEugenio pushed its merits. It is a good example of how James Fetzer recruits and coops people to go along with his deceptions.

"Probe," Chairman Jim wrote, "shows how the unresolved problems of our past, and their perpetrators, continue to haunt present events."

Director Jim Marrs wrote: "I received ...the new edition of Probe, and yes, I agree, it is the best issue yet."

Ray Marcus, author of The Bastard Bullet, added: "Your special Probe on 'Nixon' is have made a landmark contribution to the literature. I hesitate to single out anything because it was all so damn good. .My hat's off to both of you."

The most pressing question is: If Probe was so eager to let me know what it had done to make me a target, why didn't it at least consult me before it printed those dangerous lies about me if it was any kind of responsible publication?

The answer is: It isn't.
I find it incredible that the site has taken down my response to Dawn Meredith's complaint - what was about how Jim DiEugenio and others involved in the production and response to the special January 1996 issue of Probe magazine knew of an address at the time where I could be contacted, sending it on December 23, 1996, hand addressed, to where I had been living in Connecticut and was forwarded by my sister here, with all kinds of material about how I was set up for murder over my alleged going maliciously after Richard Nixon, and the most positive reactions to it by a few people, especially Director Jim Marrs.

The most shocking thing about it was that Gaeton Fonzi, another Director, and Jack White, still another one, have had nothing to say about it ever since. Fonzi covered up all my research on the Nixon-Connally-CIA plot to kill JFK, and I can only assume that this Jack White is a current orginal founder of this site.

The only reason that DiEugenio sent the material is in the hope that I would ignorantly join the site, there being no mention that I was the leading covert agent haunting the country then in the ads, and the covert government would learn where I had moved to from Portugal for more action against me - what was tried a few times, but failed yet again.

If this post is taken down, I shall only post it and others again about the most criminal effort to kill me, as I can see that it is now an attempt to make me quit - what I wont do until people like the Jims are exposed for what they are.
It is off topic. Post away Trowbridge, I have the delete key. Whip
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Don't see how it is off topic, as it is about David Guyatt leaving - what I think I helped precipitate by challenging his absurd claims that I belonged to SMOM, NSA's SCS could not have had a role in the killing of former DCI William Colby, and GCHQ/MI6 agent Gareth Williams, had no basis for any of my claims and was not worth any of his time in refuting, especially the alleged tabloid-style one I had about a Yugoslav killing Palme, etc - and I only said that I was glad to see the last of him.

This brought out the worst of Drago, Lemkin and Meredith who said that I had insulted Jim D with my empty accusations - what I have gone out of my way to show were not empty at all.

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