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Permindex deserves its own thread for its involvement in deep political events.

Vasilios Vazakas has drawn my attention to some new documents and research into Permindex by Maurice Phillips here.

Phillips' research on Permindex is based in part on:

Quote:the Louis Mortimer Bloomfield Archives kept at Library and Archives Canada (LAC) is a unique and rich collection of documents offering a unique perspective on many historical events of the twentieth century.

One of the most original aspects of the Bloomfield Archives is that they contain numerous exclusive documents about two Italian sisters corporations named Permindex and Centro Mondiale Commerciale (CMC) that were suspected to be used as front by intelligence agencies. Since one of CMC's directors was Clay Shaw, the New Orleans businessman accused of conspiracy against President John F. Kennedy, rumours about the possible implication of Permindex in the JFK assassination have multiplied in newspapers, books and, now, on the internet.

Louis Mortimer Bloomfield, who donated its papers in 1978 to the Canadian Public Archives, under the condition that they were to be released 20 years after his death (i.e.: in 2004, since he died in 1984), was a Montreal lawyer involved in Permindex's finance and development. By consequence, his archives contain hundreds of pieces such as cables and letters documenting the activities of this organization.

There are scans of the documents at the site.

In one of his posts interpreting the documents, Mr Phillips states:

Quote:1) that the Bloomfield letters show Nagy, the CIA "cleared contact", as an autonomous Permindex decision maker in this relation with such important personality as David Rockefeller;


2) that the ex-Hungarian did offer the Central Intelligence Agency to use Permindex in 1959, tend to demonstrate that Nagy was in command of Permindex and willing to use it to fulfil CIA's objectives, or those of rogue CIA's officers like William Harvey.

Thus, if we give credence to E. Howard Hunt's confession to the effect that Bill Harvey planned the JFK assassination from Rome, the connexion between Clay Shaw and the Roman CMC become of the utmost interest.

According to some reports, Clay Shaw, the New Orleans businessman who was in contact with Lee Harvey Oswald and who was accused by Jim Garrison of conspiracy in the JFK assassination, only joined Rome CMC's directorship in 1962. There is a strong probability that documents from the Bloomfield Archives dating from years 1961 to 1963 can clarify the circumstances in which Shaw joined CMC and Permindex. But we won't know before a few years if the Louis Bloomfield Archives contain such information, that because Library and Archives Canada (LAC) --against its donator's will-- is actually keeping secret the Permindex documents that are less than 50 years old, on pretext that they contain information that are protected by a client-attorney privilege.

I would not use E Howard Hunt as a reliable source to support any claim. However, Hunt's "confession" can be ignored in the above excerpt, and the argument still stands.

I consider Permindex to be of significant interest - in no small part because of its ties to mainland European Gladio structures.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Wasn't Linda doing research into Bloomfield? Or was it Willoghby? I can't remember.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Maurice Phillips' site reveals some new and interesting information and deserves a close examination.
I believe, Permindex had certainly connections to powerful financial centers and the CIA,Tibor Rosenbaum and his International Credit Bank of Geneva, Meyer Lansky, possibly Mossad and all of them to the global drug trade from the far east, Laos and Vietnam. Of course this does not mean that Israel ordered the assassination as Piper Collins claims. Mossad was also cooperating with CIA in the Iran contra affair and angleton run the Israeli desk from his CI/SIG unit, business as usual.
Dr. Evica in his Perfect Cover essay list Permindex as part of the kitchen sink false sponsors that originated with KGB. It would be valuable to hear the opinion of Charles Drago and Jim DiEugenio on Permindex.
Michael Collins Piper developed this thesis and was vilified for it. I've been telling people over and over the Permindex nexus is the key to Clay Shaw's relationship to the assassination. Garrison correctly detected it but didn't realize the giant covert iceberg he was trying to reel-in under the surface with his undersized New Orleans District Attorney tackle.

What empowered this underground network was the covert funds coming from the unholy alliance between the CIA and American syndicate. Meyer Lansky and all the head treasurers were all ardent zionists and participatory with political interest in this alliance.

