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Overwhelming Evidence Pentagon Aircraft Data Is Not From An AA 757
Overwhelming Evidence Pentagon Aircraft Data Is Not From An American Airlines 757

03/03/11 - ( When Pilots For 9/11 Truth was founded in the late summer of 2006, the objective was to find evidence supporting what we have been told by the 9/11 Commission as many theories were rumored that elements within the US Government might have had something to do with 9/11. Co-Founder Rob Balsamo explains how he was puzzled and motivated to pursue further research into the events of 9/11 in his citation at, which lead to the formation of Pilots For 9/11 Truth. More than four years of solid research through Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) requests, numerous interviews and expert analysis has revealed no hard evidence supporting or linking to -- and in many instances factually conflicting with -- conclusions made by the 9/11 Commission. Now there is overwhelming evidence which suggests the data that is being provided to the public through the FOIA, is not from an aircraft which has been operated by American Airlines.

Pilots For 9/11 Truth analysis of data being provided by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has revealed the data does not support an impact with the Pentagon, exceeds the capabilities of a standard 757/767 by a wide margin, while demonstrating control issues for an "inexperienced pilot" (See 9/11: Attack On The Pentagon, 9/11: World Trade Center Attack, and Flight Of American 77). The data itself does not support what we have been told by the 9/11 Commission. When contacted, the NTSB and the FBI refused to comment. Pilots For 9/11 Truth went on to research if there was any evidence linking the data to N644AA (the aircraft described as "Flight 77"), once again, there is no evidence to support the government version of events(1). Research was also performed to determine if there was any evidence whatsoever linking the limited number of parts found at the Pentagon, to N644AA(2). In an unprecedented turn of events, the parts were never verified by any government agency for any of the four aircraft reported to have been used on 9/11. In all instances, there hasn't been any evidence provided by government agencies to support what we have been told by the 9/11 Commission. Further analysis reveals evidence demonstrating the data provided was not generated by an American Airlines airplane in the case of the attack on the Pentagon.


Pilots For 9/11 Truth have been provided several files through the FOIA. One file in particular, a raw Flight Data Recorder file which is described as a direct download from the FDR, contains binary code which needs to be decoded for a proper readout in a spreadsheet such as Excel. In order to decode such data, a Data Frame Layout is required. Derived from a generic Boeing Data Frame Layout, American Airlines provided it's own custom made Data Frame Layout which was designed for decoding data from aircraft within the American Airlines fleet, based on airline needs exclusive to American Airlines (AAL). The custom made AAL Data Frame Layout was unable to decode the data in full, and in some instances, neither the AAL Data Frame Layoyut nor the generic Boeing Data Frame Layout were able to be utilized in decoding the data(3). Why would American Airlines design their own custom Data Frame Layout if it cannot decode data from their aircraft? Or perhaps the data being provided is not from an American Airlines jet?


Pilots For 9/11 Truth also found, according to the data, there is no evidence suggesting a "Hijack" had occurred. A Flight Deck Door parameter shows the door closed for the entire flight. No evidence has been provided thus far which shows the Flight Deck Door open in order to facilitate a "Hijack".(4)


Further evidence that the data is not from an American Airlines jet nor American Airlines Flight 77, comes in the form of Latitude and Longitude (Lat/Long) coordinates in the data itself. When plotted, the Lat/Long coordinates are more than 3,000 feet in error at time of departure from Washington Dulles International Airport (IAD). According to American Airlines 757/767 Operating Manual, along with several American Airlines 757/767 Captains, the navigational instruments (known as an IRS or Inertial Reference System), is aligned at the gate, prior to all flights(5). If such an error is observed in an American Airlines airplane, the aircraft is grounded until fixed. It would never leave the gate. If such an error was encountered during taxi to the runway, the Captain would have had to return to the gate until it was fixed.(6)


According to official reports and audio provided by government agencies, American Airlines Flight 77 departed from Gate D26 at IAD(7). However, when the Lat/Long data is adjusted for the 3,000+ foot offset, the data shows a departure from a gate other than D26(8). American Airlines requires a full alignment (as opposed to a "fast alignment") prior to every flight with the pilots physically inputting the Lat/Long coordinates of the gate, provided by navigational charts, into their navigational system. The aircraft should have never left the gate with such a large error within it's navigational system. Although some aircraft have the ability to update it's position in flight, an "update" is very different from an alignment. Any "updates" in flight will not be accurate if the initial alignment was not achieved at the gate. It is interesting to note that Military Aircraft are capable of in flight alignment of an Inertial Navigation System.


