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Prelude to the John Kennedy Assassination
Thirty years before the assassination of President John Kennedy, there was an attempt of a similar coup d'etat against President Franklin D. Roosevelt and our democratic constitutional government. Its purpose was to remove the president from power and substitute a dictator who could be easily controlled by the conspirators.

If you have not seen this video from the television broadcast by the History Channel or read the book, THE PLOT TO SEIZE THE WHITE HOUSE by Jules Archer (, softcover reprint), here is a link to the video on You Tube. You may watch it in 4 parts, or as a 50-minute program.

Jules Archer supplies portions of the narrative in the video.

Adele Edisen
Exactly, Adele! One could go even a bit further back than FDR to Lincoln. All three were basically assassinated by people at the top of power and money who had the same political, economic, and lack-of-ethical views. FDR's has been substantiated by the testimony of Smedley Butler and others, yet remains basically unknown and is in NO high school nor college text on American History....just like the JFK Assassination [except in their propaganda and incorrect forms]. Same with Lincoln.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
I've come to realize that the forces who failed at the Business Plot went on to form the CIA. A brilliant, if not diabolical, move that made their agenda part of the inside official government:
Excerpted from Albert Doyle's reference containng the citation of Gerard Colby's book, DUPONT DYNASTY. pp. 324-330:

"Indeed, Butler's testimony was at first subjected to a shower of ridicule. Even the New York Times, which had described the Liberty League's founding as having "a real chance to be useful"75 hurriedly dismissed the "so-called plot of Wall Street interests" as having "failed to emerge in any alarming proportion," while Time, the leading anti-New Deal publication of J. P. Morgan's trusted friend and journalist protégé, Henry Luce, called it a "plot without plotters ... no military officer of the United States since the late tempestuous George Custer has succeeded in publicly floundering in so much hot water as Smedley Darlington Butler."

Thanking their stars for having such sure-fire publicity dropped in their laps, Representatives McCormick and Dickstein began calling witnesses to expose the 'plot.' But there did not seem to be any plotters. . . Mr. Morgan, just off a boat from Europe, had nothing to say but partner Thomas Lamont did: 'Perfect moonshine! Too utterably ridiculous to comment upon!' "76

Significantly, among Time's leading stockholders at the time was Luce's college chum, Henry P. Davison, like Lamont, a partner of J. P. Morgan & Company.77 Morgan's friend Grayson M.-P. Murphy derided Butler's charges as "a joke-a publicity stunt" and received wider coverage than Butler's own testimony or Van Zandt's and French's corroboration. Then a curtain of silence fell. When the House Committee released its report, there was little comment from the press. Of all the country's large newspapers, most of which were (and are) controlled by well-financed syndicates, only the liberal New York Post, French's Philadelphia Record, and two New Jersey papers printed the details of the conspiracy and the corroborating testimonies. Not a word of the plot was printed in Delaware's Du Pontcontrolled press, and the "MacGuire Affair" slipped into the fog of unrecorded history."


The mainstream press, owned and controlled by Wall Street interests, managed to mock and ignore this story of treason. Most historians omitted it from their textbooks so a half-century passed before Americans began to learn of this important event. Today we can see the parallel in the cover-up of the Kennedy assassination by the same mainstream publications who continue to protect the guilty criminals and perpetuate the myth of the guilt of Lee Harvey Oswald who was found by the Dallas police to have no nitrate flecks on his cheeks, indicating that he had not fired a rifle or carbine that day.

If we had a Free Press, more courageous reporters, and forensic criminal investigators, the murder of John Kennedy could have been solved within a year or two, and the American people would have known the truth. Instead we are still bombarded with falsehoods, ambiguities, and the lack of justice. Our government and its agencies have been stymied or have refused to act, and they, too, protect the guilty.

Adele Edisen
This is the same Colby who wrote the book on the Rockerfellers and the Conquest for the Amazon?
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Magda Hassan Wrote:This is the same Colby who wrote the book on the Rockerfellers and the Conquest for the Amazon?

Yes, it is, Magda. He wrote THY WILL BE DONE.

Adele Edisen
Albert Doyle Wrote:I've come to realize that the forces who failed at the Business Plot went on to form the CIA. A brilliant, if not diabolical, move that made their agenda part of the inside official government:

Hello, Albert,

Thank you for your post. You said it best. There are these definite links to the Kennedy assassination. It is surprising how many people miss that critcal point, especially in these days of ever-growing awareness of the political power (and not to forget mention of the military and intelligence entities) linked to the enormous economic power of the banks, financial insitutions, industries, and corporations congregated on Wall Street and elsewhere in the world. It is amazing that historians and others overlook such connections and never even seem to think of questioning them.

Thank you, again.

Adele Edisen
Peter Lemkin Wrote:Exactly, Adele! One could go even a bit further back than FDR to Lincoln. All three were basically assassinated by people at the top of power and money who had the same political, economic, and lack-of-ethical views. FDR's has been substantiated by the testimony of Smedley Butler and others, yet remains basically unknown and is in NO high school nor college text on American History....just like the JFK Assassination [except in their propaganda and incorrect forms]. Same with Lincoln.

Hi, Peter,

I can easily agree with your view on the Lincoln assassination and the anti-democratic forces involved. Although about 100 years apart and with an earlier stage of economic development in Lincoln's time, there is the parallel of a conspiracy and the secrecy about it so that a "crazy" single person became the official assassin, obviously to obscure the identities of the other guilty ones. History textbooks told us nothing of how the other conspirators were caught, tried, and executed, at least, not in my educational experience in U.S. grammar and high schools. It wasn't even a rumor.

By the way, I learned about Marine General Smedley Butler and the attempted overthrow of President Roosevelt from my father who had read about it in the New York newspapers, NY Times and Post.

Glad to see you here.

Adele Edisen
I started this post about five months ago on the attempt by Wall Street to overthrow President Franklin Roosevelt in 1933-34 and establish a fascist dictatorship in the United States because I saw it as a prelude and a paradigm to what happened on November 22, 1963, even to the point of noting some familiar culprits in both events. This earlier event had been so well covered up and ignored by history textbooks and the mass media that had it not been written about and brought to light, no one in this country would ever have known about it. I learned about it and about Marine General Smedley D. Butler from my father when I was about eleven years old and I never forgot about it. It became a habit to search in libraries whenever I could, but I never found mention of these events until I read Jules Archer's book, THE PLOT TO SEIZE THE WHITE HOUSE, many, many years later.

I recently started reading THE PLOTS AGAINST THE PRESIDENT: A Nation in Crisis, and the Rise of the American Right, by Sally Denton, an investigative journalist, Guggenheim Fellow, and a public policy scholar at the Woodrow Wilson Center. This is about the plots against President Roosevelt, and from what I have read so far, I cannot stop myself from thinking about how similar those conditions were to what we are experiencing in this country right now, with an economic depression, war veterans and civilians without jobs, racism, sexism, religious intolerance, the deepening economic inequality, and the rising power of the right. History is definitely repeating itself.

This book I want to recommend to everyone because of the historical perspective that can be gained in examining the sociological, politiical, and economic factors involved over the past 80 years. There are many lessons to be learned and much to be understood.

An interesting observation cited in THE PLOTS AGAINST THE PRESIDENT by Sally Denton:

"Fascism always comes through a vast pretense of socialism backed by Wall Street money." - William Allen White

From SELECTED LETTERS OF WILLIAM ALLEN WHITE, 1899-1945, by William Allen White and Walter johnson. New York: Henry Holt, 1947.


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