What fascinates me about this is this covert funding alliance was so entrenched that it showed up 7 years later in the murder of Jimi Hendrix, a completely unrelated incident. To me this is confirmation of Piper's network and its power and presence in the covert scene. Jimi Hendrix was murdered by covert method when he sent lawyers to investigate those banks. The British Government then proceeded to do a flagrant non-investigation of these obvious circumstances and the forensic evidence involved in his death. Hendrix was unfortunately "electrocuted" because he accidentally touched a high voltage covert transmission line he was unaware of in those CIA/mafia Bahamian banks. Garrison had too much light on him so he was just given the business as usual railroading.

If you look at the way Dorothy Kilgallen died she died by desperate means because she was actively close to exposing the truth behind JFK's murder. More importantly, she died by means of massive barbiturate overdose delivered unknowingly. This is important because Jimi Hendrix was also in the active phase of exposing those Bahamian banks and how they were used. Jimi was also killed by unknowing barbiturate overdose helped along by alcoholic waterboarding. This murder method tells you who did it alone because intel was the only group to practice this form of murder. But more importantly is the type of murder taken from intel's tool closet when needed quickly. The same method being used in the same phase of need in both the Hendrix and Kilgallen murders says a lot in my opinion and points directly at who did it and why.
Vasilios Vazakas Wrote:Dr. Evica in his Perfect Cover essay list Permindex as part of the kitchen sink false sponsors that originated with KGB. It would be valuable to hear the opinion of Charles Drago and Jim DiEugenio on Permindex.

Charles and Jim - I echo the comments of Vasilios, and welcome any thoughts on where Permindex may stand in this case: facilitators? sponsors? false sponsors?

As for what the ghost of Permindex suggests, once again, for me Permindex is linked, most crucially, to Gladio structures.

Permindex has been implicated in the funding of the Organisation de l'armée secrète (OAS) which attempted to assassinate French President Charles de Gaulle several times (most prominently in 1962).

Daniele Ganser has linked the OAS and Gladio.

Jim Marrs has claimed that Guy Banister arranged for $200,000 to be transferred to the OAS in 1962. (I believe this is in Crossfire, but don't have my copy accessible.)

Gladio is still massively under-researched. However, some researchers name Frank G Wisner as a pivotal player in the recruitment and establishment of extreme right-wing, anti-communist, players into the "stay behind" networks in the immediate post-WW2 period. These researchers also claim that Wisner's Office of Policy Coordination is involved in solidifying Gladio structures.

Wisner was of course a psyops master, directly involved in the creation of Mockingbird.

The link from Ferenc Nagy and Permindex to CIA is Frank G Wisner.

So, I consider it legitimate to ask whether Permindex was first and foremost a Gladio front, able to commission deep covert stay behind cells to commit military/terrorist actions (atrocities) under the Strategy of Tension philosophy.

Whether Permindex was involved in the assassination of JFK, or was instead a false sponsor, is a crucial question. However, any analysis attempting to answer this question should surely consider the broad context of Wisner, psyops and Mockingbird.

If Permindex was a facilitator/sponsor, then the plotters must discredit this information.

If Permindex was a legitimate business organisation, uninvolved in the assassination, then the plotters may have attempted to establish Permindex as a false sponsor after the Garrison investigation.

Here is what is believed to be Permindex's founding board, on incorporation in Switzerland in 1958:

* Louis Bloomfield, Lawyer, President
* Ferenc Nagy, former anti-Communist Prime Minister Hungarian
* Georgio Mantello aka George Mantello aka George Mandel, alleged "rescuer" of Jewish refugees and official founder of PERMINDEX
* Roy Marcus Cohn, US lawyer for Senator Joseph McCarthy, Lionel Corporation
* Joseph Bonanno, Mafia figure, Lionel Corporation
* Jean Menu de Ménil, owner of Schlumberger Limited (the world's largest oilfield services company)
* Paul Raigorodsky
* Count Guitierez di Spadafora, Undersecretary of Agriculture for Benito Mussolini
* Hans Seligman, Basel, Switzerland banker
* Carlo d'Amelio, Italian Lawyer, Head Consul for Centro Mondiale Commerciale (CMC)
* Max Hageman, newspaper editor National Zeitung Munich
* Munir Chourbagi, uncle to King Farouk of Egypt
* Giuseppe Zigotti, Italian Fascist
* Ferenc H. Simonfay, Major-General in Hungary and Nazi collaborator
* Clay Shaw, New Orleans International Trade Mart