Military aircraft were equipped with GPS (Global Positioning Systems) long before GPS was offered for Commercial use. When equipped, they can auto-align the Inertial Reference System. N644AA (American Airlines Flight 77) was not equipped with a GPS. However, when one looks through the data, it shows a GPS as "OPERational"(12) and an airborne auto-alignment. How can a GPS be "OPER" if the data is reported to come from an aircraft which doesn't have a GPS? The data shows that the Lat/Long plots auto-aligned with Radar plots in flight after departure(9). American Airlines aircraft do not have the capability of in flight alignment nor would such an aircraft depart with such a large error and an IRS as it's primary source for navigation. It is impossible for an IRS equipped American Airlines jet to give accurate position information if the system was not aligned at the gate. The aircraft needs to be stationary for proper alignment or else the navigational device will have large errors and could perhaps be fatal(10). According to American Airlines 757/767 Captain Ralph Kolstad who has actual flight time in N644AA, if the Inertial Reference System (IRS) is lost in flight (or shows large errors), an emergency has to be declared. The aircraft is required to sit stationary for more than 10 minutes in order obtain a full alignment of the Inertial Reference System prior to every flight, according to and as required by American Airlines 757/767 Operating Manual(11). How can an auto-align occur airborne if American Airlines aircraft do not have this capability nor a GPS? This is more evidence demonstrating the data did not come from an American Airlines jet.


The data does not support an impact with the Pentagon, does not support a departure from the gate claimed by official reports, if the data was in fact generated by an actual aircraft, it was generated by one which is more advanced than N644AA capability in both avionics (instruments) and performance. Furthermore, the data is not able to be decoded in full by a custom data frame layout made by American Airlines exclusively for their aircraft.

The evidence is overwhelming. The data did not come from an American Airlines Jet. Pilots For 9/11 Truth are asked regularly, "If Flight 77 didn't hit the Pentagon, then where did it go?" That is a GREAT question! Pilots For 9/11 Truth recommend demanding answers in order to obtain the data from the aircraft which is claimed to have departed gate D26 at Washington Dulles on the morning of September 11, 2001 and most importantly corresponds through Lat/Long plots to a departure from Gate D26. From there, it can be tracked to where it went! Unfortunately, subpoena power will perhaps be needed to get such information and data, as FOIA requests have been exhausted and the government agencies who have responded to such requests refuse further comment. "We have fulfilled our request. You get what you get, the data we gave you doesn't support our findings? No comment! " has proven to be the case. Lawsuits have been filed by victims of 9/11, particularly one by April Gallop, a survivor from the Pentagon. Pilots For 9/11 Truth have signed an affidavit in support of Ms Gallop along with providing evidence for the case. Now all that is needed is a fair and just Judge willing to look at the evidence before throwing out the case(14).

Almost Ten years has elapsed since the events of September 11, 2001. There has been no hard evidence linking the claims made by the 9/11 Commission to their conclusions. Even the 9/11 Commission admits they have been lied to and "Set up to fail"(13). Write your Congress, write your Senators, inform them the data being provided by government agencies through the Freedom Of Information Act does not support the 9/11 Commission findings, show them the overwhelming evidence that the data did not come from an American Airlines jet.

Founded in August 2006, Pilots For 9/11 Truth is a growing organization of aviation professionals from around the globe. The organization has analyzed Data provided by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) for the Pentagon Attack, the events in Shanksville, PA and the World Trade Center Attack. The data does not support the government story. The NTSB/FBI refuse to comment. Pilots For 9/11 Truth do not offer theory or point blame at this point in time. However, there is a growing mountain of conflicting information and data in which government agencies and officials refuse to acknowledge. Pilots For 9/11 Truth Core member list continues to grow.

(1) Flight Data Expert Confirmation: No Evidence Linking FDR Data to American 77 -
(2) Ibid
(3) Notes On Parameters -
(5) 757/767 Operating Manual Pre-Flight Checklist -
(6) Expert Statements -
(7) Pilots For Truth Forum -
(8) Aircraft Departure Gate Positional Data Conflicts With Government Story -
(9) In Flight Alignment -
(10) 757/767 Operating Manual Pre-Flight Checklist -
(11) Ibid
(12) Data provided by NTSB -
(13) 9/11 Commission Chair Lee Hamilton, "Set up to Fail" -
(14) Pilots For 9/11 Truth Sign Affidavit In Lawsuit Brought By Pentagon Survivor -
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Being a member of PFT I support their research which is rigorous and fact based produced by technical experts in their field.

  1. The data does not support an impact with the Pentagon, does not support a departure from the gate claimed by official reports, if the data was in fact generated by an actual aircraft, it was generated by one which is more advanced than N644AA capability in both avionics (instruments) and performance. Furthermore, the data is not able to be decoded in full by a custom data frame layout made by American Airlines exclusively for their aircraft.

A flight recorder was inserted into the Pentagon by an agent or aircraft, as Flight 77 flew by as reported by eyewitness.

We are in the realm of TWA Flight 800 wherein the growing data overcame the official propaganda.

I think I voice the thinking of most Americans that if one white streak on one frame of one video from one camera is all we are shown, the Streak that Hit the Pentagon is not the airliner in the official scenario.
Phil Dragoo Wrote:I think I voice the thinking of most Americans that if one white streak on one frame of one video from one camera is all we are shown, the Streak that Hit the Pentagon is not the airliner in the official scenario.

That 'streak' was most likely the Constitution being hurriedly moved for shredding.....and shred it was.....

...and that one frame from one video from one camera is VERY LIKELY all America is every going to be 'shown' of a non-event, covering the real event....of the Southern part of the Magic Show.

....very sad.....that people are not out in the streets, like they are in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya. [D.C. = Tripoli/Tunis/Cairo]....
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
[N.B. Not exactly what I'd have written, but has many very good points!!!! - worth reading.]

Well let's call it ONE MORE proof there was no real investigation. A few examples of the many other proofs being:

* NIST keeping hidden all the photographic evidence of molten steel cascades falling from the WTC in the moments before collapse. Only recently were forced by FOI court order to release them. See:
Of all the proofs this is my favourite, since it is so absolutely undenyable. You see it, you believe. It's a 'gut proof', no arguments, no wiggle room. There were massive amounts of thermite in the buildings, and that means...
I don't think this one gets the public exposure it deserves.

* No mention in the NIST report of the Building 7 'anomalies.' They couldn't mention B7 because it was absolutely clear B7 was demolished, with an official countdown and pre-announcement by the BBC, using explosives that had to have been placed in the days or weeks beforehand.

* All the gold stored in the WTC basement vaults being 'missing', with one last removal truck found caught in a crushed tunnel.

* The complete 'disappearance' of all aircraft parts collected at the scenes by the FBI, including the much photographed engine that landed in the NY street. Criminal avoidance of the usual precise identification of the airframes using timed-replacement parts serial numbers. This is one of the most incriminating details of the entire story, because it indicates, with virtual certainty, that the impacting aircraft were NOT the aircraft claimed in the government fable. There is no other possible reason to avoid doing this identification, which is ALWAYS done in every single other air crash investigation. More on this below.

* The saga of the 'phone calls', that could never have been. Impossible to make cell phone calls from aircraft at cruising altitude. Every electronics engineer (me included) knew this, and it has been demonstrated in actual practical tests. But the conspirators, being technically ignorant politician/business types, didn't know it. This detail, and his own guilty switching around of the details of his story by Ted Olsen, Bush's Solicitor General, husband of Barbara Olsen and the first to make public claims of receiving phone calls from those on the planes, prove high level government complicity in this scheme. Whether Barbara Olsen is still alive somewhere, or not, who knows?

* The story of the FBI agents who were on the trail of the 'hijackers' before the event, but kept being ordered by top level elements in the FBI to back off and not disturb the hijackers in any way. Can't have our gumshoes disturbing the vital patsy setup, now can we? We've got a couple of lovely profitable wars planned, and we need to justify invading, dammit.

And so on. There are many more. But back to the non-performance of the customary airframe identification. I suppose everyone here is aware of the Pentagon - Dov Zakheim - System Planning Corporation connection? Briefly, Dov was CEO of SPC, before he became financial comptroller at the Pentagon (and 2 trillion dollars of Pentagon money went missing). Now SPC's business is making remote controlled flight systems, that can be retrofitted to existing airframes. Such as, 737s, of which there are an abundant supply sitting in isolated desert graving fields. From a distance, a 737 looks a lot like a 757. One eyewitness at the Navy Annex near the Pentagon, a man with much experience of commercial airliners and the recognition of them, insists that the plane which flew close by him was *definitely* a 737, not the 757 per the government fable.