Strangely enough, I do not believe that Permindex was simply a trade organisation. Deadhorse

Obvioiusly, that does not prove Permindex involvement in the assassination of JFK.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
I found this allegation somewhere:

"Permindex was mainly financed by oil companies and Halliburton…
"George and Herman Brown of Brown and Root also invested in Permindex. Also involved were attorney Roy Cohn and former German General Walter Dohrnberger…

Do we have any concrete evidence to prove the above claim or it is just an unfounded rumour?
Vasilios Vazakas Wrote:I found this allegation somewhere:

"Permindex was mainly financed by oil companies and Halliburton…
"George and Herman Brown of Brown and Root also invested in Permindex. Also involved were attorney Roy Cohn and former German General Walter Dohrnberger…

Do we have any concrete evidence to prove the above claim or it is just an unfounded rumour?

Don't forget that Michael Paine worked at Bell Helicopter under Dornberger, and Bell had connections with Collins Radio which pops up all over the events and persons of 'Dallas'. Small World. :mexican: :gossip: But a who-knew-whom diagram of the 'usual and unusual suspects in the JFK assassination would be a huge and tightly interconnected web indeed. Partly what we are viewing, IMO, was the deep political foot-soldiers and cut-out organizations and persons; some of those who actively participated; some who were on 'stand-by' by the planners, if they were to be needed; some drawn in to muddy the waters; people who were involved in portions of the events other than the actual shooting (such as setting up/sheep dipping the patsy); friends in other covert ops of those involved in Dallas; etc.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Vasilios Vazakas Wrote:I found this allegation somewhere:

"Permindex was mainly financed by oil companies and Halliburton…
"George and Herman Brown of Brown and Root also invested in Permindex. Also involved were attorney Roy Cohn and former German General Walter Dohrnberger…

Do we have any concrete evidence to prove the above claim or it is just an unfounded rumour?

Vasilios - good questions.

My post #5 above includes what is claimed as a list of Permindex's founding board, on incorporation in Switzerland in 1958.

The source of this list is Dope Inc, which is a LaRouche publication. That does not mean the information is false. However, a corroborating source would be welcome.

Now, assuming the list of board members is correct, it contains Jean Menu de Ménil, president of Schlumberger Limited (the world's largest oilfield services company)

Jean Menu de Ménil changed his name to John de Menil in 1962, on acquiring US citizenship. John de Menil married Dominique Schlumberger in 1931, and later became President of Schlumberger Overseas (Middle and Far East) and Schlumberger Surenco (Latin America).

Fwiw there's a wiki history of Schlumberger here.

Schlumberger is often presented by MSM as the primary European competitor to Halliburton.

Personally, I consider the Evica/Drago hypothesis of, I paraphrase, "key players who were above Cold War differences", to be worth considering here.

Note also that Permindex President, Louis Bloomfield, was a key link between British intelligence (Special Operations Executive, SOE) and American intelligence (OSS), and appears to have had a direct line to William "Intrepid" Stephenson.

And this intriguing claim:

Quote:Accusations of Permindex's involvement in the financing for the 1962 Organisation de l'armée secrète (OAS) assassination attempt on French President Charles De Gaulle prompted the removal of Bloomfield's name from the letterhead of his law firm in 1968.[10][11]


(10) Los Echos, Spring 1962
(11) Paesa Sera, March 4/12/14, 1967

Allegations of Halliburton funding of Permindex can be found here. NB this is an 8-page Scribd link which may take some time to load.

One of the sources cited is Linda Minor, a respected member of DPF.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Quote:A Zionist, Bloomfield joined the British military prior to World War II and served in Palestine as an Intelligence Officer under General Charles Orde Wingate.

Source wiki, which attributes it to Canadian archives.

This is significant. General Charles Orde Wingate was a racist British intelligence officer, Plymouth Brethren christian and ardent Zionist, who ran what we would now call death squads - the notorious Special Night Squads - targeting Arab villages in Palestine in the 1930s.