I suggest that ALL the planes which impacted were 737s, fitted with terminal guidance systems enabling the planes to accurately steer into some kind of target disignators on the precise points they were required to hit. These could have been emplaced Infra-Red homing beacons, or IR laser designated from a distance. With the WTC towers, impact with particular floors close to the location of the major central column demolition pyrotechnics was vital. With the Pentagon, impact at virtual ground level was vital, to ensure the damage was confined to a relatively small area by the pre-strenghtened wall. Also, the location impacted 'just happened' to be the records department, where information was stored such as the records of where that two trillion went, and other awkward details.

This is why there was no airframe identification from the recovered parts. Why the airframes alledged to have crashed were, according to official airframe databases, still in use for some years after 911. Why the 'hijackers' never actually got on the planes that day, why all the 'phone calls' were faked, why the autopsy reports have so many discrepancies, why the details of where the flights departed from and if all of them even existed that day, why the 'recovered flight data recorder' data is so bodgey and took so long to be released, why the government employed forum shills are so strident with their 'no planes, Pentagon missile, WTC nukes, holograms, beams from space' and all the other garbage disinformation and sidetracks...

It's ALL a desperate fight to stop people from realising that the planes which impacted, were NOT the same planes that took off with passengers.

The planes that impacted were old 737s with terminal guidance hardware installed by Dov's System Planning Corp. Flying on inertial navigation waypoint data uploaded via the transponder channel, and switching over to IR guidance on final approach. Painted up to look like the planes they were supposed to be.

Other details, like how the swaps were accomplished, whether the passengers were aboard (dead already, or alive) or whether the bodies were provided to the autopsies from elsewhere, what happened to all the aircraft parts and what planes were they REALLY... all these details will remain unclear until we have the well known perpetrators under arrest and interrogation, for Treason, mass murder, war crimes, high financial crimes, and so on.

By now it's crystal clear that this is never going to happen, given the obvious total breakdown in the rule of law in the USA, until the US people force their own Egyptian Solution.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

There are many anomalies in the official story. There are clearly lies in it and lots of omissions and taken as a whole the official account and the NIST, FEMA, 911 Commission amount to a cover up.

So we have proof of a cover up by the government. On this most readers can agree.

We don't know who exactly is being covered by the story. We don't know why. We don't know how many people were caught with off guard and said stupid things or whether they were told to say them and so forth.

We don't even have the full set of "clean" evidence to examine. We've discovered all sorts of evidence tampering and so we might not even know what actually happened. When it was done we were shown a scar in the ground in PA, a collapsed section of the Pentagon which showed fire damage and the entire WTC campus destroyed and buildings near by damaged from the destruction of the WTC towers.

We were told planes hit these buildings in two metropolitan areas where millions of people were engaged in getting to work and on the roads... and we have painfully few reliable and consistent eye witness accounts of what people saw. CIT seems to have done some good work on that score at the pentagon.

The logical leap that most make is that there was a conspiracy which involved elements of the government other governments or intel, or rogue intel, the military, the media, wall street and all sorts of powerful elite who used 911 as a false flag to initiate an agenda to benefit all and other not mentioned "interests". While it seems plausible and likely is possible and as much as I want to believe this logic... I haven't seen the smoking gun connecting anyone to the decisions involved in the events or the cover ups.

Did Shyam Sunder and John Gross take orders from someone else to stall, falsify and produce garbage reports? Who gave them those marching orders? Did they hold staff meetings with their investigators and tell them.. Do X, Y and Z and don't to A, B and C?

We have some tantalizing tidbits which look very incriminating... Cheney's stand down orders... but we really don't have conclusive proof and we don't have a whistle blower which conclusively can prove the conspiracy which most people seem to think couldn't possible involve disgruntled crazed Islamists who dreamed of getting back at the Great Satan.

Will we ever get a real investigation? Likely no. Can we solve the crimes? Possibly... But we do need to sort out fact from fiction and be careful of abuse of logic and draw hasty conclusions as tempting as it may be.

Criminals cover their tracks and try to get someone else to take the wrap. This makes this problem doubly difficult.
Jeffrey Orling Wrote:Lemkin,

There are many anomalies in the official story. There are clearly lies in it and lots of omissions and taken as a whole the official account and the NIST, FEMA, 911 Commission amount to a cover up.

So we have proof of a cover up by the government. Most readers can agree.

We don't know who exactly is being covered by the story. We don't know why? We don't know how many people were caught with their off guard and said stupid things or whether they were told to say them and so forth.

We don't even have the full set of "clean" evidence to examine. We've discovered all sorts of evidence tampering and so we might not even know what actually happened. When it was done we were shown a scar in the ground in PA, a collapsed section of the Pentagon which showed fire damage and the entire WTC campus destroyed and buildings near by damaged from the destruction of the WTC towers.

We were told planes hit these buildings in two metropolitan areas where millions of people were engaged in getting to work and on the roads... and we have painfully few reliable and consistent eye witness accounts of what people saw. CIT seems to have done some good work on that score at the pentagon.

The logical leap that most make is that there was a conspiracy which involved elements of the government other governments or intel, or rogue intel the military, the media, wall street and all sorts of powerful elite who used 911 as a false flag to initiate the agenda to benefit all and other not mentioned "interests". While it seems plausible and likely is possible and as much as I want to believe this logic... I have seen the smoking gun connecting anyone to the decisions involved in the events or the cover ups.

Did Shyam Sunder and John Gross take orders from someone else to stall, falsify and produce garbage reports? Who gave them those marching orders? Did they hold staff meetings with their investigators and tell them.. Do X, Y and Z and don't to A, B and C?

We have some tantalizing tidbits which look very incriminating... Cheney's stand down orders... but we really don't have conclusive proof and we don't have a whistle blower which conclusively can prove the conspiracy which most people seem to think couldn't possible involve disgruntled crazed Islamists who dreamed of getting back at the Great Satan.

Will we ever get a real investigation? Likely no. Can we solve the crimes? Possibly... But we do need to sort out fact from fiction and be careful of abuse of logic and draw hasty conclusions as tempting as it may be.

Criminals cover their tracks and try to get someone else to take the wrap. This makes this doubly difficult.

Orling posts a treatise which is almost entirely reasonable.

My only disagreement is about drawing HASTY CONCLUSIONS. Ten years
of study reaching certain deductions from the evidence is hardly hasty.

Peter Lemkin Wrote:[N.B. Not exactly what I'd have written, but has many very good points!!!! - worth reading.]

This is why there was no airframe identification from the recovered parts. Why the airframes alledged to have crashed were, according to official airframe databases, still in use for some years after 911. Why the 'hijackers' never actually got on the planes that day, why all the 'phone calls' were faked, why the autopsy reports have so many discrepancies, why the details of where the flights departed from and if all of them even existed that day, why the 'recovered flight data recorder' data is so bodgey and took so long to be released, why the government employed forum shills are so strident with their 'no planes, Pentagon missile, WTC nukes, holograms, beams from space' and all the other garbage disinformation and sidetracks...

I agree with the author on this point. Advocating these far-out theories damages the "truth movement" as a whole. They make it far too easy to throw the baby out with the bath-water. I see it as panning for gold. The pan is full of dirt, with the possibility of a few flecks of gold. It takes a long time to sift the dirt out. If people keep on pouring dirt into the pan, those gold flecks are never going to be found.

Quote:The planes that impacted were old 737s with terminal guidance hardware installed by Dov's System Planning Corp. Flying on inertial navigation waypoint data uploaded via the transponder channel, and switching over to IR guidance on final approach. Painted up to look like the planes they were supposed to be.

An interesting theory I've never really looked into in detail before. Have to say I think it would take more of a lick of paint to make a 737 look like a 757.

CITs interviews re the Pentagon are certainly interesting. The main problem with I have with them is two-fold. Firstly, they rely almost entirely on witness interviews made years after the event. Secondly, they discredit any witnesses that don't support a south of CITGO approach, and Pentagon flyover. They have to be applauded for at least putting the groundwork in and getting out there and speaking to people on the ground.

Attached Files
.jpg   737 vs. 757.JPG (Size: 55.04 KB / Downloads: 15)
Phil Dragoo Wrote:[ATTACH=CONFIG]2301[/ATTACH]
Yes! Definitely a plane.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.

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