Quote:Wingate trained, commanded and accompanied them in their patrols. The units frequently ambushed Arab saboteurs who attacked oil pipelines of the Iraq Petroleum Company, raiding border villages the attackers had used as bases. In these raids Wingate's men sometimes imposed severe collective punishments on the village inhabitants that were criticized by Zionist leaders as well as Wingate's British superiors. Wingate disliked Arabs, once shouting at Hagana fighters after a June 1938 attack on a village on the border between Mandatory Palestine and Lebanon, "I think you are all totally ignorant in your Ramat Yochanan [the training base for the Hagana] since you do not even know the elementary use of bayonets when attacking dirty Arabs: how can you put your left foot in front?"[nb 1] But the brutal tactics proved effective in quelling the uprising, and Wingate was awarded the DSO in 1938.

However, his deepening direct political involvement with the Zionist cause and an incident where he spoke publicly in favour of formation of a Jewish state during his leave in Britain, caused his superiors in Palestine to remove him from command. He was so deeply associated with political causes in Palestine that his superiors considered him compromised as an intelligence officer in the country. He was promoting his own agenda rather than that of the army or the government.

In May 1939, he was transferred back to Britain. Wingate became a hero of the Yishuv (the Jewish Community), and was loved by leaders such as Zvi Brenner and Moshe Dayan who had trained under him, and who claimed that Wingate had "taught us everything we know."

Wingate's political attitudes toward Zionism were heavily influenced by his Plymouth Brethren religious views and belief in certain eschatological doctrines.


Quote:The Special Night Squads' primary task was to the defend the Iraqi Petroleum Company pipeline, which was frequently attacked by Arab gangs. The squads also raided known gang bases, such as the villages of Dabburiya and Hirbat-Lidd. The force's success caused the cessation of attacks on the pipeline and brought a decline in insurgent activity in the area. It is presumed that about 12.5% of all guerrilla casualties in 1938 were caused by the SNS, which had lost only two of its men (Pvt. Stephen Chapman from the Manchesters and supernumerary Yosef Ben-Moshe) in action. According to Israeli military historian Martin van Creveld, their training included "... how to kill without compunction, how to interrogate prisoners by shooting every tenth man to make the rest talk; and how to deter future terrorists by pushing the heads of captured ones into pools of oil and then freeing them to tell the story".[3]

Yoram Kaniuk writes:

Quote:The operations came more frequently and became more ruthless. The Arabs complained to the British about Wingate's brutality and harsh punitive methods. Even members of the field squads complained... that during the raids on Bedouin encampments Wingate would behave with extreme viciousness and fire mercilessly. Wingate believed in the principle of surprise in punishment, which was designed to confine the gangs to their villages. More than once he had lined rioters up in a row and shot them in cold blood. Wingate did not try to justify himself; weapons and war cannot be pure.[4]

For its actions, Wingate was awarded the Distinguished Service Order (DSO), and all three officers were awarded the Military Cross (MC). Several soldiers and supernumeraries were also awarded medals and citations.

The unit's success caused the establishment of a fourth SNS-like unit in the Sharon, tasked with guarding the electric powerline. During 1939 every British brigade in Palestine had established its own Special Night Squads, although without Jewish participation.

Wingate left the SNS on October 1938, for a leave in England. during his leave he was involved with the Zionist struggle against the Woodhead Commission report, meeting with such notables as Malcolm Macdonald, then secretary of the colonies, Lord Beaverbrook and Winston Churchill. This was frowned upon by Wingate's commanders, who had him demoted from command and returned to GHQ intelligence in November 1938. Bredin replaced Wingate as commander of the SNS, until its disbandment.


By their mentors, shall ye know them....
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
I am aware of the site that you have mentioned but i have not seen any serious evidence to prove that halliburton and Brown & Root were financing permindex. They all refer to the Torbitt document which even if it contains some truths, it is still a disinformation project so it is difficult to know what is truthfull and what not. I wish there were concrete evidence to prove a connection between permindex and halliburton but i have not seen anything yet.
I have also replied to your Banister thread.

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